WWE SmackDown Results – 12/10/21 (Charlotte Flair vs. Toni Storm, RK-Bro vs. The New Day vs. The Usos)

WWE SmackDown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results
December 10, 2021
Los Angeles, California (Staples Center)
Commentary: Michael Cole and Pat McAfee
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

In memory of Jack Lanza: 1935 – 2021.

“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

We go into the Staples Center to hear Sami Zayn’s music. Zayn is in a wheelchair with two nurses alongside him. Zayn also has a neck brace and a cast on his lower left leg.

Video Package: Brock Lesnar destroyed Sami Zayn and cost him the #1 Contendership

Zayn introduces himself and says he is the toughest man in the WWE. It took both of the biggest athletes in WWE history to put him in this wheelchair. Both Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns had to do this to me. Isn’t it weird? Two guys that can’t stand each other worked together to make sure Sami Zayn didn’t become WWE Universal Champion. He doesn’t want to call it a conspiracy, but it is. Zayn says it was robbed. It wasn’t the German Suplexes or the F5s that hurt him. It was the betrayal by Lesnar. Zayn has to do what’s right and sue. It brings him no pleasure. Zayn is going to sue Adam Pearce, Sonya Deville, the referee that rang the bell because the match shouldn’t have happened, Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman, and anyone else that had anything to do with him losing his title opportunity.

Paul Heyman walks out to the stage. Heyman apologizes that people have to listen to this speech about suing and litigation by Sami Zayn. Zayn says this is not funny. Heyman gets in the ring and says “his people” do the suing and litigating. Heyman’s people own Hollywood. Zayn says he wasn’t finished talking. Heyman shushes him, but Zayn cuts him off. Heyman continues on, but Zayn gets up from the chair. This startles Heyman. Zayn says Roman Reigns isn’t here tonight. Heyman says he’s in Samoa training for his Day 1 match. Zayn says he’ll still rip Heyman’s head off.

Brock Lesnar’s music hits, and he makes his way to the ring looking none too pleased. Lesnar grabs a steel chair and smashes it on the commentary table. Lesnar gets in the ring and sets the chair up. Lesnar goes over to Heyman, and Heyman sheepishly gives him the microphone. A “Suplex City” chant picks up. Lesnar sits down and smiles at Zayn, asking him how he’s doing. Zayn says he’s not doing great. Lesnar says he’s in a wheelchair with male nurses. Zayn says it’s not funny and orders Lesnar to shut his mouth. Lesnar says they got off on the wrong foot. Lesnar apologizes for last week and asks on a scale of 1 to 10 how much it hurts. Zayn says the physical pain is a 10, but his feelings are a 20. Lesnar says he’s feeling Zayn. Last week, Zayn said they were friends. Zayn says he thought they were. Lesnar says they’re both Canadians. Does he really think he could singlehandedly beat Roman Reigns? Lesnar did him a favor. Zayn was never going to beat Roman Reigns on that given night. Zayn tries to get this straight. Lesnar injured him on purpose so Roman Reigns’ victory wouldn’t count. Lesnar asks where in Canada Zayn is from. Zayn says Montreal. Lesnar speaks some rough French to him. Lesnar says from one Canadian alpha male to another, he wants to invite him to Saskatchewan to go hunting and fishing. Zayn says that he is vegan. Lesnar gets up and says it’s time for them to get out of Hollywood and do something fun.

Lesnar starts to wheel Zayn away before Heyman takes the microphone away. Heyman says the edibles from the dispensary must be kicking in. Three years ago, these actions would have sent Zayn to Suplex City. Instead, he’s watching two Canadians talk about moose hunting. What happened to The Beast, The Conqueror… an irate Lesnar viciously assaults Zayn’s male nurses. Lesnar sends both of them through the ropes, but they each hit them hard and have a rough landing. Lesnar kicks Zayn in the chest, knocking the wheelchair over. Lesnar throws the wheelchair out of the ring and gives Zayn an F5. Heyman evilly smiles from ringside. Lesnar looks around and is pumped up.

Raw Tag Team Champions RK-Bro will battle The New Day and SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos to determine the best tag team in WWE.

-Commercial Break-

Brock Lesnar is angrily stalking around backstage. Kayla Braxton asks why he came to ringside, and Lesnar tells her to ask his advocate.

Los Lotharios are in the ring. Rick Boogs is on the stage and introduces Shinsuke Nakamura, playing guitar to his theme as they dance down to the ring.

Tag Team Match
Los Lotharios (Angel and Humberto) vs. Rick Boogs and Shinsuke Nakamura

Rick Boogs starts against Humberto. Boogs takes him right down and slams him. Boogs brings Angel in the hard way and tosses him around before press slamming him out of the ring. Humberto jumps on Boogs’ back, but Boogs takes him out with a spinning slam. Shinsuke Nakamura tags in and gives Humberto a Kinshasa for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Rick Boogs and Shinsuke Nakamura

The Viking Raiders, Mansoor, Ricochet, Drew Gulak, and Kofi Kingston are backstage near a podium with a purple cloth on it. King Woods’ crowning moment is next.

-Commercial Break-

Kofi Kingston is backstage and says it is time to reveal Xavier Woods’ new crown. A giant crown is revealed and Xavier Woods puts it on. Woods says now that he has his crown again, The New Day will show that they are the greatest tag team in WWE.

Replays are shown of Drew McIntyre interrupting the Battle Royal two weeks ago with his sword. McIntyre wants to get to WWE Official Adam Pearce, the person who kept him from the Black Friday Battle Royal.

Drew McIntyre walks into the office of WWE Official Adam Pearce. Pearce looks frightened. McIntyre says he heard that Pearce wanted to speak with him. Pearce says McIntyre is not allowed to bring his sword to ringside. McIntyre stabs the sword through Pearce’s desk, smiles, and leaves.

Sheamus makes his way to the ring. Cesaro is shown watching backstage. Sheamus battles Drew McIntyre next.

-Commercial Break-

Toni Storm battles SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair in a Championship Contender’s Match later tonight.

Toni Storm is warming up backstage when Sasha Banks walks up to her. Banks puts over how many different styles of fighting Storm knows. Banks has never seen Charlotte Flair so humiliated after being pied in the face last week. Storm says, “Pie-back is a bitch.” They laugh.

Drew McIntyre is making his entrance. They show WWE Official Adam Pearce in his office backstage trying to remove the sword. In the ring, McIntyre slaps the shillelagh out of Sheamus’ hand.

Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

The bell rings, and they immediately start brawling. McIntyre is furious and puts Sheamus in the corner before viciously chopping the chest. McIntyre hits a second chop, but Sheamus fights back and takes McIntyre down with a hammer throw. Sheamus’ chest is already a nasty shade of red. Sheamus gets McIntyre on the apron for the 10 Beats of the Bodhran, but McIntyre blocks it and starts it on his own. Sheamus reverses and hits the 10 Beats of the Bodhran on McIntyre. Sheamus tries to dive off the apron, but McIntyre moves. Sheamus charges, but McIntyre sends him flying with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on the floor!

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see McIntyre attempting a Future Shock DDT. Sheamus fights out of it and hits an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a near fall. Sheamus taunts the crowd before lifting McIntyre. McIntyre slides off and chops the chest again. McIntyre connects with a Future Shock DDT and kips up. McIntyre waits for Sheamus to get up and starts to count down. Sheamus cuts off the Claymore Kick with a vicious knee to the face for a near fall!

Sheamus heads to the corner and starts to size McIntyre up. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick, but McIntyre counters with a schoolboy for a near fall. Sheamus fights back, but McIntyre hits him with a Glasgow Kiss. Sheamus responds with a head-butt of his own. Sheamus pushes McIntyre into the ropes, but McIntyre stuns him with a Claymore Kick for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Drew McIntyre

Backstage, Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss are wheeling away Adam Pearce’s desk with McIntyre’s sword in it.

Video Package: The life and times of WWE Hall of Famer Blackjack Lanza, who passed away this past Wednesday at the age of 86.

Naomi makes her entrance. She’ll battle WWE Official Sonya Deville next.

-Commercial Break-

Paul Heyman is walking backstage when Kayla Braxton startles him. She asks if he’s still the advocate for Brock Lesnar. Heyman tells her to stop doing that and goes to leave. She asks how Roman Reigns will react to what happened tonight. Heyman looks over his shoulder and appears lost for words. Braxton looks satisfied with her line of questioning as a worried Heyman walks away.

Video Package: Naomi vs. Sonya Deville

Naomi says she is going to give Sonya Deville the glow tonight and demands she comes out to the ring. Deville comes out and is dressed to fight.

Naomi vs. Sonya Deville

Charles Robinson, my favorite referee of all time, is the official for this match. Before the match begins, Deville takes the microphone. Deville says they’re going to get to the match, but she has a few surprises. The special guest ring announcer is Natalya. The special guest timekeeper is Shayna Baszler. Naomi gets out of the ring and attacks Baszler before driving her face into the ring apron. Naomi then kicks Natalya in the head.

Deville slides out of the ring and checks on Baszler and Natalya. Deville regroups them and tells them to get in the ring and kick Naomi’s ass. All of a sudden, Xia Li makes her way to the ring. They put special effects on her to make it look like lightning is emerging from her eyes. Li gets in the ring and helps Naomi fight off Baszler and Natalya. Deville is stuck between the two of them. Naomi misses a punch, but Li drops Deville with a spin kick. Naomi goes for a split-legged moonsault, but she doesn’t go. A few seconds later, Baszler and Natalya pull Deville out of the ring. This match never started.

Raw Tag Team Champions RK-Bro are backstage. The cast of Jackass Forever walks up to them. Johnny Knoxville’s hair is totally gray. Wow. Riddle is psyched to see them, but Randy Orton doesn’t look interested.

SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring. She’ll face Toni Storm in a Championship Contender’s Match next.

-Commercial Break-

Migos, who sings the WWE Day 1 theme song, will appear at the event.

Championship Contender’s Match
SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair vs. Toni Storm

The bell rings, and Flair immediately rocks her with a forearm to the face. Flair lifts Storm, but Storm slides off and kicks her. Storm hits a low dropkick and sizes Flair up. Storm connects with a running hip attack. Flair blocks a German Suplex and elbows her in the face. Flair hits the ropes, but Storm follows her in and hits a running cross-body block for a two count. Storm continues to take it to Flair before Flair hits an uppercut. Flair steps on Storm before going to the time rope. Storm avoids a moonsault, but Flair lands on her feet and barely connects on a standing moonsault. Storm is on her stomach as Flair goes for a pin. Flair looks frustrated. Storm rolls Flair up for a two count. Storm then connects with a German Suplex. Flair goes to the apron, so Storm grabs her. Flair snaps her off the ropes and pulls her to the apron. Flair stomps away at her, and the referee admonishes her. Flair viciously stomps Storm’s head against the ring post a few times, so the referee disqualifies her.

Winner by Disqualification: Toni Storm

Flair kicks Storm back into the ring and runs her over with a big boot.

Replays are shown of Brock Lesnar decimating Sami Zayn and his male nurses earlier tonight.

SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos make their entrance. We’ll have a triple threat match to determine the best tag team in WWE next.

-Commercial Break-

Reggie Bush of FOX Sports is at ringside. Maria Menounos is there as well, alongside WWE Hall of Famer X-Pac, who they do not recognize. The cast of Jackass Forever is there, too.

WWE Official Adam Pearce is backstage when Brock Lesnar walks into his office. Pearce drops what he was holding in fear. Lesnar asks if Pearce remembers the suspension he gave him. Lesnar says he never got the opportunity to thank him. That million dollars went to charity, so Lesnar thanks him. Also because of his suspension, he had some time off. During that time off, he got to enjoy one of the great things he loves: hunting. Lesnar scored a giant moose. It was huge. This moose weighed 2,000 pounds. Lesnar produces a flip phone from Cricket Wireless to show a picture, but Lesnar can’t access it. Lesnar snaps the phone in half. Lesnar strung the moose up and gutted it. There must have been 250 pounds of guts. Lesnar then butchered it and ate it. Pearce has never eaten moose. Lesnar thanks him again. Lesnar named the moose after Pearce. Lesnar hung the moose’s head on his wall and called it “Pearce.” Pearce quietly thanks him. Lesnar smacks him hard on the back a few times and tells him to have a good night.

The Usos are in the ring. They’re ready to win and be named the best tag team in WWE. Then at Day 1, they’ll get another W.

The New Day makes their entrance.

-Commercial Break-

RK-Bro was voted the Best Tag Team in WWE on an online poll.

Triple Threat Tag Team Match
SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) vs. The New Day (Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) vs. Raw Tag Team Champions RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle)

Charles Robinson, the best referee ever, is the official for this match. Riddle starts against Kofi Kingston. Riddle quickly takes him down for an armbar, but Kingston fights it. Riddle elbows him in the head and sends him to the corner, but Kingston springboards out with a dropkick for a two count. Xavier Woods tags in and kicks Riddle down. Kingston splashes Riddle, and Woods drops an elbow for a near fall. Woods chops the chest, but Riddle strikes back. Woods crumples him with a kick to the midsection before bowing. Woods hits a sliding flatliner for a near fall. Riddle blocks a right hand and forearms him in the face a few times. Riddle hits the ropes, but Woods follows him in and forearms him. Riddle quickly kicks him and knees him in the face. Jey Uso blind tags in on Woods and attacks Riddle. The Usos double-team everyone out of the ring. They wipe everyone out at ringside with stereo suicide dives.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Woods take it to Jey Uso. Kingston tags in and takes Jey down for a two count. Riddle tags himself in on Kingston and beats on Jey. Jimmy Uso blind tags in on his brother. The Usos double-team Riddle, so Randy Orton runs in to even the odds. Charles Robinson backs Orton up, which allows The Usos to further double-team Riddle. Orton is infuriated. Jimmy chops Riddle before Jey tags in. Jimmy hits a backbreaker as Jey comes off the top rope with a forearm to the chest. Jey taunts Orton and Riddle. Jey applies a front facelock to Riddle and keeps him from Orton. Jey drives Riddle headfirst into the turnbuckles. Jey puts Riddle in the corner and goes for an avalanche, but Riddle moves and sends Jimmy over the top rope. Jey stops Riddle from making the tag, but Riddle kicks him away. Jimmy then pulls Orton off the apron before Riddle can make the tag! Jey hits a back suplex neckbreaker, but The New Day breaks up the pin.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Riddle fight off The Usos, culminating with a Bro To Sleep on Jey. Kofi Kingston runs in and knocks Orton off the apron. Kingston is the legal man. Woods tags in and attacks Riddle for a near fall. Woods connects with a suplex for a near fall. A “We want Randy” chant fires up. Woods elbows Riddle down for a near fall. Riddle fights back and exchanges chops with Woods. Woods kicks him in the knee. Kingston tags in, but Riddle knees him and Woods down. Orton is absolutely FIRED UP.

Orton and Jey Uso tag in. Orton gets a HUGE ovation. Orton connects with a pair of clotheslines followed by a snap powerslam. Jimmy Uso runs in and takes a snap powerslam as well. Orton goes for a draping DDT, but Jey pulls him out of the ring. Orton bounces him off the commentary table. Orton avoids a baseball slide from Woods and gives him a back suplex on the commentary table. Kingston tries to attack, but Orton gives him a back suplex on the table. Orton gets in the ring, but Jey kicks him. Orton quickly sidesteps him and hits a draping DDT. Orton drops down and stalks his prey. Jey rolls Orton up for a two count. Jey superkicks him in the chest and goes to the top rope. Orton avoids an Uso Splash. Woods blind tags in. Orton gives Jimmy an RKO, and Jey superkicks Orton down. Woods, the legal man, superkicks Jey. The New Day hit Jey with a backbreaker/double stomp combo for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: The New Day

WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns returns next week, and Brock Lesnar will be there to welcome him.

Quick Match Results

  • Rick Boogs and Shinsuke Nakamura def. Los Lotharios (Angel and Humberto)
  • Drew McIntyre def. Sheamus
  • Toni Storm def. SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair via DQ in a Championship Contender’s Match
  • The New Day (Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) def. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Usos (Jimmy and Jey Uso) and Raw Tag Team Champions RK-Bro (Randy Orton and Riddle)

Thanks for reading!
