SmackDown Results -4/14/05 -Chicago, IL (Kurt Angle vs. Guerrero)

Reported by L. Anne Carrington of
On Thursday, April 14, 2005 at 11:58 PM EST

WWE Smackdown Results
April 14, 2005
Location: Chicago, IL
Announcers: Michael Cole and Tazz

It�s been talked about since Wrestlemania, and tonight we saw it happen: Cena�s new WWE belt. But that is only one event that happened tonight. Here is the rest of the show:

Clips from last week�s show with Cena showing off his title belt, the announcement of the Championship Series and the Rey/JBL match highlights were shown before this week�s show opened tonight.

Match #1: WWE United States Champion Orlando Jordan vs. Booker T

This match went about two minutes. JBL was at the announce desk doing commentary, talking about a plan to �divide and conquer.�

Jordan started out strong, getting on Booker almost immediately at the start of the match. Jordan then posed in the ring before getting pounced on by the Book Man. Booker was about to do the Spinaroonie when the Basham Brothers ran in and beat on Booker. Booker was then saved by the Big Show, with the Bashams taking off out of the ring like scalded cats, and JBL bellowing for them to get back into the ring.

Teddy Long then came down and turned it into a handicap match. "Hold on playa, this match isn�t over, it's just beginning" and he then ordered the Bashams and Jordan back into the ring, leading to...

Match #2 Big Show and Booker T vs. United States Champion Orlando Jordan and The Bashams

This was also a very short match, with Booker T getting in the Spinaroonie and pinning Doug Basham after the scissors kick.

Winners: Big Show and Booker T


JBL and Show had a brief stare down before JBL made he way backstage and, on the way, gave one of the Bashams who was laid outside the ring a shove back to the floor and berated him.

Match #3: Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn Marie

WOW! Divas we actually KNOW!

This was also a (thankfully) short match, starting off with a few vicious attacks by Dawn. Dawn choked Torrie with the ring rope a few times. A few rollups, reversals and turnarounds. Finally Torrie hit the jumping neck breaker for the pin.

Winner: Torrie Wilson

Clips from last weekend�s Australian tour were shown.

Carlito's Cabana:

There were two palm trees set up in the corners of the ring and a hammock stretched out the palm trees as well. There were two green beach chairs, a bushel of apples�LOL.

Carlito said that Piper's Pit and The Highlight Reel were not cool as Carlito�s Cabana. He promised his own show and now it is here. He then talked about Chicago's Oprah: � I don't plan on giving you guys some cars, but I do have apples and if you disrespect me, I'll spit in your face."

Chia Pet then said Chicago was not cool and when the fans booed, he said he wasn�t picking on them then called the Chicago Cubs �the loveable losers, like my first guest on the Cabana.� He then introduced Rey Mysterio.

Rey then came to the ring and Carlito said he was "so sorry about what happened last week, where you could have become WWE champion." The clip from Rey�s match against JBL on last week�s Smackdown was then shown.

Carlito told Rey that Eddie screwing up Rey�s first ever WWE title shot was not cool. Rey agreed and said he was furious at what Eddie did and that he hasn't talked to Eddie since last week. Rey told Carlito he was also stirring up trouble between the tag team champions. "Eddie is my family, big brother, he sees everything. Whatever problems we have we will work them out. So don�t worry about it. I will get a chance--and hear me out--I will get a chance to become WWE champion."

Carlito then briefly sang a line from �Tomorrow,� from the musical �Annie,� telling Rey he was so positive, then Carlito told Rey things between Rey and Eddie were not right because Eddie was jealous of Rey, and that things for Rey "are going to get a whole lot worse."

Suddenly, MNM (Joey Mercury, Johnny Nitro, and Melina) arrived paparazzi-style. Carlito was amazed at their entrance and said "you guys are cool!" Melina said they are cool and they wanted to be on the Cabana. They were in a "real city like Los Angeles, hanging with Nick and Jess, Paris, Ashton, etc." She then said it's so easy to be tag team champions and called Rey "mucha lucha,� saying Rey and Eddie were on the outs and wanted to make their debut on Smackdown and win the tag team titles.

Rey told Melina since she was �dropping names like Ashton, you should drop a breath mint, girl!" MNM then attacked Rey and hit their double team finisher on him. Carlito lounged back in a chair and watched the entire action. Meanwhile, Eddie was missing in action the entire time.

Backstage, JBL was lighting a tirade into his cabinet, blaming �you three idiots� for his loss of the WWE title to John Cena, saying the company he is keeping is pretty rotten and to shape up or be cut loose. Walking out on them, JBL then ran into a deliveryman who had a package for Cena. JBL, thinking the package contained the new belt, accepted the delivery. Jordan said they could destroy it like they did the US title. JBL said there was no �we,� and he was going to do this by himself.

Also backstage, Rey was being checked out by the doctor when Eddie Guerrero came in, saying he just heard what happened and was late to the building because of a problem with his ride, and how he was going after the guys responsible for this. Rey basically blew off Eddie, saying after last week, he just wanted to be alone. Eddie wondered why Rey was questioning him, and Rey was upset about his title shot last week. Eddie said he wanted to make it up to Rey by when he faced Angle tonight, he would beat both Angle and everyone that got in his way, and dedicate it to Rey.

John Cena came to the ring for the title belt presentation. Cena started off with the usual thing, then got in a plug for WM22 in Chicago.

Cena cut a promo about everyone gunning for him, except for Big Show, who was "huffin and puffin for me" He talked about JBL, saying he stole his personal property on his important night tonight. He said JBL could bring it out, and if he didn�t want to bring it out, Cena would just have to come back there and get it!

JBL came out with a garbage can and the box he had signed for backstage. JBL then took off his jacket, revealing the old title belt and said Cena was leaving the title laying around in the locker room. Cena said JBL had a habit of stealing Cena�s stuff.

JBL called himself a "WWE history superstar and a wrestling god.� He also stated how he hated the whole hip-hop thing. JBL added that he was "born to be the king of this business" and �will destroy your bling bling side show on your night." JBL then went to open the box.

Cena then stopped him and said the new title wasn�t in that box but called it "a gift for you" and asked, "What do you get for the best man who has everything?" Cena told JBL he went to the finest slaughterhouse in Chicago and got the one thing JBL doesn't have--guts.

JBL looked as if he was going to toss his dinner at this point. Cena went after JBL and poured the guts on him. EW! Cena said that there were those that talked about it and those who be about it and Cena being talked about making an impact as his new belt was lowered from the ceiling. It was a golden shiny belt and a spinning WWE logo. Cena then told the fans, "Our time is now."

Match #4 Heidenreich vs. Unknown Opponent

Before the match, Heidenreich handed a slip of paper to the ref. The opponent was never introduced. The guy was pretty feisty, getting in a few right hands before being dominated by Heindenreich. Heindenreich kept yelling that he wanted to be friends. Crazy way to want to be friends! Another very short match.

Winner: Heindenreich

Once the match was over, Heidenreich pulled his defeated opponent to the corner of the ring, telling him to �stay,� and how he wished everyone there was his friend. And since they were all there in the Windy City, he read poem about "Breaking Wind in the Windy City."

Backstage, Booker T was doing some photos while his wife Sharmell psyched him up. Kurt Angle then came along, talking down to Booker. He and Booker had a few words before Sharmell chewed Angle a new one and then Angle mocked Booker for having a woman defend him. Sharmell mentioned how Eddie �broke off the whole enchilada� on Angle at Wrestlemania last year and asked if Angle could "dig that sucka!"

Cruiserweight Champion Paul London came down in a snit with his fringy boots, his Cruiserweight title and a big bandage around his head. Clips from his match on last week�s Smackdown were shown as London made his way to the ring.

He has 18 staples in his head from last week and the "doctors refuse to let me wrestle" but he's there for a fight tonight and called out Chavo Guerrero. After a brief pause, Guerrero came out and told London, �That injury affected your memory, as you stole the title and never beat me one on one. I attacked you from behind, but that was business and my business is that cruiserweight title and I�m the greatest cruiserweight of all time.� Chavo said that once London was cleared he would be in that ring and take back his title. Guerrero then told London he's a man of honor and wouldn't go after London while he's hurt.

Billy Kidman then came out and attacked London from behind, with a brawl breaking out between the two; after all, London warned that he was ready for a fight. London hit a DDT and then the 450 splash on Kidman, then showed off the Cruiserweight title to further annoy Chavo.

RAW Rebound:

HHH vs. Batista match announced for Backlash, as well as more as HHH/Batista highlights

Next week�s match announced of HHH vs. JR

Clips from Match #1 of the Championship Contender Series was shown from last week�s Smackdown as a lead-in to tonight�s Angle-Eddie match.

Match #5: Match #2 of the Championship Contender Series--Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero

Good way to end the show; a long, impressive match. Lots of great back and forth and tons and tons of near falls. A few good hip tosses and shoulder knock downs. There were some amazing near falls where the crowd was so close into believing Eddie was going to win. Angle attempted an Angle Slam, but Eddie countered it into a DDT. Eddie went for the Three Amigos and missed the frog splash, as Angle got out of the way as the match broke to a commercial.

Upon returning to the match, Angle was in in complete control of the match, standing on Eddie in the corner of the ring and went for the Angle Slam again, followed by a reverse bear hug. Angle went for another Angle Slam, but Eddie countered it for a two count. Eddie went for a chair while the ref was out, tossed back and forth between them briefly, as Eddie played dead for a moment, then got Angle pinned for a two count. Angle then got the best of Eddie again with some more near falls, before going to work on the midsection of Eddie with the body scissors. Once Eddie broke loose, Angle got in a German suplex for a two count, but Eddie kicked out.

Angle had Eddie on the top rope, but Eddie pushed him off, attempting another frog splash, but Angle got his knees up. Eddie was able to cover for a two count as the match went for its second commercial break.

Upon return from the second break, Angle had Eddie on the mat for the cover; Eddie kicked out at the two count, then Angle got Eddie in a reverse bear hug. Eddie escaped the hold, then countered the Angle Slam for the third time with another DDT. Eddie then picked up steam with the second set of the Three Amigos, but Angle countered for a pin, but Eddie kicked out at two.

Angle got in a German suplex, keeping hold on Eddie for two more suplexes, but Eddie kicked out of the pin yet again! Eddie countered another Angle Slam again with a hip toss, and went for the Three Amigos again, followed by the frog splash, this time succeeding, but Angle kicked out at two. Angle then went for the ankle lock, but Eddie countered. He then grabbed Angle by the tights. Angle then got Eddie into the ankle lock; the ref was inadvertently knocked out of the ring in the process.

Angle went outside to grab a chair but Rey Mysterio came out and hit a modified West Coast Pop. Rey grabbed the chair, but Eddie saw him with it, and they had words as Rey held the chair. Angle then came from behind and bumped Rey, who was knocked into Eddie with the chair. Angle then pinned Eddie afterwards.

Winner: Kurt Angle


Eddie got into yelling fit at Rey as the show ended.


All right, I know you�ll all faint on this one, but being the realist I also am, I wasn�t expecting anything earth-shattering as far as London�s promo was concerned tonight. As expected, it wasn�t anything to write home about. The guy didn�t even look that great, despite coming to the ring sans fur coat. Even after a closer review at the two-minute promo that wasn�t aired on last week�s show (I managed to get a copy before it was taken off of last week) for a bit after tonight�s show, it too seemed mediocre at best. If the kid is indeed taking acting lessons on the side, I would suggest more intense ones as well as more practice on the mic. Otherwise, a dull boy a good champion does not make.

After what seemed to be a very long wait, it was finally good to see MNM on television; Smackdown to boot! Great way to kick off �Carlito�s Cabana.�

What in the blue hell is it with Torrie winning everything? Is it me or is everyone /* getting bored with that as well?

As far as my opinion on the Cena version of the title belt, the jury�s still out on that one. I need more time to think about that one.

Speaking of Cena, his long awaited album finally debuts May 10.

I was amazed the Heindenreich "Breaking Wind in the Windy City" poem actually aired tonight! I actually thought that would be edited out.

I think we are being teased with a Eddie heel turn. Could it be happening sooner than we think?

Match #3 in the Championship Contender Series next week: Booker T. vs. Big Show

Next week, Smackdown comes from Madison Square Garden in New York (the supershow with RAW). Until then, enjoy wrestling.