AEW Dynamite Results – 12/11/24 (Winter Is Coming)

AEW Dynamite Results
December 11, 2024
Kansas City, Missouri (T-Mobile Center)
Results by: Roy Nemer of

AEW Dynamite kicks off with Orange Cassidy and Jay White against Jon Moxley and PAC.

Orange Cassidy and Jay White vs. Jon Moxley and PAC

The fight spills to the outside with Cassidy fighting Moxley and PAC fighting Jay White. The bell rings and White throws PAC into the ring. A back breaker by White and he goes for the cover but Moxley breaks it up. Moxley is tagged in, he and White exchange chops. Cassidy tags himself in and he baseball slides PAC and goes for right hands on Moxley but Moxley pushes him away. PAC tags himself into the match and he lands a big boot onto Cassidy and Cassidy falls to the outside of the ring. Moxley slams Cassidy onto the announce desk. Moxley throws Cassidy back into the ring and PAC with a kick to the head.

Moxley is tagged in and he kicks Cassidy in the face but Cassidy gets up and hits him with a super kick. PAC and White are tagged in and White with right hands and he knocks Moxley off the ring apron. A back body drop by White onto PAC followed by a running back elbow. A DDT by White and in comes Moxley but he is hit with a DDT. White runs towards PAC but PAC with a boot to the face.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Moxley with knees to the face of White who is down in the corner. PAC is tagged back in and he kicks White back down onto the mat. We see Christian Cage watching from the stands and back in the ring, PAC with a head lock but White gets a foot on the bottom right. Moxley is tagged back in but a short arm clothesline by Moxley. He goes for the cover but White kicks out. PAC is tagged back in and he goes for a kick but White grabs him by the leg and hit lands a dragon screw. Cassidy and Moxley are tagged inn. Both men exchange forearms and Cassidy with a kick to the face. PAC gets in the ring and Cassidy with a tornado DDT. Cassidy climbs the top rope and he lands a diving DDT. He goes for the cover but Moxley kicks out. Cassidy to the ropes and a spinning DDT.

PAC gets back into the ring and Cassidy goes for another DDT but PAC catches him, Cassidy with a Stunner, White with a suplex onto PAC. Moxley knocks White down, Cassidy with the Beach Break onto Moxley. He goes for the cover but Moxley kicks out. Yuta gets on the ring apron but Cassidy with the Orange Punch onto him and an Orange Punch onto Moxley. Hangman Page gets in the ring and he hits Moxley with right hands and the referee calls for the bell.

Winners: Jon Moxley and PAC

Cassidy pulls Hangman away but Hangman with right hands. In comes White and he hits Page with right hands. Cassidy goes for the Orange Punch onto Page but Page ducks and he accidentally hits White with it. Cassidy with the Orange Punch onto Page and White with the Bladerunner onto Cassidy.

Moxley and the Death Riders get in the ring and they beat up on Cassidy, White and Page.

-Commercial Break-

We see Bandido on a horse and he is confronted by four men but he takes them all down.

We cut backstage and the Death Riders are standing. Moxley says he is a marked man and he would not have it any other way. He says the only way to live is with a knife on your throat and a dynamite stick burning. He says he lets egos run people’s lives but this is not about him, it’s about his people. They do not fight flesh and blood. Moxley says at World’s End in Florida, a fatal four way for the AEW World Championship and he walks away.

Christian is still in attendance and he begins to talk. He tells everyone to shut up as he conducts his business. He says it’s a four way match for the World title at World’s End and he has a problem with every person in that match. Jay White cost him the World Championship at Full Gear and so did Adam Page. Christian says Orange Cassidy is a little piss ant who gets on his nerves but his biggest problem is with Jon Moxley because he has what he wants. But Christian could be waiting on the other side and if he is, this time, he won’t miss. He will send Moxley back to rock bottom. He will hear himself telling him that he needs that drink and he will take him back to rehab. Christian says he is the next AEW World champion.

Christian stands up, turns around and he sees Hook. Christian begins to run but Hook catches him. Hook slams him into cabinets in the press box and tries to choke him out but Christian gets out of it. Hook tries to throw Christian off the balcony but Christian gets out of that. Hook throws him back into the press box.

We cut to the announce team who runs through the card for tonight.

-Commercial Break-

Continental Classic, Gold League: Will Ospreay vs. Claudio Castagnoli

The bell rings and Ospreay with a moon sault over the top rope onto Castagnoli who is on the outside. Claudio gets back into the ring, Will with a cross body off the top rope and he goes for the cover but Claudio kicks out. Claudio with kick and an uppercut but Will with a kick and both men are down. Both men exchange right hands but Claudio slams Will into the turnbuckle and Will falls to the outside of the ring. Claudio pushes him into the barricade and Claudio sets up the ring steps. Will with a chop to the chest but Claudio goes to throw him into the steel steps, Will steps over them and onto the other side and he drop kicks the steel steps into Claudio. Will goes for a DDT but Claudio catches him and throws him face first into the barricade.

Claudio with a European uppercut. He grabs Will by the legs and swings him into the ring steps and Will is holding his left arm. Claudio places Will’s arm onto the ring steps and he stomps onto Will’s hand. Will rolls back into the ring and Claudio gets back in, Will with chops. He climbs the top rope and goes for a cross body but Claudio with an uppercut. He goes for the cover but Will kicks out.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Ospreay with a hurricanrana. He goes for a suplex but Claudio blocks it. He grabs Ospreay but Ospreay reverses it into a suplex. Will goes for the cover but Claudio kicks out. Will takes his elbow pad off and runs towards Claudio but Claudio with a kick. He goes for the Recoil but Ospreay lands on his feet and he gets Claudio in a modified octopus hold but Claudio makes it to the ropes. Claudio with an elbow to the face and he slams Will onto the mat. He goes for the cover but Ospreay kicks out. Claudio places Ospreay on the top rope and he climbs the top rope. Will with a headbutt and Claudio falls onto the mat. Ospreay goes for a twister splash but Claudio moves out of the way, Ospreay lands on his feet and Claudio with a running European uppercut. He goes for the cover but Ospreay kicks out. Claudio with kicks onto Ospreay but Ospreay with a forearm to the face. Both men with right hands and uppercuts onto each other.

Claudio with an upper cut, he goes for a clothesline, Ospreay ducks and he lands a springboard cutter. Both men down and Claudio rolls to the outside of the ring. Ospreay grabs him and throws Claudio back into the ring. Ospreay goes for the Hidden Blade, Claudio throws him in the air and hits him with an uppercut. He goes for the cover but Ospreay kicks out. Claudio with a running lariat. He goes for the cover but Ospreay kicks out. Claudio grabs Ospreay and goes for the Neutralizer but Ospreay reverses it into a jackknife cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Will Ospreay

Castagnoli attacks Ospreay after the match and he hits him with the Neutralizer. Claudio to the outside and grabs a chair but Darby Allen runs down with a baseball bat and Claudio leaves through the crowd.

Renee Paquette is backstage with Ricochet and she tells him he is 1-1 in the Continental Classic. Ricochet tells her that this is why he came to AEW, for the competition. And nothing brings it out like the Continental Classic and he has Brody King tonight. He tells her that King is not Ricochet, they both might be 1-1 but tonight, he holds all the cards. He takes out a business card with the letters MVP on it.

We cut to the outside of the arena and MJF steps out of a vehicle and he walks into the arena.

-Commercial Break-

Renee Paquette is with Matt Cardona backstage. He tells her that it is great to be back in AEW, he belongs here. He says he is always ready, for the last five years, he has busted himself to reinvent himself and now he has a match against Chris Jericho. He challenges Brian Keith to a match at Rampage.

Adam Cole vs. Kyle O’Reilly: The winner will face MJF at AEW Worlds End

Cole goes for a handshake but Kyle slaps his hand away. The bell rings and we are under way. Kyle with a drop toe hold. Cole gets back onto his feet and Kyle with a head lock but Cole throws him to the ropes and Kyle with a shoulder tackle. Cole gets back up and goes for a super kick but Kyle drops and goes to the outside of the ring. Kyle gets back into the ring and he goes for a roundhouse kick onto Cole but Cole rolls to the outside of the ring. Kyle to the outside and he lands kicks onto Cole and sweeps Cole down.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Adam with a brainbuster onto his knee. He goes for the cover but Kyle kicks out. Adam goes for a single leg but Kyle with a knee and Cole rolls to the outside of the ring. Kyle with a running knee to the face off the ring apron onto Cole. He throws Cole back into the ring, Kyle climbs the top rope, goes for a knee drop but Adam moves out of the way. Adam goes for the boom, Kyle ducks, he goes for a right hand but Cole with the boom and both men are down.

Both men up, Kyle with the lariat and he goes for an ankle lock onto Cole but Cole makes it to the bottom rope. Kyle places Cole on the top rope and gets a double wrist lock but Cole gets out of it. Cole with headbutts and Kyle falls onto the mat. Cole with the Panama Sunrise onto Kyle. He drops his knee pad but Kyle gets him in an ankle lock but Cole rolls out of it and Kyle falls to the outside of the ring. He drags Cole to the outside and goes for a suplex but Cole lands on his feet. Cole with a kick to the face and Kyle is down. Cole throws Kyle back into the ring and the referee is checking on Kyle who is down on the mat. Out comes MJF and he is on the ring apron, he geos for a right hand onto Cole but Cole ducks and he hits MJF with a right hand. Kyle rolls Cole up but Cole kicks out. He goes for a kick but Cole rolls him up and gets the pin.

Winner: Adam Cole

MJF leaves through the crowd and Cole points to MJF as he leaves.

Cole extends his hand but Kyle rolls to the outside of the ring and he walks away.

We cut to FTR who are backstage and they cut a promo on Death Riders and how they will be on Dynamite at the first show of the year.

-Commercial Break-

Chris Jericho cuts a promo on Matt Cardona and about Cardona’s match against Keith.

An interview from earlier during the day airs where Tony interviewed Darby Allen. He talks about the Continental Classic and how he needs to win it because he feels like it represents AEW and the passion of AEW. He says this is the company that let Sting go on his own terms and how it gave him a chance.

Continental Classic, Gold League: Ricochet vs. Brodie King

The bell rings and we are under way. King throws Ricochet around the ring. Ricochet with a chop to the chest and he runs to the ropes but King throws him onto the ring apron. Ricochet with a kick to the side of the head and he climbs the top rope. Ricochet goes for a cross body but King shoulder tackles Ricochet in the air and Ricochet falls onto the mat and to the outside of the ring. King with a chop to the chest but Ricochet with a super kick. Ricochet on the ring apron and he goes for a hurricanrana but King lifts him up and slams him onto the ring apron. King throws Ricochet into the barricade and a chop to the chest onto Ricochet. King runs towards Ricochet and he lands a cross body.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Ricochet goes for a back elbow but King grabs him and lands a German suplex. He goes for the cover but Ricochet kicks out. King with a chop to the chest and he runs to the ropes but Ricochet with a kick to the side of the head. King onto the ring apron but Ricochet with another kick and King falls to the outside. Ricochet with a splash over the top rope onto King and Ricochet lands on his feet. He throws King back into the ring. Ricochet on the ring apron and a springboard 450 splash. He goes for the cover but King kicks out. Ricochet with kicks onto King but King with a lariat. He goes for the cover but Ricochet kicks out. King lifts Ricochet up but Ricochet rolls him up but King kicks out. Ricochet with a knee to the face, he tries to lift King up but King with an elbow to the face and a chop to the chest. King with a splash in the corner and Ricochet is down.

King with the cannonball. He goes for the cover but Ricochet kicks out. King places Ricochet on the top rope and he climbs the second rope but Ricochet with right hands. Ricochet with a sunset powerbomb. Ricochet climbs the top rope and he lands the shooting star press but King grabs him by the throat. He gets Ricochet on his feet and he gets him in a sleeper but Ricochet jumps over the top rope and that breaks up the sleeper. Ricochet jumps up but King with a chop. King places Ricochet on the top rope but Ricochet with right hands. Ricochet DDT’s King onto the top turnbuckle and he falls onto the mat. Ricochet to the ropes and an elbow to the back of the head but King gets to his feet. Ricochet with a running clothesline. He goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Ricochet

-Commercial Break-

Renee Paquette is backstage with Anna Jay and Mercedes Mone and Mone tells Anna Jay that she is proud of her. She is proud that she went to Japan to train and she is only 26 years old but by the time she was 26, she was a five time women’s champion. And next week on Dynamite, she will show her that there is a price to pay when you mess with her.

Anna Jay tells her that she will listen to her. She tells Mercedes that she is a living legend and she is aware that she is the underdog but that is fine. She keeps proving people wrong and she tells Mercedes to underestimate her because all she needs is three seconds to shock the world and become the new TBS champion. Anna Jay walks away with Mercedes standing angry.

AEW Women’s Championship Match – Mariah May (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa

The bell rings and we are under way. Mina with a slap to the face followed by right hands. Mina throws May to the ropes and a drop kick onto May’s knee. She slams May’s knee onto the mat and she gets May in a figure four but May rolls herself to the outside. May holding her knee, Mina grabs May but May throws her face first into the ring steps. She throws Mina into the barricade and holds her knee.

Thunder Rosa is in attendance but we cut back and see May hit Mina with a dropkick and she stomps onto Mina on the outside of the ring.

May gets on the ring apron and goes for a kick but Mina trips her up and she slams May’s leg into the ring post. Mina wraps May’s leg around the ring post and she gets her in a figure four but the referee breaks it up.

-Commercial Break-

Back from commercial, Mina with a springboard kick to the side of the head. Mina with an elbow to the face. Mina with a drop kick to the back of May’s knee. Mina with a back suplex and she goes for the cover but May kicks out. Mina climbs the second rope but May with a hurricanrana. She grabs Mina but Mina reverses it and she slams May down onto the mat. She goes for the cover but May kicks out. Mina with a DDT. She goes for the cover but May gets her hand on the bottom rope. Mina grabs May but May with a knee to the face. She runs to the ropes and lands a running knee to the face. May with the May Day. She goes for the cover but Mina kicks out. May lifts Mina up but Mina with a crucifix cover but May kicks out. Mina climbs the second rope and she lands a slingblade. She goes for the cover but May kicks out. Mina grabs May but May with a headbutt followed by a DDT. She goes for the cover and gets the pin.

Winner: Still AEW Women’s World Champion, Mariah May

Toni Storm’s music hits and out she comes after the match with Dynamite going off the air.

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Quick Results:
— Jon Moxley and PAC def. Orange Cassidy and Jay White
— Will Ospreay def. Claudio Castagnoli
— Adam Cole def. Kyle O’Reilly
— Ricochet def. Brody King
— Mariah May def. Mina Shirakawa to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship
