Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan get into “Twitter war”

Over the last 24 hours, WWE Hall of Famers Hulk Hogan and Bret “The Hitman” Hart have gotten into a “Twitter war” of sorts. Here are a few highlights from the back-and-forth between the two with Hart firing the first shot when answering questions about TNA and Hogan.

Bret Hart:
“Hogan’s nothing but a two-faced, backstabbing, steroid freak who deserved everything he got.”

Hulk Hogan:
“Listen to where Brett’s speaking from. It’s funny, he’s done everything he’s saying I did.”

Bret Hart:
“That’s not what John Graziano thinks, dickhead.”

Hulk Hogan:
“Last and only comment for Brett, I hope he finds happiness in life, I feel bad for him and I have totally forgiven him much respect. HH.”

Bret Hart’s Twitter account:

Hulk Hogan’s Twitter account:
