WWE says they will no longer pay rehab for Tammy Sytch

WWE has announced in a new public statement that going forward the company will no longer be paying for rehab treatment for former Diva and Hall of Famer Tammy “Sunny” Sytch.

The official statement reads as follows.

“As part of the Former Talent Rehabilitation Program, WWE has sent Ms. Sytch to rehabilitation numerous times, with all costs covered by WWE.  Unfortunately, Ms. Sytch has continued to make poor personal choices and is ultimately responsible for the consequences of these decisions.  WWE has always provided rehabilitation at a certified treatment center, however, given Ms. Sytch’s inability to change her lifestyle and successfully complete treatment, WWE wil no longer fund her rehabilitation.”

Sytch claimed in a recent shoot interview with Kayfabe Commentaries that WWE had paid for to stay at a high priced rehab facility, but stated after Linda McMahon lost her second bid for the U.S. Senate that she was moved to a much cheaper facility. Sytch says when she brought up how much money they paid to send Scott Hall to rehab, WWE alledgely said she wasn’t Scott Hall. You can view a clip of the interview below.

Source: The Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Online
