WWE Raw Results
July 18, 2022
Tampa, Florida (Amalie Center)
Commentary: Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com
“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.
WWE Global Ambassador Titus O’Neil is in the ring. O’Neil says when he came to WWE, he became a Tag Team Champion and went into the Hall of Fame as a Warrior Award recipient, he thought that was as high as he could go. Now he’s reached the pinnacle by becoming the WWE Global Ambassador. O’Neil gets to represent WWE all over the world, bringing goodwill. They love putting smiles on the faces of people, like those that are less fortunate or serving the country all over the globe. A “USA” chant picks up. They also support causes that promote family, health, and community. This helps bring people together to do good.
They spread goodwill. That’s why they’ll never discuss politics, religion, or divisive. Regardless of your race, economic status, or nationality, this is a place we deserve to have a safe haven. This is a place WWE simply wants to make sure we all have a good time. So that’s exactly what we’re about to do here tonight. O’Neil is fired up and welcomes everyone to Monday Night Raw.
Video Package: Carmella defeats Bianca Belair by Count-Out with Becky Lynch’s help last week
Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring. Lynch welcomes everyone to the big time. She’s like the little engine that could, overcoming obstacle after obstacle. She’s not a little blue choo-choo; she’s a ginger locomotive. When Asuka tried to stop her, she rolled right over her. When the train is coming, it stops for no one. She rolled over five women on the way to Money in the Bank. Every journey has a stop, and she’s been to Loser Station, but now they can get off at Appreciation Station when she becomes the next Raw Women’s Champion. The crowd boos. Whoever wins the Raw Women’s Championship match coming up, she’ll face at SummerSlam.
Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair makes her way to the ring. Belair says Lynch couldn’t sit on the sidelines and watch her be great. She had to interfere and cost her the match by count-out. Belair gets in the ring. An “EST” chant picks up. Belair says this isn’t the Becky Lynch comeback. This is Bianca Belair’s comeback from last year’s SummerSlam. Losing to Becky Lynch in 26 seconds was a low point for her. She’s going to come out on top.
Carmella comes out to the ring. She says Belair is making the biggest mistake of her career by overlooking her. She’s a badass with a great ass. Last week, she beat Belair. Carmella does find it convenient that Belair was distracted by Lynch. Maybe it’s because Little EST realized she was overmatched and took a shortcut. Regardless, it doesn’t matter because tonight, if she gets counted out again, not only will Mella be Money, she’ll be the new Raw Women’s Champion.
Belair says she’s sick and tired of all this talking. Lynch attacks Belair from behind. Lynch and Carmella double-team Belair. Belair tries to fight them off, but Lynch drops her with a Manhandle Slam.
-Commercial Break-
Replays are shown of the attack on Bianca Belair before the commercial.
The referee checks on Belair, and she agrees to start the match. Becky Lynch is on commentary for this match.
Raw Women’s Championship
Bianca Belair (c) vs. Carmella
The title can change hands by pinfall, submission, or count-out.
The bell rings, and Carmella quickly takes it to Belair. Carmella elbows her in the face a few times, dropping her in the corner. Carmella goes for a Bronco Buster, but they slow motion go through a spot where Belair avoids it. Carmella goes for a head-scissor takeover, but Belair counters into a backbreaker. Belair clotheslines her and hits a dropkick. Belair hits a fallaway slam and goes for a handspring standing moonsault, but Carmella rolls out of the ring to recover.
Belair goes outside and throws Carmella into the ring, but Becky Lynch distracts her. Carmella rolls out of the ring again, so Belair follows her out and goes for a KOD on the floor. Carmella grabs the ropes and pulls herself into the ring. Carmella then pulls Belair facefirst into the ring post. Belair gets in the ring before being counted out, so Carmella punches away at her. Carmella puts Belair on the apron and knocks her to the floor. Carmella throws Belair over the barricade into the timekeeper’s area and gets in the ring. The referee is counting, but Belair gets in at eight. Carmella grabs her by the ponytail and sends her to the corner. Belair goes for a slingshot over her, but Carmella catches her and slings her over the top rope. Belair hits the steps on the way down. The referee is counting, but she’s back in at eight again.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Carmella on Belair’s back. Belair backs her to the corner. Carmella pulls the braid, so Belair whips her off and dropkicks her down. Belair shoulders her in the corner and starts the 10 punches. Belair backflips off at nine and floors her with a forearm. Belair hits a handspring standing moonsault for a near fall. Carmella elbows Belair back and goes for a double chickenwing slam, but Carmella counters into a roll-up into the ropes. Carmella covers with her feet on the ropes for a two-count. Carmella knocks her down again and picks up another two-count.
Belair shoulders Carmella in the midsection and puts her on the top rope. Belair backflips off the second rope and catches Carmella attempting a cross-body block. Belair transitions into a delayed vertical suplex. Carmella is on the apron and snaps Belair off the top rope. Carmella hits a facebuster for a near fall. Carmella disrespects Belair with a slap to the face. An irate Belair just grabs her and hits a KOD for the win.
Winner by Pinfall and still Raw Women’s Champion: Bianca Belair
Becky Lynch gets in the ring with the Raw Women’s Championship in her hands. She holds it up in front of Belair. Belair wants her to hand over the title, but Lynch drops it at her feet and walks off.
Footage is shown of WWE Official Adam Pearce announcing that Jeff Jarrett will be the guest referee for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship match at SummerSlam.
The Street Profits are excited that Jeff Jarrett is the guest referee. Montez Ford says it doesn’t matter who the referee is. They’re walking out of Nashville as the champions. MVP and Omos walk up to them. MVP says it’s good that Omos isn’t the referee after what he did to them last week. Omos spiked Dawkins like a football in the endzone. MVP is going to Adam Pearce to make Omos versus Dawkins a match.
Kevin Owens’ music hits, and KO makes his way to the ring after being absent for the last few weeks. He’ll host The KO Show with Riddle as his special guest next.
-Commercial Break-
The KO Show with special guest Riddle
Kevin Owens says The Kevin Owens Show is back on Monday Night Raw. Before he tells everyone where he’s been, he wants to bring out his guest, Riddle. Riddle makes his way to the ring. He’ll face Seth “Freakin” Rollins at SummerSlam. Riddle says he’s here because Owens promised him a Mountain Dew Baja Blast. Owens has no idea what he’s talking about. They sit down in their chairs. Owens doesn’t know anything about Mountain Dew, but here’s what he does know. Owens has been gone for the last few weeks. Owens was obsessed and went crazy trying to prove that Ezekiel is Elias. Owens went on a nature retreat. While he was away, he watched Raw every week. There’s something that he admired about Riddle. Riddle is calm and collected. Maybe Riddle has some assistance in doing that, so maybe Owens needs to do that. Owens doesn’t care about Ezekiel, Elias, or Elrod. He wishes them well… actually, he doesn’t.
Owens asked Riddle to be out here because of his match at SummerSlam against Seth Rollins. Rollins has caused Owens great anguish over the last few months. Rollins pretended to be his best friend before betraying him. Like Riddle lost his best friend, Randy Orton, Owens lost his best friend. Everyone needs some backup, especially in WWE. The answer is right in front of him. RK-Bro was good, but Bro-KO could be great. Riddle looks intrigued. Riddle has to be honest that KO is the biggest liar he knows. Owens understands why he’d say that given his past. Owens has turned over a new leaf. No one will ever be able to call him a liar again. Riddle trusted Orton, the biggest snake in WWE. No one has ever been less trustworthy than Orton. Riddle warns him not to talk about his best friend like that. Riddle gets in Owens’ face.
“Burn it down” is heard, but the music doesn’t start. Owens says he had nothing to do with that. The music then starts, so Riddle looks at the stage. Seth “Freakin” Rollins attacks Riddle from behind and hits a Stomp. Rollins throws the chairs out of the ring and hits Riddle with another Stomp. Rollins celebrates over the broken body of Riddle.
Replays are shown of Finn Bálor defeating Rey Mysterio last week on Raw.
The Judgement Day makes their way to the ring. Damian Priest will face Rey Mysterio next.
-Commercial Break-
Kevin Patrick asks Seth “Freakin” Rollins why he’s targeting Riddle. Rollins says Riddle’s stupidity is driving him crazy. Riddle is so stupid that he thinks Randy Orton is his friend. Riddle turned down Kevin Owens’ help at SummerSlam, which makes him realize that Riddle actually thinks he can beat him at SummerSlam. Ezekiel confronts Rollins over his attack on Riddle. Ezekiel warns him not to talk about his family and says business will pick up.
Damian Priest tells the people to rise for a Prince and a Punisher. They need to rise for The Judgment Day. They chose not to destroy Dominik Mysterio last week on Raw. Priest guarantees that Dominik will join The Judgment Day tonight. Priest can see in Dominik’s eyes that he wants to drop his father. His father is stifling him. Priest wants to show what they do to legends that hold them back.
Footage is shown of Priest, Finn Bálor, and Rhea Ripley viciously ejecting Edge from the group last month.
Bálor says he can watch that video over and over again. Rey Mysterio’s music hits. The Mysterios come out to the ring.
-Commercial Break-
Damian Priest w/ Finn Bálor vs. Rey Mysterio w/ Dominik Mysterio
We join this match in progress. Mysterio gets in Bálor’s face and then hits Priest with a slingshot splash. During the commercial, Mysterio hit Priest with a plancha. Priest drops Mysterio with a forearm before stomping him in the corner. Priest whips Mysterio hard into the corner and avalanches him. Priest covers for a two-count. Priest applies a chin lock, but Mysterio fights out. Priest quickly hits a backbreaker for a two-count. Priest goes back to the chin lock. Mysterio fights up and elbows out. Priest clubs the back and punches him. Priest knees him in the midsection before whipping him into the ropes. Mysterio holds on and boots him back. Mysterio then hits a wheelbarrow bulldog.
Mysterio goes to the top rope, so Priest grabs him by the throat. Mysterio counters into a hurricanrana before sending him into the ring post. Mysterio comes off the top rope with a seated senton. Mysterio follows up with a springboard cross-body block for a one-count. Priest puts the brakes on a whip. Mysterio tries to slingshot over him, but Priest catches him. Mysterio counters into a DDT for a near fall. Mysterio drops Priest into the ropes. Bálor gets on the apron and distracts him. Dominik pulls Bálor down, so Bálor sends him into the barricade. Mysterio baseball slides Bálor. Mysterio goes for a 619 on Priest, but Priest superkicks him down for a near fall.
Priest goes for South of Heaven, but Mysterio counters and sends him into the ropes. Mysterio connects with a 619. Mysterio goes for a seated senton, but Priest catches him. Priest hits a vicious Crucifix Powerbomb for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Damian Priest
Priest continues to attack Mysterio after the match. Bálor grabs some chairs and sets Mysterio up for a con-chair-to. Priest says Dominik is going to join The Judgment Day… or they’ll take his father’s head off. Dominik runs in to protect his father and agrees to join the group. Priest says it doesn’t work like that. Bálor attacks Dominik with the chair. Rey then escapes the ring before being hit with the chair.
Replays are shown of Seth “Freakin” Rollins destroying Riddle with two Stomps earlier tonight.
Seth “Freakin” Rollins will battle Ezekiel next.
-Commercial Break-
Another mysterious promo airs. John Cena’s shirt is shown in it.
Replays are shown of Seth “Freakin” Rollins defeating Ezekiel a few weeks ago on Raw.
Seth “Freakin” Rollins vs. Ezekiel
The bell rings, and they lock up. Rollins quickly powers Ezekiel into the corner. Ezekiel fights out, but Rollins wrenches the arm. Ezekiel counters out and takes Rollins down, but Rollins quickly transitions into a hammerlock. Ezekiel hits a pair of headlock takeovers. Rollins goes for a back suplex, but Ezekiel counters into a third headlock takeover. Ezekiel wrenches in a side headlock. Rollins whips him off, but Ezekiel shoulder blocks him down. Rollins fights back, but Ezekiel takes him down and applies a side headlock again. Ezekiel chops the chest, so Rollins pulls him down by the hair. Rollins kicks Ezekiel in the face before clubbing him down. Rollins knocks Ezekiel out of the ring and goes for a suicide dive, but Ezekiel sidesteps him and throws him into the barricade. Ezekiel gets Rollins in the ring and goes to the top rope, but Rollins lays him out up there. Rollins then knees him in the back of the head.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Ezekiel running wild on Rollins. Ezekiel hits a fallaway slam and avalanches him in the corner. Ezekiel follows up with a clothesline for a near fall. Rollins comes back with a roll-up for a two-count. Rollins immediately follows up with a superkick for a near fall. An angry Rollins pulls himself up in the corner. Ezekiel avoids a Stomp and rolls him up for a two-count. Ezekiel hits a backslide for another two-count. Rollins goes for a Stomp, but Ezekiel avoids it. Rollins hits a victory roll for a near fall. Ezekiel then powerbombs Rollins for a near fall.
Rollins and Ezekiel forearm each other. Rollins punches Ezekiel in the face. Ezekiel stuns him with a right hand to the face. Rollins hits an overhead kick to the temple. Rollins goes to the apron and knocks Ezekiel back. Rollins goes for a springboard knee, but Ezekiel hits a high knee out of midair for a near fall. Ezekiel goes to the top rope, but Rollins counters with a superplex into a falcon arrow for a near fall. They continue to go back and forth until Rollins hits a Stomp out of nowhere for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Unified WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos are backstage with Omos and MVP. They’re excited to see what Omos does to Angelo Dawkins.
-Commercial Break-
Next week at Madison Square Garden, WWE will celebrate 20 years of Rey Mysterio.
The Judgment Day are backstage. Finn Bálor says Dominik Mysterio did it all wrong. He should have cracked his father’s skull tonight as they did to Edge. Instead, he saved him. Damian Priest says they’re celebrating 20 years of Rey Mysterio in WWE next week. At Madison Square Garden, The Judgment Day will rise.
Omos makes his way to the ring alongside MVP. Backstage, Montez Ford fires Angelo Dawkins up.
Unified WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos are at ringside.
Omos w/ MVP vs. Angelo Dawkins w/ Montez Ford
Omos takes some time throwing Dawkins around the ring early on. Dawkins avoids a big boot in the corner and avalanches him. Dawkins hits the ropes, but MVP sweeps the feet. The referee sees it and disqualifies Omos.
Winner by Disqualification: Angelo Dawkins
WWE Official Adam Pearce comes out and says this will now be a tag team match.
-Commercial Break-
Tag Team Match
Omos and MVP vs. The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins)
The bell rings, and The Usos immediately distract Angelo Dawkins, allowing Omos to attack him from behind. Omos viciously whips Dawkins to the corner and avalanches him. MVP, wearing a suit, stands on the apron. Omos stands on Dawkins’ hand and viciously sends him to the corner. MVP tags in and kicks Dawkins in the head. Dawkins fights back, but MVP hits a throat thrust and takes him down. MVP hits a Ballin’ Elbow Drop for a one-count. MVP is angry and hits the ropes, but Dawkins punches him down.
Ford and Omos tag in. Ford boots Omos and comes off the top rope, but Omos catches him. Omos goes for a military press, but Ford lands on his feet and peppers Ford with strikes. Omos chops him out of midair and big boots him down. Dawkins breaks up the pin. MVP attacks Dawkins, but Dawkins throws him out of the ring. Dawkins whips MVP into The Usos. The Usos angrily get in the ring, but the referee stops them. The Street Profits kick Omos in the knees and hit a double superkick. Ford hits a frog splash, but Omos kicks out at one. Ford is stunned. Ford goes to the top rope, but The Usos attack. The referee calls for the bell.
Winners by Disqualification: The Street Profits
The Usos double-team The Street Profits before having Omos hit a double chokeslam. MVP, who appears to be busted open, gets Omos out of the ring. The Usos stand over the broken Street Profits.
Sarah Schreiber is backstage. Veer Mahaan attempts to intimidate her and walks off. The Miz, who is her guest, says he thinks Veer likes her. Miz says he hopes to get Logan Paul to withdraw from his SummerSlam challenge and becomes a tag partner with him. If he doesn’t, then Logan Paul will be his enemy.
Mr. Money in the Bank Theory makes his way to the ring. He’ll face AJ Styles next.
-Commercial Break-
SummerSlam is 12 days away.
Theory says before he wipes the mat clean with AJ Styles, he has to address a few things. We’re on the cusp of the biggest SummerSlam of all time. Theory is going to take back his United States Championship from Bobby Lashley. Then he’ll cash in his Money in the Bank contract on whatever is left of Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar after their hellacious Last Man Standing Match. Theory is going to become the brand new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. They’re going to destroy each other. Brock Lesnar is vicious and he has the footage.
A replay is shown of Brock Lesnar destroying Alpha Academy last week on Raw.
Theory says they’re going to destroy each other and he’ll cash in. Everyone is jealous of Theory, especially Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, and Dolph Ziggler. A replay is shown of Dolph Ziggler superkicking Theory last week.
AJ Styles comes out and says everyone in the locker room thinks he’s a jackass. Theory says Styles is just a jealous old veteran because he’s an overnight sensation. When Styles was his age, he was giving the Phenomenal Forearm to barefoot hillbillies in barns. Styles says he’s proud of where he’s come from and will beat respect into Theory. Styles then punches Theory out of the ring. Dolph Ziggler then makes his way to the ring, infuriating Theory.
-Commercial Break-
Theory vs. AJ Styles
AJ Styles quickly takes it to Theory at the sound of the bell. Theory fights back with a backbreaker and stomps away at him. Theory talks some trash and goes for a back suplex, but Styles flips through and lands on his feet. Styles punches away at Theory and hits a backbreaker. Dolph Ziggler is watching from ringside. Styles elbows Theory in the back of the neck and puts him in the corner. Theory fights out and applies a chin lock. Styles fights up and hits a back suplex. Styles kicks him in the chest and charges, but Theory sends him out of the ring. Theory follows him out, but Styles gets in the ring. Dolph Ziggler stares at Theory. Theory asks what he’s doing and shoves him down. Styles kicks Theory out of the ring as he gets in.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Theory hit Styles with a back body drop. During the break, Theory countered a Phenomenal Forearm. Styles fights up from an armbar and punches out before hitting a clothesline. Styles hits a diving forearm. Styles avalanches him in the corner before faking a suplex into a neckbreaker for a near fall. Theory fights back by countering out of a Styles Clash. Theory snaps him into the corner before hitting a fisherman’s neckbreaker for a near fall. Theory continues to take it to Styles until Styles counters into a Calf Crusher. Theory quickly claws to the ropes for a break.
Theory gets Styles out of the ring and drops him on the commentary table in front of Ziggler. Theory puts Styles into the ring. The referee checks on Styles, so Ziggler gets up and viciously superkicks Theory. The referee counts Theory out.
Winner by Count-Out: AJ Styles
The commentators talk about SummerSlam.
-Commercial Break-
Video Package: Bianca Belair vs. Becky Lynch at SummerSlam
Alexa Bliss makes her entrance.
-Commercial Break-
6-Woman Tag Match
Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and Dana Brooke vs. Doudrop, Nikki A.S.H., and Tamina
Within minutes, Reggie was there to distract Dana Brooke, which set off a series of WWE 24/7 Championship changes. Akira Tozawa, Nikki A.S.H., Alexa Bliss, Doudrop, and Tamina would win it before Dana Brooke got it back and ran away. Asuka tapped Nikki out with an Asuka Lock as this match somehow didn’t end by disqualification.
Winners by Submission: Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and Dana Brooke
Dominik Mysterio says he’d never join The Judgment Day. Rey Mysterio says they’re not the first ones to try to break up his family, but they won’t stop him from celebrating 20 years with WWE.
The Miz makes his entrance. Replays are shown of him winning the MVP award at the MLB Celebrity Softball Game.
-Commercial Break-
The Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV. He says he and Logan Paul have been doing what celebrities do, which is stir up controversy and get people talking. Miz calls Logan Paul to the ring.
Logan Paul comes out to boos, but he’s acting like a babyface. Paul demands to know if The Miz will accept his challenge. Miz says they need to focus on the positives before they talk about the bad. Replays are shown of The Miz and Logan Paul coming out victorious at WrestleMania. Paul tells them to keep playing the footage. The footage shows Miz hitting Paul with a Skull Crushing Finale after the match.
Miz puts over Logan Paul’s accomplishments but says he’s a rookie. Miz says he has to earn the right to face him. Paul says he’s been told he can’t do things in the past, and he revolutionized social media. Paul says he’s better than Miz and will prove it at Madison Square Garden by hosting his own show. Paul says he signed a WWE contract to destroy Miz. Paul says Miz has two tiny blueberries in his pants, so that’s why he is ducking the challenge. Miz reveals he has a shirt that says he has massive balls. Jesus. Miz accepts the SummerSlam challenge. Miz goes to attack Paul, but he ducks it and takes Miz down. Ciampa attacks Paul from behind. Paul fights off Miz and Ciampa and gets out of the ring.
Sarah Schreiber gets in the ring to interview Miz. Miz says he’ll beat Logan Paul because he’s awesome.
Quick Match Results
— Bianca Belair (c) def. Carmella to retain the Raw Women’s Championship
— Damian Priest def. Rey Mysterio
— Seth “Freakin” Rollins def. Ezekiel
— Angelo Dawkins def. Omos via DQ
— The Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) def. Omos and MVP via DQ
— AJ Styles def. Theory via CO
— Alexa Bliss, Asuka, and Dana Brooke def. Doudrop, Nikki A.S.H., and Tamina via Submission
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Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV
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