AEW Collision Results -10/28/23 (Two Title Matches, Bryan Danielson update, more!)

AEW Collision Results
October 28, 2023
Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go right to the open video package that Saturday night’s alright for fighting…

Tony Schiavone, Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to the show as the pyro goes of as the fans are wild tonight!

The music for Bullet Club Gold hits as they are all on the stage. Jay White has the AEW World Title Belt as he gets ready to take on AR Fox, who will be out next. Fox’s music hits next as he makes his way out. Kevin Kelly noted he used to live across the street from FOX.

Jay White vs. AR Fox

The belt is drapped around the announced table as the bell ring and we are underway. Both men lock up as White sends Fox to the corner. White takes down Fox with a headlock. Fox gets up, but White takes him down again. Fox is up, but is met with a shoulder block by White. White kicks Fox in the leg and then follows up with a series of chops to the chest. Fox tries to fight back, but White counters and delievers a series of chops again on Fox. As White puts Fox on the ropes, he counters with a cutter as White rolls to the outside. Fox on the apron kicks White and then drops him with a shooting star press on White who drops to the floor. The rest of BCG jaw at Fox. Both men are back in the ring as White delievers a buckle bomb on Fox in the corner. White pulls up Fox and chops hard across the chest multiple times. White then drops Fox with a hip toss. Fox then gets up and shoves Fox. Fox tries to fight back, but its not enough as White nails Fox in the jaw…White hits Fox with an elbow shot, followed by a DDT and then covers Fox for just a two count…we go to picture-in-picture…

Picture-In-Picture: The action is now on the outside as White tosses Fox into the guardrail. The Gunns and Juice Robinson run around the ring…White sends Fox back in the ring and then drops him with a suplex. White then puts Fox in a headlock and it short lived as he stomps on Fox. Fox again tries to fight back, but White is too much as drops to the mat and puts him in a leg lock submission hold as he bends over and has his arms around the next of Fox, who makes it to the ropes to break the hold. White snaps Fox and puts him in a headlock as the ref checks on Fox.White has Fox up as both men exchange blows…

Back from PIP: Fox is in the corner as White chops him again. Fox fights back, but White stuns Fox back in the corner with another chop. Fox sends White to the outside and then dives over the ropes and takes out Juice and The Gunns. White is dropped by Fox as he then nails White with a huge 450 from the top rope! Fox covers White, but White kicks out! We get this is awesome chants from the fans…Fox has White in the corner as both men are now on the top rope. White kicks Fox as he charges at White and drops him to the mat…Fox covers White…1 – 2 – NO! White kicks out! Fox goes for another 450, but White moves as Fox lands on his feet. White kicks Fox and then hits Fox with a switchblade for the win.


A man in hoodie is out at ringside – its MJF, as he tries to get his belt back, but BCG is too much for him as MJF leaves through the crowd.

We go to a backstage segment with The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn as they talk about next Saturday will be 69 days…Max Caster said he got a text from MJF…it turns out to be cat pictures and then Max says he is sending pictures of himself to MJF…

The Boys with Dalton Castle are out next…The Gunns are already in the ring…Castle turns around and leaves to go to the back.

The Boys vs. The Gunns (Austin and Colten Gunn)

The bell rings and we begin. The Boys did a quick tag as they double team Austin in the corner. Austin comes back and kicks one of the Boys…Colten is tagged in and Brandon Tate gets knocked for a loop by Colten and sent to the outside. Austin then tags in Colten and drops Brent for the pin. It was a bit of a challenge to keep track of which Tate brother was in the ring since they are identical…


We go to a video package hyping up tonight’s main event with MJF defending the World Title against Kenny Omega.


Back from the break, we have a Danhausen vignette who is expected to return soon.

We go backstage with Lexy Nair who is with Ryan Nemeth. He says things are going great for him in Hollywood and has a big surprise. He says that Hollywood is going to translate to big thins in AEW. He then tells Lexy it brought him here as he shows the door for CJ Perry. He tries to hug Lexy, but she says she thinks not and walks off. He knocks on the door asking for CJ, but Miro answers the door and takes out Nemeth behind the closed door.

Abadon’s music hits as she is out first. Hikaru Shida’s music hits next as she is out next for out title match for the AEW Women’s World Title.

Fright Night Fight Match: AEW Women’s World Championship: Hikaru Shida defends against Abadon

The bell rings and we are underway…The ring has a pumpkin and a garbage can…Both women lock up as Abadon tries to bite Shida. Shida drops Abadon with a headscissor take over. Abadon has a skelton bone ans Shida fights it off and then drops kicks Abadon. Shida has Abadon in the corner as she lays in a series of rights, with the fans counting…Shida drops Abadon who then is nowhere to be found. Abadon comes out from under the ring and pulls down Shida and tries to pull her under the ring…Abadon disappears and then comes out from under the ring and takes out Shida with a trash can lid as we go to picture-in-picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Back in the ring Abadon attempts to pin Shida, but Shida kicks out…Abadon has a bone in her hand as she uses it to choke out Shida on the ropes with it. Shida is still down…she kicks Abadon, but it Abadon hits Shida with the bone and picks her up for a suplex…Abadon covers Shida for only a two count…Abadon picks up a trash can lid and nails Shida in the head with it. Abadon nails Shida with the trash can lid as Sling TV gives me a full commercial break…


Back from the full break, Shida is up as Abadon hits her with a headbutt…Abadon attempts to toss Shida, who counters and sends Abadon down. Shida grabs a broom and comes down, but Abadon moves out of the way. Abadon goes to the outside and is back underneath the ring again. Abadon comes back from under the ring with a baseball bat and nails Shids with hit…Shida fires back with a kick and then reveres and chokes out Abadon…as Shida hits Abadon with a series of kicks, Abadon counters and takes down Shida and covers her for just a two count. It appears that Abadon could be bleeding…Abadon has a bucket and dumps it…it turns ot to be candy. Abadon drops Shida with a brainbuster on the candy and covers Shida for must a two count! Shida has a kendo stick and nails Abadon right on the head and then nails her with a running knee and covers her for only a two count. Shida picks up a pumpkin as the fans go crazy and puts it on the head of Abadon and then drops her to cover her for the win!


As Shida celebrates “Timeless” Toni Storm is out as she lies across the announce table while eating what looks like maybe an apple…

We go to a video packsage with Dax Harwood and Ricky Starks that hypes up their match for tonight.


Back from the break we go to a video package with Keith Lee and Shane Taylor, which continues to hype up their future match, which should be a good physical matchup.

Samoa Joe is out next as we have an ROH World Television Title. Rhett Titus is already in the ring…I wonder who will win…

ROH World TV Championship Match: Samoa Joe defends against Rhett Titus

The bell rings as Joe locks up Titus and sends him to the ropes. Titus hits Joe with an elbow who then fires back and drops Titus. Joe then hits Titus with a series of right hands. Titus is down in the corner. As he gets up, Joe chops him…Titus recovers and goes to the top for a big splash as Joe moves out of the way. Titus is up as Joe chops him and sets up Titus for the musclebuster. Titus gets out of it and fires back a big boot on Joe, but Joe then drops Titus and submits him to retain.


We go to a QTV interview backstage with Renee Paquette from last night’s Rampage. Renee asks QT where he has been…QT says he has been setting records defending the AAA Latin American title and that he is back in AEW where he will defend the title with the best luchadors. Renee asks him about who he will defend the title against..he would not giver her names.

We go to an update on Bryan Danielson…Claudio Castagnoli says Danielson has a broken Orbital bone…Claudio says knows what he is going to do…Claudio says Orange Cassidy hurt one of the Blackpool Combat Club and he will hurt Orange Cassidy as he challenges Orange for the International Championship on Dynamite. Tony Schiavone then noted that Danielson will require surgery and is going to be out the rest of the year.

Ricky Starks music hits and he and his tag team champion partner Big Bill comes out with him. FTR’s music hits next to a big ovation. Both men are out as they interact with the fans at ringside.

The lights go out in the venue as the House of Black are seen in the lower level of the venue…

Ricky Starks vs. Dax Harwood

The bell rings as we start…Both men lock up as Starks sends Dax to the corner. Dax gives Ricky a clean break. Starks takes down Dax who is back up. They should House of Black looking on…Starks has Dax in an armbar. Ricky has Dax in a side headlock and takes Dax down, but he counters with an armdrag take down. Dax then takes Starks down with a sidelock take down. Both men are up as Starks chops Dax in the corner and then nails Harwood with a big elbow to the back of the head. Dax has Ricky in the corner and chops him. Dax drops Starks and covers him for only a two count. Harwood scoops up Starks and drops him…Harwood goes to the top and comes down as Starks moves out of the way. Ricky is up as he walks the ropes holding onto the hand of Dax and drops him with a big elbow as he comes down…Ricky then hits Dax with a big leg drop across the apron as Harwood rolls back in the ring. Harwood fires back with a big chop. Starks fires back, but Harwood nails him again…Dax sends Ricky to the outside. As Harwood attempts a baseball slide, Starks traps Harwood in the apron and nails him. Starks pulls him out and suplexes him on the entrance ramp as we to picture-in-picture…

Picture-In-Picture: Starks works on Harwood on the outside, dropping to the mat. Starks picks him up and sends him ack in the ring. Starks then has Dax in a headlock as they show House of Black still looking on. Harwood is up as he breaks the hold. Dax has Starks up on the ropes…Starks drops Dax and attempts a pin, but Dax kicks out…here we go again, thank you Sling for the full commercial break…


Back from the full break, Starks and Dax are up on the top rope…Dax picks up Starks and superplexes him as both men are down. The ref begins the ten count. Both men are up at seven as Dax chops Ricky, but Starks drops Dax with a big lariat. Starks tries to pick up Dax, but Ricky rolls him up for just a two…Dax then rolls up Ricky and pulls the tights, but Ricky kicks out! Dax attempts a tornado DDT, but Ricky counters…Dax then picks up Starks and drops him for a brianbuster and covers him for just a two count. Dax charges at Starks who is in the corner, but Ricky moves as he hits the ring post. Dax drops Ricky with a piledriver and covers him, but Big Bill pulls Dax off Starks. As the ref is distracted on the outside, Starks nails Dax and then delivers a piledriver on him for the win. As the lights go out, Julia Hart is on the entrance ramp…the lights go back out…House of Black is in the ring as Starks and Bill are surrounded in the ring by the House of Black. LFI’s music hits as Rush and his Preston Vance and Dralistico come into the ring…FTR is also in the ring…We go to a huge brawl with House of Black, Ricky Starks and Big Bill slip out and run off and House of Black is on the outside. LFI and FTR stand tall in the ring.


We go to a backstage interview as Andrade is being interviewed by Lexy Nair who asks him how all this is effecting him. Andrade says its his business and no one elses as we go to a commercial break.


Back from the break Lexy Nair is backstage with Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue. Statlander says what ever is going on, it needs to be settled. Willow tells Skye that ever since she got misted with the “spooky dust” something is going on with her. Skye says whatever she has with Julia, she needs to take care of it herself and walks off.

Claudio Castagnoli walks out as Tracy Williams is already in the ring. Claudio nails Williams with a huge uppercut before his introduction can be finsihed. Claudio drops Williams with a rainmaker like move on Williams. Claudio nails Williams with a huge uppercut as he covers Williams for the quick win. After the bell Claudio puts Williams in a submission lock as he then lets go.


We go to backstage with a split screen of Kenny Omega and MJF. Samoa Joe then walks to MJF and asks MJF if he can be his friend tonight…Joe tells MJF if he finds that he needs a friend, then just call his name…Joe wishes him luck and walks off.


Back from the break, Kenny Omega is out first with a big pyro and a nice ovation…Jim Ross joins commentary for our main event. MJF’s music hits as he walks out to a huge ovation. He has no title belt of course as Bullet Club Gold still have it.

Dasha is in the ring as does the formal introductions…the fans are hyped up for this match.

AEW World Championship Match: MJF defends against Kenny Omega

The bell rings and we are underway with holy s— chants…both men lock up as MJF is spun around and has Omega in an armbar. It was noted that Omega had the longest reign of any world champion. MJF is down on the mat as Omega picks him up. Both men walk away as they walk around the ring…Both men lock it up again as the crowd is split on who to cheer for. Omega sends MJF to the ropes as he goes down to avoid MJF who walks over Omega…Omega takes down MJF with a side headlock as MJF reverses it with a head scissor…both men are up as he tells the fans to be quite. MJF puts out his hand and says sportsmanship. We get a sportsmanship chant…both men shake hands as MJF pokes Omega in the eyes to a mixed reaction. Omega then sends MJF to the floor. Omega leaps over the top and lands on MJF! Omega picks up MJF and tosses him back in the ring, but MJF leaps over the top rope and lands on Omega to the outside, as the fans chant holy s—! Both men are back in the ring as Omega lands a crossbody on MJF. MJF picks up Omega and drops him in an awkward landing. The match continues as MJF has Omega in a headlock. The ref checks on Omega. Omega is up as MJF still has him in a headlock. Omega gets out of the hold as he nails rights hands on MJF to the side of the head. MJF then drops Omega on his head with what looked like a short DDT. MJF covers Omega for just a two count! MJF poses a bit, as Omega drops MJF. As MJF is up, Kenny drops MJF with polish hammers. Omega then drops MJF with a bulldog type move. Omega cover the champ – 1 – 2 – NO! MJF kicks out! Omega and MJF fall to the outside as the fans again chant holy s—! Omega favors his shoulder. MJF is back in the ring. Omega goes to the top and hits MJF with drop kick to the back of the head of MJF…Omega covers him, but the champ kicks out at two! MJF takes command now as he nails Omega with a series of rights and then bites Omega on the head! MJF then arm whips Omega into the turnbuckle. MJF signals for the kangaroo kick and hits him with it as Omega rolls to the outside…Omega is back in and nails MJF. Omega covers MJF for just a two count! Omega signals for the V-Trigger, but MJF rolls to the outside and gets up and falls against the announnce table. Omega grabs a table from under the ring. Omega sets it up and then rolls up MJF for a two count, as both men do a series of pin attempts. Kenny picks up MJF and powerbombs him into the turnbuckle…MJF comes back and drops Omega with a lariat as both men are down. The ref begins the ten count. MJF is up first at seven. MJF is on the ring apron and point to the table. Omega is up as both men are fighting on the ring apron. Kenny kicks Omega and grabs him and drops him on his neck on the ring apron…Omega is up as he looks at the table. Kenny picks up MJF as he looks to powerbomb off the apron…Kenny picks up MJF as he powerbombs MJF throught the table! We go to a 90 second picture-in-picture break. They show a reply of Omega and MJF crashing through the table! Both men are still down as medical staff checks on each of them. The ref and the medical staff are assisting Omega and trying to help him up.

Back from PIP: Both men are up as Omega rolls back in the ring, follwed by MJF. MJF stumbles in the ring as he tries to get back to his feet. Omega nails MJF with a huge right hand as Omega and MJF exchange chops…Omega fires back with right hands on MJF. MJF puts up his leg as Omega catches it, but MJF pokes Omega in the eyes…Omega goes for the one winged angel, but MJF counters…Omega then comes back and drops MJF as both men are down…the ref checks on Omega and MJF as the fans chant fight forever! The ref starts the ten count as both men get up at seven. Kenny charges at MJF, but is met with an elbow. MJF grabs Omega, but Kenny counters with a jumping knee strike on MJF. MJF does a full arm twist take down with what could have been a blue thunder bomb like move on Omega and covers him – 1 – 2 – NO! Omega kicks out! MJF picks up Omega, drops him and kicks him in the face. MJF picks up Omega and counters and plants MJF with a cutter! Omega covers MJF, but MJF gets his foot on the ropes as we go to another picture-in-picture break that is only 90 seconds.

Picture-In-Picture: MJF rolls to the outside and is crawling around on the floor. Omega follows and walks towards MJF who is lying on the floor. Omega picks up MJF and looks to powerbomb him….

Back from PIP: Omega drops MJF on the guardrail. MJF then screams in pain saying its his rib. Omega then picks up MJF and tosses him back in the ring as the ref almost counted out both men…Omega is up on the top rope. MJF is up as he grabs the ropes and Omega then sits on the top turnbuckle. MJF is up as she showboats a bit…Omega then drops MJF as he falls face first on the turnbuckle. Omega then drops a series of snapdragon suplexes on MJF and cover him – 1 – 2 – NO! MJF kicks out! Kenny then nails MJF with two V-Triggers and has MJF up for the one winged angel. Don Callis is out with a screwdriver as MJF rolls up Omega for just a two count…both men attempt pinfalls. Callis is being tossed out. Omega has MJF up, but both men do back and forth pin falls! MJF drops Omega with a heatseaker and covers him for a near fall! Both men are down. The fans are on their feet chanting this is awesome! MJF is up on the second rope as MJF attempts a panama sunrise, sayign this one is for Adam, but Kenny counters for a big near fall! MJF then kicks Kenny in the face and this time hits Kenny with a panama sunrise…MJF then hits Omega with a heatseaker and covers Omega for the win to retain!


After the match, Samoa Joe is shown watching on from backstage…we then see Wardlow watching on also from backstage. MJF is up holding his jaw. We now see Powerhouse Hobbs looking on…Bullet Club Gold is shown looking on. Omega is up as Omega walks over to MJF who is looking for a handshake. Both men shake hands and hug as Omega raises the hand of MJF…MJF is now the longest reigning AEW World Champion. MJF celebrates as the show goes off the air!
