Indy News #1: CHIKARA’s Dasher Hatfield, !BANG! TV,

Indy News Update #1 for April 28, 2012
Submit your Indy news and results to:

Tim Brouk passed along an interview he conducted with CHIKARA’s Dasher Hatfield at this link.

Dory Funk Jr. sent this in.

!BANG! TV Report – Brisco vs Funk and “Royal !BANG!” Coming Saturday May 5th

The card for Support Your Troops 76, “The Royal !BANG! comes to the !BANG! TV Sound Stage in Ocala, Florida Saturday May 5th Show Time is 7:00pm with doors opening at 6:30 pm.

The Card:
10 Person Inter-Gender Battle Royal – Return of our American Hero Johnny Magnum, Wes Brisco, Cory “Wild” Weston, Shane Chung, Pete Kaasanova, Hollywood Heather, Jeremy “Rock Star” Spillers, Mighty Vesuvius, Garrett Tukes and Brian “Hot Shot” Davis

Now online at – Contract Signing for the Battle Royal

History is Made – Funk vs Brisco
Dory Funk & Cory “Wild” Weston vs Wes Brisco & Shane Chung

Now online at – Contract Signing for Funk, Weston v Brisco, Shane Chung

World Championship Match
Cory “Wild” Weston (Champion) vs Pete Kaasanova (Challenger)

Inter-Gender Tag Team Championship
Claudia “The Claw” Reiff and Wes Brisco
Hollywood Heather and Shane Chung

Tag Team Championship Match
Jeremy “Rock Star” Spillers and Mighty Vesuvius
Garrett Tukes and Brian “Hot Shot” Davis

Now on YouTube Contract Signing for Funk, Weston v Brisco, Shane Chung –

For Tickets and Training Schedules, Call 352-895-4658
