Teddy Hart on WWE release, AAA

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Former MTV/Wrestling Society X Superstar, Teddy Hart whom currently is working A.A.A. In Mexico, Was one of our guests on A very Special Live Episode(4/3/2009), of False Count Radio, Hosts: “Pacific Coast Player” JT Evans, “The Juicin” Jobber and “The Albert Einstein of Wrestling” Alex R sat down for a very insightful interview. Below are some of the highlights from this interview Courtesy of: El Pappy Pineda Promotions. Teddy Hart Comes At About Thirty Five Mins into the broadcast that can be downloaded by Visiting: www.falsecountradio.com

-Host JT Evans starts things off by asking Teddy about his youtube video he made a month and a half after his WWE release. Teddy says that he thinks that wrestling in general is too political at certain times and that a lot of talented guys hit a glass ceiling. Teddy thinks that a lot of the older generation of wrestlers stick around too long, seeing there’s no pension, which prevents a lot of the younger talent to shine.

-Teddy hopes to come back to the WWE sometime, but is very happy working in AAA as there is no glass ceiling and that if you work hard, you get to move up.

-Teddy says he hasn?t met a lot of people in the wrestling business that he’s had a problem with, but for some reason it seems that his attitude is negative, despite thinking of himself (along with Jack Evans) as two of the nicest guys in the business.

-Teddy believes Jack Evans was buried in Ring Of Honor under a lot of other guys who ?couldn?t lace his boots up?, as he believes Evans is one of the most talented wrestlers in the world. Teddy also thinks that a lot of people take advantage of him (Evans) for being such a nice guy, by using him more as a ‘springboard?.

-Hart goes on to say that he believes that Jack Evans will be the next big star in Mexico. Hart then puts over the Mexican wrestling fans as being smart and appreciative.

-Teddy goes on to say that if you?re going to do anything in this business, drink water, take your vitamins, your protein shakes, and try to stay clean.

-Teddy says he was very disappointed after being fired by the WWE, as he would have loved to wrestle Shawn Michaels, which he puts over as his dream match. Hart then says that even taking a superkick from Michaels would have been awesome.

-Teddy talks about how Mexico has really helped him & Jack Evans grow, and that it’s helped mature him. Teddy believes that if the WWE called him again, he?d be a lot stronger to go back.

-Co-host Juicin Jobber asks Teddy if he was influenced to become a wrestler, due to his family background. Teddy says that it does, although originally he was studying to become a lawyer, but after watching a match at a rodeo featuring his cousin Harry Smith and his brother and thought it was unbelievable. When his brother later passed away, Teddy thought the right thing to do was to live his brother’s dream (to become a wrestler) seeing he never had the chance to do it.

-Co-host Alex R asks Teddy which Hart family members helped train him and how was the training. Teddy replies that Owen and Bret helped train him, along with Leo Burke. Teddy then tells a story about how Chris Benoit also had a hand in training him, as five hours with him was unbelievable. He also said that Chris Benoit called Jack Evans ?the ultimate Dynamite Kid?.

-Teddy recommends gymnastic classes for anyone who wants to be in the business, as he and Jack Evans took certain gymnastic classes, which helped them develop new moves.

-Juicin Jobber asks Teddy how he got a job with the WWE at such an early age. Teddy mentions how he, Christian, Andrew Martin (Test), Kurrgan, and Edge were wrestling in a dojo inside Bret Hart’s house, before the Montreal Screwjob happened. Teddy says that Vince McMahon then gave him the opportunity to wrestle a match in Calgary, which went very well. Teddy then talks about how despite having good ability, he was still immature at the time. Teddy then goes on about how he was signed at age 18 by the WWE and puts over Tom Pritchard as someone who took him under his wing.

-JT Evans asks Teddy about his time in TNA, which Teddy dismisses all the rumors of TNA not wanting to use him, as he mentions how he and Jack Evans were offered a contract from the company, but declined it as their ultimate goal was to be in the WWE.

-Teddy discusses how the tag team scramble cage match in Ring Of Honor, with him and Jack Evans against the Backseat Boyz, Special K, SAT, and Carnage Crew was one of his favorite matches. Teddy also regrets it, as he suffered a concussion in the match and was knocked out, which caused him to have a lot of heat backstage.

-Alex R then asks Teddy about his Wrestling Society X stint, in which Teddy considers it the most heartbreaking experiences of his life, as he believes it had so much potential. Teddy thinks that there were a lot of guys on the roster who shouldn?t have been on the show and that WSX was actually paying people to be in the audience. Hart thinks that there was someone who potentially wanted to screw the show over, as they were adding special effects that weren?t needed, the editing was ?the shits?, the commentating was ?the shits?, etc.

-Teddy doesn’t know what happened with Chris Benoit, but whenever he met him, he was a great guy and that he treated he and Jack very well.

-The interview ended with word association: TJ Wilson (One of the best technical wrestlers in the world and one of his favorites to work with), Harry “DH” Smith” (Most underrated big guy ever and a very good student of the game), Natalya Neidhart (Best female wrestler on earth), and Ted DiBiase, Jr. (Great potential and wishes him the best of luck).

Teddy Hart also discusses being a heel in Mexico, drugs in the business and his views on marijuana, meeting Vince McMahon for the first time, the X-Division Cup, CM Punk, Court Bouer’s Major League Wrestling, Gabe Sapolsky, Hart Foundation 2.0, being fired by the WWE, wanting to go back to vthe WWE, and so much more in this amazing interview. The interview also includes a special phone call for not only Teddy Hart, but Jack Evans too!
