� On Monday, July 4, 2005 at 7:48 PM EST WWE Raw
Live! From Sacramento, CA
July 4, 2005
Commentators: Jim Ross, Jonathon Coachman, and Jerry “The King” Lawler
Reported by: Hunter Golden of Wrestleview.com
A video package aired putting over Carlito’s cabana later tonight with his special guest, Hulk Hogan.
The opening pyro hit and JR and King welcomed us to Sacramento, CA. Coach put over Sgt. Slaughter’s bikini boot camp and that Chris Jericho’s highlight reel would have a very special guest, WWE Champion John Cena.
Carlito’s Cabana
Carlito said that tonight was the fourth of July, the only night of the year for fireworks, but that on his cabana, there were fireworks every night, especially tonight. He asked how often it was that a star as big or as huge as Carlito comes to Sacramento. He said his guest has a new reality show debuting on VH1. The crowd began chanting for Hogan. He said he would tour all over the country promoting the show on TV shows like Jimmy Kimmel, Jay Leno, Kathy Lee, and especially on Carlito’s Cabana. He said if you thought the Osborne’s were dysfunctional, wait until you see Hogan’s family.
A video package was shown of Hogan grilling one of his daughter’s friends one on one.
Carlito came back and introduced Hulk Hogan.
Hogan went to go rip his shirt and Carlito cut him off. He said that this was huge. He said that it was an honor to interview Hogan. He said he was the most recognized name in wrestling. He said he was one of the most recognized names in the world. He said that coming on the Cabana was probably the highlight of his career.
Carlito then had a question. He said if he really wanted to promote his reality show, why didn’t he bring his daughter? Hogan got feisty and Carlito told him to relax. Carlito said he was cool, but Brooke was hot. He asked Hogan if he could take her out on a date. Carlito said that Hogan thought she was sexually active, and as soon as those words squeaked out of Carlito’s mouth, Hogan nailed him.
Kurt Angle’s music hit the arena.
He said that no one should care about Hogan’s crap, that they should care about his accomplishments. He got upset and said that it bothered him that people voted Flair over him as the best of all time. He said the people cheer Hogan for all the wrong reasons. He said he’d give him a dose of reality. He said last time they were together, Angle made him tap out. Angle said he could do it any time anywhere. He said the only person he wanted to make tap out more than Hogan, was Hogan’s daughter Brooke. Hogan decked Angle, but Carlito jumped him from behind and the two went to work on him.
Shawn Michaels ran in and made the save. Hogan thanked him as we went to commercial.
We came back from break and a replay was shown of Kurt Angle’s comments towards Hulk Hogan.
Todd Grisham was shown outside Eric Bischoff’s office. Hogan and HBK were in there shouting. Grisham said he’d get back as soon as he heard the latest.
Edge & Snitsky v. Kane & The Big Show
Kane and Edge started the match. Edge hit some forearms but got caught in a Kane choke. Edge escaped and tagged in Snitsky. Snitsky Irish whipped Kane and followed with a lateral press. He backed up Kane into the corner and landed some kicks before getting caught running in on an Irish whip. Kane landed some punches before tagging in the Big Show who hit his huge chop.
Show toyed with Snitsky planting a huge Irish whip. Edge ran in and Show nailed him. He went for the choke slam but Lita pulled Edge out of harm’s way. Kane pursued Lita down the aisle and out of the arena.
We came back to Snitsky working over Big Show’s leg. Over the break Edge had hit a chop block on Show’s leg leading to Snitsky’s advantage. Show tried to fight out but was subdued until he hit a kick from the mat. Snitsky kicked the back of Big Show’s thigh and kept going back to work on it. Edge was tagged in and landed a knee to Big Show’s leg. Big Show struggled to his feet and again Edge hit a chop block. He stomped on Show before tagging Snitsky back in. Snitsky landed a stomp then distracted the referee for Edge to nail Show’s leg off the apron. Snitsky came back in but Show caught him with a shot in the gut. The two bounded off the ropes and Snitsky landed a knee to the stomach. He kept working on the leg but Big Show was able to hit some big fists to Snitsky’s head. Edge was tagged in and he and Snitsky hit a double shoulder block. Edge went for the cover but Show tossed him off. The two tried a double suplex, but Big Show reversed it.
Show crawled to the corner and tagged in Kane. Kane nailed Snitsky first and sent him into the ropes and landed his big boot. He followed it up with the big clothesline to the corner and the sidewalk slam. Kane climbed to the top tope and went for his flying lariat and nailed it. He yanked Edge in off the apron and he careened over to the Big Show who landed a head-but. Kane tagged in Big Show who whipped him into Snitsky and Edge in the opposite corner.
Big Show tossed Edge out of the ring and Kane hit the big choke slam for the pin fall and the win.
Winners: Kane & The Big Show
Todd Grisham was in the back looking for an update on HBK’s conversation with Eric Bischoff. HBK came barging out and told Grisham moaned and groaned until he got his way. He said later tonight it’d be HBK and Hulk Hogan v. Carlito and Kurt Angle.
Antonio said they would help Lillian get over Viscera. Lillian could barely announce Viscera’s name.
The Heart Throbs v. Viscera
Antonio and Romeo jumped Viscera but Viscera quickly gained the advantage landing two huge body slams. He charged the two in the corner but the two caught him with a kick. They bounded off the ropes and hit a double shoulder block before going to work on the big man on the mat. They clubbed away on Viscera’s back but he pushed them away and hit a huge shoulder block on Antonio. Viscera hit his big splash but got caught when trying to do his ride them and hump them thing. The Heartthrobs double-teamed the guy, wrapping Viscera’s privates around the ring post and nailing him. The ref called for the bell.
Winners: The Heart Throbs
After the match the two put boas over Lillian’s head and around her neck.
The Diva search girls were shown in the back waiting to use the make-up mirror, but Chris Jericho was in their way.
Maria was in the back and announced the trades between Raw and Smackdown. She was ready to interview one of the newest additions to the Raw roster, Chavo Guererro.
He said as of now, he was no longer Chavo, that his achievements didn’t live up to the name. He said he blamed Hispanic people for that. He said he knew what ‘real’ Americans thought about Hispanics. He said from now on he’d denounce his Hispanic heritage and join middle class America. He said he legally changed his name to Kerwin White. He asked her what nationality her name was. He said that it was stupid, just like her.
Hurricane was in the back with Stacey and Rosey. He said that people should be safe with sparklers. Stacy went to light one up and Rosey wasn’t paying attention and lit himself on fire. The fire was put out and the three wished us a happy birthday.
Maria was pouting back stage before John Cena walked in. She was upset that she was called stupid. Cena was surprised that Chavo did what he did. He said she looked good, and that she…. Looked good. He told her to show her strengths and hide her weaknesses. He left her and she giggled as he walked off.
Chris Jericho’s music hit the arena and we’re ready for the highlight reel.
The Highlight Reel
Jericho welcomed us to the show. He said that tonight he wouldn’t have stupid palm trees or stupid deck chairs, that this was the highlight reel. He said he saw the cabana and that he had Hulk Hogan as his guest and that he’d have the same stature of guest. He said there was no multi media superstar on Raw greater than him, but he had the second biggest one, John Cena.
Cena said that it was fun to be back on the Highlight Reel again sarcastically. Jericho said the crowd was excited and congratulated him on his success. He said he was the WWE Champion and a rap star. He said he was red hot. But, he said, that he wanted to remind him that he was the first undisputed champion ever in the wrestling business. He said he had five music videos and three hit albums.
Jericho then aired a clip of his download concert a few weeks ago in front of 50,000 people. He said that was how real rock stars did it. Cena said it was a pretty one-sided interview. Cena wished him luck and left.
Jericho held him up. He said his performances had nothing to do with luck. Cena asked him if he wanted some hero cookies. He went to congratulate him again but Jericho cut him off again. Jericho asked him if that was supposed to mean something to him. Jericho said he wanted to remind him of who he was talking to. He said he had reached legendary status in his fifteen years in the business and that he was a bigger star than Cena was.
He said the reason the people didn’t realize that was that he had the Championship around his waist. He said to enjoy him because he could take it from him at any time. Cena said that he could see it in Jericho’s eyes, that he was nothing without the title. The crowd chanted and he told Jericho to listen to them. He then called Jericho an @sshole. He said he was sick of Jericho trying to sell himself out. He told them to wake up and that the people weren’t stupid. The crowd cheered and Cena said that their reaction was real recognizing real. He said he remembered when Raw really was Jericho. He said now, Jericho was just cheap.
He said he’s taken everything he’d ever done and covered it in cheap sauce. He said it wasn’t Y2J anymore, it was Y2 cheap. Jericho spat in Cena’s face and Cena jumped at him. The two brawled around the ring. Jericho rolled out of the ring and went berserk. The officials escorted Jericho from ringside while Cena flipped him off with one of his blow up ‘you can’t see me’ hands.
The Divas were shown in the back getting ready for the Sgt. Slaughter bikini boot camp.
Christy Hemme’s music hit the arena and she came out with The Coach. Christy announced that it was time for the Bikini Boot camp.
Raw Diva Search: Sgt. Slaughter’s Bikini Boot Camp
The diva search contestants came out one by one.
Slaughter complimented the ladies on their attire. He asked them if they were ready to compete in the obstacle course. He asked them if they wanted to blow on the Sarge’s whistle. Coach stepped in to a chorus of boos. He said there would be a special reward to the diva with the fastest time. Christy said the winner would receive immunity for next week.
Coach explained the rules If anyone made any mistakes, they’d be disqualified. Christy asked Coach to demonstrate. He said he didn’t need to do the easy obstacle course. Christy practically dared him and the Coach caved in.
Coach fumbled around the ‘obstacle course’. Coach did the course in forty-eight seconds. Christy asked the girls if they were ready and here we go.
Here’s how the finished.
Ashley: 48 seconds
Leila: Her top fell off and she was Disqualified
Summer: 41 Seconds
Kristal: 37 Seconds
Elizabeth: 35 Seconds
Simona: 49 Seconds
Cameron: 46 Seconds
Alexis: 54 Seconds
Elisabeth won immunity from voting next week.
JR and King put over the main event later tonight and replayed the remarks from earlier tonight.
We came back to even more Diva search. Coach and Christy put over the diva search voting on WWE.com
Val Venis’ music hit the arena and he came out and ogled the ladies.
Val Venis v. Rene Dupree
Dupree had a new hair do and announced himself as the French phenom. He said he would prove that he was the greatest specimen to ever set foot in the ring and that he was simply phenomenal. He called Venis pathetic and Venis decked him.
Venis sent the Frenchman into the ropes, landed a forearm and a side Russian leg sweep. Dupree gathered himself and landed some kicks and punches. He landed a stiff kick to the back of Venis and followed up with a snap suplex. He worked over Venis in the corner, landing some chops. He followed Venis to the other corner and caught a boot to the face on the follow up.
Venis hit a back body drop and high impact take down. Venis got a two count on the cover. Venis protested but Dupree wrapped him up in a victory role and held the ropes for the pin fall victory.
Winner: Rene Dupree
Todd Grisham was in the back with Kurt Angle and Carlito. Carlito said that no one disrespected him on his Cabana. He said that wasn’t cool. Angle agreed and said that what was cool was the fact that it was independence day and it was a day to celebrate people like himself. He said it would be even cooler when he snapped someone’s ankle in two. Carlito took a bite of the apple but only faked spitting it on Todd Grisham.
Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels v. Kurt Angle & Carlito
Hogan and Carlito started off and Hogan shoved Carlito aside like he was nothing. Carlito tagged in Angle.
The two locked up and Hogan launched Angle as well. Angle got up furious and went for the go behind but got caught in an arm-bar. He tagged in Michaels and HBK flew off the ropes onto the arm of Angle. He dipped down and hit a nice arm-bar but Angle fought out of it and hit a body slam.
Carlito was tagged in and missed an elbow attempt and HBK wrapped him up in an arm-bar. He tagged in Hogan again and Hogan hit a big right hand. He clothes-lined the Intercontinental Champion and nailed his head into the buckle. He tagged Michaels back in but Carlito was able to back HBK into his own corner. Angle was tagged and he went to work.
He landed some punches and kicks in the corner but his fifth kick was reversed and HBK landed some chops. Angle countered with an Irish whip but missed the follow up and HBK hit the clothesline. Angle got dumped over the ropes and Hogan met an oncoming Carlito and tossed him. The two were cleaning up as the show went to commercial.
We came back with Angle working over HBK in the corner. He perched Michaels on the top rope and went for an overhead belly to belly suplex. HBK fought him off the buckle and landed hit picture perfect elbow. Michaels went to tune up the band and Carlito tried to nail him. HBK ducked and sent Carlito off the apron. Angle came rushing in and connected with a belly to belly suplex.
Angle tagged in Carlito who hit a big knife edge chop. He goaded Hogan and wailed away on HBK’s head. He connected with an Irish whip before landing some stomps and kicks. He distracted the ref for Angle who landed an elbow on the apron. Carlito choked HBK before Angle came in and landed a stomp and a knee lift in succession. Angle connected with a back suplex and got a two count on the cover. He tagged Carlito back in and they kicked Michaels in the corner. Carlito distracted the ref again while Angle choked HBK with the tag rope.
HBK fought out of the corner but was eventually caught by Carlito. Angle got tagged back in and he hit a big snap suplex. He clamped on a bear hug from behind on HBK who eventually fought out of it. HBK reversed an Irish whip attempt but couldn’t connect with a drop kick. Angle slapped on the ankle lock but Michaels rolled out of it. Angle went for the Angle Slam immediately but HBK countered with a great tornado DDT. Angle reached Carlito but HBK reached Hogan.
Hogan went to work on Carlito nailing him with eight big punches before hitting the big boot. Angle came in and tried to jump Hogan but Hogan tossed him. He motioned to the crowd, hit the leg drop and got the 1, 2, 3 victory.
Winners: Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels
Hogan and Michaels posed in the ring after the match for the crowd. Out of nowhere, HBK super kicked Hogan and stared down at him. Michaels looked at Hogan’s fallen body as he slowly left the ring. HBK walked back up the ramp slowly as the show went off the air.RAW THOUGHTS
The Good-- In a show that had little to nothing to care about at all, we just got probably the best heel turn in years. I can’t think of a more shocking heel turn ever really, save for possibly Stone Cold’s turn at Wrestlemania X7. Shawn Michaels needed this so much and finally, he’s a watchable character again. He’s always been good in the ring, but really since early 2003, he’s done nothing interesting. It will be interesting to see where they take this whole angle with Hogan. It could be a match at Summerslam, which in that case, would make for huge buys. It also makes for a possible Cena-HBK match down the road, which would be great. I was shocked by WWE television for the first time since I can remember. Kudos to the WWE on that.
Oh, and I actually liked Chavo’s new gimmick.
The Bad-- Almost everything /* was at least bad. With the exception of the last five minutes, there was nothing on this show worth even putting in this column. No angles were really advanced, save for Jericho-Cena, which in my opinion, seemed a little forced on both sides. It’s early yet, and I’m sure it’ll get better.
The Heart Throbs’ gimmick is so bad it’s indescribable. How anyone can slap a gimmick like that on grown men and let them do that is practically criminal.
The Ugly-- Tonight’s Raw, with the exception of the last five minutes, may be a contender for worst Raw episode ever. There wasn’t a thing to get excited about, no angles were really taken, nothing.
The Diva search was embarrassingly bad. The booby slip must have spiked ratings for about five minutes or so, but that’s about it. It was embarrassing to watch. It’s even more embarrassing having to ‘report’ it.
Ah, and before I forget, the two WTF moments of tonight…
"Val Venis is a very viable contender on Raw" — The Coach referring to Val Venis’ credibility.
No listing of the trades from Smackdown to Raw.
Overall--D The only thing that saved this show from being the worst in history was probably the best heel turn I’ve seen in years. Totally unexpected and totally unpredictable, even in the short term. You now HAVE to tune in next week to see what happens.
Quick Results
Kane and The Big Show def. Edge and Snitsky
Viscera def. The Heartthrobs
Renee Dupree def. Val Venis
Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels def. Kurt Angle & Carlito
Who’s Hot, Who’s Not?
Biggest Pops
1. Hulk Hogan
2. John Cena
3. Shawn Michaels
4. Layla’s Breast
Most Heat
1. Shawn Michaels
2. Kurt Angle
3. Carlito
4. Chris Jericho
Match of the Night: Hulk Hogan & Shawn Michaels v. Kurt Angle & Carlito **
Hunter’s Raw Power Rankings
WWE Champion: John Cena—We’ll see how he holds up on Raw. The Reign has been a good one, producing two very good pay per view defenses. Jericho is up next for Summerslam, but I think, as of tonight, everyone knows Shawn Michaels is looming.
Intercontinental Champion: Carlito—He’s not doing much with the belt yet, but it’s early.
1. Shawn Michaels—Since jobbing to Angle at Wrestlemania, HBK is on a roll. He’s got two big pay per view wins and now a huge heel turn to boot. He’s the hottest, and most interesting thing going on Raw right now.
2. Chris Jericho—It looks like Jericho could possibly be headlining Summerslam in a month. Jericho, while inconsistent in his ring work the past two years, has really turned it up as of late and put on some great performances in losing efforts. The WWE has decided to reward him. His mic work has been getting better and the heel turn has freshened his very stale face character up.
3. Kane—Aside from HBK, Kane may be one of the hottest wrestlers on Raw at the moment, which is some sort of anomaly. Kane and multiple wins haven’t gone hand in hand in years past. His character has been able to make the best of a bad program with Lita and Edge and has strung together two pay per view wins in a row. He’s looking like the dominant Kane that we haven’t seen since late 2003.
4. Kurt Angle—Kurt is getting a lot of airtime, but seems to floundering at the moment on Raw. It looks like he may feud with Triple H at Summerslam, which would certainly be a money feud for him. His mic work has been sensational and his ring work has been even better. He just hasn’t had the wins to put him back in the title hunt and farther up these rankings.
5. Triple H—Three clean losses to Batista and has been a no show on Raw the past two weeks.
6. Big Show—Show seems to be fitting in well to Raw so far. They’re building him up as a big monster. He’s got a singles win and a tag team win. So far, so good.
7. Shelton Benjamin—For the second straight week, no Mr. Benjamin. Lost his Intercontinental Championship three weeks ago then did the job again at Vengeance. Not anywhere near a free fall, but not looking so hot either.
8. Edge—Free fall. It’s hard to figure out what’s going on with his character. He’s been doing a ton of jobbing in the last month and is supposedly the guy who can step in and claim a title shot whenever. A win over Kane would be nice first.
9. Viscera—Fun to watch for a laugh but not seriously going anywhere. Seems packed in nice and tight down in the mid card.
10. Snitsky—Can’t string a win together, but he’s getting airtime.
Any Questions, comments, or feedback send email me at Raw@wrestleview.com