Indy News #6: November 25 (NHPW)

The Wire sent this in:

?New Horizon Pro Wrestling presents ?.
TV Taping for National TV Pilot Programme
January 22 ? Beckenham Community Centre ? Beckenham WA (Australia)
January 23 ? Les Hansman Community Centre ? Morley WA (Australia)
Doors Open 6:45pm
Fight Card Commences: 7:30
Tickets: Adults – $20, Children (Under 15) $10
Advanced bookings info:
Number: 0434 513 460 Email: NHPW@WESTNET.COM.AU

Old School Reload 2010? News updates.

Percys New Love ?.

Percy T has decided that he cannot hold in his happiness any longer and wants to announce that along with his best friend coming to ?Old School Reload 2010?, he also wants to shout to the rafters that he in fact has a new girl friend. From all accounts Percy has been smitten with this girl and cannot wait for all the fans to meet her. She enjoys all the things that he does like Star Trek, Calculus and watching his favourite inspirational movie ?Revenge of the Nerds?. With all this excitement Percy may not be able to contain that this girl will be here for ?Old School Reload 2010?, that he may spill the beans on her identity before hand. All of the friends on the New Horizons Roster are ecstatic for Percy all except for one ??.. Bombshell Bo who vows to return for the January event in Beckenham Community Centre on the 22nd and tear the hair out of Percy’s girl no matter who it is. Bo was less than impressed that Percy teamed with Mercedes Martinez against herself and the Wraith ? she is willing to do whatever it takes to make Percy’s life a living hell and blames Percy for the loss to Mercedes. How this little triangle ends lets hope Percy doesn?t end up with the sharp end of it through his heart and who ever this girl is better be able to fight. Bombshell Bo is merciless now she is a women scorned ??

?Old School Reload 2010? Bombshell Bo Returns ??
*Update to this story*
Bombshell Bo knows of an upcoming NHPW Women’s Tourney occurring during 2010 to crown the Queen of the Southern Hemisphere at Global Impact. She has requested that who ever Percy’s girl may be to be booked in a match against her to Qualify for the Tourney. This is obviously a devious plan as Bo realises that this could be just a poor girl from the street untrained and like the coiled snake she has become has snapped upon the opportunity to take advantage. Who is in The Bombshells ear to make her pull such political power moves????. In any case New Horizon has decided endorse this and that there will be a Women’s Qualifying Match at ?Old School Reload 2010? at Beckenham, Jan 22. Hopefully this will not be a slaughter ?..

Women’s Tourney Qualifying Match:

Bombshell Bo vs. Percy’s T Girlfriend???

The Threats of Violence and Possible End to a Career ??

With the uncertainty surrounding Mana of The Kill Switch Krew, rumours have arisen about the contemplation of retirement and succumbing to the rigours of wrestling injuries. Mana is keeping his cards close to his chest but it is suggestions he may have a major announcement concerning the topic of retirement at ?Old School Reload 2010? that will trigger huge changes to New Horizon Pro Wrestling as a company.
Mana is currently the NHPW ?Art of Fighting Champion? but because of injuries sustained in the Championship 4 way that occurred with rivals Steve Corino, Cannonball Kris Taylor and Blake Mitchell – Mana has been out of action

Then once the rumours began about Mana maybe retiring letters have began to flood the New Horizons office at the Elite X Training Centre, Letters addressed to Mana himself. Letters proclaiming to be from his blood filled hardcore past and knows Mana more than his own blood family because they have near killed each other in death matches from the past.

He has vowed to ?tear Mana’s head open and taste his blood again which he has done before? and if Mana decides not to fight ? this man has the balls to burn down New Horizon Pro Wrestling in a violent blaze of glory. This man is an icon of violence and hardcore and is willing to make his way to Perth Western Australia in March 2010 to add one more man to his list of ones he has retired from wrestling and that name is Mana the Polynesian Warrior.

He has said ?For many years Mana you have disappeared and for many years I have searched for you even in WWE? ? ?Since I have seen the guys come to Perth I now know where you are. Your time is up buddy boy I am coming for your blood?
?Violence is coming to Perth and Mana I hope you have the balls to turn up ? See you in March?

This is not a good sign for New Horizon Pro Wrestling and the man from Mana’s past may reveal himself at ?Old School Reload 2010? ? For many of you, you have to understand the hit list of people from Mana’s past to realise this could be anyone in the World of Wrestling. Abyss, Homicide, Snitzky, Necro Butcher, New Jack, Ian or Axl Rotten, Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, Sabu, Crowbar just to name a few to have bled buckets with Mana. Who knows who wants to complete the contract on his head ? someone gets the feeling though that Steve Corino knows more to this than he lets be known.

New Horizon Pro Wrestling presents ?.
TV Taping for National TV Pilot Programme
January 22 ? Beckenham Community Centre ? Beckenham WA (Australia)
January 23 ? Les Hansman Community Centre ? Morley WA (Australia)
Doors Open 6:45pm
Fight Card Commences: 7:30
Tickets: Adults – $20, Children (Under 15) $10
Advanced bookings info:
Number: 0434 513 460 Email: NHPW@WESTNET.COM.AU

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