SmackDown Results - 3/24/05 - Memphis, TN (New WM Match, more)

Reported by L. Anne Carrington of
On Friday, March 25, 2005 at 12:31 AM EST

WWE Smackdown
March 24, 2005
Location: Memphis, TN
Announcers: Michael Cole and Tazz

Well, we are now down to the last ten days until Wrestlemania 21; what surprises were in store on tonight's Smackdown? Here is the episode rewind:

Tonight's episode opened with Tazz in the ring, introducing Big Show. Tazz then joked about how protected he felt in Memphis right now before he got down to business and interviewed Big Show about his Wrestlemania sumo match with Akebono, citing Show's underdog odds in sumo experience and a short video shown of Akebono in a sumo match, with Tazz promoting Akebono's appearance for next week for the official weigh-in. Show thought Akebono would outweigh him, but no matter how much Akebono weighed, Show said he would be bigger than Akebono. The interview was interrupted when Luther Reigns came out driving a Jeep, telling Show to quit running his mouth about how 'big' this match was going to be and that he would be in a sumo style match, and how Akebono was a six time sumo champion while Show had zero experience in sumo style match. Show would not only embarrass himself, but also Long and the whole Smackdown locker room. Reigns then went on by telling everyone that he should be the one facing Akebono instead of Big Show, and to prove it, Luther will personally tip over the Jeep with his bare hands. After a couple of failed attempts, Show began to laugh at Luther, followed by Luther then getting into the ring and delivering a few right hands to Show, only to be choke slammed by Show. Following that, Show eyed up, then attempted to tip over the Jeep, albeit successfully after a few tries.

Backstage, Chavo told that they are family and that Chavo may lie to other people, but not to Eddie, and Chavo talked about Eddie and Rey's match last week and how long will Eddie let Rey steal from him? Chavo told Eddie to listen to himself and prove who is better--Eddie or Rey?

Hulk Rules Moment:

1993: Hogan vs. Yokozuma

Match #1: Scotty Too Hotty vs. US Champion Orlando Jordan (w/JBL)

A clip on Jordan winning the US Championship from Cena three weeks ago was shown.

It was supposed to be Jordan and Scotty, but it turned out to be Scotty and JBL when JBL and Scotty got into a stare down with each other then a tussle of their own.. After Scotty took down both Jordan and JBL and got in the worm and the cover on JBL, JBL kicked out. JBL looked frustrated and Jordan was about to go back in the ring and continue the match when JBL stopped him and took over. JBL got in a few shots on Scotty, followed by the "Clothesline from Hell" for the pin on Scotty. Very short match.

Winner: JBL

Backstage, Angle told Josh he's gotten another "Blast from the Past" for HBK. If they thought Marty Jannetty was something, they haven't seen nothing yet!

GM Teddy Long came out and told the fans that he wasn't sure he could top Big Show tipping over a Jeep, but he had a surprise of his own; an Elvis impersonator. Carlito was not happy in his costume, saying Long trying to embarrass him was not cool and that he could show they all that he could sing better than this "Elvis guy." He then did a lousy job of sorts to crowd boos. Funny stuff.

Eddie came to see Rey in the back and says he is fired up about Wrestlemania. He then laid the Eddie vs. Rey match idea on Rey. Rey wondered if he was serious; Eddie stated that he was. Rey was caught off guard; they had their titles to defend and Rey said they should talk about it later.

As Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly made their way to the ring for their match against Eddie and Rey, Undertaker came on the titantron and warned that the beast has arisen from the ashes and there would be a victim; there would be a "sacrifice" tonight to send a message to Randy Orton.

Match #2: Tag Team Championship--Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio vs. Charlie Haas and Hardcore Holly

Holly and Eddie started off the match; Eddie getting a good start before meeting a drop kick by Holly. Haas then came in, followed by Rey. Rey set up Haas for the 619 early, but thunder (presumably from Taker) and the arena darkening interrupted the match as it went to a commercial break.

Upon return to the match, Holly suplexed Eddie for the cover, but Eddie kicked out. Haas and Rey were then back in action, with Haas pinning back Rey's arms, but Rey escaped the hold and went off the top rope onto Haas before tagging in Eddie. Eddie then drop kicked Holly off the apron before putting the Three Amigos to Haas. Holly then came in and turned a Full Nelson into a slam, setting Haas up for the cover; Eddie kicked out of that one.

Haas put the Haas of Pain on Eddie, but Rey then came in for the save. Eddie and Rey then worked as a team, taking down both Holly (outside the ring) and Eddie putting the frog splash on Haas and retaining their titles.

Winners and Still Tag Team Champions: Eddie and Rey

After the match ended, Rey asked if Eddie was serious about a match at Wrestlemania. Rey said he was dead serious that he accepted Eddie's challenge at Wrestlemania, and they are going to tear the house down!

Stone Cold Stunner:

1998: Vince with Mike Tyson; battle between Tyson and Austin.

HBK's music hit and Angle came out dancing like HBK and wearing HBK-like attire, followed by Sensational Sherri. Angle did some HBK-esque posing in the ring. Angle then told the fans he was not only a better athlete, he was going to be a better entertainer as well, and refreshed the fans' memories that Sherri was instrumental in HBKs career early on and also made it known that it was Sherri who originally sang his theme song, "Sexy Boy." Angle said he personally thinks the song sucks and that Kurt can sing it better than HBK. The music then hit and Angle and Sherri sang "Sexy Boy" together. HBK then appeared on the titantron and told Sherri that she didn't look that good, and wanted the same respect shown for his for his own accomplishments. A video of HBK's career was then shown.

Once the video ended, Sherri looked a little tearful (Angle mistook it as Sherri laughing at him) before she and Angle got into a discussion, then Angle threw her down in the ring and put her into an ankle lock. Sherri then lay in the ring in pain attended by officials as Angle left the ring.

Match #3: Catfight Match--Dawn Marie vs. Michelle McCool

Another short match. More like a filler match than anything /*. Dawn went on the attack almost right away on Michelle, but Michelle held her own as usual. Another thunder and darkening of the arena with a Taker threat mid-match before it continued. Really a pointless match with Dawn pulling out the win by levering her foot on the ropes.

Winner: Dawn Marie

Funaki interviewed Carlito backstage. Carlito was annoyed that he had to dress up as Elvis and if Elvis was here now, Carlito would spit in his face. Funaki somehow got brave and grabbed Carlito's Elvis shades and began to sing "Jailhouse Rock." Chia Pet retaliated by breaking his guitar over Funaki's head. He then told a knocked-out Funaki that when he woke up to tell Theodore Long that Carlito had left the building, before spitting on Funaki.

"Taxi Driver" commercial spoof for Wrestlemania 21 was shown (yes, I got to see Paulie again for 2.59999999999 seconds!)

Match #4: Booker T. vs. Rene Dupree (w/Fifi)

Dupree started out strong in this match, pinning Booker early, but Booker got of that one. Dupree got in the French Tickler, but then the lights went out again and smoke filled the ring before they came back up with Taker behind Dupree. Booker beat it out of the ring and tried to warn Dupree that Taker was behind him, but Taker then choke slammed, put him into the barricade, the steel steps off the skull of Dupree and put the Tombstone on him as a final statement.

Winner: No Contest

Teddy Long then came out to mediate the Cena/JBL debate.

A clip of JBL appearing on Wall Street yesterday was shown.

Cena came out and got up in JBL's face and took off his chain as if he was ready to fight JBL. Long reminded Cena that if he laid a hand on JBL, he loses his chance to compete at Wrestlemania. However, if JBL strikes Cena, Cena can retaliate. Long asked the question why each was more qualified to be WWE Champion. JBL went on with his usual background story and his unbeaten record as champion. Cena stated in his answer by asking that someone as successful as JBL would drive to the ring in a broke down *bleep* limousine.

JBL said there was nothing wrong with it, but Cena asked to check it out, before flattening a tire. JBL threw a fit, telling Long to stop Cena, but Long said Cena hasn't touched him. Cena spray painted JBL's limo so it read "JBL SUCKS," then goading JBL to hit him. Long then asked how socioeconomic upbringing is important in being a champion.

JBL bellowed how the rich would keep Cena's kind down, they have no class, no respect, and he would commit the crime of making Cena bow down to him at Wrestlemania. Cena then wondered how he would look in a tie and cut JBL's tie and tried it on, said he felt like a banker and it sucked, goaded JBL to punch him again. JBL didn't fall for it that time, either.

Long asked Cena a question, but Cena interrupted him and asked what he needed to do to get JBL to swing at him. What did he need to do to prove the "wrestling god" was a liar? He then took JBL's ten-gallon hat and commented on how nice it was, then poured water in it to see how many gallons it really held. He said it was closer to a gallon, before putting the hat back on JBL. A verbal war then went back and forth, but JBL didn't throw a punch at Cena.

As a final touch, Cena spray painted JBL shirt, taunting "I'm not touching you!" He then told JBL that in "our world," there are people who talk about it, then there are other people who be about it. He then told JBL what he was going to do to him at Wrestlemania, then painted "FU" on the front of JBL's shirt. He then made his exit as the show ended.


Only one new Smackdown match announced for Wrestlemania tonight. I hope this isn't going to be another scenario where they are throwing matches together at the last minute.

The Jeep that was tipped over by Show tonight weighed over two tons.

Nice to see Haas back on the main show for a change; it's been a long time.

Since Moore is out recovering from injuries from an automobile accident, is Scotty the new jobbing match dummy?

What is this, beat on women week? First Orton RKO's Stacy on RAW this past Monday, then Angle puts Sensational Sherri in an ankle lock tonight.

Don't forget you can now vote in the Wrestlemania 21 Movie Trailer Awards. Go to for more details and for voting.

Next week is the final Smackdown before Wrestlemania, and it comes from Houston, TX. Until next time, enjoy wrestling!