WWE Raw Results – 7/22/24 (CM Punk returns, The Road to SummerSlam continues)

WWE Raw Results

WWE Raw Results
July 22, 2024
Green Bay, Wisconsin (Resch Center)
Commentary: Michael Cole and Pat McAfee
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever. Together.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

Pre-Show Arrivals

We see an overhead shot of Green Bay, Wisconsin. CM Punk is shown arriving at the Resch Center earlier today. Ilja Dragunov and Bron Breakker are shown entering separately. Later tonight, they’ll battle to determine the #1 Contender for the WWE Intercontinental Championship. The Judgment Day (with Carlito) is also shown arriving.

Michael Cole announced that WWE Raw will be on the SYFY Network for the coming two weeks due to the Olympics.

“The Ring General” Gunther addresses Damian Priest

“The Ring General” Gunther, the 2024 King of the Ring, makes his way to the ring. In less than two weeks, he’ll face Damian Priest for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam.

Gunther gets in the ring and wants to explain himself. The crowd is lightly booing him. Gunther says he took some time to reflect on the things he said to Damian Priest last week. The crowd chants, “You suck.” Gunther reverses course and says he meant every word he said last week. Damian Priest and all the people in the building tonight are bums. The crowd boos him. Gunther says what is at stake is what is nearest and dearest to him: the reputation, prestige, and honor of this great sport and the World Heavyweight Championship. Why did they send Gunther out here first and not Damian Priest? Everyone knows that Priest does not live up to it. That cute little sob story about fighting from the street and whatever does not cover up the fact that Damian Priest is a pretender and a wannabe. There is a saying where Gunther comes from. Gunther speaks in his native tongue and translates, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you truly are.” Gunther knows Priest’s friends on the Judgment Day. There will be a day when the Judgment Day is judged by “The Ring General.” Gunther judges them to be street trash.

Gunther wants to make Priest a generous offer. Gunther invites Priest to come out here, lift the weight off his shoulders that he’s not fit to carry, and hand him the championship. Priest can go home to the trailer park after that.

World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest storms down to the ring. Priest gets in the ring with a microphone in hand and punches Gunther in the face without saying a word. They begin brawling. WWE officials, referees, and security run down to break them up. Priest kicks Gunther down and starts to attack security. Priest grabs one of the security guards by the throat and throws him over the top rope onto the other guards. They’re pulled apart again, but Priest breaks free and attacks Gunther on the ramp.


-Commercial Break-

Replay: Moments ago, World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest attacked “The Ring General” Gunther.

Backstage Interview

Jackie Redmond is backstage. Gunther is pacing in the background. Redmond wants a word, but World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest blindsides Gunther again. WWE officials quickly run over to pull them apart. They brawl out of the Resch Center. Priest pushes Gunther into some road crates and seethes in anger before being pulled away.

Replay: Last Monday on Raw, Bron Breakker interrupted a WWE Intercontinental Championship match between Sami Zayn and Ilja Dragunov. Breakker took them both out, furious that he could not win the title at Money in the Bank.

#1 Contender’s Match
Ilja Dragunov vs. Bron Breakker

The winner will face Sami Zayn for the WWE Intercontinental Championship at SummerSlam.

The bell rings, and Breakker sidesteps a big boot and grabs a waistlock. Dragunov elbows him off and chops the chest, but Breakker doesn’t sell it. Breakker hits a waistlock takeover and punches away at the Mad Dragon before Dragunov rolls out of the ring. Breakker follows him out and continues to punch away at Dragunov before challenging anyone in the back to slap him. Breakker puts Dragunov in the ring. Dragunov greets him with some forearms to the face before hitting the ropes and smashing him with a knee strike. The Czar of WWE chops Breakker in the corner. Dragunov puts Breakker in another corner and chops him. Breakker forearms out and hits an uppercut, but Dragunov responds with a boot to the face, knocking Breakker to the apron. Dragunov goes to the apron and attacks, but Breakker unloads on him with right hands. Dragunov cuts him off and lifts him, but Breakker powers out. Dragunov clubs him, and Breakker goes to the other apron. Dragunov grabs him over the ring post, but Breakker bounces his face off the turnbuckle. Breakker stands on the bottom turnbuckle and goes for a superplex to the floor, but Dragunov blocks it. Breakker powers him up and delivers a front suplex onto the top of the ring post! Dragunov falls to the floor, clutching his ribs.

-Commercial Break-

We return from the break to see Breakker applying a bearhug to Dragunov’s injured ribs. Dragunov fights out and jumps, but Breakker catches him on the shoulders and delivers a devastating gutbuster for a near fall. Breakker cannot believe it. Breakker sets up for a powerbomb, but Dragunov counters with a DDT. Dragunov gets to his feet and chops him. They get into a brawl before Dragunov rocks him with a strike combination. Dragunov hits a step-up enzuigiri that knocks Breakker into the ropes. Dragunov is too injured to follow up. Breakker hits the ropes, but Dragunov boots him. Dragunov ducks a clothesline and connects with the Constantine Special!

Dragunov gets himself fired up and chops him in the corner. Dragunov bounces him off the top turnbuckle and chops the chest again. Dragunov charges and hits a running knee to the chest before hitting a running boot to the face. Dragunov sets up for a powerbomb, but his ribs are too injured to lift him. Breakker fights out and grabs him, but Dragunov slaps him in the face. Dragunov hits an impressive powerbomb and falls onto him for the cover. 1… 2… Breakker kicks out!

The crowd chants, “This is awesome!” Dragunov slowly pulls himself up to the top rope. Breakker quickly cuts him off, so Dragunov slaps him in the face to knock him away. Breakker immediately scales the ropes and hits an unbelievable Frankensteiner for a near fall! Pat McAfee calls it a “Breakkensteiner.” Breakker goes to the top rope, but Dragunov kicks him in the leg to crotch him up there. Dragunov climbs to the top rope and connects with a superplex, followed by an H-Bomb. Both men are down. Breakker rolls to the apron and is in a lot of pain. Dragunov follows him to the apron and lifts him up before hitting a Death Valley Driver on the apron! Breakker falls to the floor. Another “This is awesome” chant fires up. Dragunov dives off the apron, but Breakker spears him out of mid-air! Dragunov’s head hits off the LED apron!

Breakker gets in the ring, and Referee Daphanie LaShaunn holds him back. LaShaunn goes outside to check on Dragunov and calls for the bell.

Winner by Referee Stoppage: Bron Breakker

Sami Zayn will defend the WWE Intercontinental Championship against Bron Breakker at SummerSlam.

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

Rhea Ripley walks in and tells them to stop playing video games. Ripley says they’ve lost Damian Priest for the night as he focuses on keeping his title. They’ve still got the World Tag Team Championship, and soon, she’ll have her Women’s World Championship back at SummerSlam. “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio wants to talk to her. They’ve had a good week reconnecting, but he doesn’t understand why she seemed to flirt with Jey Uso on social media. Ripley says she was just messing around, unlike what Mysterio was doing with Liv Morgan. Ripley saw his socials, too.

Finn Bálor pops up and says he’s been thinking that Mysterio needs to take care of Jey Uso once and for all. Ripley says Uso doesn’t matter. Bálor doesn’t understand why she’s defending Uso. Ripley says there is no need to start a war with him. Ripley tells Mysterio to use his brain and walks away. Bálor looks at Mysterio and says, “You know what you have to do.” Mysterio looks conflicted.

Backstage Segment

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce is with Drew McIntyre and two referees. Pearce and McIntyre shake hands, and McIntyre walks away.

In the arena, Lyra Valkyria makes her entrance alongside Kayden Carter and Katana Chance. Valkyria will face Sonya Deville next.

-Commercial Break-

Video: WWE is coming to Fanatics Fest in New York City from August 16 – 18.

The commentators run down all of the festivities happening for SummerSlam weekend, starting next Friday.

Backstage Segment

Akira Tozawa is blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. Today is his birthday. Otis, Maxxine Dupri, and Xavier Woods are also there. Otis rips a piece of the cake and eats it. Woods looks disgusted.

Replay: World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest and “The Ring General” Gunther got into a massive brawl to start the show.

Replay: Last Monday on Raw, Sonya Deville helped Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark defeat Kayden Carter and Katana Chance.

Lyra Valkyria w/ Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Sonya Deville w/ Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark

The bell rings, and they lock up. They tussle into the ropes before Deville powers her to the corner. Valkyria powers out, so Deville knees her in the midsection and takes her down by the hair. Valkyria slaps her in the face and goes for a takedown, but Deville fights it. Valkyria powers her to the corner and hits some shoulder thrusts. Valkyria blocks a boot. Deville reverses a whip to the corner, but Valkyria slingshots over her and does a cartwheel. Deville charges, but Valkyria trips her and hits a basement dropkick for a one-count. Deville quickly gets out of the ring to regroup. Valkyria hits the ropes for a diving missile dropkick, but Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark pull Deville away. Valkyria injures her ribs. Deville quickly slams her into the barricade.

-Commercial Break-

We return from the break to see Valkyria attacking Deville on the top rope. Deville clubs her down, but Valkyria repositions her legs. Valkyria climbs to the second rope and attempts a superplex. Valkyria executes the maneuver but can’t follow up due to her injured ribs. Valkyria punches Deville from her knees. Deville punches back and kicks her in the ribs before hitting a big kick to the chest. Valkyria avoids a running knee, kips up, and hits a big kick. Deville avoids the Night Wing, but Valkyria comes back with a big kick combination. Valkyria connects with a northern lights suplex for a near fall.

Valkyria applies a front facelock and lifts Deville. Deville slides off and attempts the Advocate, but Valkyria gets out. Valkyria lifts her with a gutwrench, and they’re frozen in time for a few moments before Valkyria shouts, “Let go.” Deville lets go of Valkyria’s leg, and Valkyria hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. Valkyria sets up on the midsection and heads to the top rope, but Shayna Baszler gets on the apron to distract the referee. Zoey Stark pushes Valkyria off the top rope.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance attack Baszler and Stark at ringside. Deville pushes Chance off the apron. Stark takes out Carter. Valkyria hits Baszler with a diving missile dropkick into Stark. Deville then grabs Valkyria and hits the Advocate for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Sonya Deville

Video: The mysterious woman (Nikki Cross) has been delivering VHS tapes for the Wyatt Sicks appears. Uncle Howdy says they’ve been watching her in solitude for too long. He is the answer. She screams before the feed cuts out.

Backstage Segment

CM Punk is walking backstage. We’ll hear from him next.

-Commercial Break-

Video: Jelly Roll is excited to perform at WWE SummerSlam next Saturday.

CM Punk returns to WWE Raw

CM Punk makes his way to the ring to Living Colour’s “Cult of Personality.” Punk comes out to a huge ovation and high fives everyone around ringside. Punk gets in the ring, and a “CM Punk” chant picks up. Punk says it’s great to be alive on a Monday Night Raw in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Punk asks if the bay is green. His shoes are pink. Punk wants to stain both with the blood of a Scottish Psychopath. Punk saw his surgeon on Saturday night, and he is cleared! Punk is going to get his pound of flesh and calls Drew McIntyre out for the beating he deserves!

Drew McIntyre’s music hits, and CM Punk is wrapping up his hands with tape. McIntyre slowly walks out to the stage and looks irate. Punk challenges him to come to the ring, but McIntyre stays onstage. McIntyre says he’s waited so long for this. All these times Punk has screwed him over, nothing will stop him from getting in the ring and tearing Punk apart… except for the fact that he doesn’t want to. Punk says he does and runs up the ramp, but WWE officials and security stop him.

McIntyre tells Punk to relax. CM Punk versus Drew McIntyre is bigger than Green Bay. That’s a big money match, according to McIntyre. McIntyre tells Punk to control his emotions. When he’s emotional, he turns to family. McIntyre pulls out the bracelet he stole from CM Punk, further angering the Second City Saint.

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce comes out. Pearce says there is a reason they’re not fighting tonight. Drew McIntyre is officially reinstated, and CM Punk is officially medically cleared. Pearce makes it official: CM Punk versus Drew McIntyre at SummerSlam. Pearce wants to make something clear tonight. If either of them lays a finger on one another, the match is off. Whoever throws the first punch is suspended. Pearce has a lot of problems, including a referee problem.


Seth “Freakin” Rollins comes out in another ridiculous outfit. McIntyre puts his head down as Rollins laughs in his face. Punk looks confused. Rollins gets in the ring and greets Green Bay. Rollins says they have a problem. Drew hates Punk, and Punk hates Drew. All the chaos they’ve caused over the last year has scared away anybody from getting in between them. Rollins isn’t a problem guy. He’s a solution guy. Rollins has a solution. Rollins knows a guy who thrives on chaos. This guy would love nothing more than to put the two of them in their places. He is a visionary. He is a revolutionary. At SummerSlam, he is the Special Guest Referee. He is Seth “Freakin” Rollins! Rollins celebrates in the ring.

CM Punk angrily gets on the apron, and Drew McIntyre enters the ring. Rollins laughs at them.

Backstage Segment

World Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh walk backstage with “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Carlito. Carlito tells them to divide and conquer. Carlito goes off with McDonagh. Bálor tells Mysterio to go one way, and he’ll go another.

Mysterio starts to walk when Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan finds him. Mysterio tries to ignore her, but she follows him. Morgan says she hates sneaking around. She knows how Rhea Ripley is making him feel. She tells him not to worry about last week. Mysterio says he and Ripley are perfect. Finn Bálor runs over. Morgan says that’s her cue and says, “Bye, Daddy Dom.” Morgan walks off. Bálor can’t believe he left him alone for ten seconds, and this happens. Mysterio asks if he found Jey Uso. Mysterio says he’ll go in Morgan’s direction, but Bálor tells him to go a different way.

In the arena, Xavier Woods, Akira Tozawa, Otis, and Maxxine Dupri head to the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Rhea Ripley, Cody Rhodes, and Rey Mysterio will be featured in Call of Duty Season 5.

Backstage Interview

Kathy Kelley is backstage with WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn. She mentions that Bron Breakker will face him at SummerSlam. Is he concerned? Zayn says “concerned” isn’t the right word. Bron Breakker and Ilja Dragunov went to war for the Intercontinental Championship. Breakker earned it. Zayn is taking him very seriously. Zayn wants to give Breakker a piece of advice. Zayn warns him not to make the mistake he made at Money in the Bank. Breakker better take him seriously because Zayn will do what he does every time the title is on the line: he will bring 100%.

They hear a commotion off-camera. Zayn walks over to see what is going on. Zayn sees JD McDonagh and Carlito double-teaming Jey Uso. Zayn pulls them off and saves Uso.

Video: Braun Strowman and Otis attended the Green Bay Packers Training Camp earlier today.

6-Man Tag Team Match
Xavier Woods, Otis, and Akira Tozawa w/ Maxxine Dupri vs. The Final Testament (Karrion Kross and the Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar)) w/ Scarlett and Paul Ellering

Replay: Three weeks ago on Raw, Karrion Kross viciously injured Kofi Kingston’s shoulder.

Xavier Woods will start the match against Karrion Kross. Kross sidesteps him and tags Rezar in. Woods attacks Rezar, but Rezar grabs him and powers him to the corner. Woods sidesteps an avalanche and chops him. Rezar shoves him to the corner and tags Akam in. Akam kicks Woods in the midsection, and Rezar clubs him down. Akam clubs Woods’ back and sends him into the ropes. Woods ducks a pair of strikes and hits a running forearm. Woods attacks Akam and tags Akira Tozawa in. Tozawa is celebrating his 39th birthday. Tozawa gets Akam out of the ring and boots him away before hitting a super quick suicide dive. Tozawa gets in the ring and rips his shirt off.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Akam dominating Tozawa. Tozawa fights back, but Akam shoves him into the ropes and crushes him with a back elbow for a two-count. Kross tags in and kicks Tozawa. Kross whips him to the opposite corner. Tozawa tries to counter into a springboard cross-body, but Kross catches him and hits a nice release spinning flapjack. Kross stomps the ankle and punches Woods off the apron. Tozawa boots and kicks Kross back before dropping him into the middle turnbuckle.

Otis tags in and runs over Akam and Kross with clotheslines. Rezar gets in the ring, but Otis rolls under a clothesline and hits a clothesline. Otis avalanches Akam in the corner and takes his jacket off. The crowd is going wild. Otis is from Wisconsin. Otis hits a Caterpillar Elbow Drop to a huge ovation. Kross quickly rocks Otis with a forearm. Woods tags in and hits Kross with a missile dropkick. Tozawa takes out Rezar with a cross-body block to the floor. In the ring, Woods unloads on Kross with punches before kicking Akam off the apron. Kross quickly takes Woods out with The Final Prayer for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: The Final Testament

Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Maxxine Dupri sadly regroup in the ring. Chad Gable comes out with Julius and Brutus Creed. Xavier Woods leaves the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Chad Gable stands in the ring with The Creed Brothers. Otis, Akira Tozawa, and Maxxine Dupri look confused. The crowd is loudly chanting, “You suck.” Gable says something in him wants to help his former pupils. Otis seems to have taken a leadership position in Alpha Academy, but his first decision was to team with Xavier Woods… and they lost. Using his brain is not Otis’ strong point. It is for Gable, which is why he recruited the Creed Brothers, a couple of fine, athletic, freak professional athletes. They’re filling in for where there were clear weaknesses. Gable wants to offer them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Gable offers them the chance to come back and join this team. Gable wants to give some incentive. The Wyatt Sicks are after everyone on the roster, so they get extra protection if they join them.

Otis asks if Gable will give the Creed Brothers the same protection he did last week. Gable ran off and left them in the ring to save himself from the Wyatt Sicks. Otis says, “My answer is still ‘no.'” The crowd cheers. Gable says that is pathetic and asks Akira Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri if they’ll let this clown speak for them. They stand with Otis.

Gable says that is unfortunate and says, “Boys…” The Creed Brothers attack Otis and Tozawa. They knock Tozawa out of the ring before double-teaming Otis in the corner. Otis powers out and hits them with a double clothesline. Otis grabs Gable for a World’s Strongest Slam, but the Creed Brothers break it up. They triple-team Otis before the Creed Brothers send Otis into the ring post shoulder-first. Otis falls to ringside. The Creed Brothers attack Otis outside the ring, sending him hard into the LED apron. Gable hands them both a steel chair…

…and the lights begin to go out! The crowd chants something vulgar, so the audio cuts out. Smoke fills the stage, and the Wyatt Sicks walk out to the stage. The Creed Brothers prepare for them. Uncle Howdy is not with them. Uncle Howdy appears in the ring behind Chad Gable. Howdy exclaims, “There you are!” Gable turns around, and Uncle Howdy hits him with a vicious Sister Abigail!

-Commercial Break-

Replay: Chad Gable and The Creed Brothers viciously attacked Otis and Akira Tozawa. The Wyatt Sicks came out to the arena, saving Otis and Tozawa, and Uncle Howdy laid out Chad Gable with Sister Abigail.

“Big” Bronson Reed vs. Pete Dunne

Replay: Last Monday on Raw, Sheamus defeated “Big” Bronson Reed. Pete Dunne saved Sheamus from a post-match attack. Dunne then attacked Sheamus. Reed would go on to hit Sheamus with a Tsunami.

Before the match begins, Sheamus lays out Pete Dunne with a vicious running knee to the face. Sheamus gets into a brawl with “Big” Bronson Reed. Reed lifts Sheamus, but Sheamus rocks him with a running knee to the face. Sheamus sends Dunne to the apron and hits the 10 Beats of the Bodhran. Sheamus rips his shirt off and celebrates. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick on Dunne, but Dunne gets out of the ring. Sheamus hits Reed with the Brogue Kick instead. Sheamus stares at Dunne.

This match never started.

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

World Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh are in the Judgment Day Clubhouse with “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Carlito. McDonagh and Carlito are holding their heads. Rhea Ripley walks in and asks what the hell is going on. Carlito says they took out Jey Uso, but then Sami Zayn found them. Bálor says he’s done being disrespected. He talked to Adam Pearce. Tonight, they’ll take care of Sami Zayn and Jey Uso. Next week, Bálor will face Gunther. Bálor isn’t happy Gunther called them a joke. Ripley says that’s cool, but she told them not to touch Jey Uso. Now Sami Zayn is involved. Where were Bálor and Mysterio? Carlito chuckles and says, “She should ask Liv.” Ripley grabs Mysterio and says they’re going to the ring.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage Interview

Jackie Redmond asks why Sheamus attacked Pete Dunne and “Big” Bronson Reed. Sheamus says he knows this business like the back of his hand. Reed wanted to take him out. As for Pete Dunne, he doesn’t know what issues he has with him. They can sort this out like proper fellas at a pub or do it in the ring. Is Dunne up for a banger?

Rhea Ripley calls out Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan


Rhea Ripley shoves “Dirty” Dominik Mysterio down the ramp and into the ring. She is unhappy that he met up with Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan earlier tonight. Ripley will battle Morgan for the title at SummerSlam. Ripley gets on the microphone and shouts, “Liv, if you want him, come get him!”

Women’s World Champion Liv Morgan’s music hits, but she doesn’t come out. Morgan is in the crowd. She says, “Hi, Rhea! Hi, Daddy Dom!” Morgan says she’s not going to come to the ring. Unlike Ripley, she has self-control. Morgan waited for her all this time so she could wait until SummerSlam. The reason Morgan came out is obvious: she has feelings for Dominik. Morgan says Dominik has feelings for her, too. In the ring, Mysterio acts like that’s not true. Morgan says gorgeous men like Dominik don’t go for girls like Ripley. Gorgeous men like him go for girls that look like Liv Morgan.

Mysterio tries to hold Ripley back. Mysterio pulls her into the ring, and Ripley shouts at him. Mysterio tells her to let him take care of this. Morgan asks the crowd to let her hear what “Daddy Dominik” has to say. Morgan says she knows what he’s going to say. She feels the exact same way. Morgan tells Mysterio to say those three little words. Mysterio asks if she wants those three little words. Mysterio says, “I hate you, Liv. Are you stupid? Are you deaf?” Mysterio says she has ruined his life over and over again. Mysterio shouts in Spanish. Ripley stands behind him, smiling. Morgan starts to cry and turns around before leaving.

In the ring, a very pleased Rhea Ripley whispers in Mysterio’s ear before licking his cheek and kissing him. Mysterio is elated and holds the ropes open for her. Mysterio walks off arm in arm with Ripley.

Replay: World Heavyweight Champion Damian Priest and “The Ring General” Gunther got into a massive brawl earlier tonight.

Damian Priest will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Gunther one week from Saturday.

In the arena, Zelina Vega comes out to the stage with La Chancla in hand and her arm wrapped in a cast. Cathy Kelley is there. She asks about the injury and if she is concerned about wrestling with this. Vega says no one can keep her down. She’s been underestimated her entire life. It’s time for her to prove people wrong and shut them the hell up. Vega will face Zoey Stark next.

-Commercial Break-

WWE wishes Shawn Michaels a happy birthday. Michael Cole and Pat McAfee sing “Happy Birthday” on commentary. Unbelievable.

Replay: Last week on Raw, Shayna Baszler destroyed Zelina Vega’s arm, causing her to lose to Sonya Deville.

Zelina Vega vs. Zoey Stark w/ Shayna Baszler and Sonya Deville

The bell rings, and Vega rolls her up for a one-count. Vega hits the ropes and goes for a head-scissor takeover, but Stark powers out. Vega shoves her to the corner and kicks her down. Stark blocks a kick and attacks the injured arm. Stark stands on the arm and goes for a knee drop, but Vega avoids it. Stark quickly drops her into the ropes and punches away at her. Stark grabs the arm, but Vega tries to fight out. Stark takes her down and shoulders her in the corner. Vega elbows her in the ear and drops her into the turnbuckles. Vega hits running double knees and climbs to the second rope, but Stark cuts her off. Vega knocks her away and goes to the top rope, but Stark pulls her off and snaps the injured arm off the top rope. Vega falls to ringside in tremendous pain.

-Commercial Break-

Back from the break, we see Vega counter a suplex into an inside cradle for a two-count. Vega boots her back and sends her to the apron. Stark quickly comes back with a springboard missile dropkick for a two-count. Stark applies an overhead wristlock, but Vega fights out. Vega kicks away at her and hits an enzuigiri. Vega connects with a satellite DDT before getting fired up. Vega goes to the top rope and connects with a moonsault for a near fall. Vega goes for Code Red, but Stark gets out and superkicks her for a two-count. Stark is furious that she couldn’t put her away.

Vega rolls Stark into the middle rope. Sonya Deville gets on the apron to distract the referee. Shayna Baszler trips Vega. Lyra Valkyria, Katana Chance, and Kayden Carter run down to take out Baszler and Deville. In the ring, Stark goes for a powerbomb, but Vega hits her with the arm brace. Vega hits Code Red for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Zelina Vega

Backstage Segment

Raw General Manager Adam Pearce is on his phone when Xavier Woods walks up. Woods says he needs Karrion Kross next Monday on Raw. Pearce asks if he is sure, and Woods says he is. Pearce makes it official. Woods is happy and walks away.

Drew McIntyre walks up to Pearce and isn’t happy that he wasn’t told about Seth “Freakin” Rollins being the Special Guest Referee. McIntyre asks how this is fair. Pearce says McIntyre will be in the ring with CM Punk and Seth Rollins next week. Rollins will give them his referee’s instructions. Pearce walks off because he needs a drink.

The Judgment Day Clubhouse

World Tag Team Champions Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh are warming up. They’ll face WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn and “Main Event” Jey Uso in the main event.

-Commercial Break-

Backstage Interview

Jackie Redmond is backstage with WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn. They’ll be on SmackDown this week to address Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill. Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark interrupt. Deville says Belair and Cargill aren’t their biggest issue. They’ll be taking the titles off them. Fyre and Dawn laugh, but Deville says they will do it.

Raw will be on the SYFY Network next week.

Video: “The Ring General” Gunther says most champions live their dream but have fragile egos. They will shrink in front of a titan. WWE desperately needed him. The World Heavyweight Championship needs him. Gunther will create a new mountaintop. Seth Rollins did a fantastic job elevating the title, but the burden of being a workhorse drove him into the ground. Drew McIntyre was so concerned with an afterthought like CM Punk that he could barely hold the title for five minutes. Now, as Damian Priest horribly carries the burden on his shoulders, the foundation is cracking. As he looks at the cast of challengers, it becomes truly disgusting. Gunther doesn’t respect entertainers making the crowd sing. None of it means anything when you step foot into the sacred ring. Gunther is the only one who can redefine the prestige of the World Heavyweight Championship and bring it to a level no one has seen before. At SummerSlam, the future of this industry is on the line. Damian Priest will fail. Gunther will showcase the power, dominance, and prestige this sport still desperately needs. At SummerSlam, “The Ring General” Gunther will become the World Heavyweight Champion.

Damian Priest will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Gunther one week from Saturday at SummerSlam.

Backstage Segment

“Main Event” Jey Uso and WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn are walking in the arena concourse section. The crowd around them is fired up. Uso and Zayn grab big foam hands that say “YEET” on them and do their old handshake. They then enter the arena and make their entrance. The crowd is fired up. The main event is next.

-Commercial Break-

Next week on Raw

— Seth “Freakin” Rollins will deliver his Referee Instructions to Drew McIntyre and CM Punk
6-Woman Tag Team Match: Lyra Valkyria, Kayden Carter, and Katana Chance vs. Sonya Deville, Shayna Baszler, and Zoey Stark
— Xavier Woods vs. Karrion Kross
— “The Ring General” Gunther vs. World Tag Team Champion Finn Bálor

The commentators run down the SummerSlam card. SummerSlam takes place one week from Saturday in Cleveland.

Non-Title Tag Team Match
WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn and “Main Event” Jey Uso vs. World Tag Team Champions The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh) w/”Dirty” Dominik Mysterio and Carlito

The bell rings, and Finn Bálor will start against Jey Uso. Bálor sneers at Uso. They lock up before Bálor quickly applies a side headlock. Uso whips Bálor off, but Bálor responds with a running shoulder tackle for a two-count. Bálor elbows him in the head and puts him in the corner for a shoulder thrust. Bálor sends Uso to the corner, but Uso slingshots over him and punches him down. Uso avalanches him in the corner and hits a step-up enzuigiri for a two-count. Sami Zayn tags in and attacks Bálor’s arm. Bálor begs the Intercontinental Champion off, but it doesn’t work. Zayn grabs him, but Bálor powers him to the corner. JD McDonagh tags in and kicks Zayn down. McDonagh elbows him in the head and sends him into the ropes. Zayn springboards over him and hits a clothesline. Zayn puts McDonagh in the corner and attacks him. McDonagh quickly pulls Zayn into the middle turnbuckle. McDonagh hits a snapmare and punches him. McDonagh drops a leg for a one-count. McDonagh quickly punches Uso off the apron. Zayn clotheslines McDonagh over the top rope and sends Bálor out next to him. Zayn then takes them both out with an Arabian Press.

“Dirty” Dominik Mysterio quickly approaches him, but Referee Rod Zapata backs him up. Carlito sneaks up behind Zayn and sends him headfirst into the ring post.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the final break of the evening to see Bálor stomping Zayn down in the corner. The referee backs Bálor up, so McDonagh gets some cheap shots in. Bálor stomps Zayn and tags McDonagh in. McDonagh stops Zayn from making a tag and connects with a back suplex for a two-count. McDonagh stomps Zayn’s hand and applies a front facelock. The crowd starts to chant, “YEET!” Zayn fights up to his feet and hits McDonagh with a back body drop. McDonagh immediately tags Bálor in. Bálor stops Zayn from making a tag and picks up a two-count. Bálor punches away at Zayn and stomps the chest. Bálor elbows Zayn in the head, but he gets a no-count. Bálor shoulders Zayn in the corner and tags McDonagh in. McDonagh chops away at Zayn, but Zayn fights out. McDonagh cuts him off and sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Zayn then takes McDonagh out with a Blue Thunder Bomb.

Uso and Bálor tag in. Uso hits some right hands, does a gyration, and floors Bálor with a punch. Bálor reverses a whip, but Uso kicks him and hits an uppercut. Uso hits an enzuigiri and gives one to McDonagh as he runs in. Bálor and McDonagh are down in opposite corners. Uso hits McDonagh with a running hip attack. Bálor drops Uso on the apron, but Uso knocks him back. Uso comes off the top rope with a diving cross-body block for a two-count. Uso sizes Bálor up and charges, but Bálor knees him. Bálor hits the ropes and rakes the eyes to escape a Samoan Drop attempt. Bálor connects with a standing Sling Blade for a near fall. Bálor puts Uso in the corner and calls for McDonagh. Bálor punches Uso and hits a snapmare. McDonagh tags in and hits a slingshot moonsault for a two-count. McDonagh gets in the referee’s face to argue the count. McDonagh punches Uso and tags Bálor in. Uso fights away and superkicks Bálor out of mid-air.

Zayn pulls himself to the apron and is fired up. Zayn and McDonagh tag in. Zayn hits McDonagh with an exploder suplex into the corner. Carlito distracts the referee, and Mysterio grabs Zayn’s ankle. McDonagh hits Zayn with a Spanish Fly for a near fall. McDonagh slaps Zayn a few times and kicks him in the midsection. Uso blind tags in. Zayn boots McDonagh back. Uso and Zayn hit a 1D! 1… 2… Bálor breaks up the pin.

Bálor sends Zayn out of the ring and tags in. Uso fights Bálor off and uppercuts McDonagh. Bálor drops Uso with a Sling Blade and sizes him up. Bálor goes for a Woo Dropkick, but Uso takes him down. Uso punches Carlito off the apron, and apple bits fly everywhere. Mysterio and McDonagh are also taken out. Bálor then hits Uso with a Woo Dropkick. McDonagh tags in. Bálor hits Uso with a Coup de Grâce, and McDonagh follows up with a top rope moonsault! 1… 2… Zayn breaks it up. Bálor sends Zayn out of the ring. Bálor and McDonagh put Uso on the top rope, but Zayn cuts them off. Zayn sends Bálor over the top rope. Uso knocks McDonagh down, and Zayn immediately hits him with a Helluva Kick! Zayn takes out Bálor, Carlito, and Mysterio with a somersault senton. In the ring, Uso hits McDonagh with an Uso Splash for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn and “Main Event” Jey Uso

Sami Zayn and Jey Uso celebrate. Uso poses on the turnbuckles. As he does, Bron Breakker runs in and hits Zayn with a Spear! Breakker quickly retreats. Uso is not happy.

Quick Match Results

— Bron Breakker def. Ilja Dragunov via Referee Stoppage in an Intercontinental Championship Contender’s Match
— Sonya Deville def. Lyra Valkyria
— The Final Testament (Karrion Kross and the Authors of Pain (Akam and Rezar)) def. Xavier Woods, Otis, and Akira Tozawa in a 6-Man Tag Team Match
— Zelina Vega def. Zoey Stark
— WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn and “Main Event” Jey Uso def. World Tag Team Champions The Judgment Day (Finn Bálor and JD McDonagh) in a Tag Team Match (non-title)

Email – mike@wrestleview.com
X – @MikeTedescoWV

Thanks for reading!
