WrestleView.com visitors,
I would appreciate if everyone takes the time to read this entire letter. It answers a lot of questions and clarifies a lot of things. After reading this, I would appreciate any kind of questions, comments and suggestions. (Please send your feedback to feedback@wrestleview.com)
If you are seeing this, then you’re definitely on the new server and seeing the new design. I would like to clarify something, and I know some of you are tired of changes being done all the time. I can rest assure you that this design will stay for a VERY long time. I’d like to answer many questions publicly, because they’re the most common questions.
But before I do, if you didn’t get the welcome pop up to the new design, I’d like to take the time and point out that this design can be switched (by you) from light to dark, whatever is convenient for your eyes. All you do is click on the “wrestleview.com” logo above at the top to navigate the site in the color you desire.
Why did we change the design after 3 months only?
Several reasons:
1) Many were use to darker designs throughout the years and couldn’t get use to the light white design. Therefore we made a brand new design where the visitors can navigate the site with the dark or the light color.
2) The newsboard would take a while to load the content. Sometimes after three or four refreshes until it worked. This was due to the script we were using in the design.
3) The website started loading slower than usual when we implement the new design 3 months ago. This was due to the heavy coding, scripting and small graphics.
4) From the feedback received, we realized that the older designs were too repetitive. Left column, middle section with the news and right column.
Important notice. We tested this design on several browsers to make it compatible. If the design doesn’t even come close of looking like this: http://www.wrestleview.com/wv.PNG Please let me know.
I received a couple of emails stating that we had more ads than before. That is incorrect. We have the same amount of ads that we’ve had over the past 2 years. Only difference with this new design is the fact that we took the ad that is normally on the left side and put it on the right side with the other one.
The only reason we made the switch is due to the overwhelming amount of e-mails received on the older design three months ago.
Poll Voting ends on February 1st
We put up a poll asking people what color scheme visitors would like to have defaulted. At the moment, the light (white) design is the first thing you see when visiting the site, then you may change it once you’re there. From the looks of things, people are prefering the dark design. If the majority of the votes end up for the dark design by February first, then we will change the default to dark, but you may switch to the light design once you’re there, even bookmark the light.
In case you didn’t get the welcome screen pop-up, here is what was included:
New features
1) RSS Feed!
2) Forum topics displayed on all pages.
3) New columnists.
4) Navigate between dark and light design.
5) Google & Yahoo home page widgets
Location changes
1) We’re on a new server. No more slowness.
2) New addresses for all pages. (Update your bookmarks)
3) Navigation at the top. (Links are displayed right beside it)
4) Columns, results, audio, poll, quotes & today in history are all underneath the top story.
I also want to take this opportunity to welcome all the new columnists to the elite WrestleView staff and thank all staff members for their hard work. The biggest thank you goes to Tom Van Stone for creating this design. The ideas this guy has are unbelievable.
Paul Nemer
WrestleView.com Owner