AEW Rampage Results – 11/11/22 (All-Atlantic Title Match, World Title Eliminator)

AEW Rampage Results
November 11, 2022
Agganis Arena (Boston, MA) 
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go to the arena with Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur.

Christian Cage music hits and he comes out with his arm in a sling. The fans boo. Luchasauras comes out to a reaction of boos. Both of them make their way to the ring. Christian has a mic. He says Jungle Boy has a challenge, but only makes his challenges face to face. Christian says he is waiting. Jungle Boy’s music hits to a big ovation. Jungle Boy comes out to a big ovation. Jungle Boy is in the ring. and tells Jungle Boy he must be from Boston because he is not very smart. Christian goes over how Jungle Boy beat him. Jungle Boy then says Christian and Luchasaurus cost him his friendships. Jungle Boy said he is going to stack the odds against himself. Jungle Boy challenges Luchasaurus for a steel cage match at Full Gear. Christian then says maybe Jungle Boy is realizing he is not a pillar of the company and it really is Luchasaurus. Christian says he will put Jungle Boy down for good and accepts the challenge. Christian then said to Jungle Boy like his dad he is all looks. Jungle Boy grabs Christian and then Luchasaurus takes out Jungle Boy and then Christian grabs a chair and Luchasauras Choke slams Jungle Boy on the chair as the crowd boos.

We go to the back with Lexi Nair interviewing Death Triangle. PAC says their is a reason that Rey Fenix is not the All Atlantic Champion and reason that Penta is not the world champion and they must defend the title by all means necessary.

Brian Cage (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Dante Martin (1st Round AEW World Championship Eliminator Tournament Match)

The bell rings and here we go. Martin attempts a drop kick on Cage who bats it away. Martin goes to the apron and leaps over the ropes and it caught by Cage. Martin gets out of it, but Cage goes after Martin. Martin then drop kicks Cage to the floor. Dante leaps over the ropes and catches Martin and then drops him to the floor.


Back from the break, Cage picks up Martin and slams him down and goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. Cage picks up Martin and slams him down, but Martin counters with a huge DDT. Martin hits elbow shots on Cage. Martin tries for a hammer throw, but Cage counters. Martin hits Cage with a crossbody and cover Cage, but only gets a two count. Martin blocks a nose dive attempt. Cage then goes to the floor and Martin hits Cage with a huge leap onto Cage. Cage is back in the ring and Martin hits Cage with a huge splash off the top rope. Martin goes for the cover, but only gets the two count! Cage is on the second rope with Martin who counters with a kick to the face. Martin is on the top rope and goes for a 450 frog splash but misses. Cage picks up Martin and slam him down. Cage then goes for a pin, but only gets a two count! Cage then picks up Martin again and hits him with the Weapon X and covers Martin for the pin!


Cage advances to the next round.

We go backstage with Lexi Nair interviewing Lee Moriarty and Stokley Hathaway. Moriarty says it’s time for him to collection some gold. As Hathaway begins to talk, Hook comes in and then walks off.


We go to vignette for the House of Black.

Rush vs. Bandido (1st Round AEW World Championship Eliminator Tournament Match)

Rush dives to Bandido on the outside before the bell. Rush tosses Bandido into the guardrail. Rush grabs Bandido and chops him across the chest. Rush then picks up an extension cord from under the ring and whips Bandido with it and then uses it to choke Bandido. The bell still has not been rang. Aubrey Edwards is checking on Bandido to see if he can compete. The bell rings as both men are in the ring. Rush picks up Bandido and tosses him against the ropes. Rush then kicks Bandido in the jaw as we go to a break.


Back from the break, Bandido hits Rush with a huge flog splash and goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. Rush comes back with chops to the chest, but Bandido comes back with a knee strike. Rush then hits Bandido and goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. Rush is now on the top rope and hist Bandido with a huge drop kick off the top rope. Rush covers Bandido but only gets a two count. Bandido has Rush and drops down Rush. Bandido covers Rush for the pin, but only gets a two count. Bandido hits German Suplexes on Bandido followed by a crucifix bomb. Both men go down after they hit each other with clotheslines. The referee begins the ten count. Both men are up…Bandido hits Rush and then goes for a splash, but Rush counters with a piledriver. Rush covers Bandido, but only gets a two count! Jose the assistant grabs a chair and gives it to Rush. As Aubrey Edwards is trying to get the chair away, Jose is attempting to get the mask off of Bandido. Dark Orders music hits and out comes John Silver and takes out Jose. As Rush is distracted, Bandido rolls Rush for the pin!


Bandido advances to face Ethan Page

We go backstage with Renee Paquette, Jake Hager and Claudio Castagnoli who tells Jake he should become a sports entertainer, and should consider joining Jericho Appreciation Society.

Nyla Rose (w/ Vicki Guerrero & Marina Shafir) vs. Kayla Sparks

Nyla Rose hits Sparks with a pump kick and splash in the corner. Rose picks up Sparks for a Jaded for the pin. Jade Cargill and the Baddies come out. Kiera Hogan and Lela Gray get laid out by Rose. Cargill then takes out Rose who falls to the outside. Rose’s security staff holds back Jade who tries to get back her title belt.



Back from the break, Mark Henry interviews The Factory and Orange Cassidy and Best Friends. QT Marshall says Cassidy is a great competitor and then takes a verbal shot at Danhausen. Cassidy then says its time for enough talk…its time for the main event.

Excalibur runs down the Full Gear card and needs to slow down and take a breather. UGH!

AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match: Orange Cassidy(c) (w/ Best Friends) defends against “Big Shotty” Lee Johnson (w/ The Factory)

Johnson and The Factory comes out to boos. Orange Cassidy comes out with Best Friends and Danhausen to a big ovation. Cassidy has the title belt in a duffle bag.

The fans begin to chant “Freshly Squeezed.” Both men lock up. Cassidy is sent off in the ropes and hits Johnson with a shoulder block, and goes for the pin on Johnson, but only gets a two count. Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets as Johnson is down. The Factory distracts Cassidy and hits him with a drop kick. Cassidy comes back and bounces Johnson from turnbuckle pad to turnbuckle pad. The Factory distracts Cassidy as he is taken out and falls to the floor.


Back from the break, both men are down in the ring. The ref begins the ten count. The Factory sends Best Friends into the ring post. Cassidy dives off the second rope and takes out The Factory on the floor. Johnson hits Cassidy with a blue thunder bomb in the ring, and goes for a two count, but. only gets a two. Trent spears members of The Factory. In the ring, Cassidy hits Johnson with a DDT! Cassidy goes for the Orange Punch but misses. Johnson hits Cassidy with kicks to the face as Cassidy nails Johnson and picks up Johnson with a beach break for the win. Kole Carter comes in the ring and is met with an Orange Punch! Carter is back upas Best Friends go to hug him, but they pick up Carter and slam him down as the show goes off the air!

Jerome’s thoughts: Overall the show this week was much better than last week. Tonight’s show flowed really well. The action was great and it didn’t feel like a glorified episode of Dark. The stories for the Title Eliminator were told well and have me more excited than I expected. Commentary tonight was good. However, Excalibur you need to slow down! You talk way to fast!
