– From Javier Gonzalez – WWC Puerto Rico: Video Gallery of Scott Steiner wins Universal Title
– The autobiographies of Terry Funk and Dusty Rhodes have been picked up by a new publisher and will be reprinted soon. (credit: The Wrestling Globe Newsletter)
– From Jeff Sheridan: Mushnick talks about Luther Reigns in the NY Post
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“Yet another Vince and Linda McMahon ex-performer has fallen hard and young.
Matthew Wiese, a WWE star as Luther Reigns, is in an Arizona rehab facility after a stroke that has been attributed to barbiturate and steroid abuse. It’s the same old pro wrestling story, only this time someone lived to tell it.
“We wrestled damn near every night,” Wiese, his speech impaired, slowly told the Arizona Republic, “We were beat to hell. We needed pain pills to do our job.” Weise is 36.
The McMahons should title their next Wrestlemania, “Get ‘Em While They Last!”