IMPACT Results – 7/21/22 (Former NXT Superstar debuts)

IMPACT Results for Thursday are courtesy of

Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace & Mia Yim vs VXT (Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green)

Before Mia Yim challenges Jordynne Grace for the Knockouts World Title at Emergence, they join forces to battle Deonna Purrazzo and Chelsea Green, now known as VXT! Yim hits Green with a running boot in the corner. Grace continues the assault with a powerslam to Green. Grace tags Yim back into the match but the referee is distracted by Purrazzo. Moments later, Purrazzo pulls Grace off the apron and throws her into the ring. Green capitalizes with a dropkick to gain control. Grace outpowers VXT as she hits an impressive double suplex. Grace hits a German Suplex on Green, allowing her to make the tag to Yim. The pace quickens as Yim goes on the attack. Grace and Yim connect with in-sync dives, taking out both members of VXT on the outside. Purrazzo dumps Grace to the floor. VXT turns Yim inside out with unique double team offense to score the victory.

VXT (Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green) def Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace & Mia Yim

Honor No More complains about not receiving any title opportunities since coming to IMPACT Wrestling. Eddie Edwards is furious at PCO for not being present when Vincent was blindsided by Heath last week. Maria Kanellis claims victory in Matt Taven and Mike Bennett’s tag team match against Ace Austin and Chris Bey of the Bullet Club tonight.

X-Division Champion Mike Bailey vs Deaner w/ Joe Doering – X-Division Championship

Mike Bailey continues to be a fighting champion as he puts his X-Division Title on the line against Deaner, who attacked “Speedball” after his last defense over Alan Angels! The bell rings and the fight is on as Bailey charges him in the corner. Deaner rakes the eyes to quickly turn the tide. Deaner avoids Ultima Weapon but Bailey takes him off his feet with a flurry of fast-paced offense. Deaner traps Bailey in the ring apron, allowing Doering to attack him behind the referee’s back. Bailey Back in the ring, Bailey delivers a barrage of kicks, followed by a running Shooting Star. Deaner pulls him into a mid-air powerbomb for two. Bailey crashes and burns on Ultima Weapon as his knees are driven into the hardest part of the ring. Deaner connects with a twisting neckbreaker but Bailey comes right back with a springboard Moonsault to the floor. Bailey successfully hits Ultima Weapon to retain the X-Division Title!

X-Division Champion Mike Bailey def Deaner w/ Joe Doering – X-Division Championship

The Ric Flair Moment of the Week is presented by Starrcast V.

After Deonna Purrazzo pinned the #1 Contender for the Knockouts World Title earlier tonight, she demands that Gail Kim add her to the match with Jordynne Grace and Mia Yim at Emergence. Kim instead gives VXT a Knockouts World Tag Team Title opportunity against Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie!

Eric Young tells Deaner to find a cure for “the sickness”.

Madison Rayne w/ Gisele Shaw vs Masha Slamovich

After destroying Tenille Dashwood last week, Masha Slamovich has made Madison Rayne her next victim! Slamovich tears off the protective face guard that Rayne was wearing, then slams her to the mat. Slamovich connects with the Snow Plow to score another dominant victory, bringing her win streak to 12-0!

Masha Slamovich def Madison Rayne w/ Gisele Shaw

Post-match, Slamovich hands out another death warrant, this time to Gisele Shaw!

Bhupinder Gujjar confronts Brian Myers about a Digital Media Title opportunity. After continuing to make him jump through hoops, Gujjar accuses Myers of being scared. Myers tells him that a true champion never backs down from a challenge and that is why Gujjar should turn his attention towards Vincent, who was allegedly talking smack about the brightest blue-chip athlete from Punjab.

Killer Kelly arrives in IMPACT Wrestling next week!

Honor No More (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) w/ Maria Kanellis vs Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

The war between Honor No More and Bullet Club rages on as Matt Taven and Mike Bennett square off against the young guns of Bullet Club, Ace Austin and Chris Bey! The early advantage goes to Bullet Club when Bey hits a springboard Hurricanrana to Bennett. Honor No More turns the tide as Taven makes a blind tag and takes Bey off his feet with a missile dropkick. Austin hits Taven with a springboard kick, then takes Bennett off the apron to the floor. The referee is tending to Taven in the ring, allowing Bennett to illegally attack Austin on the outside. After a two-on-one assault from Honor No More, Austin uses his quickness to create separation and make the tag to Bey. “The Ultimate Finesser” takes both Taven and Bennett out with a Flatliner DDT combo. Bennett spikes Bey with a Brainbuster but Taven misses the follow-up Aurora Borealis. Kanellis provides a distraction, allowing Taven to deliver a low blow to Bey. Out of nowhere, Heath blindsides Taven with the Wake Up Call. Austin hits The Fold on Bennett to win!

Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) def Honor No More (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) w/ Maria Kanellis

Steve Maclin tells Gia Miller that he isn’t afraid of Sami Callihan when the lights go out and the “Death Machine” strikes! Moose is waiting right around the corner to blindside Callihan but just as they’re about to take him out with a trash can, Callihan escapes into the darkness.

Since returning from the Undead Realm, Havok has transformed into an alter-ego known as Jessicka!

Rich Swann tells Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore that he wants the opportunity that was never given to him, a shot to regain the IMPACT World Title. D’Amore says that tonight’s main event is already set and either Chris Sabin or Alex Shelley will challenge Josh Alexander at Emergence. But if Swann wants competition, he can face KUSHIDA in his IMPACT Wrestling debut next week!

Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley – Winner Challenges Josh Alexander for the IMPACT World Title at Emergence

The Motor City Machine Guns collide with a coveted IMPACT World Title opportunity up for grabs! Speaking of the champ, Josh Alexander is seen watching the match backstage. Shelley targets the left knee of Sabin in the early going. After several minutes, Sabin creates separation with a DDT. Sabin hits his signature running kick on the apron, then soars with a top rope crossbody. Sabin connects with a running boot in the corner, followed by a top rope tornado DDT. Shelley drops him head-first with a back suplex. Shelley locks in a Crossface but Sabin gets to the ropes in order to break the hold. Both men are down after another running kick from Sabin. Shelley goes for Sliced Bread but Sabin counters into the Clothesline From Hell, Michigan. Moments later, Shelley successfully hits Sliced Bread for two. Shelley follows up with the Shell Shock for another near fall. Shelley transitions into the Border City Stretch to win by submission!

Alex Shelley def Chris Sabin – Winner Challenges Josh Alexander for the IMPACT World Title at Emergence

For the first time in his career, Alex Shelley is now the #1 Contender for the IMPACT World Championship. After the match, Joe Doering and Deaner attack the Motor City Machine Guns from behind in an attempt to “eliminate the sickness” but KUSHIDA arrives to make the save!

IMPACT! goes off the air.
