IMPACT Wrestling Against All Odds Results – 7/1/22 (World Title Match, more)

IMPACT Against All Odds results are courtesy of

Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey) vs Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)

The Motor City Machine Guns renew hostilities with Bullet Club in tonight’s opening contest! Shelley hits a foot stomp off the second rope in the early going. Bey is skinning the cat when Shelley cuts him off with a dropkick. Bey launches himself off the top rope with a senton to the outside, taking out both of the Guns. Austin uses his signature playing card to slice between the fingers of Shelley. Sabin hits a rolling Fisherman’s suplex on Bey. The Guns hit Bey with a dropkick Flatliner for two. Sabin almost puts Bey away with the Cradle Shock but Austin pushes Shelley into the pile in order to break the count. The Guns turn Bey inside out with double team offense to score the victory!

Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) def Bullet Club (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

Gia Miller interviews IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers, Heath and the returning America’s Most Wanted before they face off against Honor No More tonight.

Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green vs Mia Yim & Mickie James

Mia Yim joins forces with Mickie James to battle the duo of longtime friends, Deonna Purrazzo and Chelsea Green! A brawl breaks out before the opening bell as Yim and James deliver double sliding dropkicks to the outside. Purrazzo distracts the referee, allowing Green to illegally attack Yim from the apron. Yim creates separation and makes the tag to James. The pace quickens as James goes on the attack. James attempts the Mick-DT on Purrazzo but Green breaks it up. Green plants James with a foot stomp for two. Purrazzo and Green cut off the ring and wear James down. Several minutes later, James sidesteps a charging Purrazzo, sending her crashing into the steel ring post. James makes the tag to Yim who hits Green with a bridged German suplex. Purrazzo shoves Yim off the top rope. Purrazzo and Green hit James with a double backstabber to score the victory!

Deonna Purrazzo & Chelsea Green def Mia Yim & Mickie James

Vincent is replaced by PCO in tonight’s five-on-five showdown between Honor No More and the team of IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers, America’s Most Wanted and Heath!

X-Division Champion Mike Bailey vs Trey Miguel – X-Division Championship

Mike Bailey makes his first X-Division Title defense since winning it just two weeks ago in the Ultimate X match at Slammiversary! Bailey gains the early advantage with a springboard Moonsault to the outside. Bailey attempts a standing Shooting Star knee drop but Miguel gets his own knees up to counter. Both men exchange kicks in the middle of the ring as Bailey gains the upper-hand. Bailey successfully drops his knees into the chest of Miguel. Miguel comes back with a Brainbuster but crashes and burns on the follow-up Meteora. Miguel fights through the pain and sends Bailey soaring off the apron with a Hurricanrana. Bailey hits Ultimo Weapon on the hardest part of the ring. Bailey trips him up on the top, then hits the Flamingo Driver to win the match and retain the X-Division Title!

X-Division Champion Mike Bailey def Trey Miguel – X-Division Championship

Knockouts World Tag Team Champions Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie vs Tenille Dashwood & Gisele Shaw w/ Madison Rayne – Knockouts World Tag Team Championship

Gisele Shaw steps in for the injured Madison Rayne as The Influence receive their Knockouts World Tag Team Title rematch against Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie! Valkyrie hits Shaw with a snap German suplex on the ropes. Rosemary is about to bite Shaw’s face off when Shaw rakes her eye to prevent it. Dashwood clotheslines Valkyrie, then hits her with a draping neckbreaker for two. Shaw and Valkyrie exchange chops in the corner before Shaw gains the advantage with a diving uppercut. Valkyrie counters the tornado DDT into a vertical suplex, then makes the tag to Rosemary. The pace quickens as Rosemary hits a Slingblade on Dashwood, followed by an Exploder suplex. Rosemary takes Dashwood Upside Down on the ropes. Dashwood distracts the referee, allowing Shaw to get involved from the apron. Rayne trips up Valkyrie from the outside but it’s not enough. Valkyrie rolls up Dashwood to score the victory and retain the Knockouts World Tag Team Championship for her team!

Knockouts World Tag Team Champions Rosemary & Taya Valkyrie def Tenille Dashwood & Gisele Shaw w/ Madison Rayne – Knockouts World Tag Team Championship

After the match, Dashwood, Rayne and Shaw deliver a 3-on-2 assault on Rosemary and Valkyrie. On their way to the back, Masha Slamovich hands Tenille Dashwood an envelope, signifying that she’s her next target!

X-Division Champion Mike Bailey says that he will fight anyone that wants to fight him starting this Thursday on IMPACT.

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson), America’s Most Wanted (James Storm & Chris Harris) & Heath vs Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Kenny King & PCO) w/ Maria Kanellis & Vincent

America’s Most Wanted reunites as they join forces with Heath and The Good Brothers to battle Honor No More in a five-on-five showdown! Bennett hits Heath with a forearm shot, followed by a missile dropkick from Taven. Honor No More begin to wear Heath down as they cut off the ring and prevent him from making the tag. Heath hits an explosive powerslam to create separation and make the tag to Storm. Storm hits both Edwards and King with a neckbreaker DDT combo. Storm tags in Harris as they team up and use the members of Honor No More as battering rams. While the referee is distracted, PCO attacks Storm on the floor to completely turn the tide. PCO is heading to the top when Taven tags himself in. Taven crashes and burns on a frog splash attempt. Storm capitalizes and hits a vertical suplex on Edwards. Harris is tagged into the match and goes on the attack. Harris hits a delayed vertical suplex on King. Both teams exchange Spinebuster after Spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Taven connects with a springboard kick on Storm to break up the Death Sentence. Anderson hits the Gun Stun on Edwards. Taven calls for the PCO-Sault but instead he dives off the top rope to the floor. America’s Most Wanted hit the Death Sentence on King to win!

IMPACT World Tag Team Champions The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows & Karl Anderson), America’s Most Wanted (James Storm & Chris Harris) & Heath def Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Kenny King & PCO) w/ Maria Kanellis & Vincent

Raj Singh confronts former Digital Media Champion Rich Swann and says his loss to Brian Myers earlier tonight was embarrassing. Shera goes face-to-face with Swann but he doesn’t back down from the big man.

Moose vs Sami Callihan – Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match

Moose and Sami Callihan settle their rivalry in one of the most brutal and sadistic match types in all of professional wrestling, Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun! Speaking of Raven, the inventor of the match joins Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehwoldt on commentary. Moose jumps Callihan from behind and spears him before the opening bell. 30 seconds into the match, Moose is assaulting Callihan with a steel chair. Moose sets up a table on the outside but Callihan sends him crashing through it with a back body drop. Callihan hits the Death Valley Driver onto a steel fence. Moose finds a bottle inside of a garbage can and smashes it over the head of Callihan. Moose hits a sitdown powerbomb through a wooden door. Moose shoots a staple into Callihan’s foot. Now it’s Callihan who powerbombs him through two steel chairs. Callihan goes low with the staple gun. Callihan hits the Cactus Driver 97 into a pile of building blocks but Moose kicks out at two. Steve Maclin, disguised as a cameraman, hits a low blow on Callihan from behind, then attacks him with a bared wire baseball bat. Moose capitalizes with the spear to win!

Moose def Sami Callihan – Raven’s Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match

Despite his victory earlier tonight, Heath isn’t finished with Honor No More!

Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace vs Tasha Steelz w/ Savannah Evans – Knockouts World Championship

After winning the Knockouts World Title in the first-ever Queen of the Mountain match at Slammiversary, Jordynne Grace defends against the former champion, Tasha Steelz! Before the bell can ring, Steelz chop blocks Grace from behind to jumpstart the match. Grace delivers a preemptive strike to Savannah Evans on the floor. Grace turns the tide with a Spinebuster, followed by a strong clothesline into the corner turnbuckles. Steelz fakes an injury, allowing Evans to attack Grace from the outside. Steelz continues the assault as she targets the leg of Grace. Moments later, Grace almost puts her away with a Torture Rack power bomb. Steelz hits her signature bulldog but Grace gets her shoulder up just in time. Grace’s leg is in agony as Steelz locks in a Half Boston Crab. Grace hits the Muscle Buster but Evans distracts the referee. Steelz comes back with the cutter for a very close near fall. Grace hits a thunderous delayed Superplex, then sends Steelz into her own partner on the apron. Grace connects with the Grace Driver to retain the Knockouts World Title!

Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace def Tasha Steelz w/ Savannah Evans – Knockouts World Championship

IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander vs Joe Doering w/ Deaner – IMPACT World Championship

It’s main event time at Against All Odds as Josh Alexander puts the IMPACT World Title on the line against the undefeated Joe Doering! Alexander avoids Doering’s crossbody, then hits one of his own on the apron. After several minutes of domination from Doering, Alexander delivers a knee to the back of his neck to create separation. Alexander rebounds him off the ropes to hit an assisted German suplex. Alexanders gets the big man up for a Northern Lights suplex. Alexander locks in the Ankle Lock but Doering breaks free and takes the champ off his feet with a clothesline. Alexander hits a thunderous Superplex but Deaner gets up on the apron, preventing him from hitting the follow-up C4 Spike. Doering swats Alexander out of mid-air, then hits an elbow drop for two. Alexander connects with a trio of German suplexes. Doering erases him with a running crossbody but it’s not enough to keep Alexander down. Alexander locks in another Ankle Lock, with an additional grapevine on the leg. Doering puts his incredible strength on display as he stands up to break the hold. Alexander connects with the C4 Spike to retain the IMPACT World Title and hand Doering his first pinfall loss in IMPACT Wrestling!

IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander def Joe Doering w/ Deaner – IMPACT World Championship
