AEW WrestleDream Results – 10/12/24 (Title Matches and More!)

AEW WrestleDream Results
October 12, 2024
Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

AEW WrestleDream Zero Hour – Quick Results:
  • ROH World Television Championship Match: Brian Cage def. Atlantis, Jr.
  • Anna Jay def. Harley Cameron
  • The Acclaimed (w/ Billy Gunn) def. MxM Collection (w/ Rico)
  • The Conglomeration (Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy) & The Outrunners vs. Premier Athletes (Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari) & Dark Order (John Silver & Alex Reynolds)

Whose dreams will come true? It’s time for AEW WrestleDream!

We kick off with the opening video package before being greeted at the Tacoma Dome. Jay White makes his way out to the ring alongside Juice Robinson, as the Switchblade gets ready for our opening match of the night. Jay enters the ring as Hangman Page makes his way out next, his entrance video reminding the booing Tacoma crowd of what he did to Swerve Strickland’s childhood home as Page heads to the ring as we get underway!

Jay White vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

The two men circle the mat before locking up, with Page sending White to the corner before Jay fights his way out. Page sends him to the ropes but is met with a shoulder tackle by Jay and a dueling chant from the crowd. Jay sends him to the corner, but Page turns it around as he lays into the Switchblade with some hard strikes.

Hammer throw sends White to the opposite corner, but Jay catches Page with a low dropkick before going after the Hangman’s legs. Page crawls to the ropes for a break, only to be driven into the bottom rope by White who leaves the ring to keep on the attack before re-entering for a nearfall. The action heads to the apron as Page sends the Switchblade to the floor before bringing him back into the ring.

Jay back to his feet, fighting back with some punches but Page is quick to retaliate with some elbow strikes that ground Jay to the mat. Page brings the Switchblade back to his feet for a chop, followed by a fall away slam into the corner for a nearfall. He takes Jay to the corner for some mounted punches, but White fights back to escape…only for Page to swing him around to the canvas for another nearfall.

Jay slowly gets to his feet, taking the punches of Page as he fights back with a right hand…but Page rattles him with a right hand of his own, sending the Switchblade back down. Page sends him to the ropes, but White stops his momentum before evading a Buckshot Lariat attempt. Jay goes to the corner, catching Page by surprise with a suplex into the corner before getting back up. Page uses the turnbuckle to get back up, as Jay lays into him with some strikes…but Page escapes the Switchblade’s grasp! Not for long though, as Jay hits him with a DDT and gets the cover…only for Page to kick out.

The two lock up as each looks for the upper hand. Jay catches Page for a suplex but the Hangman escapes, only to be driven down by Jay who lands a German suplex and bridges for a nearfall. White gets Page on the top turnbuckle now, but Page digs into the face of the Switchblade to fight him off. White finds his footing however, responding with a chop that hangs the Hangman in a tree of woe…before leaving the ring for some chops to the chest of Page, digging his hands into Page’s face as an act of revenge!

Page finally breaks free from the ropes as Jay gets onto the apron, only to be driven onto the hardest part of the ring with a Death Valley Driver from the Hangman! Page looking for a Buckshot Lariat as Jay tries to keep him at bay, but the Hangman rattles him with some forearm strikes to take him down. White manages to retaliate with a dragon screw that sends Page to the floor…only for Page to respond with a powerbomb sending White onto the steel steps with a nasty thud.

Jay gets to his feet as the ref tells Page to bring this match back in the ring, giving White a brief opening to attack before Page goes back on the attack. Page has a belt in hand as the ref continues to intervene…and this allows Jay to hoist the Hangman up, dropping him knee-first onto the ramp! Jay crawls toward the ring as Page is trying to recover while the ref begins the count…but White breaks the count when he leaves the ring, charging at a now-standing Hangman with a lariat!

The action makes its way back into the ring as White brings Page back in, evading a lariat to drive him to the mat and then to the corner for a flurry of strikes. Page fights back, but is sent down hard with a uranage by Jay for a nearfall. Page brought back to his feet for a Blade Runner, but he escapes…only to be hit with a half and half suplex. Blade Runner…countered into a Dead Eye as Page drops White to the canvas!

Page makes his way to the apron, struggling for a Buckshot Lariat…and this gives Jay the opening to connect with a Blade Runner, getting the win over the Hangman tonight!

Winner via pinfall: Jay White

Video Package: Mariah May defends the AEW Women’s World Champion against Willow Nightingale, who won the right to challenge on Title Tuesday!

Back at ringside, Willow Nightingale makes her way to the ring for our next match, ready to challenge for the AEW Women’s World Championship. Out next is the champ herself, as Mariah May enters the ring before this match gets underway!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Mariah May defends against Willow Nightingale

The two immediately lock up, with Willow being sent to the corner before fighting back with a hip toss to take the champ down. May fights back, sending Nightingale to the corner once more…but Willow cartwheels out of the way. This doesn’t last long as Mariah attacks her on the rope, but the challenger takes control sending Mariah to the corner.

Despite this, the champion gets back into it sending Willow to the corner for some stomps before hitting a snapmare. Mariah with the cover, but Willow kicks out. May follows up with a chinlock, but Willow starts fighting back to her feet before the champ drives her down hard. Mariah follows up with a series of right hands, but the challenger fights back by biting the champ’s head! This forces May to retreat quickly, before bringing Willow to her feet and to the ropes…but Nightingale sends her down to the canvas by the hair!

The challenger is in control now as she continues the attack, culminating in a big powerbomb for a nearfall. Mariah fights back with a German suplex, but Willow kicks out this time…only for Mariah to go for an Indian Deathlock! Willow is quick to fight back by going after the champion’s knee, leading to a set of strikes from Mariah before the challenger forces her shoulders down for a nearfall. Willow catches Mariah’s head, slamming it against her knee before finally getting the hold broken.

Mariah tries to escape to the corner, but is caught with a cannonball senton by Nightingale…but the champ evades a follow up moonsault! Mariah takes Willow down with a May Day and the cover…but the challenger gets her shoulder up at the last second!

Mariah brings Willow back up, but the challenger manages to fight back with a massive lariat sending May to the mat. Both women are down as the standing count begins, with Nightingale the first to get to her feet. She goes for a Doctor Bomb but the champ escapes, countering a Death Valley Driver into a victory roll…but Willow counters leading to a set of nearfalls from each. Willow drops the champ for a nearfall before setting her up in the corner…eventually hitting a hurricanrana to take May down, but Mariah fights back with a big knee strike to pick up the win and retain!

Winner via pinfall and still AEW Women’s World Champion: Mariah May

Video Package: Katsuyori Shibata looks to put an end to the Scapegoat’s reign as TNT Champion as he faces Jack Perry tonight at WrestleDream!

Back at ringside, Katsuyori Shibata makes his way to the ring for our next match. He looks ready to take on the TNT Champion, who makes his way to the ring next as Jack Perry enters before this match gets underway!

TNT Championship Match: Jack Perry defends against Katsuyori Shibata

The two lock up, with Perry getting the upper hand early as he sends Shibata to the corner. As the action comes back to the center, The Wrestler catches the champ off guard with a series of chops that rocks him, with the Scapegoat having to keep his balance using the ropes before Shibata sends him down with another chop.

The two go at it before Shibata sends the champ to the corner for some more chops…but Perry evades a running dropkick to escape to the ring. This turns out to be a mistake however, as Shibata leaves the ring to hit him with a snap suplex against the apron. Back in the ring now, Shibata hits a few forearm strikes before connecting with a running dropkick in the corner. He sends Perry down with a snap suplex for a nearfall, rising to his feet to hit a few Kawata kicks on the champion. Perry heads to the corner, but is brought back to the center by the Wrestler…until Perry catches him with a Snare Trap!

Shibata is able to fend him off, but the champ takes him down with a DDT before going to the corner…but Shibata evades the knee, cinching in a sleeper hold on Jack instead! Perry is struggling to escape the hold…and instead, gets Shibata’s shoulders onto the canvas. Shibata doesn’t quite realize his shoulders were down as he keeps the hold locked in, and as a result Perry gets a pin on the Wrestler to retain the belt!

Winner via pinfall and still TNT Champion: Jack Perry

Fans are not happy about the decision, booing as the ref makes it official amidst a discussion with Shibata. Perry gets back to his feet, blindsiding Shibata for a beatdown before Daniel Garcia comes down for the save. He sends Perry out of the ring, but MJF makes his way out to confront Garcia now…only for Garcia to be caught by surprise by Perry, who escapes to the back with his title.

MJF goes after Garcia now, laying into him with some punches before grabbing a mic from ringside to mock Garcia. He runs Garcia down for his “bidding war” before mocking the Seattle–or rather, Tacoma–crowd. MJF says he’s glad Garcia said the Dynamite Diamond Ring was pawned off at a shop in Buffalo, revealing that he managed to find the ring as he promises to make Garcia kiss it…but Adam Cole’s music hits, much to the shock of MJF!

The crowd pops huge as Cole makes his way out for the save, running Max off before helping Garcia back to his feet.

Video Package: The issues between Will Ospreay and the Don Callis Family cross over with his renewed friendly rivalry with Ricochet, as a three-way match between Ospreay, Ricochet, and Konosuke Takeshita for the AEW International Championship!

Back at ringside, Don Callis accompanies Konosuke Takeshita to the ring for our next match, taking his seat at commentary as Ricochet enters next. Last but not least is the AEW International Champion, with Will Ospreay entering the ring to a big pop from the crowd before this title match gets underway!

AEW International Championship: Will Ospreay defends against Ricochet and Konosuke Takeshita

Ospreay and Ricochet take turns attacking Takeshita before turning their attention to each other, a flurry of offense that ends with a double superhero landing…only for Takeshita to attack both men! He sends them to the outside, going after Ospreay first and then sending Ricochet to the barricade. Konosuke sets up a table that he grabs from under the ring, but Ospreay briefly goes after him before being sent away.

The action eventually comes back to the ring, where Ricochet is able to fend off Takeshita before going for a dive to the outside. Konosuke catches him in mid-air, but is no match for the added weight of a diving Ospreay crashing onto both men! Ospreay brings Takeshita back into the ring for a flying forearm, but only gets a nearfall for his efforts.

Ricochet enters the fray, sending the champ away before hitting a standing shooting star press for a nearfall of his own. Ospreay ends up leaving the ring as Ricochet gets sent to the corner by Konosuke, who catches Ricochet with a big forearm strike. Ricochet escapes a Blue Thunder Bomb, getting to the ropes as Opsreay leaps over him to go after Takeshita. Action is on the apron as Takeshita and Ospreay go at it until Ricochet intervenes.

All three men go at it until Takeshita catches Ospreay with a Death Valley Driver onto the apron…and Ricochet drives Konosuke down with a Meteora! Takeshita gets set up onto the table as Ricochet goes across the ring for speed…but Ospreay catches him with a Spanish Fly for a nearfall. Ricochet counters out of a Storm Breaker for a nearfall, and sends the champ down for a backslide bomb to grab another nearfall for good measure.

Ricochet goes up for a 450 splash, but Ospreay evades him before catching Ricochet with a Styles Clash for the cover…but Takeshita breaks it up! Chaos ensues as Takeshita fends off Ospreay with a deadlift German suplex, countering Ricochet with a Blue Thunder Bomb…but that only gets the Alpha a nearfall!

Ospreay back up to his feet, laying into Konosuke with a set of forearms but Takeshita fights back. Ricochet is back up, assisting Ospreay in fending off Takeshita…who responds with a big forearm on both men for their troubles. Ricochet evades a rolling lariat, but is sent out by the Alpha before Ospreay goes for an Oscutter. Konosuke evades and takes to the ropes, but the champ catches him with an Oscutter…but Ricochet gets the drop on the champ for a nearfall of his own. The match breaks down once more as all three men trade offense, and all three men are down as a result.

Takeshita is the first man up, sending Ospreay out before going after Ricochet. With both his opponents on the outside, the Alpha drops them with a dive to the floor befor sending Ricochet into the ring for a massive lariat that gets him a nearfall. He takes Ricochet to the corner, setting him up on the top turnbuckle…but Will intervenes, sending Takeshita to the canvas before hitting Ricochet with a hurricanrana–but the impact leads to Ricochet getting a seated senton on the Alpha, forcing Ospreay to break the pin to save his title!

Ospreay gets caught with a spinning kick by Ricochet, who lands a shooting star press off the top turnbuckle for the cover…only for Takeshita to take advantage, getting a nearfall of his own in the end. Takeshita looks over at the table before bringing Ricochet to the apron for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Ricochet fights him off with a stomp kick. Konosuke counters out of a Vertigo, setting Ricochet up for a modified tombstone piledriver off the apron and through the table!

Takeshita doesn’t get time to enjoy the moment as Ospreay sends him back into the ring, getting a nearfall once and then going for the cover before Callis pulls the ref out of the ring. Callis has a screwdriver in hand as he looks for revenge on Ospreay, but the champ sets him up for a Tiger Driver…until a hooded figure rushes into the ring, attacking him with a screwdriver instead! The figure reveals himself as Kyle Fletcher, and in the midst of all the confusion the champ gets laid out with a running knee strike by Takeshita! Callis wakes the ref up, getting him in the ring to make the count as Takeshita takes the win and the belt!

Winner via pinfall and new AEW International Champion: Konosuke Takeshita

The Don Callis Family is not done with Ospreay however, as Fletcher sets the now-former champion up to deliver a nasty Tiger Driver. Ospreay is laid out as Takeshita celebrates on the turnbuckle with his title.

We cut backstage, where Jerry Lynn gives Orange Cassidy some praise saying he could be the man here in AEW. HOOK appears to say the same, before walking off.

Swerve Strickland to make his return

Back at ringside, Prince Nana hypes his coffee before introducing Swerve Strickland. The former AEW World Champion makes his way to the ring to a big pop from the Tacoma crowd, who continue to remind themselves this is Swerve’s house. Strickland says it feels weird being here without the World title, showing some love to the crowd before giving a medical update. Despite various things coming back around to him, he IS medically cleared.

Swerve said he is here to tell the people about his future…and this brings out MVP and Shelton Benjamin. MVP says Swerve hasn’t responded to him since trying to reach out, so Strickland must be in deep contemplation about the decisions he needs to make regarding his future. Swerve and MVP have history…in fact, MVP believed in Swerve before Swerve believed in himself. He had told Strickland that our future was in great hands.

Crowd chants “Swerve’s house,” to which MVP agrees but says that he is struggling right now. MVP talks about helping those who need it to get back to championship glory, before saying he and Swerve should talk business. Swerve says hello to MVP before bringing up their match at Defy a few years ago…reminding him that he beat him that night. Strickland then talks about the inspiration Shelton Benjamin gave him and many others.

Swerve then says he’s been watching the show the past couple weeks, and what MVP’s been saying is not wrong. He addresses the struggles he’s had the past couple months, not the least of which being that he lost the World title under Prince Nana’s watch. On the other hand, he wouldn’t have had these things in the first place if it wasn’t for Nana…but on the other hand, he and MVP do go way back.

The two of them can really make some more history going forward. He imagines what it’d be like having MVP and Benjamin backing him up, before admitting that there are things about Nana that irk him, but the biggest thing he has to say about Prince Nana, is that he…is family, and Swerve doesn’t turn his back on family for anybody. He rejects the offer of MVP, to which Benjamin responds by telling Strickland they’re either with them or against them before getting physical with Swerve until officials step in to intervene. MVP and Benjamin make their way back up the ramp as the crowd cheers Strickland in the ring.

We get confirmation that after a confrontation during Zero Hour, Mercedes Mone’ will defend the TBS Championship against Queen Aminata this Wednesday on Dynamite.

Video Package: We look at the debut of Hologram in AEW, and his feud with The Beast Mortos leading to tonight’s WrestleDream match!

Back at ringside, Hologram makes his way to the ring followed by The Beast Mortos, before this Two Out of Three Falls match gets underway!

Two Out of Three Falls: Hologram vs. The Beast Mortos

The two go at it early on, with Mortos getting the advantage as he takes Hologram down for a nearfall. He brings Hologram to his feet and to the corner, setting him up on the top…only for Hologram to send the Beast to the mat with a headscissors! He catches Mortos with a solid kick and a cradle to get a pin for the first fall!

Hologram is now up 1 fall to 0.

As Hologram gets hyped up he gets caught with a pounce sending him to the outside, as Mortos follows up with a twisting dive through the ropes sending Hologram to the floor. He continues the attack on Hologram, lifting him up for a press slam onto the entrance ramp!

He brings Hologram to his feet, pulling him toward the ring before landing a hard chop on his fellow luchador. Mortos sends him back into the ring now, covering him for a nearfall. Mortos follows with a chop and a set of headbutts on Hologram, before sending him into the corner with a belly to belly suplex. Hologram gets caught in a tree of woe as a result, allowing Mortos to charge him in the corner. On the second attempt he gets avoided by Hologram, who gets out of the trap to climb up top for a moonsault that sends Mortos to the floor.

As the action comes back into the ring, Hologram is fought off by the Beast who catches Hologram in mid-air, dropping him with a powerbomb onto the knee followed by a big lariat for the pin and the second fall.

The falls are now tied 1 a piece between Hologram and Mortos.

Mortos gets back up, setting up in the corner for a discus lariat on Hologram for the cover…but Hologram manages to kick out! Mortos back to his feet as he kicks away at Hologram, bringing him up for a big palm strike sending him to the corner. Hammer throw by the Beast, but Hologram responds with a kick in the corner before setting him up on the top turnbuckle…but Mortos has him on his shoulders, only for Hologram to send the Beast to the mat instead with a headscissors! Hologram in the corner now, catching Mortos with a kick before going up top…setting Mortos up on the ropes for an enziguri on the apron.

The two go at it until Hologram gets up on the shoulders of the Beast, driving him into the hardest part of the ring with a poison rana! Hologram gets back to the ropes, walking them for a big senton dive onto the Beast that sends both men to the floor. Hologram is already back up, bringing Mortos back into the ring before climbing up top for a double foot stomp. He goes back up, going for a 450 splash this time…and landing on the knees of Mortos! Mortos to the ropes, but Hologram counters…only for the Beast to respond with another discus lariat as both men are down.

Hologram back to his feet however, the two going at it on the ropes until the Beast drops Hologram to the canvas with an avalanche press slam…but only gets a nearfall!

Mortos lays into Hologram some more, finishing with a lariat and another cover…but Hologram kicks out again. The action heads back to the ropes, where Hologram sends the Beast down with a super hurricanrana before going back up to land a swan diving crucifix before rolling Mortos up…but the Beast kicks out! The two go back at it until Hologram gets Mortos onto his shoulders for the UFO, picking up the second fall for the win!

Winner (2 falls to 1): Hologram

Video Package: A longstanding feud between Darby Allin and Brody King comes to a head tonight at WrestleDream!

Back at ringside, a special Tacoma-focused video shows us some insight on Darby Allin before he makes his way to the ring for our next match. Darby enters the ring, ready to settle this score once and for all as Brody King makes his way out next before we get underway!

Darby Allin vs. Brody King

Brody goes on the attack immediately, sending Darby out of the ring before going after him…and sending him into the barricade! King continues the beatdown until Darby starts to fight back, setting up the steel steps as a launchpad…but King catches him in mid-air to send him back to the floor. Brody sets the steps over Darby, stepping on it for further damage as the ref admonishes him before starting the count back in the ring.

The action eventually finds its way back into the ring, as Brody continues to beat Darby down before setting him up in a tree of woe in the corner…only for Darby to rise up and evade the charge by King! He hits the ropes for speed and dives onto Brody on the outside, going back to the top turnbuckle for a Coffin Drop sending him back to the floor!

Brody back to his feet, but so is Darby as he hits a Code Red on the big man but only gets a nearfall. Brody heads to the apron as Darby gets back up, getting a chinlock on him until King drops him back-first onto the apron to break the hold.

Brody gets back into the ring, catching Darby with a rear naked choke of his own before the ref forces a break. Brody goes back on the attack, continuing to wear Darby down as he cinches in a chinlock until Darby gets to the ropes to force a break once more…but Brody gets him onto the turnbuckle, sending Darby to the mat with an avalanche German suplex!

Darby crawls to the opposite corner, but this only gives Brody the opening to catch him with a second avalanche German suplex…which leads to both men being down. Brody slowly crawls towards Darby, making the cover for what ends up being a nearfall.

Brody brings Darby to the corner, this time looking over at the nearby steps as he looks to repeat the attack once more…but Darby fends him off, sending him off the top onto the steel steps before leaping off the top with a Coffin Drop that sandwiches Brody against the steps!

Both men fall to the floor as the ref begins the count, with Darby sliding into the ring as the count reaches six. Brody makes it to his feet, narrowly jumping into the ring just before ten…but Darby catches him with another Coffin Drop for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Darby Allin

Brody King shows Darby a bit of respect with a handshake, leaving the ring to let Darby enjoy his moment.

Video Package: Private Party is ready to prove they can beat the Young Bucks again, this time in an attempt to win the AEW World Tag Team Championship tonight at WrestleDream!

AEW Tag Team Championship Match: The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson) defend against Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen)

AEW WrestleDream Quick Results:
  • Jay White def. “Hangman” Adam Page
  • AEW Women’s World Championship Match: Mariah May def. Willow Nightingale
  • TNT Championship Match: Jack Perry def. Katsuyori Shibata
  • 3-Way Match for the AEW International Championship: Konosuke Takeshita def. Will Ospreay and Ricochet
  • Two Out of Three Falls: Hologram def. The Beast Mortos
  • Darby Allin def. Brody King
Still to Come:
ROH World Championship Match: Mark Briscoe (c) defends against Chris Jericho
AEW World Championship Match: Bryan Danielson (c) defends against Jon Moxley