Evan Karagias on post-wrestling life

Former World Championship Wrestling Cruiserweight, Hardcore Champion and Owner of Rapid Cash Refunds, Evan Karagias was a Special guest on Last Fridays live Edition of False Count Radio. This interview is available for Download By Simply Visiting: http://www.falsecountradio.com. The Interview starts three minutes into the Broadcast. Below are some of the highlights.

– Evan says he owns Rapid Cash Refunds and they have a office in Mt. Holly, North Carolina, Where they do fast refunds and he wants to let everyone know that if the boys come to his location until April 18th he will give them 24 – 50% Off depending what needs to be done.

– Says he wrestled in college For NC State, then went to New York for modeling and Decided he wanted to get into Entertainment, then someone told him bout the power plant so he went to talk to Ric Flair so he could get a tryout for World Championship Wrestling.

– Training at the Power plant was brutal, The first day of tryouts was over a hundred people and Only two of us left at the end then the other guy decided it wasn’t for him. He also says they did 50 push ups 50squats for over three hours then running ropes, taking bumps, then they would talk trash to see if you could hold your cool.

– Says Madusa’s name fits her well and that when working the romantic angle with her he felt she had other agenda’s but his ego was bigger, He knew what she wanted but he worked as much as he could with it cause she was tight with Vince Russo at the time.

– Says big guys should know their place just like Cruiserweights and shouldn’t win every match *Bill Goldberg*, then let the young cats run their matches. He also feels Nash might be doing this with TNA Wrestling.

– Evan liked the 3 count gimmick idea. Says jimmy hart wanted to give them two months to get the songs down, Get a dance instructor in to teach them the moves, But vince Russo wanted to go the other direction and have them mess up. Also feels Russo may have been mad and this was a shot at them.

– Says Tank Abbots alright, and would have gotten over way more if he had acted like he does in the bar, Instead of having him act like he did in WCW. Part of that was they wanted it to be a joke, But he shouldn’t have been a joke while with three count, should have had him run in and pound people when they were in trouble but making him look weak that not cool, but the guy couldn’t really work either.

– Says his 3rd pro wrestling match was in front of 30,000 wrestling fans at the Houston Astro Dome.

Other Topics Include:

Defeating Disco Inferno for Cruiserweight Belt, How close he was to Russo and Ferrera, Feuding with The Jung Dragons, Relationship with Goldberg, Word Association, Wrestling Chris Candido, Xtreme Pro Wrestling, Thoughts on Less Thatcher and more.
