On Sunday, November 30, 2003 at 2:32 AM EST Full WWE Velocity Results - 11/29/2003
Commentators: Josh Matthews & Bill DeMott
Report by: Scott Booker of WrestleView.com
I am sorry for the lack of recapping this week; I am a little under the weather tonight.
Opening Match--
Orlando Jordan vs. Chris Kanyon
Kanyon pounds Orlando in the corner. Orlando uses some dropkicks and an armdrag to get the upper hand. Kanyon uses a Russian leg sweep from the second rope on Orlando and gets a near fall. Orlando blocks a superplex and hits a top rope high cross body for the pin.
WINNER: Orlando Jordan
Lugs Boot of the Week--
Benjamin tearing up Chavo�s Knee from a couple of weeks ago
Smackdown Flashback: Eddie vs. Charlie Haas
DeMott�s Turning Point--
Shelton distracting the ref, allowing Eddie to use the crutch.
WWE Rewind--
Nidia low blowing Tajiri from Smackdown
Nunzio vs. Funaki
Fast paced back and forth cruiserweight match. Funaki uses a tornado DDT for the win.
WINNER: Funaki
Sean O�Haire vs. Gary Shipperit
Uh�Sean O�Haire beat fest.
WINNER: Sean O�Haire
Smackdown Flashback: The Battle Royal
Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
Got my sugar intake and ready to go for this match. Chuck gets beaten down but it takes one counter punch to knock Spanks down. London hits a Frog High Cross Body. Stamboli & Palumbo just maul London. Some really cool moves that I wish I could describe for you. The FBI get the win with the old Demolition-Like double team.
WINNERS: Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli