AEW Collision Results – 8/31/24 (Undisputed Kingdom vs. FTR, more!)

AEW Collision Results
August 31, 2024
Denny Sanford Premier Center in Sioux Falls, SD
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go to the intro – LET’S GO!

We now go inside the venue with Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness welcoming us to the show.

The music of Orange Cassidy hits to a big ovation, Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly make their way down to the ring for our first match of the night.

The music of Hologram hits next, as he makes his way out to a nice ovation from the Sioux Falls fans.

The entrance music of Lee Moriarty, Johnny TV and The Beast Mortos make their way out to a series of boos.

Lee Moriarty, Johnny TV and The Beast Mortos vs. Hologram, Kyle O’Reilly, and Orange Cassidy

Kyle O’Reilly and Johnny start things off. Both men lock up for test of strength. Johnny goes against the ropes as we get a clean break. Kyle takes down Johnny, but he reverses it and has Kyle in a headlock. Johnny runs the ropes and is taken down as Kyle has his arms locked up. Johnny rolls to the ropes to break the hold. Orange Cassidy is tagged in. Kyle and Cassidy double team Johnny. Cassidy takes down Johnny with a big kick. He covers Johnny, but he kicks out at two. Hologram is tagged in. He flips Johnny over and covers Johnny for just a two count. Hologram picks up Johnny as Orange tags in. He is on the top rope and comes down. He and Lee Moriarty now lock up. Lee works on the arm of Cassidy. Orange gets out of the hold and locks up Lee’s arm, but he is quick to reverse it and takes down Orange. Cassidy tags in Hologram. He works on Lee and takes him down, but Lee counters and rolls up Hologram for only a two count. Hologram is up and rolls up Lee for just a one count… Beast Mortos comes in and takes down Orange and Cassidy. Hologram runs the ropes and is caught by the Beast. Hologram spins around and sends the Beast to the floor. Lee has Hologram, Kyle is in grabbing the neck of Lee, Orange comes in, then Johnny comes in…Beast Mortos takes out Cassidy…Lee and Johnny are sent to the floor…Hologram is on the top rope and flies high, coming down hard on the heels!

Picture-In-Picture: Back in the ring, Orange covers Lee, but he kicks out at two. Lee grabs the arm of Cassidy and tags in Johnny. Johnny nails Cassidy with a big right hand, sending him to the floor. Johnny hits the floor. Johnny picks up Orange and drops him on the barricade. Johnny grabs Cassidy and rolls him back in the ring. Johnny cuts of Cassidy from trying to make the tag. Beast Mortos is tagged in. Beast picks up Cassidy and tags Johnny back in. Johnny sends Cassidy to the corner and hits him in the mid-section with big right hands…

Back from picture-in-picture: Johnny charges at Cassidy, but he moves and spills over the top rope to the floor. Lee is tagged in…Orange tags in Kyle as he comes in and slaps Lee and then drops him with a leg sweep. Johnny is in. Kyle kicks Johnny…Beast Mortos is tagged in. Kyle kicks him and hits him with a knee…Kyle runs the ropes and is taken down by a big lariat from Mortos. Mortos powerslams Kyle…Beast comes down on Kyle from the second rope with a big elbow. Beast covers Kyle, but he kicks out at two…Kyle is able to make the tag to Hologram…Lee is in. Hologram takes out Mortos with a spinning heel kick. Mortos picks up Hologram, but he is able to drop him and cover him for a near fall! Hologram runs the ropes and leaps and is caught by the Beast and dropped on his back. The Beast covers Hologram, but he kicks out at two…Kyle and Cassidy are in. They take turns kicking Beast Mortos. He is back up and headbutts Kyle and then picks up Cassidy, but he is able to take down the Beast…Kyle kicks the Beast, but he shrugs it off…Lee is tagged in and he picks up Cassidy and suplexes him. Johnny is tagged in. He picks up Hologram and drops him and goes to the top rope…Hologram leaps up and takes down Johnny with a Spanish Fly and rolls up Johnny to get the three count!

Winners by pinfall: Hologram, Kyle O’Reilly, and Orange Cassidy

We go to the video package with the return of Jon Moxley on this past Wednesday’s Dynamite.

Back in the arena, the lights go out, as the music of the Bang Bang Gang’s music hits to a fairly good ovation. The former trios champs make their way down to the ring. Mark Sterling insults the South Dakota fans as they make their way down to the ring.

Juice Robinson, Colten and Austin Gunn vs. The Premier Athletes (Josh Woods, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari)

The bell rings as Nese and Austin start off…Daivari is tagged in…Austin goes to the ropes as Josh Woods is tagged in. Austin, Colten and Juice are in. Austin turns his back and the The Premier Athletes triple team him. Nese is in. Austin fights back, giving Austin a break…Daivari is tagged in. He takes down Austin and covers him for only a two count. Daivari hits Austin with a series of right hands. Nese is tagged in. Austin takes down Daivari as he is tagged in…Juice is tagged in, Woods is tagged in. Juice nails Woods and drops him. Juice then takes down Nese and Daivari. Colten is tagged in. He takes out Nese with a cutter and then drops Woods with a cutter. Nese comes in as Colten sends him to the floor. Woods comes in from behind and attempts to cover Colten, but he kicks out…Cotlen then picks up Nese and drops him to get the three count.

Winners by pinfall: Bang Bang Gang

We go to a video package of Mercedes Mone’ successfully defending the NJPW Strong Women’s Title at Friday nights Capital Collision.

A video package featuring Hikura Shida is shown.


Back from the break, we get a recap of All In London with The Von Erichs.

The music of FTR hits to a great ovation, as the former AEW World Tag Team Champs come out to a great ovation. The Sioux Falls fans begin a small FTR chant.

Undisputed Kingdom’s music up next as the former ROH World Tag Team Champs make their way down to the ring to no reaction.

The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler)

Dax and Matt start off. Both men lock up as Dax is sent to the corner. We get a clean break. Taven is tagged in. He takes down Dax. Both men lock up. Dax drops Taven with shoulder block. Dax then takes down Dax again. Taven then fires back and drops Dax and walks on his back. Dax is up and then chops Taven. Cash is tagged in. FTR picks up Taven and slams him down hard. Taven makes the tag and Bennett is in. Taven and Bennett double team Cash. Taven covers Cash, but he kicks out at two. Dax is tagged in. FTR doubles team Bennett and Taven, sending both to the floor. We get a big FTR chant. Cash goes to the floor and sends Taven back in the ring. Taven tags in Bennett and then Taven sends Dax into the ring post…

Picture-In-Picture: Bennett kicks Dax in the back…Dax is up, but Bennett kicks him. Dax recovers and fights back, but its not enough as Bennett drops him and makes the cover, but Dax kicks out at two. Taven is tagged in. He picks up Dax and suplexes him. Taven then applies a headlock on Dax, as the ref check on him. Dax is up and fight back, but Taven sends Dax to the corner…


Back from the full break, Dax fights back, but Taven hits him…Dax rolls up Taven, but Bennett distracts the ref…Bennett is tagged in…Cash is tagged in…Cash drop kicks Bennett and then chops him in the corner as he gets back up. Cash runs the ropes and takes down Bennett with a big lariat, as we get a big FTR chant. Taven is back in as Bennett and Taven double team Dax…Cash is tagged in…we get two stereo German Suplexes on Taven and Bennett…Cash covers Bennett, but he kicks out at two. Dax sets Bennett up on the top rope. Cash sends Taven to the floor…Dax tries to apply the sharpshooter on Bennett, but Taven breaks up the hold…Bennet picks up Dax and sends him to the mat…Taven is up on the top rope, but Cash sends him down hard…FTR drops Bennett with a shatter machine. He rolls out of the ring. Cash comes off the ropes with a big splash on Taven as Dax covers him for the win.

Winners by pinfall: FTR

After the match, the Grizzled Young Veterans take out FTR from behind. GYV says they are here in AEW because this is where the best wrestle…GYV says they have been compared to FTR by the useless opinions of the fans…GYV says they are here to stay in AEW. The fans start to chant FTR…GYV jaw at FTR as they leave the ring.

We go to a video package featuring Thunder Rosa.


Bck from the break, Lance Archer is shown backstage, taking out security.

Back in the ring, the music of Top Flight hits as we have an eight man tag match coming up next. They are all dressed in pilot outfits. They all look like goofs.

Top Flight, Lio Rush and Action Andretti vs. The Iron Savages and The Outrunners

Turbo and Action start things off…spoke too soon. Jacked Jamison is tagged in. He kicks Action…Action comes back and drop kicks Jamison. Boulder is tagged in and drops Action. Lio Rush is tagged in, but Boulder drops him to the mat. Bronson is tagged in. Darrius Martin is tagged in…Darrius quickly tags in Dante. Boulder takes out Top Flight and Action. Turbo is tagged in…Jamison is tagged…Dante Martin is in. He picks up Jamison and spins him around and airplane spins him around and drops him. Boulder is tagged in. He takes down Action and Darrius. Action and Dante double team Boulder…all four of the babyfaces come in and pick up Boulder, sending him down…Turbo Floyd is in and takes out Top Flight and Action, sending them to the floor. Lio flies through the ropes, taking out Boulder and Bronson on the floor…Dante comes off the rope and lands on Jamison and covers him to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: Top Flight, Action Andretti and Lio Rush

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb taking about tonight’s 4-Way Match. Deeb interrupts and says she is the professor and no one knows the game better than her. Deeb says she doesn’t like any of the other women, except for the Queen. Deeb proposes she and the Queen work together…

The music of Kyle Fletcher hits next as Don Callis comes out and makes his way to the ring. Next up is the music of Tomohiro Ishii…

Don Callis is on commentary for this match.

Tomohiro Ishii vs. Kyle Fletcher

The bell rings as Kyle tries to shoulder tackle Ishii…both men exchange blows back and forth, slugging it out! Kyle kicks Ishii and tries another shoulder tackle. Ishii then sends Kyle to the mat with a big shoulder tackle. Ishii chops Kyle and thens sends him to the corner. Fletcher comes back and picks up Ishii and drops him. Kyle then nails the head of Ishii, but he fights back and drops Kyle to the mat…Ishii grabs Kyle and then nails him with a big right hand…Kyle kicks Ishii and then drops him with a big brain buster on the apron, as both men drop to the floor…

Picture-In-Picture: Both men are on the floor, trying to get up. Kyle makes it up and rolls in the ring to break the ten count. As Ishii is up, Kyle grabs him and sends him into the barricade…Fletcher taunts the fans. Fletcher rolls Ishii back in the ring and covers him, but Ishii kicks out at two. As Ishii tries to get back up, Fletcher kicks him…Fletcher then picks up Ishii and bodyslams him. Fletcher taunts Ishii with small kicks to the back. As Ishii is up, Fletcher hits him with big fists to the back. Fletcher then kicks him…

Back from picture-in-picture: Ishii is up…he decks Fletcher and then hits him with a big elbow. Ishii picks up Fletcher and drops him with a big vertical suplex. Ishii grabs Fletcher and then drops him on his back. Ishii covers Fletcher for only a two count. Ishii grabs Fletcher, but Fletcher fights out of it. Ishii is on the apron and is taken down to the floor by Fletcher with a big running knee…Fletcher goes to the floor sending Ishii back in the ring…Fletcher picks up Ishii and powerbombs him…both men are down, as the ref checks on both men. Fletcher kicks Ishii, but he comes back with a headbutt on Fletcher and then a big lariat…Ishii covers Fletcher, but he kicks out at two. Fletcher then sends Ishii face first on the second turnbuckle. Ishii is on the top rope. Fletcher is up and sends Ishii to the mat! Ishii recovers and then runs at Fletcher, sending him to the mat…Ishii covers Fletcher, but he kicks out at two! Fletcher comes back and hits Ishii with a big thrust kick and running lariat…Ishii gets up – Fletcher thedn drops Ishii with a tombstone and covers him, but Ishii kicks out! Fletcher then picks up Ishii and drops him again with a tombstone and covers him this time and gets the win!

Winner by pinfall: Kyle Fletcher

We get a video package featuring Queen Aminata.


We get a video recap from Bryan Danielson’s speech from Wednesday’s Dynamite, setting up his title defense against TNT Champion Jack Perry at All Out.

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to PAC…He says if he had his way, he would fight him tonight. PAC says he will get his partners and Will get his friends and we can get a taste…Kyle O’Reilly and Orange Cassidy enter in…Kyle is on the phone with Mark Briscoe. It will be Will Ospreay teaming with Orange Cassidy and Kyle O’Reilly against the AEW World Trios Champions.

The lights go out in the arena, as the music of House of Black hits…Buddy Matthews makes his way out and down to the ring, without Malakai Black and Brody King.

Next up is the music of Komander…he makes his way to the ring.

Komander vs. House of Black’s Buddy Matthews

The bell rings as we are underway. Both men lock up. Buddy works on the arm of Komander and takes him down. As Komander gets him, but Buddy takes him down again. Komander come back and sends Buddy down. Komander has a wrist lock on Buddy…Komander attempts to kicks Buddy, but he blocks it and takes down Komander…Komander goes to the top rope and comes down, but is caught by Buddy…Komader comes back and sends Buddy to the floor…Komander then runs the ropes and flies over the ropes, but is caught by Buddy and suplexed on the floor…

Picture-In-Picture: Buddy picks up Komander and rolls him back in the ring. Buddy kicks Komander in the back. Buddy picks up Komander…Buddy has him up and drops him face first on the turnbuckle. Komander rolls to the floor. Buddy goes to the outside and grabs Komander, chopping him in the chest. Buddy has Komander up against the barricade…


Back from the full break, Matthews hits Komander with a huge knee. Komander recovers and fights back, sending Buddy head first to the mat…Komander kicks Matthews in the leg, but Matthews fights and hits Komander with a big uppercut…Buddy connects with a big spin kick on Komander…Buddy tries to picks up Komander, but he slips out of it, sending Buddy to the floor…Komander leaps through the ropes and headbutts Buddy…Komander sends Buddy to the floor…both men are back in the ring…Komander drops Buddy with a big DDT. Komander makes the cover, but Buddy kicks out at two…Komander connects with a heel kick on Buddy…Buddy comes back and picks up Komader and drops him and cover him for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Buddy Matthews

After the match, Brodie King comes out and raises the hand of Buddy. MxM Collection are backstage, appearig on the big screen…they make a challenge for next week, calling Brodie and Buddy Black and Blue…calling the Friday night fashion fight. Buddy grabs a mic and says it’s their funeral.

We go to a video package featuring Serena Deeb.


Its time for the 4-Way main event match, which will be short tonight.

Hikura Shida is out first. Serena Deeb is out second. Queen Aminata is out third. Thunder Rosa is out last. With all the ring entrances, this match, I would expect to be just under 10 minutes, unless we get an overrun tonight. I don’t like these short main events.

4-Way Match: Hikaru Shida vs. Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb vs. Queen Aminata (The winner will challenge Mercedes Mone’ for the TBS Title at All Out).

The bell rings…Shida sends Deeb into Rose and Aminata. Shida fires back and take out the three other women. Shida stacks all other three ladies up against the ropes and kicks Rosa in the mid-section. Rosa recovers and kicks Shida. Deeb from the floor, grabs Shida and pulls her to the floor. Deeb and Rosa go face to face…Rosa and Deeb fight it out…Rosa drops Deeb and covers her, but the Queen kicks Rosa to break the pin. On the floor, Shida sends the Queen against the ring post…all four women get back in ring and attempt to suplex one another…

Picture-In-Picture: Deeb takes down Rosa and locks her up, posing…The Queen locks up Shida and also poses. As Shida and Rosa are down, we get double running drop kicks…Rosa and The Queen duke it out, while Shida and Deeb fight..Rosa charges at Deeb, dropping her to the mat. Rosa has Deeb’s arms locked up, but Queen Aminata from behind, breaks the hold…

Back from picture-in-picure: Deeb chops Rosa in the corner. Rosa then sends Deeb to the corner, but Deeb comes back and kicks Rosa…Queen Aminata snap suplexes Shida…Shida and Rosa are down in the corner. Queen Aminata connects with hip attacks on Rosa and Shida. Queen Aminata covers Shida, but she kicks out at two. Deeb then clotheslines Aminata and Shida. Rosa sends Deeb to the corner…Deeb drops Shida with a dragon screw leg whip through the ropes. Deeb has Shida in a single leg crab hold…Rosa then runs the ropes and connects on Deeb with a big running drop kick…Aminita has Rosa in a waste lock…Rosa gets out of the hold…Rosa kicks Shida and then drops Aminata with a big backstabber…Rosa then connects on Aminata with a big running drop kick…Deeb drops Rosa with a toe hold. Shida comes in as Deeb picks her up and suplexes her. Deeb grabs Shida, but she fights it off with big elbows…Rosa then hits Deeb with a stunner…all four women are down. We will have a short overrun…

Shida and Rosa are face to face…Deeb rolls up Rosa for a two count….Shida is up on the top rope, but Rosa grabs her leg. Rosa is up on the top rope and sends Shida to the mat. Rosa then connects a thrust kick on Aminata. Rosa then picks up Shida and drops her with a death valley bomb…Deeb comes in and applies a single leg crab on Rosa…Aminata comes in and kicks Deeb in the back, breaking the hold…Aminata then headbutts Deeb, sending her to the floor. Shida connects with a big spin kick on Aminata and covers her to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: Hikura Shida

Shida celebrates as the show goes off the air.
