AEW Rampage Results – 5/13/23 (Special Saturday Episode)

AEW Rampage Results
Special Saturday Night Show – May 13, 2023
Little Caesars Arena – Detroit, Michigan
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go to the arena with Excalibur, Jim Ross and Tony Schiavone are on commentary.

The Acclaimed comes out to a big ovation. Max Caster raps calling Butcher and The Blade village people and then says The Butcher’s mustache is worse than Vince McMahon’s. He also said they looked like Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s kidnappers.

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs. Kip Sabian, The Butcher and The Blade (with Penelope Ford)

Kip Sabian drops a big leg on Anthony Bowens. Bowens comes back and then takes out Sabian. Sabian tags in The Blade as Bowens tags in Max Caster. Caster scoops up The Blade and drops him. Bowens climbs to the second rope and drops a scissor me timber on The Blade as the fans chant Scissor Me Daddy. The Blade tags in The Butcher who tosses out Bowens to the floor. Bowens is tossed into the barricade by The Blade. The Blade then rolls Bowens back in the ring as The Butcher continues the beating on Bowens. The Butcher drags Bowens to the heels corner and tags in The Blade. As Bowens tries to make a tag, he is pushed the corner of the heels.

Picture-In-Picture: Sabian is tags in as all three triple team Bowens. Sabian has Bowens down on the mat with a submission type hold. Sabian rolls up Bowens and applies a headlock on Bowens, who is able to get out of it.

Back from the break, Bowens is nailed with a cannonball in the corner by Sabian. The Butcher is tagged in and hits a huge back breaker on Bowens. Bowens tries to fight back with chops and then drops The Butcher. Bowens makes the tag to Billy Gunn who lays out The Butcher, The Blade and Sabian. Billy picks up The Butcher and drops him with a huge powerslam. Caster comes in the ring and drops Sabian with a famasser and cover him, but The Blade breaks up the three count. Bowens is tagged back in and drops Sabian with The Arrival. Bowens tags in Caster who his Sabian with the mic drop for the win.


We go to QTV with QT Marshall and his students. They make fun of AEW selling over 65,000 tickets for All In London. QT then says they need to dig up some dirt on the british. We then have an interview Powerhouse Hobbs from one of QT Marshall’s students. Hobbs says it doesn’t matter who is holding the pen and then we go to the break.


Jerome’s thoughts: Very good opening match as the fans in Detroit were on fire for The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn. They continue to get over. The fans seemed to take well to Caster’s rap regarding Governor Whitmer and reacted huge on the part of Vince’s mustache. I don’t understand the purpose the QTV segments. They are not funny and serve no purpose.

Back from the break, the Outcasts come out as Toni Storm is introduced for the next match. Allysin Kay who is a hometown girl is already in the ring.

Toni Storm (with Ruby Soho and Saraya) vs. Allysin Kay

Storm wastes no time as nails Kay and then stops on her. Kay comes back and punches Storm and then knocks her down and stomps on her in the corner. Kay is distracted as Saraya grabs her boot when the ref wasn’t looking. Storm takes advantage of it and drops her. Storm then knocks Kay to the floor as Saraya and Soho double team her. Storm comes to the floor and slaps Kay with huge chops to the chest and drivers face first into the ring post. As the ref counts, Kay is tossed back in the ring. Storm covers Kay, but only gets the two count. Storm then tosses Kay back to the outside yet again. Kay takes out Saraya and Soho and then rolls back in and hits Storm with a big neckbreaker and a lariat. Kay covers Storm, but only gets a two count. Storm then hits Kay with a huge DDT from the second rope. Kay comes back and drops Storm, but Saraya and Soho causes a distraction. Storm rolls up Kay, but she kicks out at two. Kay is in the corner and Storm hit Kay with a hip attack in the corner, followed by Storm One to get the pin.

The Outcasts then spraypaint Kay after the match ends.

We go to a backstage segment with The Gunn Club taking about how they don’t het their rematch as Ethan Page walks in and wants to talk to The Gunns and they walk off.

Kyle Fletcher (One half of the IWGP Tag Team Champions and STRONG Openweight Champion) vs. Action Andretti (w/ Darius Martin)

The bell rings and here we go. Action is in the corner as Fletcher then has him locked up in an armbar. Action reverses it and has Fletcher locked up, but Fletcher breaks the hold as the fans applaud. Both men then lock it up as Fletcher pie faces Action, who comes back with a huge chop on Fletcher. Action then hits Fletcher with a huge dropkick. Action then covers Fletcher, but only gets a two count. Fletcher then nails Action who drops to the floor.

Picture-In-Picture: Fletcher goes to the outside and tosses Action into the barricade and walks off. He rolls back in the ring as Action is on the floor holding his shoulder. Fletcher rolls out of the ring, but is met by Darius Martin. Action gets back in the ring as Fletcher drops him down and puts a knee to his chest. Fletcher then mocks the crowd. Action attempts to come back, but his met with a huge elbow to the chest by Fletcher.

We now go to a full commercial break.

Back from the break, Fletcher tries a half and half on Action, but he counters and sends Fletcher to the floor. Action then leaps through the ropes onto Fletcher. Action tosses Fletcher back in the ring and hits him with a big thrust kick. Fletcher then hits Action with a huge kick and then a brain buster. Fletcher covers him 1, 2, NO! Action kicks out! Fletcher grabs Action and drags him to the corner. Fletcher is on the top rope as Action leaps up to the top rope and drops Fletcher with a huge superplex. Action then goes to the top rope and hits a huge 450 splash on Fletcher and then covers him – 1, 2 and NO! Fletcher kicks out! Fletcher hits Action from behind then picks him up and spikes him with a piledriver for the win. Fletcher then does a thumbs up sending a message to Orange Cassidy as Fletcher wants to go after the International Championship.

Jerome’s thoughts: I am a fan of Aussie Open. I enjoy the in-ring work of Fletcher and Mark Davis. I hope we get to see more of Fletcher and Davis either in singles action or as a tag team. Action Andretti continues to impress me. With furthering the storyline of Fletcher eventually challenging Orange Cassidy for the International Championship, it made sense he went over in this match. It doesn’t take anything away from Andretti.


We go to a recap of the cage match between Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega.

Tony Schiavone is in the ring and introduces Matt and Jeff Hardy and Isiah Kassidy (Brother Zay) for an in-ring interview. Matt says he had a wonderful week as the Hardys and Private Party’s contracts with The Firm have been deleted. Jeff then says its great to be back in Detroit on planet earth and can get to becoming the AEW Tag Team Champions. They are interrupted by The Gunns who come out to being called A–Holes by the fans. The Gunns say The Firm and them – The Gunns want to beat all their asses. Hardy says he has been trying to get away from Ethan Page and The Firm for eight months. Matt then proposes a match between The Gunns and the Hardys and if the Hardys win, then Matt is in control of Pages’ contract. The Gunns then talk together for a moment and then say Page accepts. The Gunns close by saying they are the best and the Hardys will never be champions. Matt then says they will delete The Gunns as they walk to the back after have exited the ring.


Back from the break Mark Henry talks with the teams. Strickland says they have an upgrade with Prince Nana and ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions all together. Silver asks the Mogul Embassy if they want to join the Dark Order and they can bring their silly little hats. Prince Nana then says they are going to put the Dark Order out of business tonight.

Brian Cage and Swerve Strickland (Mogul Embassy) w( Prince Nana and Toa Liona and Kaun) vs. Alex Reynolds and John Silver of Dark Order (w / Evil Uno)

The bell rings and we Swerve and Reynolds in the ring. Swerve rolls Reynolds back and then takes him out. Swerve goes to the top rope as Reynolds moves out of the way. Swerve tags in Cage as Reynolds tags in Silver to a huge ovation. They both have a pose down. Cage then kicks Silver and tosses him in the ropes as Silver attempts a boot to the mid-section. Cage picks up Silver, but Silver counters and picks up Cage and drives him down on the mat. Silver tries to pick up Cage, but Cage picks him up a drops him. As Silver runs at Cage, Swerve pushes him to the floor.

Picture-In-Picture: Swerve is tagged in as Silver is back in the ring. Swerve hits Silver with chops and then sends him to the corner. Swerve then picks up Silver as he fights back, but Swerve then reverses it as hits Silver with a series of punches. Swerve then tags in Cage who has Silver in the corner and then picks him up and tries to drop him, but Silver manages to get out of the hold. Cage then picks up Silver again and tosses him over his head. Cage then poses and walks over to Reynolds and nails him in the face as he drops to the floor from the ring apron. Swerve is tagged in and then tosses Silver in the corner and tags in Cage again. Silver tries to fight back with kicks.

Back from the PIP break, Silver drops Cage to the mat as Swerve is tagged in. Reynolds hits Cage with a high boot and drops him off the apron and onto the floor. Reynolds hits Swerve with a tiger driver and then a piledriver. Reynolds cover Swerve, but he kicks out at two as he holds his head. Reynolds puts Reynolds on the top rope. Prince Nana distracts Reynolds, who is dropped and avoids the stop from Swerve. Reynolds hits Swerve with a jackknife powerbomb and goes for the cover, but he pulled off by Cage. Swerve tags in Cage and Reynolds then tries a roll up on Cage, but he kicks out. Cage then picks up Reynolds and drops with with a huge powerbomb! Cage and then Swerve hit Reynolds with a double cutter! Cage cover him, but NO, Reynolds kicks out at two. Prince Nana grabs the boot of Silver. Cage hits Reynolds with the claw and drops him down as Swerve then drops the JML Driver on Silver as they get a double pin for the win.


After the match The Gates of Agony, Cage and Swerve take out Evil Uno and the rest of Dark Order. Keith Lee’s music then hits and he and Dustin Rhodes run to the ring. Rhodes has a pipe and a chain as The Mogul Embassy retreats out of the ring. Swerve is smiling and then smurks at Rhodes and Lee who are in the ring checking on the Dark Order.

Jerome’s thoughts: The last match was nothing more than to get the Mogul Embassy over and have a run in at the end to save the Dark Order from a further beatdown. It was really a pointless match.

Overall thoughts: The action for this Saturday show was really good. There were no backstage interviews or segments tonight.
