AEW Rampage Live Results – 10/14/22 (Former ROH and IMPACT champions debut)

AEW Rampage Results
October 14, 2022
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Coca-Cola Coliseum)
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go to a full Coca-Cola Coliseum, with Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross and Excalibur on commentary. William Regal joins them for the opening match with starts right away!

The Butcher and Blade w/the Bunny vs. Claudio Castagnoli and AEW World Champion Jon Moxley

Action begins quick with everything on the outside of the ring. Moxley has The Blade and is dragging him around ringside. Both men are back in ring. Moxley charges The Blade and takes him out with a suplex. Moxley tags in Claudio. The Blade rakes the eyes and tags in The Butcher. The Butcher attempts a suplex, but its countered by Claudio who picks him up and drops him. Claudio comes back with elbows to the face. As Claudio charges at The Blade who was tagged in, The Bunny comes in and attempts Claudio from hitting The Blade.


Back from the break, Claudio attempts to tag in Moxley, but Moxley is taken out by The Butcher. The Blade tags in The Butcher as Claudio reaches for the corner, but Moxley is not there. Moxley is back up on the apron and has his hand out and Claudio makes the tag and hits The Butcher with the cutter. Moxley takes out The Butcher on the outside of the ring. Moxley has The Blade up on the rope and digs his nails in his back and then suplexes him off the rope, goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. The Butcher comes in and The Blade tries to cause interference. All four men are in the ring and the crowd goes crazy as Moxley and Claudio hit The Butcher and The Blade with lariats as the fans cheer This is Awesome! Moxley takes out The Blade and Claudio slams down The Blade for the win.


Moxley talks about how the BCC doesn’t go down. Moxley then tells Hangman Page he is going to get stepped on at Dynamite on the special Tuesday night Dynamite.

We go backstage with Renee Paquette interviewing Swerve In Our Glory. Lee says he stuck with Swerve because he believes in him. Lee asked Swerve do they really need to cheat to win and then walk off.

Jerome’s thoughts: Great opening match. The crowd was hot! The backstage interview could be a tease that Swerve In Our Glory could be heading for a breakup. For those that don’t know Swerve is the DEFY Champion (Seattle promotion) and he tends to work as a heel in that promotion.


Back from the break Renee Paquette interview the Dark Order about their losses. Jose comes in and 10 tells him next week when he beats Rush, then Rush will leave the Dark Order alone for good. Stu Grayson made his return after being gone due to his contract not being renewed. Evil Uno, John Silver and Alex Reynolds put their hands together in a sign of unity, as the segment ended.

Jericho Appreciation Society is out next and the fans go crazy! JAS is in the ring. JAS says the family is back together. They say the JAS is going to be together forever. Anna JAS then introduces the man of the hour, the man with the power and the man that is too sweet to be sour – Daniel Garcia, who then has a mic. The fans chant Garcia! Garcia says everyone asks why did what he did on Wednesday. He said he did it because Chris Jericho said sports entertainers are superior. He said he was skeptical. Garcia tells the fans its dead and he will never be a pro wrestler and that Bryan Danielson is a pro wrestler. He said that sports entertainers beat pro wrestlers every time. He said his name is Daniel Garcia and he is a sports entertainer. Jericho then says a lesson learned to Daniel Garcia and a lesson taught to Danielson. Jericho says he is the best. Dalton Castle comes with out with The Boys to a huge ovation. Castle calls Jericho a stupid little goose. Castle says he broke his back for the ROH and is willing to give the people a real champion. He says he has peacock power that is fueled by the people in the building. He then challenges Jericho to a title match at Dynamite. Jericho says he is going to pull Castle’s feathers and accepts the challenge and says its the Jericho of Honor era.

Jerome’s thoughts: No title change expected, but Castle is great on the mic.

Anna Jay vs. Nyla Rose w/Vickie Guerrero and Marina Shafir

Anna Jay attempts an elbow strike, but Nyla avoids it and counters with punches to Anna. Anna attempts to run at Nyla, but is picked up and is slammed down. Nyla goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. Anna is down in the corner as Nyla goes for a cannonball, but Anna moves out of the way.


Back from the break, Nyla Rose hits Anna with a big knee. Nyla goes for a knee drop, but Anna avoids it. Anna hits a neck breaker on Nyla. Anna goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. Anna hits Nyla with a boot to the face. Nyla picks up Anna for a beast bomb to get the win.


Post-Match: Vicki is in the ring mocking Jade Cargill with a big sign with 10 for 10 wins. The Baddies make their way down. Security holds back The Baddies as Jade takes out security. Nyla, Vickie and Marina still have the TBS Title Belt.

Jerome’s thoughts: The highlight was Jade taking out security. The match with Nyla and Anna was clunky and the fans didn’t seem into it.

Isaiah Kassidy vs. Ethan Page

Ethan drops Kassidy with a pump fake. If Ethan wins, The Firm gets the contracts of Private Party and Matt Hardy. Page continues to take down Kassidy and then mocks Matt who is at ringside. Kassidy then hits a DDT on Page. Kassidy covers Page, but only gets a two count. Stokley Hathaway causes a distraction. Page has Kassidy in an Ego’s Edge and drops him for the win. Matt Hardy and Private Party are now under The Firm.

Jerome’s thoughts: Quick match – predictable, but it will be fun to see where this goes.


Back from the break, The Embassy and FTR are interviewed by Mark Henry. All the men go back and forth. Spears says he has to make wrongs, right and that the perfect 10 is back. FTR says they never back down from a fight.

Shawn Spears and FTR (The Pinnacle) vs. The Embassy: Brian Cage, Kaun and Toa Liona w/Prince Nana

The crowd does 10 chants as Shawn Spears comes out to a great home country ovation. Next out is FTR to a huge ovation! Next out is The Embassy.

Spears starts things with Kuan. Both men lock up. Spears has Kuan in an armbar. Kuan gets out of it, but Spears takes him down and does a 10. Spears has Kuan in the corner and hammers him with punches to the face. Liona on the apron is dropped kicked by Spears and he leaps over the rope to take out Liona as we go to a commercial break.


Back from the break, The Embassy is in control. Brian Cage is the legal man in the ring and slams down Spears. Cage goes for the cover, but only gets a two count! Cage has Spears up, but he counters and attempts to tag, but Kaun is in and keeps Spears from tagging. Spears is able to make the tag to Harwood! Harwood picks up Kuan for a huge spinebuster. Kuan recovers and takes down Harwood. Kuan tags in Cage and drops an elbow on Harwood. Cage goes for the pin, but Spears breaks it up! Cage then drops Spears who rolls out of the ring. Kuan and Cage have Harwood up as Cash comes in and they take out both men and put them into sharpshooters. Prince Nana gets in the ring and with Shawn Spears we now have triple sharpshooters! Liona who was on the outside breaks it up. The action then spills to the outside. Back in the ring is Kuan and Harwood. As Kuan grabbed the ropes for a pin, Cash comes up on the apron. FTR takes out Liona and then Spears drops Kuan the win!


Post Match:

The Kingdom’s music hits and Maria Kanellis along with Mike Taven and Mike Bennett come out. She introduces herself as the first lady of professional wrestling. She then said they carried that company (ROH) on their backs. She then tells FTR the ROH tag team title belongs to them and they never got the credit they deserve. Maria then introduced Bennet and Taven, as FTR looks on, The Embassy takes out FTR and Spears. The Kingdom then comes in and helps The Embassy and we have five on three! Samoa Joe’s music hits! Out comes Joe and Wardlow! They make it down to the ring to even the odds as the heels scatter. Rampage goes off the air!

Jerome’s thoughts: Not a bad show tonight. The commentary team, even with Excalibur was good. They told the stories well. The Kingdom is a great get for AEW since they were part of ROH for many years. I still think that Rampage should be a full ROH show. However, I don’t know if WBD will go for it or not.
