AEW Collision Results – 8/10/24 (World Title Eliminator and more!)

AEW Collision Results
August 10, 2024
Esports Stadium in Arlington, Texas
Results by: Alex Kahrs of

AEW Collision is here…let’s go!

We kick things off with Darby Allin making his way out for our opening contest. The crowd shows their appreciation for the former TNT Champion as Hologram makes his way out next, the luchador getting a good reaction from the Arlington crowd as he heads to the ring. The crowd pops even louder as he climbs the turnbuckle, and out next are the Premier Athletes as Mark Sterling introduces Tony Nese and Josh woods. Sterling runs down the crowd and giving out over how the Athletes have been treated, before Ariya takes the mic to talk smack about Darby Allin. With all that out of the way, our match gets underway!

Darby Allin and Hologram vs. The Premier Athletes (Josh Woods and Tony Nese)

We start off with Woods and Hologram, the Athlete looking for the upper hand but Hologram evades his grasp. Woods sends him to the corner for a tag to Nese, who gets a right hand in on the midsection. Tony shouts at the crowd and this gives Hologram an opening, allowing the luchador to take him down with a headscissors before Darby tags in!

Darby catches Nese by surprise for a nearfall as Woods tries to intervene, but to no avail as Hologram gets in for an assist. Darby takes Nese back down with a cross body for a couple nearfall attempts, the crowd chanting for the former TNT Champion even as Nese starts fighting back…only to be sent down by Darby, who gets distracted by Sterling and Woods allowing Tony to hang him up on the top rope.

Tag made to Josh Woods, who sends Darby into the corner to wear him down some more. He tosses Darby to the canvas before going after his hand, running down Hologram all the while as he brings Darby to his corner. He sends Darby to the outside, distracting the ref while Nese and crew get some licks in before sending him back in the ring.

Woods takes him down, but only gets a nearfall before tagging Nese back in. Body slam by Tony leads to another tag, and the Athletes trade off slams to keep Darby isolated…until Darby catches Nese by surprise with a cradle for a two count!

Darby looks for the tag, but Woods knocks Hologram off the apron as Nese grabs him to keep on the attack. This continues until Allin evades the Athletes for a tag to Hologram, who takes both of them down with a airplane spin by Woods turning into a kick on Nese and a DDT on Josh! Headscissors follows suit on Woods, and Hologram hits a running knee for a cover…but Tony Nese breaks it up! Hologram starts fighting back, taking to the ropes…and leaping into a knee strike by Woods!

The Athletes double-team Hologram for a close nearfall before Darby breaks it up, but they quickly get back on the attack with a double-team on Allin. Hologram is back in the ring, as the Athletes try and take the flyers out…but Nese gets sent out of the ring by Hologram, who catches Woods with a pinning combination for the win!

Winners via pinfall: Darby Allin and Hologram

Video Package: Narrated by Dustin Rhodes, we get a look at Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purrazzo, their paths colliding tonight in a match that is full of significance featuring the Texas Bull Rope!

Back at ringside, Thunder Rosa heads out for our next contest as we will (hopefully) see these two settle things in a Texas Bull Rope match! She gets to the ring as Deonna Purrazzo comes out next, and this match gets underway!

Texas Bull Rope: Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo

The two are eager to get at each other, doing a bit of tug-o’-war until Thunder gets a right hand in on Purrazzo, but Deonna quickly turns this around before leaving the ring…but the rope means she doesn’t get too far before Rosa goes right back on the attack. The action spills completely to the outside as Rosa lays in some strikes on Purrazzo before bringing her back into the ring, taking the Virtuosa down hard!

Rosa goes to the corner, only for Purrazzo to catch her in a tree of woe and lay in some damage. She heads back outside as Rosa escapes the turnbuckle, leading to a tug-o’-war that Deonna wins by pulling Thunder into the ring post. With her opponent caught against the post, Purrazzo uses the cow bell to bust Rosa open, laying in some more shots as we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Purrazzo maintains control of the match, laying in some hard strikes on Rosa before bringing her, some chairs, and a table into the ring to ramp up the violence. Deonna has Rosa caught in the corner now, choking her out with the bull rope as we come back from break…

…where we see Rosa fight out, pulling Deonna down onto the stack of chairs Deonna brought in! Rosa with a cover for a two count, propping a chair up in the corner before sending Purrazzo into it headfirst. She follows up by putting the Virtuosa in the corner before sandwiching a chair against her face for a dropkick!

Rosa hits her with the chair again before getting another cover…for another two count. Rosa heading up the turnbuckle now, but gets caught by Deonna once more, trapped in a tree of woe as Deonna slams her in the midsection with the chair. Dropkick brings Rosa to the canvas as Deonna makes the cover…but it’s only good for another two count as Thunder Rosa manages to kick out!

Deonna props the table against the corner, but Thunder fights out of being sent into it…only to be caught with a high angle powerbomb by the Virtuosa! Nothing virtuous about the piledriver she follows up with either, but a cover only garners another two count.

Deonna moves the table off the corner, setting Rosa up on it before climbing the turnbuckle…but Thunder catches her with a cow bell to the face followed by a bulldog through the table! Rosa follows up with a shoulder breaker, and it’s enough to pick up the win in this brutal Texas Bull Rope bout!

Winner via pinfall: Thunder Rosa

The ref checks on Deonna, removing the rope as Thunder celebrates the win!

Video Package: A sweet, sweet retro-style video highlighting The Outrunners. If you haven’t seen The Outrunners, you haven’t seen nothing yet!

-Commercial Break-

Back at ringside, FTR make their way to the ring as we get a look back at the situation between them and The Acclaimed last week. FTR enter the ring to a great reaction from the crowd as The Outrunners come out next, also getting a nice pop on their way to the ring before this match gets underway!

FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs. The Outrunners (Turbo Magnum and Truth Floyd)

We start things off with Dax and Turbo, with Dax taking Turbo down only for Magnum to show off with a pose. Cash tags in with a pose of his own before they lock up, and Magnum hits the ropes where he takes Wheeler down with a shoulder tackle. Exchange of holds leads to Cash getting a couple shoulder tackles, but Magnum fights off enough to tag in Truth Floyd! Floyd fights out of Wheeler’s grip for the tag, and the pair wear Wheeler down enough for Magnum to get a nearfall.

Tag made to Dax as FTR take Turbo down, allowing Dax to get a two count. Floyd tries to intervene but this leads to all four men going at it, before FTR send the Outrunners out of the ring before we go to picture-in-picture.

Picture-in-Picture: Dax manages to fight off the Outrunners when he goes to the outside, heading back into the ring as Magnum gets caught with a boot on the hand by Harwood. Tag made to Cash who drops Turbo with a body slam…as we go to full commercial break. Thanks, TNT!

-Commercial Break-

Back from break, Floyd gets the tag as he goes after Wheeler, sending him to the corner for some hard elbow strikes. A distracted ref means Magnum gets a shot in on Cash, who gets dropped again by Truth…and a sunset flip gets nothing for Cash as the tag is made to Magnum to keep on the attack.

Cash manages to fight back, sending the Outrunners away so he can get a tag to Harwood who goes on a rampage of sorts. Lariat on Magnum followed by a series of German suplexes on Floyd…who escapes out of Suplex Jail with a standing switch! Dax catches him with a piledriver, evading the attempted breakup before setting Turbo up for a Shatter Machine! Dax with the cover as FTR pick up the win!

Winners via pinfall: FTR

FTR celebrate at ringside as we get a graphic confirming an AEW World Tag Team Championship match between The Acclaimed and The Young Bucks on Dynamite.

Backstage we hear from Kip Sabian, before Nick Wayne interrupts to run him down ahead of their match next week on Rampage.

-Commercial Break-

Video Package: MJF talks more smack after his win over Kyle Fletcher, his eyes still set on destroying Will Ospreay once more at All In.

Back at ringside, RUSH makes his way to the ring for our next match, arranged by Don Callis as a way to prove the man is “worthy” of joining the Don Callis Family. Out next is the man who joined RUSH’s La Faccion Ingobernable as Preston Vance heads to the ring, before this match gets underway!

RUSH vs. Preston Vance

The two exchange some words before RUSH gets the upper hand, but Vance fights back just as quickly sending RUSH to the outside. He continues laying into Preston until the ref intervenes, forcing RUSH to back off just briefly before he goes right back after Vance sending him into the ring.

This leads to a trade of strikes before RUSH hits the ropes, only to be taken down with a spear that gets Vance a nearfall! Preston sends RUSH to the corner before charging at full speed…only for RUSH to evade a dangerous fate, turning it around on Vance with some boots to the face and midsection before setting up for a big running dropkick! The Horns does it as RUSH gets the win over his old friend.

Winner via pinfall: RUSH

We see Don Callis watching from backstage as RUSH leaves the ring…only to go back in, looking to make a statement as he attacks Vance once more with The Horns! Officials rush in to stop, uh, RUSH for doing any more damage as he finally leaves.

Video Package: The vignette from Jack Perry as originally aired on Dynamite, with 100% less accidental Taco Bell commercial!

Back at ringside, Swerve Strickland makes his way to the ring for an open challenge. He runs down Bryan Danielson ahead of All In, before saying whoever’s coming out is coming into whose house? The crowd responds “Swerve’s House” as Prince Nana hypes the champ up as the most dangerous man in AEW.

Tomohiro Ishii makes his way to the ring, and this World Title Eliminator gets underway!

AEW World Title Eliminator: Swerve Strickland vs. Tomohiro Ishii

Tomohiro takes the fight to the champ early on before we get a standoff and a lock-up. Ishii hits the ropes, but Swerve takes him to the corner for a dropkick that takes Ishii down for a nearfall by the champ. Strickland with a side headlock on the Stone Pitbull, escaping a back suplex attempt before laying in a forearm strike. Swerve hits the ropes, but Ishii responds with a shoulder tackle taking the champ to the mat!

Swerve back on his feet but Tomohiro catches him with some hard strikes, until the champ fights back sending Ishii to the mat. Swerve starts to get a little cocky as he mocks Tomohiro with some kicks, and this gets Ishii back to his feet to absorb some strikes from the champ…only for Strickland to catch him with a side suplex before sending Ishii out of the ring! Strickland hitting the griddy before he takes the Stone Pitbull down with a dive on the outside as we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: Swerve maintains control of the match throughout, though Ishii manages to lay in some solid strikes to keep the champ at bay. A punt from the apron takes the Stone Pitbull down to the floor before Strickland brings him back in the ring, wearing Ishii down some more for a nearfall followed by a chinlock. Tomohiro gets back to his feet, only to be caught with another chinlock by the champ as we come back from break!

Ishii fights back to his feet once more, but is taken down hard by Strickland. Both men finally back on their feet as they exchange strikes, with the action heading to the corner as Tomohiro sets the champ up for a delayed superplex…but it only gets a two count!

Ishii hits the ropes but gets fought off with kicks by Strickland, only to be dropped to the mat as Ishii charges at the champ…who takes him down for a nearfall! Ishii fights out of the grasp of Strickland, but he takes Tomohiro down for another two count. Ishii up to his feet first to evade a House Call, getting back up from a pump kick as well as the fighting spirit is kicking in. Ishii hits the ropes for a massive lariat and the cover…but Swerve kicks out!

Strickland escapes a brainbuster attempt for a running Swerve Stomp from the mat, and he heads to the corner to connect with a House Call for the win!

Winner via pinfall: Swerve Strickland

Swerve celebrates as we are reminded that the champ is in action again this Wednesday when he faces Wheeler Yuta. Strickland talks down Bryan off-mic, insisting he will run through the junior member of the BCC.

Backstage, Claudio Castagnoli talks about facing Kazuchika Okada for the Continental Championship when Dynamite heads to Cardiff, Wales ahead of All In.

Back at ringside, Stokely Hathaway introduces Kris Statlander as the pair head to the ring. We get a look at what Willow Nightingale said last night on Rampage, before talking to Tomohiro Ishii. Lexy then starts to announce a tag team match for All In: Zero Hour before Stokely cuts her off, promising to go to the Bronx to find Kris a partner…before Lexy reveals that the match is already official for Willow Nightingale and Tomohiro Ishii to face Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathway!

Stokely starts to refuse, but the match is accepted by Statlander much to Hathaway’s dismay as the pair leave the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage we hear from Top Flight and MxM Collection, the latter making fun of Top Flight with airplane puns before they get challenged to a match. Mansoor says they can’t wrestle because he broke a nail, before Lio Rush cuts in to reveal that there is a match set for next week! This drives the Collection away as we head back to ringside.

Hikaru Shida makes her way to the ring for our next match, her opponent Aleah James already in the ring as we get this bout underway!

Hikaru Shida vs. Aleah James

James does her best to fend off the former AEW Women’s World Champion early on, even surviving some hard strikes to kick out of a couple pinfall attempts…but a Falcon Arrow gets the win for Shida since, as Chuck Taylor once said, nobody kicks out of the Falcon Arrow!

Winner via pinfall: Hikaru Shida

We get a sit-down interview between Jim Ross and Bryan Danielson, who talks about signing alongside JR twenty-four years ago and being excited to have this chat ahead of what could be his final match. Ross asks him about his strategy and what he’s thinking about going into the AEW World Championship match, to which Danielson talks about how he’s more conscious of his body in light of the recent injuries.

He also admits that by the end of this year, he may have to get neck surgery, before Ross asks how prepared he is for Swerve Strickland. Danielson says he’s been preparing a lot for the match ahead, saying he’s at his best mentally going into Wembley and that’s what’s gonna pull him through.

-Commercial Break-

We head backstage, where we get a few words from Hikaru Shida. She called out Britt Baker to no avail previously and feels she needs to go to Wembley Stadium, so she turns her attention to “real competition” in the form of Mercedes Mone’…challenging her to a TBS Championship match on Dynamite! When she wins the title, this will be her opportunity to go to Wembley to face Britt Baker.

Back at ringside, the Bang Bang Gang make their way to the ring for our main event. Out next are the House of Black, eager to get back at the Patriarchy even with Cage himself in the corner ready to be the special guest referee as this match gets underway!

AEW World Trios Championship #1 Contender Match (Special Guest Referee: Christian Cage): House of Black vs. Bang Bang Gang

We start off with Brody and Juice, with Robinson sent to the corner by the big man as he tries to take King down with a shoulder tackle to no avail. We see a tag made but all six men rush in as Cage tries to maintain some level of order. Malakai is in now, as is Austin as the two trade holds before Buddy tags himself in to keep on the attack. A few strikes on Austin before Buddy stares down Cage. This gets settled just in time for Colten to get the tag, taking down Matthews before a standoff sends us to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: The action stays largely back and forth between the two teams, with most of the action taking place outside the ring as the Bang Bang Gang starts to take control. Austin takes Buddy down before making a tag…as we go to full commercial break. Thanks again, TNT!

-Commercial Break-

Back in the ring, Juice has tagged in and has the upper hand on Buddy as the Gang triple-team him in the corner. Cover by Robinson is good for a nearfall, before Buddy gets back to his feet using the ropes…pulling at Juice’s hair before Robinson fights back to take Matthews down to the mat!

He stomps away at Buddy on the ropes until Cage intervenes, making good on his promise of impartiality…even to the point of holding off the House of Black as the Gang, well, gang up on Matthews to send him to the outside. They slide back in, having to chase after Matthews as he goes for a tag to King…but Cage is so focused on keeping the Gunns in the corner that he doesn’t see the tag made!

He tells Brody to get back on the apron to boos from the crowd, as the Gang continue to lay into Matthews…until he breaks free to make the tag to Malakai! Black goes off on the Gang here, eventually sending Austin to the corner as Brody tags in…only for the Gang to pull Austin out of harm’s way. That means little to the big man as he gets the drop on them with a dive to the outside, before we go to picture-in-picture!

Picture-in-Picture: House of Black maintain control of the match throughout, keeping the Gang in check on the outside before Brody sends Austin back into the ring with a massive chop…only to send him right back to the floor for more damage as we come back!

Austin finally manages to get a tag in to Colten, who quickly tags Juice in as they keep Brody and Malakai at bay. Brody in the corner takes a forearm by Colton as Juice hits a cannonball on Malakai on the opposite side, taking the House leader down for a nearfall.

Chaos ensues until Malakai gets the drop on Juice while Brody lays out Colten, but that is only a nearfall as the Gang break it up. Brody fights back, only to be laid out with a 3:10 to Yuma…but the big man has enough strength to kick out! Malakai runs in with The End but is cleared out by Colten, who takes a Bossman slam by King. DDT by Juice Robinson, but he gets taken out with a Meteora. With all six men down on the mat, Cage begins the count…and as he reaches the count of nine, he takes Buddy out with a spear before counting ten to call for the bell!

Result: Match ends in a double KO (No Contest)

The Patriarchy rush down to the ring with chairs, laying waste to their potential challengers in the House and the Gang. Nick hits a Wayne’s World on the outside before going back into help set Malakai up for a Killswitch by Cage to the chair on the mat! Cage’s music hits as The Patriarchy stand tall with their titles to bring Collision to a close.

Quick Results:
  • Darby Allin and Hologram def. The Premier Athletes (Josh Woods and Tony Nese)
  • Texas Bull Rope: Thunder Rosa def. Deonna Purrazzo
  • FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) def. The Outrunners (Turbo Magnum and Truth Floyd)
  • RUSH def. Preston Vance
  • AEW World Title Eliminator: Swerve Strickland def. Tomohiro Ishii
  • Hikaru Shida def. Aleah James
  • AEW World Trios Championship #1 Contender Match (Special Guest Referee: Christian Cage): House of Black vs. Bang Bang Gang ends in a “double knockout” (No Contest)

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That’ll do it for AEW Collision, we’ll see you on Wednesday for Dynamite as we get ever closer to All In at Wembley Stadium!
