Top star set for IMPACT UK Turning Point event; Results from 8/31 episode on AXS TV

IMPACT Wrestling has announced that their Turning Point event will take place on Friday, October 27 from the Walker Dome in Newcastle.

It was also announced that current IWGP United States Champion Will Ospreay will compete at the Turning Point UK event, which will air live on FITE TV, IMPACT Plus and the IMPACT Insiders YouTube Channel.

Ospreay is also set to compete at IMPACT Bound For Glory, live on pay-per-view – Saturday, October 21 from Cicero Stadium in Chicago, IL.

Back on August 12, 2023, Ospreay rebranded the champions as the IWGP United Kingdom Heavyweight Title. However, the title s still officially recognized as the IWGP United States Heavyweight Championship by NJPW.

IMPACT Wrestling Results – 8/31/23 (Courtesy of

Thursday’s show was the fallout from Sunday night’s Emergence live special and build to Victory Road, will takes place on Friday, September 8.

Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Killer Kelly vs Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich vs KiLynn King vs Gisele Shaw vs Savannah Evans vs Jody Threat vs Jessicka vs Courtney Rush vs Alisha Edwards vs Vanna Black – Knockouts #1 Contender Battle Royal

Trinity’s challenger for the Knockouts World Title at Victory Road will be determined in this over-the-top-rope Battle Royal! The Death Dollz bring the fight to Alisha and Black, who form a momentary alliance. The first elimination comes when MK Ultra toss Black to the outside. Evans eliminates Kelly but Jai Vidal prevents Shaw from being thrown over the top. Shaw capitalizes off of his involvement and eliminates the other half of the Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, Slamovich. Rush clotheslines Shaw for the elimination but also takes herself out in the process. King eliminates Jessicka, then delivers a jumping knee strike to Evans. Threat follows up with a running dropkick to eliminate Evans. King and Threat square off as King gains the upper-hand with a Neutralizer. Threat comes back with a German suplex but just when it appears that she’s going to win, Alisha Edwards appears out of nowhere and tosses them both over the top rope.

Alisha Edwards def Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Killer Kelly, Knockouts World Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich, KiLynn King, Gisele Shaw, Savannah Evans, Jody Threat, Jessicka, Courtney Rush & Vanna Black – Knockouts #1 Contender Battle Royal

The replay reveals that Alisha Edwards retreated under the ring in the early stages of the match, and was never eliminated. Knockouts World Champion Trinity is seen watching on a monitor backstage.

Josh Alexander apologies to IMPACT World Champion Alex Shelley for costing them their 8-man tag team match at Emergence when he became obsessed with attacking the returning Steve Maclin. Shelley accuses Alexander of thinking that he’s a transitional champion and vows to prove him wrong. The new IMPACT World Tag Team Champions, the Rascalz, interrupt and a frustrated Sabin challenges Wentz to a match tonight.

Alisha and Eddie Edwards celebrate her victory in the Battle Royal just moments ago. Alisha calls Ride or Die the power couple of IMPACT Wrestling and fires a warning shot at the Knockouts World Champion, Trinity.

Crazzy Steve vs Mike Bailey

Following his revealing sit-down interview with Tom Hannifan, Crazzy Steve has come unglued as he battles Mike Bailey here tonight! Bailey goes for the Tornado Kick but Steve counters. Steve pushes his fingers into Bailey’s eyes and doesn’t break the hold by the referee’s 5 count, causing the disqualification.

Mike Bailey def Crazzy Steve by Disqualification

Steve is about to use a fork on the eyes of Bailey when Black Taurus confronts him in the ring. Steve attacks his longtime ally in Decay, and targets his eyes as well. Security rushes to the ring but Steve begins to pick them off one by one.

Moose, Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards are a cohesive unit ahead of tonight’s six-man tag team match against IWGP World Heavyweight Champion SANADA, Jake Something and Frankie Kazarian. Bully Ray interrupts and asks Moose and Myers for their help with his PCO problem. Frustrated that Bully abandoned them for the second time, Moose and Myers tell him that he’s on his own.

In addition to his appearance at Bound For Glory, Will Ospreay will also be at Turning Point on October 27th in Newcastle, which will air on IMPACT Plus on November 3rd.

Bully Ray pleads with PCO to stop tormenting him. Bully tells PCO that he lit him on fire in an attempt to kill “the monster”.

Kon vs Eric Young

After taking out Deaner in a No Disqualification match at Emergence, Eric Young looks to finish off The Design as he collides with Kon! The early advantage goes to Kon as he hits a thunderous Spinebuster for two. Kon tosses Young over the top rope, sending him crashing to the floor. Kon charges into the corner but Young avoids him. Young has Kon staggered as he spikes him with a Death Valley Driver for two. Young bites the head of Kon, then soars with a top rope elbow drop for another near fall. Young clotheslines him over the top rope, then dives to the outside. Young hits a vicious Piledriver on the floor but somehow, Kon makes it back into the ring before the referee’s 10 count. Young hits a second Piledriver to score the pinfall victory.

Eric Young def Kon

X-Division Champion Lio Rush says that Chris Sabin isn’t ready to step back into the ring with him. KUSHIDA interrupts and declares that he’ll be enacting his X-Division Title opportunity at Victory Road on September 8th.

Jordynne Grace returns to IMPACT Wrestling at Victory Road.

A fired up Deonna Purrazzo accuses Jordynne Grace of trying to steal her spotlight at Emergence. Purrazzo lays out the challenge for a match between her and Grace at Victory Road.

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions Zachary Wentz w/ Trey Miguel vs Chris Sabin w/ IMPACT World Champion Alex Shelley

Chris Sabin looks to shut up Zachary Wentz in this impromptu match made earlier tonight! Wentz sends Sabin to the outside, then takes him out with a dive over the top rope. Miguel is about to get involved at ringside but Shelley warns him not to. Back in the ring, Sabin spikes him with a tornado DDT out of the corner. Wentz hits a superkick, followed by a modified Half Nelson Slam for two. Wentz connects with a handspring knee but Sabin fires back with a dropkick and both men are down. Sabin locks in the STF but Miguel distracts the referee. Shelley pulls Miguel off the apron, then positions him for a running knee from Sabin. Sabin continues the assault with an assisted dive through the ropes, colliding with both of the Rascalz on the steel guardrail. Sabin puts Wentz away with the Cradle Shock to win.

Chris Sabin w/ IMPACT World Champion Alex Shelley def IMPACT World Tag Team Champions Zachary Wentz w/ Trey Miguel

After the bell, Miguel rushes the ring and pummels Sabin before retreating up the ramp with Wentz.

The Good Hands have a score to settle with ABC.

SUBCULTURE want their rematch against the Rascalz for the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles. Director of Authority Santino Marella tells them that the Rascalz are already scheduled to defend against the Motor City Machine Guns at Victory Road – but if they want competition, they can face another hungry team in Rich Swann and Sami Callihan. Hot off their victory on Countdown to Emergence, JOYA also have their sights set on becoming IMPACT World Tag Team Champions but Marella says that they must wait for their opportunity.

Kenny King and Sheldon Jean are in the ring as King reflects on his successful Digital Media Title defense over Johnny Swinger at Emergence. Tommy Dreamer interrupts after defending Swinger during a post-match attack from King and getting kicked in the head as a result. Dreamer reveals that Swinger lost his father-in-law over the weekend but he made a point of crediting the Knockouts with earning their spot in the main event that night. Dreamer says that King and Jean didn’t watch the Knockouts World Title match because they were at the bar celebrating instead. King accuses Dreamer of refusing to give up his spot to the next generation of talent like him. Dreamer fires back and dares Dreamer to take that spot from him. Dreamer offers to put his career on the line in a Title vs Career match against King, then exits the ring.

As revealed on Press Pass, Hall of Famers Awesome Kong and Gail Kim will join forces with Knockouts World Champion Trinity, Jordynne Grace and a mystery partner to battle Angelina Love, Deonna Purrazzo, Gisele Shaw, Savannah Evans and a mystery partner at IMPACT 1000, taking place on September 9th in White Plains, NY.

Steve Maclin promises “Tag em’, bag em’ and mayhem for the Walking Weapon” at Victory Road.

IWGP World Heavyweight Champion SANADA, Jake Something & Frankie Kazarian vs Moose, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards

It’s a star-studded six-man tag team match in tonight’s main event! Something launches himself over the top rope as he takes out Moose, Myers and Edwards on the outside. Dirty Dango and Alpha Bravo are seen watching the match on a monitor backstage. SANADA hits the ropes but Moose hits him with a knee back from the apron. Myers capitalizes with a back suplex and gains control. Moments later, SANADA ties up Edwards, then drive Myers face-first into Edwards’ backside. Edwards draws the attention of the referee, allowing Moose to attack SANADA from the apron. Edwards hits SANADA with a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. SANADA counters a powerbomb attempt from Moose into a Hurricanrana. SANADA tags in Kazarian, who immediately goes after Edwards. Kazarian hits Edwards with a powerslam, followed by a pair of springboard leg drops for Edwards and Myers. Kazarian almost puts Edwards away with the Unprettier. Both men are down following in-sync crossbodies in the middle of the ring. Kazarian tags in Something, who puts his strength on display with a Pop-Up Powerbomb to Moose. Moose comes back with a powerbomb of his own to Something. SANADA hits Moose with a Shining Wizard. Myers takes SANADA out with the Roster Cut. Kazarian spikes Myers with a slingshot DDT. Kazarian and Edwards topple over the top rope to the floor. Something puts Myers away with Into the Void for three.

IWGP World Heavyweight Champion SANADA, Jake Something & Frankie Kazarian def Moose, Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards

IMPACT! goes off the air.
