Response to PWU on Versus channel

Nate Stein sent this in:

Response to PWU on Versus/PA Convention Center
From Nate Stein

When Pro Wrestling Unscripted posted they would be on Versus and have an event in January at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, I was surprised (I found out myself last night while skimming 411). Johnny Kashmere and I had talked about TV and a new venue back in October, but had not heard more since.

This evening when I sent out the press release to my list, I was unaware there was concerns; until contacted back that there was contradicting info. A representative from Versus (listed with two different last names on various sites) said PWU, nor any other pro wrestling, was appearing on the channel. Also, one site stated they had checked with the Pennsylvania Convention Center and that PWU was not scheduled.

Trust me, those who have history with Kashmere find it easy to question him.

This is what I have so far after speaking with him:
PWU will be appearing on Versus through bought air time from another company. Versus is not directly producing PWU TV.
The PA Convention Center’s National Sales Manager Julie Rice sent an e-mail today (now forwarded to me) confirming the January date, as well as two other dates later this year. Her information as posted on the PA Convention site matches the e-mail’s information.

I can also see the PA Convention Center has yet to update their calendar (

Kashmere has publically posted his e-mail before ( I would suggest anyone with questions to contact him directly.

In pro wrestling there’s a lot of grains of salt and a lot of holding your breath. I understand why PWU is under a microscope and am sure it will continue to be, especially to see what happens on January 9.

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