Viva La Raza! Lucha Weekly
April 9, 2011
By: Josh Boutwell of
Mascara Dorada Vacates Title
This week CMLL announced that Mascara Dorada has relinquished the CMLL Super Lightweight Championship as he says he’s moving up in weight divisions permanently starting with his Middleweight Title shot in Japan. CMLL hasn’t announced whether they will name a new champion or if the title will be abandoned. Dorada held the title for two full years (he relinquished the title on 04/07/11 which is exactly 2 years after he won it on 04/07/09). Dorada successfully defended the belt a record 5 times; once against Virus, 3 times against Dragon Rojo Jr., and once against Averno. The defense against Averno back in July of last year was his last defense of the belt.
Mascara Dorada Gets Title Shot In Japan
It was announced this week that at New Japan’s 05/03 “Wrestling Dontaku” PPV in Fukuoka, Japan Jushin Thunder Liger will defend CMLL Middleweight Title against Mascara Dorada! This is Liger’s first defense of the belt since January.
CMLL Luchadors Going to Japan
It was announced this week that several CMLL Luchadoras would be headed to the new Japanese womens promotion REINA Universal Woman’s Pro Wrestling. Marcela, La Amapola, Mima Shimoda, Lluvia, Zeuxis, and Estrellita Magica have been announced thus far. They will be heading over on 05/08 and I’m not sure if it’s for one show or for a series of shows.
Taguchi Defends CMLL Welterweight Belt
On 04/03 Ryusuke Taguchi successfully defended the CMLL Welterweight Championship against INDY star Madoka in Tokyo, Japan. This was his first defense of the belt since winning it in January.
CMLL 04/01 Arena Mexico Results
1) Horuz & Robin def. Bronco III & Cholo
2) Dr. X, Hooligan, & Nitro def. Metalico, Starman, & Tigre Blanco
3) 2011 Gran Alternativa 1st Round: Volador Jr. & Dragon Lee def. La Mascara & Hombre Bala Jr.
4) 2011 Gran Alternativa 1st Round: Mascara Dorada & Metal Blanco def. Mephisto & Tiger Kid
5) 2011 Gran Alternativa 1st Round: Negro Casas & Puma King def. Maximo & Guerrero Maya Jr.
6) 2011 Gran Alternativa 1st Round: Averno & Palacio Negro def. Black Warrior & Lestat
7) 2011 Gran Alternativa Quarterfinals: Mascara Dorada & Metal Blanco def. Volador Jr. & Dragon Lee
8) 2011 Gran Alternativa Quarterfinals: Averno & Palacio Negro def. Negro Casas & Puma King
9) 2011 Gran Alternativa Semifinals: Mascara Dorada & Metal Blanco def. Averno & Palacio Negro
10) Rush, Strong Man, & Brazo de Plata def. Mr. Aguila, Hirooki Goto, & Olimpico
– Averno went nuts in the Semifinals of Gran Alternativa ripping off Dorada’s mask in the third fall to cost his team the match. Afterward Dorada demanded a Mask Match with Averno. Dorada & Blanco move onto the Finals to face Ultimo Guerrero & Escorpion.
CMLL 04/03 “Arena Coliseo 68th Annivesary” Results
1) Pequeno Nitro, Pequeno Olimpico, & Pequeno Universo 2000 def. Aereo, Pequeno Halcon, & Ultimo Dragoncito
2) Dragon Lee, Hijo del Signo, & Hombre Bala Jr. def. Apocalipsis, Escorpion, & Semental
3) Delta, Sangre Azteca, & Stuka Jr. def. Ephesto, Misterioso II, & Polvora via DQ
4) Psicosis II, Histeria II, & El Alebrije def. La Sombra, Strong Man, & Brazo de Plata
5) CMLL Light Heavyweight Title: Rush (c) def. Rey Bucanero to retain the title!
CMLL 04/03 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) El Divino def. Metalik
2) Metatron def. Rafaga
3) Hierro, Molotov, & Sensei def. Exterminador, Puma King, & Tiger Kid
4) Diamante, Metro, & Sagrado def. Cancerbero, Shigeo Okumura, & Yoshihashi
5) Hirooki Goto, El Terrible, & Texano Jr. def. Hijo del Fantasma, Maximo, & Valiente
6) Black Warrior, Mascara Dorada, & La Mascara def. Negro Casas, Hector Garza, & Mr. Niebla via DQ
CMLL 04/04 Arena Puebla Results
1) Asturiano & Stigma def. Akron & Sauron
2) Hooligan, Loco Max, & Tigre Rojo def. Angel Azteca Jr., Black Tiger, & Starman
3) Blue Panther, Rush, & Toscano def. Negro Casas, Felino, & Shigeo Okumura
4) La Mascara, Maximo, & Strong Man def. Volador Jr., Hector Garza, & Hirooki Goto
5) CMLL Heavyweight Title: Ultimo Guerrero (c) def. Mr. Niebla to retain the title!
– This was Guerreros 14th successful defense of the Heavyweight Title. He is now just 2 successful defenses away from tying the record for the most successful defenses set by Universo 2000 in 2003.
CMLL 04/05 Arena Mexico Results
1) Bengala & Leono def. Cancerbero & Mortiz via DQ
2) Dalys la Caribena, Dark Angel, & Marcela def. La Amapola, Princesa Blanca, & Mima Shimoda
3) Mexican National Lightweight Title: Pierrothito (c) def. Astral to retain the title!
4) Hijo del Fantasma, Delta, & Metro def. Euforia, Raziel, & Vangelis
5) Mexican National Welterweight Title: Valiente (c) def. Polvora to retain the title!
6) La Sombra, Blue Panther, & La Mascara def. Ultimo Guerrero, Atlantis, & Dragon Rojo Jr.
CMLL 04/05 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results
1) Leon Blanco def. Astaroth
2) Drago def. El Divino
3) Angel Azteca Jr., Angel de Plata, & Sensei def. Arkangel de la Muerte, Dr. X, & Hooligan
4) Psicosis II, Mr. Aguila, & El Alebrije def. Gallo, Metal Blanco, & Metatron
5) Rush, Toscano, & Strong Man def. Hector Garza, El Terrible, & Texano Jr.
CMLL 04/08 Arena Mexico Lineup
1) Metalico & Trueno vs. Inquisidor & Tiger Kid
2) Angel de Plata, Pegasso, & Rey Cometa vs. Arkangel de la Muerte, Nitro, & Skandalo
3) Lightning Match: Guerrero Maya Jr. vs. Hijo del Signo
4) Metro, Stuka Jr., & Valiente vs. Misterioso II, Polvora, & Shigeo Okumura
5) La Sombra, Rush, & Strong Man vs. Negro Casas, Hirooki Goto, & Mr. Niebla
6) 2011 Gran Alternativa Tournament Finals: Ultimo Guerrero & Escorpion vs. Mascara Dorada & Metal Blanco
CMLL 04/10 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Lineup
1) Javier Cruz Jr. vs. Templario
2) Hierro & Virgo vs. Exterminador & Malefico
3) Electrico, Mascarita Dorada, & Pequeno Maximo vs. Pequeno Olimpico, Pequeno Violencia, & Pequeno Warrior
4) Diamante, Sagrado, & Valiente vs. Mr. Aguila, Misterioso II, & Polvora
5) Mascara Dorada, Rush, & Toscano vs. Negro Casas, Felino, & Mr. Niebla
CMLL 04/10 Arena Mexico Lineup
1) Horuz, Molotov, & Robin vs. Artillero, Mortiz, & Super Comando
2) Goya Kong & Luna Magica vs. La Comandante & Zeuxis
3) Dragon Lee, Hijo del Signo, & Hombre Bala Jr. vs. Apocalipsis, Rayo Tapatio II, & Semental
4) Angel de Oro, Rey Cometa, & Sangre Azteca vs. Skandalo, Virus, & Yoshihashi
5) Black Warrior, Strong Man, & Brazo de Plata vs. Hirooki Goto, El Terrible, & Texano Jr.
6) CMLL Historic Welterweight Title: La Sombra (c) vs. Psicosis II
CMLL 04/11 Arena Puebla Lineup
1) Blue Center & Centella de Oro vs. Aguila Guerrera & Ares
2) Horuz, Milenium, & Robin vs. Artillero, Espiritu Maligno, & Super Comando
3) Forjando un Idolo Tournament 1st Round: Hombre Bala Jr. vs. Hijo del Signo
4) Forjando un Idolo Tournament 1st Round: Diamante vs. Puma King
5) Sagrado, Toscano, & Valiente vs. Negro Casas, Shigeo Okumura, & Yoshihashi
6) La Sombra, Mascara Dorada, & Strong Man vs. Psicosis II, Hirooki Goto, & El Alebrije
– The Tournament means “Forging An Idol” and we have no idea what this is for but to name a new Mistico has been rumored.
Super Crazy Heading Back To Japan
This week Super Crazy announced that he would be going back to Japan to compete in All Japan’s Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Tournament this month.
AAA 04/17 TV Taping Lineup
1) Atomic Boy, Crazy Boy, & TBA vs. Tito Santana II, Dark Dragon, & TBA
2) El Elegido, Aerostar, & Laredo Kid vs. Alan Stone, Chris Stone, & Super Fly
3) Electroshock, Extreme Tiger, & Jack Evans vs. Chessman, Silver Kain, & Ultimo Gladiador
4) La Parka Jr., Joe Lider, & Dralion vs. Charly Manson, Cibernetico, & Escoria
5) Damian666, Halloween, Lizmark Jr., & X-Fly vs. Dr. Wagner Jr., Monster Clown, Murder Clown, & Psycho Clown
Jon Moxley Signs With WWE
Following this past weekends DG-USA events Jon Moxley has been officially released from his DG-USA contract so he can accept a WWE developmental deal that the WWE offered him. Moxley is going with the full blessings of Dragon Gate USA.
DG-USA 04/01 “Open The Southern Gate” Burlington, NC Results
1) Brodie Lee def. Jon Davis (of Dark City Fight Club)
2) Breakout Challenge 4-Way Freestyle: Jimmy Rave def. Lince Dorado, Kyle Mathews, & Sugar Dunkerton
3) Stable Shootout Match #1: Sami Callihan def. Rich Swann
4) Breakout Challenge 4-Way Freesytle: Arik Cannon def. AR Fox, Facada, & Shiima Xion
5) Stable Shootout Match #2: Naruki Doi def. Jon Moxley
6) Stable Shootout Match #3: CIMA def. Johnny Gargano
7) Breakout Challenge Final: Arik Cannon def. Jimmy Rave to win the first ever Breakout Challenge
8) Stable Shootout Match #4: PAC & Ricochet def. Chuck Taylor & Akira Tozawa
DG-USA 04/02 “Mercury Rising 2011” iPPV Atlanta, GA Results
1) Jon Moxley def. Arik Cannon
2) Cibernetico/Elimination Match: Brodie Lee def. Jimmy Jacobs, Stalker Ichikawa, Silas Young, AR Fox, & Jon Davis
3) Masato Yoshino def. Sami Callihan
4) Open The Brave Gate Title: PAC (c) def. Akira Tozawa to retain the title!
5) Open The Freedom Gate Title vs. Career Match: YAMATO (c) def. Austin Aries to retain the title and end Aries DG-USA career!
6) Blood Warriors (CIMA, Naruki Doi, & Ricochet) def. Ronin (Chuck Taylor, Johnny Gargano, & Rich Swann)
– All 3 of the final matches were said to have been amazing.
– YAMATO hit Aries with two straight Sitout Tombstones to get the win and end Aries DG-USA career. He must now leave Dragon Gate USA and never return, though he will still get to face Jimmy Jacobs on the next event as a going away match.
– CIMA & Doi hit their finishers on Swann for the win in the Dragon Gate 6-man. After the match Yoshino & PAC run out and attack Blood Warriors and told Blood Warriors they were taking the United Gate Titles the next night.
DG-USA 04/03 “Open The Ultimate Gate” PPV Atlanta, GA Results
1) Johnny Gargano def. Jimmy Rave
2) 6-Way Freestyle: Rich Swann def. AR Fox, Arik Cannon, Silas Young, Lince Dorado, & Sami Callihan
3) Brodie Lee def. Stalker Ichikawa
4) Brodie Lee def. Chuck Taylor
5) Open The United Gate Titles: Masato Yoshino & PAC (c) def. CIMA & Naruki Doi to retain the titles!
6) Sami Callihan & Arik Cannon def. The Dark City Fight Club
7) Aries Farewell Match: Jimmy Jacobs def. Austin Aries
8) No DQ Match: Akira Tozawa def. Jon Moxley
9) Open The Freedom Gate Title: YAMATO (c) def. Akira Tozawa to retain the title!
– Ricochet was pulled from the show due to suffering an injury the night before.
– Callihan & Cannon have formed a new tag team of 2 guys just wanting to fight, they called themselves Dirty Ugly F*cks.
– After Jacobs surprised Aries with a Small Package, Jimmy Rave came out and he and Jacobs raised Aries arm. Aries then talked about passing the torch and called Ronin out to the ring. He put them over as the future of wrestling and told them to always have each others back. Blood Warriors then came out and Aries said he had respect for CIMA but interrupting them was disrespectful. Then, out of nowhere, Aries attacked Ronin! The Blood Warriors came in and helped Aries beat down Ronin. Aries told them to always watch their backs. I have no idea if this means Aries is remaining in DG-USA as a member of Blood Warriors even after losing the Career Match the night before.
– Before the YAMATO/Tozawa match started YAMATO came out with Jon Moxley and said that if Tozawa could beat Moxley in a No DQ Match then he would make the YAMATO/Tozawa match be for the Freedom Gate belt. After a short brawl (that involved LL-USA star Reby Sky/Rebecca Reyes and porn star Trina Michaels) Tozawa pinned Moxley.
– The title match then got underway and after a long match YAMATO was able to retain his belt for the 2nd time in 2 nights.
Dragon Gate 04/03 Dragon Gate Arena Show 1 Results
1) Dragon Kid & Naoki Tanizaki def. KAGETORA & Takuya Tomakomai
2) Yasushi Kanda def. Johnson Florida
3) 3-Way: Cyber Kong def. Super Shenlong & Don Fujii
4) Ryo Saito & Genki Horiguchi def. Super Shisa & Shisa Boy
Dragon Gate 04/03 Dragon Gate Arena Show 2 Results
1) Genki Horiguchi & Naoki Tanizaki def. Cyber Kong & Shachihoko Machine
2) Ryo Saito def. Johnson Florida
3) KAGETORA & Don Fujii def. Takuya Tomakomai & Johnson Florida
4) Dragon Kid & Yasushi Kanda def. Super Shisa & Kotoka
Dragon Gate 04/08 Toyama Lineup
1) CIMA & Gamma vs. Masaaki Mochizuki & Super Shisa
2) Don Fujii vs. Takuya Tomakomai
3) Ryo Saito vs. KAGETORA
4) YAMATO & Cyber Kong vs. Yasushi Kanda & Genki Horiguchi
5) Masato Yoshino, BxB Hulk, & Susumu Yokosuka vs. Naruki Doi, Dragon Kid, & Naoki Tanizaki
Dragon Gate 04/09 Aichi Lineup
1) Gamma & Naoki Tanizaki vs. Don Fujii & Kotoka
2) Yasushi Kanda vs. Super Shenlong
3) Genki Horiguchi vs. Takuya Tomakomai
4) Masato Yoshino & BxB Hulk vs. Masaaki Mochizuki & Super Shisa
5) Ryo Saito vs. Susumu Yokosuka
6) YAMATO, Shingo Takagi, & Cyber Kong vs. CIMA, Dragon Kid, & Naruki Doi
Dragon Gate 04/10 Mie Lineup
1) YAMATO & Cyber Kong vs. Gamma & Genki Horiguchi
2) Open The Owarai Gate 3-Way: Kikutaro (c) vs. Hollywood Stalker Ichikawa vs. Ryo Saito
3) Masaaki Mochizuki & Takuya Tomakomai vs. KAGETORA & Munenori Sawa
4) Don Fujii & TBA vs. Naruki Doi & Naoki Tanizaki
5) CIMA, Dragon Kid, & Yasushi Kanda vs. Masato Yoshino, BxB Hulk, & Susumu Yokosuka
Sin Cara Makes His RAW Debut
This past Monday former CMLL star, Mistico now Sin Cara, makes his Television WWE debut when he ran out and attacked Sheamus after Sheamus beat Daniel Bryan. Cara hit Sheamus with a Hurricanrana and then a Leaping Enziguri and finally a gorgeous Double Spring Plancha onto Sheamus on the outside. Photos of his debut are below (courtesy of

Video of Sin Cara’s debut is below:
WWE Releases 1st Sin Cara Merchandise
Following Sin Cara’s TV debut in the WWE the company has officially released the first Sin Cara based merchandise. They have released his first official mask ($49.99) as well as 2 different types of shirts (both available in adult or youth). The two t-shirt designs are below as well as the mask.
– Bienvenido (Welcome) T-Shirt:
– Basic T-Shirt:
– Mask:
More Sin Cara Masks
Also, has released several versions of Sin Cara’s masks (that look better than WWE’s replicas to me). The blue and gold one that Sin Cara debuted with along with a purple one and a Blue/White combo mask are available. Pictures of the masks are below.
King of Trios To Feature 2011 Rey de Voladores
This week CHIKARA announced that during the King of Trios Tournament weekend they will also be holding the annual Rey de Voladores Mini-Tournament. The Tournament will feature 8 high flying stars that will compete in two Fatal 4-Way Elimination Matches on Night 2 (April 16th) and then the Finals the next night on Night 3 (April 17th). The only two stars confirmed for the Mini-Tournament thus far are high flying UK star Zack Sabre Jr. & BdK member Pink Ant. There are many high flying stars involved in the King of Trios Tournament and everyone should expect several stars from losing teams in Night 1 to appear in this Tournament. The Amazing Red is scheduled for the Tournament but Red is also scheduled to appear on TNA’s Lockdown PPV on April 17th so Red will likely appear on just Night 1 and MAYBE Night 2. Even if Red can’t compete in the Tournament there are several other high flyers to choose from. Last years winner was Osirian Portal member Ophidian. The year before Japanese star Kota Ibushi won in 2009. In 2008 Lucha star and current WWE developmental talent Incognito won (he wrestles as Hunico in WWE’s FCW promotion). Chuck Taylor won the first Rey de Voladores in 2007.
IWRG 03/31 Arena Naucalpan Results
1) Mantiz & Osmo Negro def. Dragon Celestial & Monstruo
2) Mascarita Dorada & Mini Skayde def. Coquito Negro & Pentagoncito
3) Acertijo, Cerebro Negro, Super Muneco, & Super Pinocho def. Coco Amarillo, Coco Azul, Coco Rojo, & Coco Verde via DQ
4) Black Terry, Solar I, & Shu el Guerrero def. Negro Navarro, Dr. Cerebro, & El Hijo del Diablo
5) 3-Way Tag Match: Pirata Morgan & Hijo de Pirata Morgan def. Huracan Ramirez & El Hijo de Huracan Ramirez and El Pantera & Hijo del Pantera
6) Fuerza Guerrera, Lizmark Jr., & El Hijo del Solitario def. Blue Demon Jr., Tinieblas Jr., & Veneno
IWL 04/01 Arena Actopan de Hidalgo Results
3) Black Fire, Fantasma de la Opera, & Violento Jack def. Angel o Demonio, Leon Rojo, & Ovett
4) IWL Tag Team Titles: Bestia666 & X-Fly (c) def. Tony Rivera & Zumbi to retain the titles!
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Extreme Tiger, & Hijo de L.A. Park def. Perro Aguayo Jr., Damian666, & Halloween
GLC 04/02 Arena Lopez Mateos Results
1) Impulso & Tribal def. Angel Extremo & Obscuridad
2) GLC Lightweight Title 4-Way Ladder Match: Low Rider (c) def. Dinastia, Drastik boy, & Konami to retain the title!
3) GLC Heavyweight Title Extreme Rules Match: Dance Boy def. Pesadilla & Ragde to win the vacant title!
4) GLC Feminl Title Scramble Match: Ludark Shaitan def. Kamillion, La Chola, Sexy Lady, Xena, Lady Monsther, Chica Tormenta, Lolita, & Sexy Polvora to win the vacant title!
5) GLC Middleweight TItle Street Fight: Soldek def. Snake & Super 12 to win the vacant title!
6) GLC Hardcore Title vs. PYCV Title: Dement Xtreme def. Dance Boy to unify the titles!
7) Solar I & Trauma I def. Negro Navarro & Trauma II
8) GLC Tag Team Titles 3-Way Dance: Aeroboy & Violento Jack def. Los Guerreros de Osbidiana I & II and Iron Love & Zumbi to win the vacant titles!
9) GLC Extreme Title 3-Way Dance: Super Crazy def. BC Killer & Supreme to win the vacant title!
– The tag team match in the 7th match was said to have been awesome.
– The Main Event was a “blood bath.”
INDY 04/03 Arena Nicolas Bravo de Acatzingo Results
1) El Baron & Hechicero Maldito def. Apolo Carrera & El Mutante
2) Principe Orion & Simbolo Azteca def. Mini Black Magic & Nube Negra
3) Chavo del Ocho & La Parkita def. Wolverine & Mini Espiritu
4) El Alebrije & Super Muneco Jr. def. Monsther & Mosco de la Merced II
5) El Alebrije def. Monsther
INDY 04/03 Auditorio Benito Juarez de Zapopan Results
1) Brillante, Lasser, & Saturno def. La Mole, Murgoso Vago II, & Sammael
2) Americo Rocca, Xavier Cruz, & Pantera Azul def. Azazel, Depradador, & Perro Callejero
3) Damian666 & Halloween def. Mictlan & Super Halcon Jr.
4) Cien Caras Jr., Apollo Dantes, Cesar Dantes, & Mascara Ano 2000 def. Angel Blanco Jr., Hijo de Solitario, Huracan Ramirez, & Rayman
5) El Hijo del Santo & Rayo de Jalisco Jr. def. Perro Aguayo Jr. & Blue Demon Jr. via DQ
IWRG 04/03 Arena Naucalpan Results
1) Dinamic Black & Tonatiuh def. Epidemia & Imposible
2) Eterno, Freelance, & Golden Magic def. Carta Brava Jr., El Pollo Asesino, & Fresero Jr.
3) Loser Advances Cage Match: Multifacetico lost to Black Terry, Dr. Wagner III, El Hijo del Diablo, Masada, Trauma I, El Angel, & Hijo del Pantera
4) Loser Advances Cage Match: Destroyer lost to Oficial AK47, Hijo de L.A. Park, Angelico, Veneno, Hijo de Pirata Morgan, Ultimo Gladiador, & Angel Mortal
5) Mask vs. Mask Cage Match: Multifacetico def. Destroyer
IWRG 04/07 Arena Naucalpan Lineup
1) Alan Extreme & Saruman vs. Imposible & Keshin Black
2) Explosivo, Freelance, & Golden Magic vs. Carta Brava Jr., Comando Negro, & El Pollo Asesino
3) Eterno, Multifacetico, & Trauma I vs. Black Terry, Cerebro Negro, & Dr. Cerebro
4) IWRG IC Trios Titles #1 Contenders 3-Way: Damian666, Bestia666, & X-Fly vs. Monster Clown, Murder Clown, & Psycho Clown vs. Oficial 911, Oficial AK47, & Oficial Fierro
IWRG 04/10 Arena Naucalpan Lineup
1) Tonatiuh vs. Alan Extreme
2) Dinamic Black, Dragon Fly, & Golden Magic vs. Black Thunder, El Pollo Asesino, & Fresero Jr.
3) Freelance, Multifacetico, Turbo, & Veneno vs. Avisman, Destroyer, El Hijo del Diablo, & Gringo Loco
4) IWRG IC Lightweight Title: Comando Negro (c) vs. Eterno
5) La Parka Jr., Trauma I, & Angelico vs. Mascara Ano 2000, Ultimo Gladiador, & Masada
– Turbo & Black Thunder on the same card but not in the same match against each other, surprising.