Audio: “Bootlegs & B-Sides Show” for 8/4/10

The latest edition of “The Bootlegs & B-Sides Show” for Wednesday, August 4, 2010 is now archived and airing on the Wrestleview Radio Network with host Hunter Golden (Managing Editor of

Topics discussed on the show:

* Hunter breaks the usual review WWE NXT and read emails format to focus on an interesting topic.
* It is “history lesson” time kiddies as Hunter looks at the US v. NWA antitrust lawsuit from 1956.
* Find out why this was a huge deal back then and how it paved the way for the AWA in pro wrestling.
* That and more on this weekly Wednesday podcast!

Don’t forget you can always email Hunter with questions and comments at Be sure to add “Bootlegs” or “Hunter” in the subject.

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