AEW Rampage Results – 4/15/22 (Texas Death AEW Title Match, more)

AEW Rampage Results
April 15, 2022

Curtis Culwell Center (Garland, Texas)
Results by: Jerome Wilen of

We go live to the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas. It was not announced as a sell-out, but the venue looks full and the crowd is loud at hot!

Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and Wheeler Yuta) vs. Gunn Club (Billy Gunn, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn)

Yuta and Austin exchange blows. Yuta has Austin down on the mat and has him in an arm bar. Yuta has Colten down on the mat. Danielson is tagged in. Danielson has Colten locked up and grabs the nose. Colten tags in Billy Gunn. Danielson kicks Billy. He has Billy in the corner with Chops. Danielson charges at Billy, who then hits Danielson with an elbow.

We go to picture in picture for the commercial break.

Back from the break, Colten has Danielson in a headlock, and then goes for pin, but only gets a two count. Colten tags in Austin. Both men go on the offense and are down on the mat. Danielson tags in Moxley who takes down both Colten and Austin. Moxley has Colten on the top rope and hits him with chops and then suplexes Colten off the second rope. Colten comes back with a boot to the face and tags in Billy. Moxely tags in Yuta who comes off the top rope with a big cross body that connects. Moxley and Danielson go after Billy, but he counters with a double clothesline on Moxley and Danielson. Billy picks up Yuta and slams him down. Billy goes for a pin, but only gets a two count. Yuta counters the offense on Billy with a roll up and gets the pin out of nowhere. The crowd goes wild.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley and Wheeler Yuta)

Commercial Break

Back from the break –

The Butcher vs. Barrett Brown 

The Butcher is the offense as the match is a quick squash match.

Winner: The Butcher

We go to a backstage promo with Dustin Rhodes who makes a challenge to CM Punk for a match on next week’s Dynamite.

-Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Qualifying Match: Ruby Soho vs. Robyn Renegade

Both women lock up and go to the corner rope. Both women lock up again. Renegade shoves Soho. The crowd is behind Soho. Renegade has Soho locked up. Soho comes back with multiple headbutts on Renegade. Soho goes to the top, but is countered by Renegade as Ruby hits the mat. Renegade has Soho in a chin lock.

We go to picture in picture for the commercial break.

Back from the break and Renegade was in charge of the match, but Soho comes back with kicks to Renegade and then hits her with a kick to the side of the head. Soho drives Renegade into the middle rope. Renegade comes back with a rake to the eyes. Robyn rolls out to the floor and her twin sister Charlotte comes from out of under the ring and they make the switch when the ref isn;t looking. Charlotte rolls out and Robyn comes back in and tries to make a pin attempt on Soho, but only gets a two count. Soho comes back with her finisher and get the win.

Winner: Ruby Soho

We go backstage with Mark Henry talking to Adam Cole and Adam Page before the match. Page says he will end Cole’s life. Cole then comes back and says he will end Page and destroy him and Page is a deadman in the process.

Commercial Break

Back from the break, and it’s time for the main event.

-AEW Championship Texas Death Championship Match: Hangman Page (c) defends against vs. Adam Cole

Page goes under the ring and gets out chairs. Both men go face to face in the ring, before Paul Turner separates them.

Both men swing chairs at each other. Page connects on Cole’s back as the action goes to the floor. Cole grabs a chair and Page kicks it into Cole’s face. Both men are still on the outside. Page tosses Cole into the guard rail, then the steps. The crowd is behind Page as the action continues on the floor. Pages attempts to go for a piledriver, but Cole escapes it. The action now spills into the stands as Page continues on the offense. Both men climb the stairs and Page has a boot in the face of Cole. Page grabs a bottle from a fan and then hits Cole in the head and the takes a drink as Cole goes stumbling down the stairs. Page goes after Cole as both men are now back in the ring. Page is hitting Cole in the head with closed fists. Page grabs a chair, goes to the top rope and hits a moonsault on Cole with the chair. Page sets up a chair in the corner and slams Cole’s head into it. Cole is on the outside and Page sits on a chair in the ring. The ref begins the ten count. Cole is busted open pouring blood.

We go to a commercial break with picture in picture.

Back from the break, both men are back in the ring as Cole has a chain. he clotheslines Page with a chair. It was a wicked move. Cole sets up two chairs. Page picks up Cole, but Cole counters. Cole goes for a boot, but Page counters and slams Coles back on the tops of the side by side chairs. OH MY GOSH THAT LOOKED LIKE IT HURT! Page goes and gets more chairs from under the ring. Cole kicks Page in the face, then goes for a Panama Sunrise, but Page counters with a deadeye and hurts his knee in the process. Page goes to the top rope for moonsault to Cole on the outside and Cole hits Page to the face with a kick. Back in the ring, Cole spikes Page with a Panama Sunsrise and he is busted open under the chin. The ref begins the ten count. At nine, page gets up. Cole has Page on the top rope. Page counters with a tossing Cole on the chairs in the middle of the ring. Both men are a bloody mess. The ref begins ten count. The crowd starts chanting this is awesome. Cole is back up. Page sets Cole down on a chair, but Cole grabs Page’s pants and Page counters with elbow shots. Page grabs a chair and sits down as both men exchange blows. Both men exchange blows. Page goes to the ring apron, and Cole hits Page with a kick to the face. Cole grabs a chair. Page counters with a buckshot lariat. Page then takes off his belt and ties Cole to the top rope. Page goes to the outside and grabs a chair with barbwire. Page is looking to hit Cole with it, but then has second thoughts as the crowd boos. Page unties Cole, then is low-blowed by Cole. Page comes back with a lariat, then grabs a piece of barbwire from the chair and wraps it around his arm. Cole goes to the top rope and leaps off and Page hits Cole with it. Page then wraps the barbwire around Cole’s head and hits Cole with a deadeye off the ring apron onto a table as the crowd goes absolutely nuts. The ref begins the ten count. Page makes it back in as Cole is on the floor. Cole doesn’t make it into the ring as Page retains.

Winner and STILL AEW Champion: Hangman Page

We will have a written review of tonight’s show sometime later tonight.
