AEW Collision/Battle of the Belts XII Results – 10/19/24

AEW Collision and Battle of the Belts XII Results
October 19, 2024 (Taped 10/17)
Adventist Health Arena in Stockton, CA
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go to the opening intro for the show…we are now inside the arena with a wild crowd. We go to the commentary table with Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness talking about how Jon Moxley could have ended the career of Bryan Danielson.

We start off with a vignette with the BCC and Jon Moxley talking about the AEW World Title that is a symbol of everything he hates in this sport and everything that AEW was not supposed to be. Moxley says Top Flight gets a gift that is a title shot at the World Trios Titles. Mox says they will win this war and their enemies are weak in spirit…tonight is a public execution.

We start off with Ricochet’s music, as he comes to the ring to get ready for the first match of the night. The music of AR Fox is up next, as he makes his way out to the ring.

Ricochet vs. AR Fox

The bell rings as we are underway. Both men lock up and then break the hold. Ricochet takes down Fox. Ricochet runs the ropes as Fox roles him up for a two count. Ricochet puts Fox in a side headlock and takes him down. Fox is up, but Ricochet takes him down with a leg trip. Fox is as the fans applaud. Ricochet puts Fox in a headlock and then drops him with a shoulder block. Ricochet then takes down Fox with a drop kick, sending him to the floor. Ricochet leaps through the ropes and takes out Fox on the floor. Fox is back in the ring as Ricochet comes off the top rope with a big high crossbody. Ricochet covers Fox for only a two count. Ricochet has Fox in the corner and chops him. Ricochet then leaps up and Fox catches him with a spinning suplex and then a drop kick as Ricochet gets up…Ricochet hits the floor, as Fox leaps over the top and takes down Ricochet on the floor. Fox walks the ropes and hits Ricohet with a shooting star press on the floor. Fox sends Ricochet back in the ring. Fox tosses Ricochet in the corner and connect with a big foot to the jaw…

Picture-In-Picture: Fox continues to offense on Ricochet who is now down on the mat. Fox covers Ricochet, but he kicks out at two. Fox has Ricochet up in the corner and chops him. Ricochet slowly walks off, but Fox hits him from behind. Ricochet tries to fight back, but Fox drops him and covers him for only a two count. Ricochet rolls out of the ring and to the floor. Fox runs around the ring, only to be met with a lariat by Ricochet. He then runs around the ring, Fox nails him…

Back from picture-in-picture: Both men are on the top rope. Fox drops Ricochet with spinning neckbreaker! Both men are down. Ricochet is up first, then Fox. Fox kicks Ricochet in the head. Fox then drops Ricochet with a DDT and then a powerbomb. Fox covers Ricochet for only a two count. Fox comes off the top, by Ricochet ducks and then kicks Fox…Ricochet then hits Fox with an elbow and gut shot, followed by a German Suplex. Ricochet covers Fox for only a two count! Ricochet is up on the top rope and comes down with a shooting star press, but Fox moves out of the way. Fox comes off the top rope and lands on Ricochet with a huge 450! Fox covers Ricochet…1, 2, NO! Ricochet kicks out! Fox kicks Ricochet and picks him up, but Ricochet escapes and nails Fox with a big uppercut and then a knee strike…Ricochet picks up Fox and drops him with the Vertigo for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Ricochet

After the match, Ricochet grabs a mic and says he came to AEW because this is where the best wrestle. He says that he has yet to be pinned or submitted. He then calls out Takeshita and says it doesn’t matter where he goes and that he will be waiting to kick Takeshita’ a–. Ricochet then says that is doesn’t matter who Don Callis sends, he will knock down every opponent and will become the new International Champion. He closed by saying he is not from this planet, but out of this world.

We go backstage with Daniel Garcia and Private Party addressing Jon Moxley and the World Trios champs…

The music of Kris Statlander is up next as she comes out first, followed by Harley Cameron.

Harley Cameron vs. Kris Statlander

The bell rings as we are underway. Both women jaw jack at each other. We start off with a test of strength, as Harley pokes Kris in the eyes and then makes a pin attempt, but Kris kicks out. Kris picks up Harley for a powerbomb, but she rolls her up for only a two count.

Kris picks up Harley and slams her on the mat. Kris then picks up Harley with a vertical suplex and holds her up for several seconds before dropping her on the mat. Kris tosses Harley in the corner and connects with a running lariat. Kris then tosses Harley in the other corner and runs at her, but she moves out of the way…Harley drops Kris with a DDT, but its not enough to keep Kris down as she kicks out a two. Harley then talks trash at Kris and nails her with big first and then a kick to the gut. Kris fights back and then hits Harley with a big running knee. Kris then connects on Harley with a big discus lariat and then picks her up and drops her to get the three count.

Winner by pinfall: Kris Statlander

After the match, Statlander grabs a mic and says one thing about her she is never afraid to test herself. She says that she is the toughest woman in AEW. Kris then calls out Kamille and says that she will kick her a– and make sure Mercedes has a front row seat.

It was announced that Statlander and Kamille will square-off at the AEW Fright Night Dynamite episode on October 30.


Back from the fast break, the music of Private Party hits first, as they make their way out. The music of Daniel Garcia hits next, as he makes his way out wearing an AEW tank top.

Next up is the music of the Premier Athletes. Mark Sterling has a mic and says that the Premier Athletes have agreed to take care of the punk kids, referring to Garcia and Private Party. He then tries to get the fans to do the typical Athletes rule chant.

Trios Match: The Premier Athletes (Josh Woods, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari) vs. Daniel Garcia and Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)

The bell rings as Nese and Kassidy start off. Daivari hits Kassidy from behind. He is tagged in as Nese nails Kassidy, who is being called Brother Zay by the commentary team. Zay fights back and takes out both Nese and Daivari…Quen is tagged in. He double stomps Nese and then tags in Zay, who connects with a big boot to the face of Nese. Zay picks up Nese and bodyslams him. Zay is up on the top rope…we now see Stokley Hathaway on the stage area. Zay is distracted and taken out by Nese…Zay is on the floor and gets double teamed by Woods and Daivari, as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Woods is in as Zay is triple teamed…he tries to fight back, but its not enough for the three on one. Woods nails Zay with big rights, as he attempts to fight back. Woods picks up Zay and tosses him down. Woods has Zay in corner, as Sling TV gives me a full commercial break.


Back from the full break, Zay drops Woods with a big spin kick. Zay crawls to the corner and makes the tag to Garcia. He takes out all three Athletes and then kicks Nese in the gut. Daivari comes from behind, but Garcia nails him and drops him…Woods then hits Garcia, but it has not affect as he drops Woods. Garicia then picks up Woods and drops him with a big neckbreaker. Garcia covers Woods, but he kicks out at two…Zay comes off the top rope with a huge shotgun dropkick taking out Daivari. Nese is then dropped by a silly string from Private Party. Woods is up, but he is met with a kick to the mid-section by Garcia…Kassidy is tagged in…Private Party drops Woods with a Gin and Juice to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: Private Party and Daniel Garcia

We go to a video package featuring LFI.

The music of Orange Cassidy is up next to a big ovation from the fans. Up next is the music for the Iron Savages. Jakked Jamison has a mic and says that Cassidy and his group is featured on every show AEW has…he says that the Savages keep getting stepped on and says that Cassidy is going to get stepped on…Jamison calls for the bell and tells the ref to ring the bell.

Orange Cassidy vs. Bulk Bronson

Cassidy drops Jamison as Bronson misses with a fist, as Cassidy then nails Bronson with a big Orange Punch and covers him for the quick win.

Winner by pinfall: Orange Cassidy


Back from the break, the music of Jamie Hayter hits as she makes her way to the ring to a big ovation.

Jamie Hayter vs. Brooke Havock

The bell rings as we begin with Hayter locking up Havock. Havock runs the ropes and attempts a drop kick, but Hayter holds onto the ropes…Hayter kicks Brooke in the mid-section and then tosses her against the ropes and connects with a big pump kick on Brooke. Brooke comes back with a kick to Jamie, but she then drops Brooke…as Brooke gets back up, she drops Brooke with a big lariat for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Jamie Hayter

After the match, we go to a video screen with Penelope Ford calling Jamie a backstabber and that Hayter never checked on her while she was out, which is why she attacked Hayter. Ford reminded Hayter she was out injured for two-years and she won’t let anyone forget who Penelope Ford is.

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to Daniel Garia and Private Party…Orange Cassidy then comes in as Garcia says it is not about being a tough guy, but its about holding people accountable…Garcia says Orange has stepped in the ring with those guys…Cassidy tells Garcia he is not their guy…

The music of Atlantis Jr hits next as he makes his way to the ring. Next up, is the music of Kyle Fletcher as he comes out with Don Callis.

Kyle Fletcher vs. Atlantis Jr

Fletcher nails Atlantis just before the bell. Fletcher then hits Atlantis with big rights and lefts Atlantis is down. Atlantis tries to fight back, but he dropped by Atlantis and sent to the floor. Fletcher grabs Atlantis and sends him into the barricade. Fletcher then flex’s and rolls back in the ring…back in the ring, Atlantis recovers and drops Fletcher, sending him to the floor. Atlantis leaps over the top and lands on Fletcher on the floor. Atlantis rolls Fletcher back in the ring, but he is taken down by Fletcher and hits the floor…

Picture-In-Picture: Fletcher walks slowly down the ring steps and mocks the fans. He rolls back in the ring to break the ten count. Fletcher grabs Atlantis, pushing his face on the barricade and then rolling him back in the ring…Fletcher mocks the fans and Atlantis who is still down on the mat. Atlantis is up and tries to fight and has some offense on Fletcher…Fletcher comes back and takes down Atlantis as the ref check on him…

Back from picture in picture, Fletcher tries to take off the mask of Atlantis, but he fight back with slaps on Flecther and then kicks him in the face and sends him to the floor with a lariat. Atlantis leaps over the ropes, but Fletcher moves as Atlantis hits the barricade face first…Atlantis connects on Fletcher with a drop kick…Fletcher then picks up Atlantis and sends him to the mat with a half and half. Fletcher picks up Atlantis and kicks him. Fletcher then sets up Atlantis for a Tiger Driver 91 but Atlantis gets out of it…Fletcher then DDT’s Atlantis. Fletcher picks up Atlantis and drops him with a brain buster on the apron. Fletcher then picks up Atlantis for another brain buster and drops him. Fletcher covers Atlantis and he kicks out at two! Atlantis kicks Fletcher and sets him up for a piledriver, but Fletcher rolls out of it. Atlantis runs at Fletcher and drops him on his head. Atlantis is up on the top and lands on Fletcher…Atlantis goes up on the top again and comes down, but Fletcher got his knees up…both men are up on the top rope as Fletcher drops Atlantis on his head from the top turnbuckle. Fletcher covers Atlantis to get the three count.

Winner by pinfall: Kyle Fletcher

After the match, Don Callis is in the ring with a mic and says that Kyle Fletcher has something to say. Fletcher says he is ready to talk. He calls Stockton idiots and says he will talk on Wednesday and the fans and Will Ospreay will listen.

We take a very special look at which cities and venues AEW is coming to.


Back from the break, the lights go out and the music of House of Black hits to a big ovation.

House of Black vs. Alpha Zo, Olumide( Dark Fox) and Chris Nasty

The bell rings as Brody King starts off for his team. He drops Chris Nasty who tags in the Dark Fox, but then tags in Alpha Zo. Black is tagged in as he takes out all three of the jobbers. Matthews is tagged in. Zo, Fox and Nasty are in the ring…Zo and Nasty are taken out as Fox is left in the ring. Brody has Fox up on the top rope and drops him with a huge suplex…Zo and Fox are taken out by all three members of HOB. Buddy covers Zo to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: House of Black

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to Thunder Rosa, who says that she is cleared…She talks about winning a title, going to London…Harley Cameron comes in and mocks Rosa, who then drops her to end this really bad segment.

Next up is the music of The Outrunners who come out to a big ovation. The music of LFI is next as Rush and The Beast Mortos are out next. Dralistico is also out with Mortos and Rush.

The Outrunners (Turbo Floyd and Truth Magnum) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable’s Rush and The Beast Mortos

The bell rings as we are underway. Truth and Mortos start things off. Mortos chops Truth hard…Mortos sends Truth down, but he gets back up. Mortos charges at Truth, but is hit with a drop kick…Truth then takes down Mortos with a flying head scissors. Turbo Floyd is tagged in…Rush is then tagged in. Rush slaps Truth, who then nails Rush as both go back and forth with slaps. Truth picks up Rush and sends him to the mat. The Outrunners double team Rush and pose but get distracted by Dralistico. Rush chops Truth in the corner. Mortos is tagged in and drops Truth and covers him for only a two count…

Picture-In-Picture: Rush is in and has Truth in a headlock as the ref checks on him. Rush breaks the hold and then pushes Truth head on the bottom rope with a big boot. Rush picks up Truth and sends him to the corner. Rush then tags in Mortos who takes down Truth and covers him for only a two count. Truth tries to fight back, but its not enough…Floyd is tagged in and Truth take out Rush and Mortos…


Back from the full break, Rush is down, as Truth and Floyd drop a double elbow on Rush…Floyd picks up Rush and bodyslams him. With the ref distracted, Dralistico hits the ring, but Floyd sends him to the floor. Rush then drops Floyd as Rush covers him while Dralistico holds his feet for Rush to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: Rush and The Beast Mortos

After the match LFI triple team The Outrunners…the music of FTR hits as they run to the ring to make the save. We get a brawl with The Outrunners and FTR taking out LFI.


Back from the break, the Trios champs make their way through the crowd. The music for Top Flight and Action Andretti is next, as they make their way out to the ring.

AEW Trios Championship Match: Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli and Pac defend against Top Flight (Dante and Darrius Martin) and Action Andretti

The bell rings as Action and Pac start things off. Pac takes down Action and has him in a headlock…the hold is broken as Pac sends Action to the ropes. Pac grabs the arm of Action and gets out of the hold. Action slaps Pac and sends him down. Action then dropkicks Pac. Yuta is tagged in and nails Action and then stops on him. Action recovers and tags in Darrius Martin. He rolls up Yuta who kicks out at two. Claudio is tagged in. He picks up Darrius and drops him to the mat…Dante is tagged in. He hits Claudio with a rising knee strike, but Claudio comes back and drops him with a standing lariat…Claudio is set to the floor. Darris takes out Yuta and Pac…Action then follows up with a big flip over the ropes onto Yuta and Pac…

Picture-In-Picture: The action is back in the ring, as Pac stomps on Darrius and sends him to the corner. Pac then kicks Darrius. Yuta is tagged in. He suplexes Action and covers him for only a two count. Claudio is tagged in. He kicks Darrius, who then tries to fight back. Claudio tags in Pac who then snap suplexes Darrius. Pac grabs the leg of Action and then drags him to the corner to tag in Claudio.

Back from picture in picture, Claudio and Action are the legal men…Claudio drops Action as Dante is in and goes to the top, but hits the floor hard…in the ring, the Trios champs take out Action in the ring. Pac drops Action with a tombstone piledriver as Pac covers him to retain.

Winners and still AEW World Trios Champions: Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta and Pac

Jon Moxley’s music hits as he and Marina Shafir come through the crowd. BCC assault Action and Top Flight. Mox hits Action and drops him hard. Lio Rush tries to make the save, but he is taken out…

As we are now on Battle of the Belts, Dark Order come out to make the save, but they are taken out by Pac and Yuta with a chair. Mox has Evil Uno in a headlock and tosses him to the floor. Jon Silver is in the ring. Mox has a mic and says that he is going to give them a chance to fight for their lives and dreams. Mox tells the ref he works for him and says they will put the titles on the line against Dark Order. The bell rings…

Yuta nails Jon Silver with a big right hand. Yuta sends Silver to the corner as Pac is tagged in. He kicks Silver and then picks him up and drops him. Pac tags in Claudio as Silver tries to fight back as Silver slaps Claudio. Claudio picks up Silver and slams him down hard. Yuta is tagged in. He nails Silver and covers him for only a two count…on the ring apron, Claudio locks up Evil Uno. Yuta is tagged in…he then tags in Pac who kicks Silver in the mid-section. Silver then fights back and drops Pac! Silver tags in Reynolds who fights off Yuta and Pac. Claudio is tagged…he picks up Reynolds and drops him back first and then puts him in a sharpshooter. Yuta then comes in with a chair as the ref is distracted. Pac comes off the top rope and stomps on the head of Reynolds…Reynolds taps out from the sharpshooter…

Winners by pinfall and still AEW World Trios Champions: Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli and Pac

After the match, the BCC continues the assault on Dark Order…Private Party, Daniel Garcia and Orange Cassidy come down to make the save, as Cassidy then walks to the back, while Garcia and Private Party look confused.


Back from the break, the Continental champ is out first, as we get ready for our next match. The challenger in Kyle O’Reilly is up next, as he makes his way down to the ring.

AEW Continental Championship Match: Kazuchika Okada defends against Kyle O’Reilly  

The bell rings as we are underway. Both men lock up. Okada grabs the arm of O’Reilly and locks him up. O’Reilly then breaks the hold as Okada reverses the hold. Okada has O’Reilly in a headlock, but O’Reilly breaks out of it. O’Reilly sends Okada to the mat, but Okada gets up…Okada acts like he is going to punch O’Reilly, but holds back…O’Reilly puts an ankle lock on Okada, but he makes it to the ropes to break the hold…

Picture-In-Picture: O’Reilly kicks Okada, but he fights back and picks up O’Reilly sending him to the mat face first. Okada then sends O’Reilly to the corner and grabs him and tosses him to the corner. Okada then grabs O’Reilly again and sends him to the corner yet again. Okada then drops O’Reilly to the mat and puts him in a headlock, as the ref check on Kyle. Okada breaks the hold. He then hits Kyle…

Back from picture in picture, Okada puts down Kyle with a big uppercut. Okada picks up O’Reilly sending him head-first to the top turnbuckle. Okada picks up Kyle and slams him on the mat…Kyle recovers and kicks Okada and then drops him with a leg sweep. Kyle puts a hammerlock on Okada and then grabs the leg of Okada and drops him with a dragon screw leg whip using the ropes…Kyle is on the top rope and drops a big knee on the hamstring of Okada. Kyle has the ankle and knee of Okada hooked…Okada tries to avoid tapping out…he pokes the eyes of Kyle to break the hold. Okada gets up hobbling. He picks up Kyle, but can’t get him up. Kyle fights back with big rights on Okada…Okada picks up Kyle and drops him with a neckbreaker…

Picture-In-Picture: Okada crawls over to O’Reilly and pulls him out of the ring. Okada sends O’Reilly to the barricade. Okada then picks him up and rolls him back in the ring. Okada grabs O’Reilly and sends him the corner and then connects with a running dropkick, sending O’Reilly to the mat. O’Reilly gets up and appears to be fired up…


Back from the full break, both Okada and O’Reilly are down as the ref makes the ten count. Both men are up as we get a five minutes remaining in the match announcement. Kyle nails Okada with a big knee strike and then applies the ankle lock on Okada, who makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Okada is on the outside. Okada rolls in the ring, then rolls out. O’Reilly goes to the floor as Okada hits him and then DDT’s him on the floor…both men are back in the ring. Okada scoop slams Kyle and then comes off the top rope with a big knee…Okada then drops Kyle with a lariat and then hits him with a dropkick as O’Reilly gets up…Okada drops O’Reilly with The Rainmaker to retain.

Winner and still AEW Continental Champion: Kazuchika Okada

We go to a video package hyping up the women’s world title eliminator coming up tonight.

Rush and Dralistico are backstage. Rush says that LFI will destroy every wrestler. Hologram is shown being choked out by The Beast Mortos.

ROH World TV Champion Brian Cage and Lance Archer vs. Jack Cartwheel and Jon Cruz

Cage drops Cartwheel and then nails him, dropping him to the mat. Cage then picks up Cartwheel and tosses him. Cage then grabs Cartwheel and makes him tag in Cruz. Cruz is set to the opposite corner as Lance Archer is tagged in. Archer picks him up and tosses him. Archer then punches Cruz. Cartwheel is tagged in. Archer and Cage double team Cartwheel and pick him and drop him…Cage is the legal man. Cruz is tagged in. Cage and Archer pick up Cruz and powerbomb him. Cage covers Cruz to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: Brian Cage and Lance Archer

We go backstage with Lexy Nair, Undisputed Kingdom and Beast Mortos. Undisputed Kingdom ask him what he is doing with LFI…Matt Taven called Mortos Frank…


Back from the break, the AEW Women’s World Champion is out first. Anna Jay’s music hits next as she makes her way down to the ring.

AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match: Women’s Champion “The Glamour” Mariah May vs. Anna Jay

The bell rings as we are underway. Both women lock up, as we get let’s go Anna chants…May has Anna locked up, but she breaks the hold…May takes down Anna and puts her in a headlock, but Anna quickly gets out of it. Anna takes down May and has her in an armbar. May fights out of it, but Anna is quick to apply it again…May connects a jawbreaker on Anna to break the hold and then connects with a dropkick. Anna recovers and sends May to the ropes and connects with a spinning heal kick…May recovers and hits Jay with big right hands…May grabs hair of Jay and tosses her across the ring. May has Anna in the corner and chops her. May then picks up Anna, spins her around and drops her…May covers Anna, but she kicks out…

Picture-In-Picture: May has Anna in an armbar…she breaks the hold and then picks up Anna and uses the top rope to choke her. Anna falls back and May covers her for only a two count. May grabs Anna and locks her up, but Anna rolls her up for only a one count. Anna then rolls up May again, but the champ kicks out at two…May grabs the left arm of Anna and connects on it with a big knee…May covers Anna, but she kicks out at two. The champ grabs the left arm of Anna…

Back from the picture in picture break, May grinds down on the left arm of Jay as she attempts to fight back. May sends Anna to the corner…Anna slaps May as we get a slugfest. Anna sends May to the corner and connects with a forearm shot. Anna then sends May to the ropes…Anna drops the champion and then puts her up on the top rope and sends her down and kicks her…Anna covers May, but she kicks out at two. Anna picks up May, but she nails Anna who then hits the champ with a couple of elbows to the head…May is down as Anna picks up May and puts her in a sleeper hold…May bites the forearm of Jay to break the hold…May DDT’s Jay and covers her and only gets a two count. May picks up Anna and sets her up on the top rope. May sends Anna down on the mat….Anna then kicks May, but May rolls her up for only a two count…Anna then rolls up May and get three count, as the commentary team calls it an upset. The fans go crazy as Mariah May looks stunned! It is then announced in two weeks on Collision, May will defend the title against Jay, as the show goes off the air.

Winner by pinfall: Anna Jay
