Kayfabe Commentaries sent this in:
When asked by a fan submitted question, “who is a worse Jew — Judas from the New Testament or manager Eric Simms?,” The Iron Sheik turns and asks, in all seriousness, if Judas was the young man who picked him up at the airport. Unreal.
And as everyone on the set of the newly released “YouShoot: The Iron Sheik” completely loses it, one must realize that the comedy in Hossein Kozrow Vaziri lies not in drunken, chemical addled rants and outbursts. But rather in spending time with the real man behind the character, and letting him loose to answer any and all questions, without the pressure of having to “turn it on.”
And what we all learn in this new release in the incredibly popular shoot DVD series, is that the man behind the Iron Sheik is funny — intentionally or not. He has tatooed an image from the Turkish flag on his arm, and declares that he is Iranian. With no further explanation offered. None needed actually. It’s hilarious.
He considers putting Hilary Clinton in “The Ho Bag”, beside Missy Hyatt and Fabulous Moolah. Until he realized she was actually married to Bill Clinton. That’s good enough for Koz to keep out of the “Ho Bag”. He also calmly and graciously offers to put a young lady in a fan submitted video into the camel clutch. Classic.
The popular DVD series has had a way of re-inventing and resparking the out-of-ring personas of various wrestling figures — an effect that Kayfabe Commentaries’ Sean Oliver says has been given a name around the production company…
“We call it ‘the Tarantino Effect,'” Oliver says. “I guess everyone knew Travolta was talented, but Pulp Fiction displays his real potential and shows him in a new light. And if you look back through the ‘YouShoot’ catalogue, many of its stars have been given the opportunity to reinvent, or in some cases reaffirm, themselves outside the ring. We’re proud of that.”
This edition may be the latest in that ‘YouShoot’ reinvention effect. Oliver says when the public hangs with a sober, level-headed Sheik, that’s the one they’ll want to hang with forever.
“Koz is full of wonderful material, if you’re skilled enough to bring it out. You’ll fall in love with him all over again in this edition of ‘YouShoot’.”
“YouShoot: The Iron Sheik” went on sale today at http://www.kayfabecommentaries.com. Head over to the site and check out the trailers and order the disc.