AEW Rampage Results – 6/16/23 (Mixed Trios Match and more!)

AEW Rampage Results
June 16, 2023
Washington, D.C. (Capital One Arena)
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go to the arena to a hot crowd. Jim Ross, Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho are on commentary.

The United Empire (Will Ospreay, Jeff Cobb and Kyle Fletcher) vs. CHOAS (Best Friends and Rocky Romero)

Kyle Fletcher and Trent start things out as the bell rings. Trent has Fletcher in a headlock, but Fletcher breaks it up. Fletcher chops Trent and puts him in an armbar. Trend then drops on Fletcher and as he gets up, Trent chops Fletcher who tags Will Ospreay. Will comes in as Rocky Romero is tagged in. Rocky is met with a huge chop to the chest. Rocky comes back and takes out Will. Jeff Cobb is tagged in. All three of the faces tackle Cobb and take them to the outside. Rocky goes through the ropes and takes out Ospreay on the outside, followed by Trent and then Chuck Taylor. Taylor then climbs to the ropes and takes out the heels. Back in the ring, Rock and Chuck double team on Ospreay and drop him with a double elbow. Taylor tags in Romero who puts Ospreay in a headlock, who is sent to the oppose corner as Taylor is tagged in. Taylor tries to send Ospreay to the ropes but he holds onto the ropes. Cobb is tagged in.

Picture-In-Picture: Cobb is in control and has Taylor down. Cobb tags in Fletcher who kicks Taylor in the mid-section. Fletcher and Opsreay double team Taylor with chops to the chest. Ospreay drops Taylor with a back-breaker and then follows up with a huge headbutt.

Back from the break, Cobb is now in as Taylor comes back with a boot to the face and tags in Trent. Cobb tags in Fletcher as they exchange blows. Fletcher breaks a grip and then Trent delivers german suplexes on Fletcher and then hits him with a running back elbow as he comes to his feet. Fletcher comes back and hits Trent with a brainbuster. Rocky is in and hits Fletcher with a huge knee strike. As Cobb comes in, he is tossed down, but comes back and picks up Trent as Romero is tagged in. Taylor, who is in picks up Cobb and bodyslams him down! CHOAS hugs as Cobb picks up all three and drops them all. Romero comes back with a heel kick on Cobb. Romero climbs the ropes, but Cobb picks him up for a huge over head throw! Ospreay hits Romero with a huge running boot, followed by an elbow strike. Romero then catches Ospreay and then make a pin attempt, but only gets a two count. Trent then hits a DDT on Fletcher as the action is everywhere! Romero picks up Ospreay, but Fletcher grabs him and drops him with a tombstone pile driver as Ospreay comes back with a huge kick and then covers Romero to get the pin for his team.



Jerome’s thoughts: Great opening match with a lot of action that was all over the place towards the end as I did my best to keep with all of it.

Taya Valkyrie vs. Trish Adora

The bell rings as Taya hits Trish with slaps. Taya then sends Trish to the corner and hits her with huge chops. Taya taunts the fans and then drags Trish to the middle of the ring as Trish Adora kicks out at two. Taya then chops Adora in the head but comes back with an attempted kick. Taya then comes back with a German suplex on Adora and then rolls out of the ring. Adora then hits Taya with a pump kick to the ribs. Both women exchange blows. Adora hits Taya with a big elbow as Taya comes back with a huge spear on Adora. Taya then puts Adora in a leg lock submission and then bends her arms back and curb stomps her, covers her as the ref counts to three for the win.


We go to an earlier today interview with Lexy Nair talking to the Hardys about their match against the Gunns on Wednesday night’s Dynamite. Hardy said they have been on top of the tag team division for the past three decades. They said 25 years ago they beat the Gunns’ daddy’s a– and will make them (the Gunns) famous.

Mark Briscoe, Papa Briscoe and referee Aubrey Edwards vs. Jay Lethal and Jeff and Karen Jarrett.

Mark, Papa and Aubrey come out to a huge ovation. The bell rings as we Mark and Lethal starting it off. Both men lock up as Mark takes down Lethal with a side headlock and then hits Lethal with a shoulder tackle. Lethal quickly tags in Jeff who takes Mark down with a hip toss as he kicks Karen and turns around to chops by Mark and takes him down with hip tosses and tags in Aubrey. Karen is now in. They circle the ring. Karen then tags in Lethal as Aubrey tags in Mark. Papa is tagged in and tries to pin Lethal, but Lethal kicks out at 1. Mark is tagged in as picks up Lethal and drops him with a suplex. Sonjay Dutt causes interference as Mark is on the outside. Jeff comes down off the apron and stomps on him.

Picture-In-Picture: Jeff is tagged in and works on Mark with stomps to the chest in the center of the ring. Karen comes in tries to double team on Mark, only to be chased off by Aubrey. Back in the ring, Jeff kicks Mark and then tags in Lethal. Mark tries to come back with chops but Lethal is too much for him. Jeff is tagged in and has Mark in the corner and hits him with jabs to the face and chest. Jeff ties up Mark as Lethal chops him.


Back from the break, Mark is still worked over by Jeff and Lethal. Mark is able to tag in Papa. Jeff is met with a huge elbow. Aubrey in and poked in the eyes by Karen. Aubrey gets the guitar as Lethal puts himself in between Lethal. Lethal challenges Aubrey who is knocked out by the guitar from Aubrey, as she smashes across his head. She then takes out Karen and puts her in a figure four leglock…Papa and Mark take out Jeff and Lethal as Karen taps!

Jerome’s thoughts: The match was fun and didn’t live up to all the hype. However, the fans loved it. My Sling app crashed towards the end, so I missed just a minute or so, but glad it was back up for the finish. This probably puts and end now to this feud.


We go to a backstage interview with Lexy Nair and Taya Valkyrie. Kris Statlander walks in and tells Kris she was cheated. Kris then challenges Taya and says she will put up the title next week. Taya says she is shaking in her fur boots and will see her when she sees her.


Back from the break, Mark Henry begins to hype the match, however Takeshita and Don Callis come. Callis says Takeshita is better than Ultimo Dragon as is the new wrestling God.

Konosuke Takeshita vs. Bandido

The bell rings and we are underway. Takehita attempts to kick Bandido who moves out of the way. Takeshita then hits Bandido with a high boot. Bandido comes back but Takeshita sends him to the outside and crashes down on Bandido on the outside. Takeshita picks up Bandido and tosses him into the guardrail. Takeshita then sends Bandido over the rail as the action spills into the fans. Takeshita picks up Bandido and sends him over the rail and back into the ring. Takeshita then picks up Bandido, but he counters with a big suplex and drops Takeshita down. Bandido is up and picks up Takeshita for another suplex and drops him down. Bandido picks up Takeshita, but Takeshita goes on the apron and Bandido goes to the top rope and drops Takeshita off the apron and onto the floor. Don Callis leaves the commentary table. Bandido tosses Takeshita back in the ring, but Takeshita hits Bandido with a huge springboard suplex.

Picture-In-Picture: Takeshita picks up Bandido and has him in the corner. Takeshita hits Bandido with a series of knees to the mid-section. Takeshita climbs to the second rope and comes down with huge elbow on Bandido. Takeshita covers Bandido, but he kicks out at two! Takeshita has Bandido locked up and hits him in the ribs with a series of blows. Takeshita picks up Bandido and tosses him against the ropes and then nails him with an elbow. Takeshita then has Bandido in a headlock as Bandido attempts to get out of him as he is on his feet. Takeshita then hits Bandido and he goes down. Takeshita mocks Bandido.

Back from the break, Takeshita waits for Bandido to get to his feet. Bandido comes back with a series of chops on Takeshita, but he counters with a lariat. Callis is at ringside encouraging Takeshita. Bandido comes back with an upper cut, and drops Takeshita with a huge DDT!. Takeshita then goes to the outside. Bandido then hits Takeshita with a huge moonsault from the top rope onto the floor. Bandido tosses Takeshita back in the ring. Takeshita picks up Bandido and drops him with a blue thunder bomb and covers him for only a two count! Takeshita is picked up by Bandido and drops him. Bandido goes to the top rope and hits Takeshita with a huge frog splash and then covers him for only a two count! Bandido puts Takeshita on the top rope. Bandido grabs him, but Takeshita bites Bandido as both men are on the top rope. Takeshita levels Bandido and drops in down. Takeshita does not do a full cover, as Bandido kicks out at two! Takeshita comes back as Bandido picks up Takeshita and drops him. Bandido attempts a 21-plex, but Takeshita counters it. Bandido then is met with a high boot from Takeshita, who then rolls Bandido, but Takeshita kicks out! We have a few near falls as the crowd chants – this is awesome! Takeshita hits Bandido with a huge jumping knee to the face. Takeshita hits Bandido with a huge blindside shot in the back of head, followed by another knee to the face. Takeshita covers Bandido and get the three count as the show goes off the air.


Jerome’s thoughts: The word early in the day on Friday was that this match was praised by those backstage. I thought both men worked hard to put on a great match, but there was a good amount of it, which was good, that was during the picture-in-picture.

Tonight’s Rampage went fast. The mixed trios match appeared to finish that storyline/angle as I don’t expect it to continue. The backstage segment with Taya Valkyrie and Kris Statlander furthered that feud as Taya is chasing Kris for the TBS Title.
