AEW Collision Results – 6/22/24 (Title Match and more!)

AEW Collision Results
June 22, 2024 (Taped 6/20)
PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go right to the arena with no opening intro, as Tony Schiavone and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the show.

Samoa Joe is out first to a big ovation. HOOK’s music hits next, as he walks out to nice ovation from the fans. Katsuyori Shibata is out last. All three men now make their way to the ring.

The music of the Premier Athletes is up next, as the three make their way down to the ring with Mark Sterling.

Samoa Joe, HOOK and Katsuyori Shibata vs. The Premier Athletes (Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari and Josh Woods)

The bell rings as Joe and Nese are starting things off. Both men lock up as Nese grabs Joe from behind. Joe grabs the arm of Nese, but he counter with a headlock. We get a big Joe chant from the fans. Nese hits Joe with a spin kick, but he comes back with a big back elbow on Nese. Joe tags in HOOK. He nails Nese with big rights. Nese picks up HOOK and drops him on his head. Daivari is tagged in as all three heels triple team HOOK. Daiviari chops HOOK and applies a full nelson. HOOK escapes and tags in Shibata. Woods is tagged in. Shibata hits Woods, but he fires aback. Shibata takes down Woods and locks up his arm. Woods breaks the hold as he gets his foot on the second rope. Shibata drops Woods on his knee. Nese is tagged in. He chops Shibata, but it has no affect aon Shibata. Nese then hits Shibata with a back elbow. Nese goes for a moonsault, but Shibata moves out of the way. Joe is tagged and and nails Nese with rights. Sterling tries to interfere, as Woods takes out Joe. Diavari is tagged in a drops Joe. Woods is tagged and nails Joe with elbows. Diavari is tagged back in and sends Shibata to the floor. Joe recovers and hits Diavair with a big kick. HOOK is tagged in and drops Daivari and Woods. HOOKS then picks up Nese and tosses him on his back. HOOK then hits Nese with big elbow shots. HOOKS rolls to the corner as Shibata tags in. He leg trips Nese and then hits him with forearm shots. Shibata then connects with a running drop kick. Shibata covers Nese, who kicks out at two. Shibata then locks up Nese’s arm, as he quickly taps out.

Winners by submission: Samoa Joe, HOOK and Katsuyori Shibata

We go backstage with the Bang Bang Gang. Juice Robinson says that AEW won’t recognize that him as one part of the Unified World Trios Champions. Robinson says Jay White is off training. They then talk down PAC and how he should hope that White is not in the Owen Hart Tournament.

The music of Chris Jericho is up next as Jericho, Big Bill, along with Bryan Keith are out first. The FTW Champion waves to the fans as he walks to the ring.

The music of Private Party hits next, as Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen make their way down to the ring.

“The Learning Tree Chris Jericho and “The Redwood” Big Bill (With the “Bad Apple” Bryan Keith) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quinn)

Bill and Quen start things off. Bill takes down Quen. Bill then picks him up and nails him with a big right hand. Bill then chops Quen and uses his body to send down Quen. Bill then tosses Quen across the ring. Bill goes for a big splash on Quen, who moves out of the way. Quen tries to come back with some offense, but Bill nails him with a big right hand. Jericho is tagged in. Bill picks up Quen and drops him. Jericho picks up Quen and chops him hard. Quen comes back and tags in Kassidy, who pounds Jericho with rights and lefts. Kassidy then hits Jericho with body shots, but Jericho pokes Kassidy in the eyes. Kassidy fires back with rights and drops Jericho with the silly string…Kassidy covers Jericho, but he kicks out at two. Quen is tagged in and kicks Jericho. Bryan Keith distracts Quen, as we go to picture in picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Jericho picks up Quen and drops him on his back. Jericho steps on Quen for a pin attempt, but he kicks out. Bill is tagged in as he sends Kassidy to the floor. Bill picks up Quen and then kicks him, as he taunts the crowd. Bill picks up Quen and chops him as he is against the ropes. Bill grabs Kassidy and tags in Jericho. Quen is met with a drop kick as Jericho waves to the fans.

Back from picture-in-picture: Jericho is sent down by Quen. Quen comes off the top with a big crossbody on Jericho. Kassidy is tagged in a he comes in and drops Jericho with a big cross body of his own. Bill is sent to the floor. Kassidy drops Jericho and rolls him up for just a two count. Kassidy grabs Jericho and tags in Quen. Jericho is sent to the corner as Quen hits Jericho with a spinning back kick. Jericho then recovers and misses the lionsault. Kassidy uses Jericho as a spring board to take out Bill on the outside. Quen comes back and drops Jericho and covers him for a two count. Kassidy comes in as Bill nails him with a big boot, while Bryan Keith distracted the ref. Jericho covers Kassidy, but he kicks out at two. Jericho picks up Kassidy, but he comes back with chops on Jericho and then big elbows. Jericho then drops Kassidy and hooks on the Walls of Jericho. Kassidy makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. Jericho tags in Bill. Kassidy runs the ropes, but Bill catches him and slams him down. Bill covers Kassidy, but he kicks out at two! Kassidy is down as Bill jaws at the fans. Quen enters the ring and is caught by Bill and dropped to the mat. Bill tags in Jericho. Bill picks up Kassidy, but he escapes. Private Party double team Bill and send him to the floor. Kassidy drops Jericho with a code breaker and covers him, but Jericho kicks out at two! Kassidy then hits Jericho with big forearm shots, followed by a running lariat. Keith distracts Kassidy as the ref had his back turned and nails Kassidy with what look like brass knuckles. Jericho covers Kassidy and gets the pin.

Winners by pinfall: “The Learning Tree Chris Jericho and “The Redwood” Big Bill (With the “Bad Apple” Bryan Keith)

After the match, Bill, Keith and Jericho triple team Private Party. HOOK, Shibata and Joe comes down to make the save. Bill and Jericho escape the ring, but they grab Keith. Shibata stomps on the arm Keith. Joe grabs a mic and says that Jericho’s Learning Tree sucks. Joe, HOOK and Shibata challenge Jericho, Bill and Keith for a match at Forbidden Door.


Back from the break, the music of The Rainmaker hits as Kazuchika Okada makes his way down to the ring for this Continental Championship Eliminator Match.

The music of Ultimo Guerrero is out next. He makes his way to the ring with really no ovation.

AEW Continental Championship Eliminator Match: Kazuchika Okada vs. CMLL’s Ultimo Guerrero

The bell rings as we are underway. Ultimo puts his hand out to shake Okada, but he doesn’t accept. Both men lock up. Okada takes down Ultimo, but he quickly gets up. We get a standoff as the fans chant Guerrero. Ultimo runs the ropes and takes down Okada. Okada then runs the ropes, as Ultimo takes him down and covers him for only a two count. Ultimo picks up Okada and chops him hard multiple times. Ultimo picks up Okada and slams him down. Okada is up as Ultimo chops Okada again. Ultimo sends Okada to the ropes and drops him with a clothesline. Ultimo drops Okada and applies a headlock. As Ultimo grabs the leg of Okada, he makes his way to the ropes to break the hold…Okada picks up Ultimo, who gets out of the hold. Ultimo then sends Okada down with a hammer throw, but Okada comes back and picks up Ultimo and slams him down, as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-In-Picture: The action spills to the floor as Okada hits Ultimo with a big right elbow. Ultimo is down by the barricade. Okada rolls Ultimo back in the ring and then picks him up and drops him with a neckbreaker. Okada looks around and then hits Ultimo with a big right hand.


Back from the full break, Ultimo chops Okada. Ultimo and Okada both drop each other with running clotheslines, as they are down on the mat. Both men are up. Okada sends Ultimo to the corner, but Ultimo sends him down and sends him to the floor with a running dropkick. Ultimo chops Okada as he goes down. Ultimo picks up Okada and sends him into the ring post. Ultimo then rolls Okada back in the ring. Ultimo runs the ropes, but Okada drop kicks him. Ultimo is up and kicks Okada in the mid-section. Okada climbs the ropes, but Ultimo grabs him and drops him hard on his back…Ultimo covers Okada, but he kicks out at two. Ultimo then picks up Okada and sets him on the top. Okada grabs the mask of Ultimo as he goes down. Ultimo then rolls up Okada for only a two. Okada then takes the mask almost off of Ultimo. As Ultimo tires to put it back on, Okada knocks him down so hard, the mask comes off, as Okada covers him for the pin.

Winner by pinfall: Kazuchika Okada

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to Top Flight and Action Andretti. Dante Martin says that the last time he was in a ladder match, he broke his leg. He says that he had to re-learn how to walk, run and be in-human. Dante says at Forbidden Door they will have some gold to celebrate. Lio Rush comes in…Rush tells Dante he has is back and always will…Rush says he is in the ladder match and wants the TNT Title…Dante then says he wants it to and they will see who the better man is.

Someone get these guys into a promo action class please. UGH!


We get a recap of Buddy Matthews being taken out by Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Killswitch.

Iron Savages and Jacked Jamison are out next. He says that Christian Cage has done some great things in AEW. He then runs down Nick Wayne and Cage. (Stupid promo).

The music of Christian Cage hits next as he makes his way out with Momma Wayne, Nick Wayne and Killswitch. Christian Cage and Momma Wayne join the broadcast team. Cage calls Tony Schiavone a loser.

The Patriarchy – Christian Cage, Killswitch and Nick Wayne vs. the Iron Savages Bronson and Boulder and Jacked Jameson

The bell rings as we have a two on three match. Bronson drinks some sauce, as he starts off the match with Killswitch, who drops him with a big elbow. Wayne is tagged in. He taunts Bronson and then flexes. Bronson picks him up from behind and drops him on his back. Bronson picks up Wayne and rubs his face on the chest of Boulder. Killswitch is tagged in as he sends Jamison and Boulder to the floor. Boulder is now in and tries to take down Killswitch, but is send to the floor. Jamison then tries to take the mask of Killswitch off. Wayne is tagged in. Killswitch picks up Wayne as uses him to take out Jamison and Boulder. Bronson nails Killswitch with big rights. Killswitch recovers and drops Bronson. Wayne is tagged in. Cage leaves the broadcast table, which is not at ringside, but up on the ramp area like it is on Dynamite. Cage is tagged in and grabs Bronson and drops him with a killswitch and covers him to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: The Patriarchy – Christian Cage, Killswitch and Nick Wayne

We go to a video package of Mercedes Mone’ confronting Stephanie Vaquer at Friday night’s CMLL event in Mexico. They have a title for title match at Forbidden Door.

The music of AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm hits next, as she comes down to the ring with Mariah May and Luther. Leyla Hirsh and Lady Frost are out next.

AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm and Mariah May vs. “Legit” Leyla Hirsh and Lady Frost

Storm and Leyla start things off. Leyla gets in the face of Storm, as both women lock up. Leyla takes down Storm, but Storm reverses it and hooks the arm of Leyla. Leyla takes down Storm and tries a few pin attempts. May is tagged in and drop kicks Leyla. Frost is tagged in. Frost attempts a pin on May, but she kicks out at two. May picks up Frost and spins her around and drops her on the mat. Storm and May pose for the camera on the ring apron, as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-In-Picture: Leyla is tagged in. She drops May and covers her for only a two count. Leyla tags in Frost, but we get a quick tag, as Leyla takes down May on the mat. The ref checks on May. May is up as hits Leyla with a back elbow. May picks up Leyla and sends her to the mat. May tags in Storm who comes in and drop Leyla and sends Frost to the floor. Storm hits a backstabber on Leyla, followed by a northern lights. Storm covers Leyla, but she kicks out at two…Leyla then locks in the arm of Storm, but May comes in with a running knee and nails Leyla in the face to break the hold. Frost kicks May in the face as she is down in the corner. Frost connects with a cannonball on May in the corner. May is down and Storm covers May…Frost comes off the top rope onto both women. Leyla and Frost toss May and Storm into each other…May and Storm recover and hit him attacks on Frost and Leyla. Storm then hits Leyla with a storm zero, as May covers Leyla to get the win.

Winner by pinfall: AEW Women’s Champion Toni Storm and Mariah May

We go backstage with Serna Deeb saying how she was 6-0 and have had three losses in a row to the best women in AEW. She says that she needs to stop herself in her tracks and lift herself up. Deeb says next week she will be at Collision and puts out an open challenge..

The lights go out, as Malakai Black and Brody King make their way out to the ring for out next match. LSG and MSG are already in the ring.

The House of Black’s Malakai Black and Brody King vs. LSG and MSG

Black and MSG start things off. Black locks up the arm of MSG and drops him to the mat. MSG tries to come back…he tags in LSG. Black drops him to the mat and tags in King, who takes out both LSG and MSG. Black is tagged back in as King and Black double team LSG and drop him on his head to get the quick win.

Winner by pinfall: The House of Black’s Malakai Black and Brody King

Ian Riccaboni is on the ramp way. Ian asks about how do they feel about what happened to Buddy Matthews last week. Black says what a human question, as he laughs…King then says they feel nothing.


Back from the break, Hechicerio’s music hits s he makes his way to the ring with the Gates of Agony. The music of Matt Menard is up next. His ribs are taped up.

CMLL’s Hechicero vs. ” Daddy Magic” Matt Menard

The bell rings as Hechicero runs at Menard, who moves. Daddy Magic picks up Herchicero and drops him, but Hechicero dumps him on his head. Menard rolls out of the ring… he is back in, as Hechicero bites the forehead of Menard. Hechicero charges at Menard and hits him with a big knee strike. Hechicero snaps the arm of Menard. Herchicero charges at Menard who moves out of the way. Menard has Herchicero on the ropes and connects with big rights. Herichero has a rear naked choke on Menard across the ropes, as the ref calls for the break. Hechicero picks up Menard and drops him. Herchicero has Menard’s arm locked up with his legs, as Menard taps out.

Menard looks really bad. He is not in shape. AEW needs to put him on commentary on Collision. He really has been entertaining during the times he has been on commentary and balances out Nigel McGuinness.

Winner by submission: CMLL’s Hechicero

We get a video package of Jeff Jarrett being asked to be in the Owen Hart Tournament. Jarrett gets emotional, as he talks about the time he and Owen had in the WWF/E. I wonder if he get a Jarret face turn with this promo.

Tony Schiavone then run downs the current lineup for Wednesday’s Dynamite and next Saturday’s Collision, which will be taped after Dynamite goes off the air.


The music of Will Ospreay hits as the International Champion makes his way out to a big ovation. The music of the challenger Brian Cage hits next as he makes his way down to the ring. He comes out with some face paint and a cape. UGH!

AEW International Championship Match: Will Ospreay defends against “The Machine” Brian Cage

The bell rings as Brian Cage pounces Will, but he returns fire and pounds away at Cage. Cage then hits Will and chops him across the chest. Will charges at Cage, but he picks up Will and tosses him. Cage picks up Will and drops him to the mat. Cage charges at Will, who then sends him to the floor with a big pump kick. Will leaps over the ropes and lands on Cage with a big crossbody. We go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-In-Picture: Will his up on the ropes, as Cage is back in the ring and picks up the champion and slams him hard on the mat. Cage picks up Ospreay and chops him hard in the chest, followed by big rights to the mid-section. Ospreay fires back with some rights, but Cage comes back and sends Ospreay to the mat with a running kick. Cage covers Ospreay, but he kicks out at two. Cage then sends Ospreay’s head to the turnbuckle. Ospreay recovers, but its not enough as Cage drops him to the mat.


Back from the full break, Cage has Will is a bear hug, but Ospreay gets out of the hold. Will comes back with a big kicks on Cage. Daniel Garcia is shown watching the match on a TV from backstage. Ospreay chops Cage, but he sends Ospreay to the corner, chops him and sends him to the mat with a big German suplex. Ospreay is on the apron. Cage picks him up and suplexes him back in the ring. Cage covers the champion for only a two count. Cage picks up Ospreay, as we get lets go Ospreay chants. Ospreay hits Cage and comes off the top rope with a version of the hidden blade. Cage is down to one knee. Ospreay runs at Cage, who picks him up. Will runs the ropes, but Cage then connects with a big drop kick to the face of Cage. Ospreay drops Cage with a sit down powerbomb, as both men are down. The ref begins the ten count. Ospreay hits Cage with big elbow shots, but Cage fires back on Ospreay. Cage picks up Ospreay and drops him with a flatliner. Cage covers Ospreay, but the champ kicks out at two, as we go to picture-in-picture again.

Picture-In-Picture: Cage picks up Ospreay and then slaps him in the face. Ospreay staggers around the ring and comes back with big forearm shots on Cage, but it has not affect. Ospreay and Cage exchange forearm shots, but Cage hits Ospreay and drops him to the mat. Cage puts a big boot on the head of Ospreay, who appears to get fired up. Ospreay and Cage again exchange forearms. Ospreay gets fired up again. Cage grabs Ospreay and tries to suplex him, but Ospreay counters it…

Back from picture-in-picture: Ospreay hits Cage in the jaw with a big knee lift…Cage hits Ospreay with a big kick and picks him up and powerbombs him on the mat. Cage covers Ospreay for only a two count. Cage picks up Ospreay, but he counters with a DDT on Cage. Ospreay then sends Cage to the mat and covers him for only a two count. Both men are down. Ospreay is up. He picks up Cage and attempts a tiger driver 91, but Cage escapes the hold. Will is up on the top rope. Cage climbs the ropes, but Ospreay escapes out of the way. Both men are up on the ropes, as Cage picks up Ospreay and drops him with a spinning powerslam from the second rope. Cage covers Ospreay, who kicks out at two. From the top rope, Ospreay sends Cage to the mat. Ospreay attempts an Os cutter, but Cage catches him…Ospreay then connects with an Os Cutter and covers Cage, who kicks out at two! Ospreay then hits Cage in the back of the head with a hidden blade. Ospreay covers Cage and pins him to retain.

Winner and still AEW International Champion: Will Ospreay

Ospreay celebrates as the show goes off the air.

Collision needs meaningful, unpredictable matches. Tony Khan, please get someone to help you with the booking. Your product is suffering.
