WWE Hall of Famer makes appearance at GCW Homecoming main event

The main event of GCW Homecoming Night 1 saw Joey Janela, Mance Warner, and Blake Christian compete in a ladder match for the GCW Undisputed Championship.

During the match, which saw Matt Cardona, 1 Called Manders, and Effy getting involved, WWE Hall of Famer John Bradshaw Layfield made his way through the crowd to enter the ring, before taking out Effy in the midst of the chaos that ensued.


The assist from JBL allowed Warner to retrieve the title, becoming the new GCW Undisputed Champion in the process.

The GCW appearance comes after the former WWE Champion appeared at the AAA Triplemania XXXII event in Mexico City on 8/17, accompanying Nic Nemeth to the ring for his AAA Mega Championship match against Albert El Patron.
