LIVE From: East Rutherford, New Jersey
Commentators: Jim Ross & Jerry "The King" Lawler
Report by: Adam Martin of
- The WWE promo hits followed by The Undertaker being show in the back with Paul Heyman. Heyman tells Undertaker that tonight's Main Event was all his idea. The Undertaker teaming with "The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar for the first time against Ric Flair and Rob Van Dam. Heyman says Brock Lesnar hopes The Undertaker walks out Vengeance still the Undisputed Champion so he can face him at SummerSlam. Undertaker says Heyman and Lesnar better hope he doesn't walk away the champion because he has a history of making people famous in the company. Heyman says they are getting too far ahead of themselves but Undertaker cuts him off and tells him to never get in his face again.
- The RAW promo hits followed by the pyro going off in the Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey.
Vince McMahon Segment - Is the nWo dead? A new era beginning?
The nWo's music hits but Vince McMahon comes out instead. McMahon gets in the ring and gets on the mic. McMahon says he knows people want to know why he came out to the nWo's music. McMahon says the reason was that he thought the people would like to hear the nWo music for the last time. McMahon says there is no more nWo in the WWE and they are now history. McMahon says the nWo era is now history as well. McMahon says they started out with the Buddy Rogers era, Bruno Sammartino era, Pedro Morales era, Superstar Billy Graham era, Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior era, Bret "Hitman" Hart era and the most recent Stone Cold Steve Austin era. McMahon said all the era's made there mark but the WWE changes with the times and they will change now. McMahon says this very program RAW was born 10 years ago in downtown New York City and will celebrate its 500th episode. McMahon says it's now time to shake up the WWE, it's time to shake up RAW and SmackDown. McMahon says he has hired 2 general managers for RAW and SmackDown. McMahon says each man will be in charge of each brand and he will have his full support. McMahon says in one hour he will name the general manager for RAW. McMahon says he will be firm and fair and take RAW to a higher ground. McMahon says this new general manager will give the WWE fans what they really want and what they truly deserve. McMahon thanks the fans and leaves.
All the wrestlers on the RAW brand are shown backstage watching what Vince McMahon just said.
- Ric Flair is shown backstage with Terri. Terri brings up what Vince McMahon just said and asks him who he might think the new general manager is. Flair says he has no clue who it might be but he knows one thing, the only person that can run this company can only have the last name McMahon.
- They announce that Bubba Ray Dudley & Spike Dudley will be taking on Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero in a Tables Match.
Six-Man Tag Team Elimination Match
Jeff Hardy, Bubba Ray Dudley & Spike Dudley vs. William Regal, Chris Benoit & Eddie Guerrero
Match starts with all 6 men brawling until Eddie Guerrero and Spike are left in the ring. Spike hits a big back body drop on Guerrero followed by a atomic drop and clothesline. Spike goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Guerrero gets back on his feet but Spike counters with a neckbreaker. Spike charges at Guerrero and hits a sunset flip but Guerrero reverses it into a pin of his own. Guerrero gets the 1, 2, and 3 to eliminate Spike Dudley.
Bubba Ray charges the ring and hits a big Bubba Bomb on Guerrero. Bubba Ray goes for the pin but William Regal breaks it up. Benoit gets the tag and he backs Bubba Ray into the corner, backs up, charges but Bubba Ray takes him down with a big shoulder tackle. Bubba Ray backs Benoit into the corner and hits two big chops. Benoit fights back with a big snap suplex followed by going for the pin but only gets a two count. William Regal gets the tag and hits a big knee to the face on Bubba Ray and goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Regal backs Bubba Ray into the corner and hits some big right hands. Bubba Ray throws Regal into the corner, Regal bounces off and Bubba Ray hits a big back body drop followed by a big elbow to the head. Bubba Ray goes for the pin but only gets a two count with Chris Benoit breaks up the pin. Guerrero tries to charge at Bubba Ray but he throws him to the outside. Jeff Hardy gets the tag and hits the Poetry in Motion on Regal in the corner. Benoit grabs Bubba Ray and hits a big german suplex as Guerrero hits a back suplex on Jeff Hardy. Benoit gets the tag and he works on Jeff Hardy in the corner with some hard chops. Guerrero gets the tag and Benoit and Regal hold up Jeff in the corner allowing Guerrero to hit some big punches and kicks. Guerrero sends Jeff into the ropes and takes him down with a big elbow. Guerrero picks up Jeff and hits a big suplex. Regal gets the tag but Jeff counters with a big cross body. Jeff goes for the pin but only gets the two count. Regal hits a big forearm followed by tagging in Benoit. Benoit hits a big back suplex on Jeff followed by going for another but Jeff counters and slams hard on Benoit's chest. Benoit somehow crawls over and tags in Guerrero. Guerrero walks over the face of Jeff followed by hitting numerous kicks to the back. Regal gets the tag and hits a quick flip on Jeff followed by a knee drop. Regal goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Regal picks up Jeff and hits a double underhook suplex and goes for the pin but Bubba Ray gets in and breaks it up. Jeff gets on his feet and hits a big dropkick on Regal. Regal picks up Jeff and hits a big suplex followed by knocking Bubba Ray off the ring apron. Jeff fights back with punches on Regal but Guerrero interferes taking down Jeff. Guerrero gets in the ref's face as Regal gets the European Title. He goes to hit Jeff with it but Bubba Ray takes it out of his hands and he nails Regal with it. The referee sees it however and DQ's Bubba Ray, eliminating Bubba Ray Dudley.
Regal is still knocked out as Jeff climbs the top rope and hits the Swantom Bomb! Jeff goes for the pin and gets the 1, 2 and 3 to eliminate William Regal. The WWE goes to commercial.
We come back from commercial and Jeff Hardy is in the ring with Eddie Guerrero. Guerrero tags in Chris Benoit and Benoit hits a big elbow on Jeff. Benoit picks up Jeff and hits a big headbutt. Guerrero gets the tag and flips over the top rope but Jeff moves out of the way. Guerrero gets back on his feet but Jeff rolls him up into a pin. Jeff gets the 1, 2, and 3 for the win to eliminate Eddie Guerrero.
Chris Benoit charges the ring and hits numerous kicks to Jeff Hardy. Benoit picks up Jeff, pulls him back and hits a big clothesline. Benoit goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Benoit throws Jeff into the corner but Jeff jumps up onto the turnbuckle and hits a big corkscrew moonsault on Benoit taking him down! Eddie Guerrero runs down and tries to interfere but the referee holds him back. As the referee chases Guerrero to the back, William Regal runs in and nails Jeff Hardy with the brass knuckles. The referee gets back into the ring and Benoit applies the Crippler Crossface. The referee raises Jeff's arm three times making Chris Benoit the winner and eliminating Jeff Hardy.
Winner: Chris Benoit
- After the match, Guerrero runs down and puts a table into the ring. Guerrero and Benoit set it up and Benoit picks up Jeff Hardy. Then Bubba Ray and Spike Dudley run down and chase Benoit and Guerrero out of the ring.
- The Coach is shown backstage in front of Mr. McMahon's office. Coach brings up the new general manager could possibily be Mick Foley. Paul Heyman then walks by and goes to walk into Mr. McMahon's office but The Coach stops him from going in. Coach brings up the fact that Paul Heyman has a history of running company's and he could possibly be the new general manager of RAW. Heyman agrees and says he would represent the RAW brand very good. Paul Heyman walks in as The Coach goes to speak again when a woman runs by and opens up the door. She notifies Mr. McMahon that "he" is here. McMahon asks her who "he" is and she says the new general manager. McMahon tells the woman to bring the new general manager to his office. Mr. McMahon excuses Paul Heyman out of the office.
- Vince McMahon is shown backstage and the woman opens the door again. She tells him the general manager is here and Mr. McMahon tells her to invite him in. Shane McMahon walks in and Vince McMahon looks surprised. Vince asks what Shane is doing here because he is not the general manager. Shane says that is right but he does know who the new general manager is. Shane tells Vince that he would be making a bad mistake if he let this guy take control of what he created.
- Tommy Dreamer is shown walking into a locker room with Rob Van Dam in it getting ready. Dreamer congratulates RVD on hitting the Van Terminator on Paul Heyman last week. RVD walks away and Steven Richards walks up. Richards says what Dreamer did last week on RAW was just to get him noticed and it didn't mean anything. Richards then suggests to Dreamer that there match tonight shouldn't be just a "normal match." Richards says that since Dreamer was so good with his singapore cane last week against Brock Lesnar, why don't they make the match a singapore cane match. Goldust then walks up and says it is an offer two people shouldn't refuse. Both Dreamer and Richards laugh at Goldust followed by Richards nailing Dreamer in the gut with the singapore cane.
Singapore Cane Match
Tommy Dreamer vs. Steven Richards
Match starts with Dreamer tripping up Richards from under the bottom rope. Dreamer rolls in and tries to hit Richards but Richards ducks and goes to the outside. Dreamer follows him to the outside and hits two big shots with the singapore cane followed by a big shot to the head off the top of the steel steps. Dreamer takes off the top of the steel steps and charges at Richards but Richards counters by nailing the singapore cane hard over Dreamers head. Richards hits a few more hard shots with the singapore cane followed by giving Dreamer a big suplex on the entrance ramp. Richards throws Dreamer into the ring and chokes him with his foot. Richards then gets the singapore cane and chokes Dreamer with it. Richards sets up the singapore cane in the corner. Richards picks up Dreamer and he throws Dreamer into the corner and Dreamer hits the singapore cane with impact. Dreamer gets on his feet and Richards nails him numerous times with the singapore cane but Dreamer refuses to go down. Dreamer hits a big russian leg sweep on Richards followed by nailing him with the singapore cane many times. Dreamer goes to nail Richards again but Richards ducks and attempts a superkick but Dreamer nails the singapore cane over his head and hits the Dreamer DDT! Dreamer goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Dreamer climbs the top rope with the singapore cane, jumps, but Richards counters with a big superkick. Richards goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Both men get on there feet with sinapore canes in hand. Dreamer gets the upper hand however and he nails the singapore cane over Richard's head busting it to pieces. Dreamer goes for the pin and gets the 1, 2, and 3 for the win.
Winner: Tommy Dreamer
- The Coach is shown backstage with Booker T. Coach brings up how Booker T was kicked out of the nWo. Booker brings up how a month later how the nWo is now dead. Booker then asks Coach to do the spinarooni with him but Coach doesn't want to. Booker then demands Coach do it and Coach eventually does it but very bad. Booker asks Coach what the hell that just was and asks him if he really is black. Booker tells Big Show that he is going to pull an Allen Iverson on him tonight because he is the 5-time, 5-time, 5-time WCW Champion. Booker goes to do his usual SUCKA routine when he gets cut off when Eric Bischoff walks up! Bischoff tells Booker that it is good to see him. Bischoff walks away and Booker asks Coach if he just saw that.
- RAW comes back from commercial and Vince McMahon appears at the top of the entranceway with a mic in hand. McMahon says it takes a real son of a bitch to be successful in this business. So from one son of a bitch to another, McMahon introduces the new general manager of RAW...Eric Bischoff. Bischoff appears at the top of the entrance way and both Bischoff and McMahon hug.
Eric Bischoff is the new general manager of RAW!
Eric Bischoff gets on the mic and introduces himself. Bischoff says for people that don't know him, he ran WCW. Not the WCW verision that invaded the WWE last year however. Bischoff said he was the only guy to take it to Vince McMahon and compete with him. Bischoff says that when Vince McMahon was talking about "Ruthless Aggression", he was talking about him. Bischoff said that when McMahon needed star power, he signed everyone McMahon once had. Bischoff brings up guys like Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall who he signed and stole from Vince McMahon. Bischoff said he took this little family owned company and gave it one swift kick in the crotch. Bischoff said that when McMahon was busy with the Federal Government, he was taking advantage beating McMahon at his own game. Bischoff says that people who claim he was only successful because of Ted Turner's money are totally wrong. Bischoff brings up the fact that WCW Monday Nitro was a LIVE program compared to the RAW program which was taped. Bischoff said Nitro went on the air 2 minutes before RAW so he could give away what happened. Bischoff says Nitro had a competitive Main Event each week unlike RAW. Bischoff brings up how he created the nWo and not some washed up nWo the WWE audience has seen. Bischoff said Nitro beat RAW 84 weeks in a row. Bischoff then goes onto explain how he came to be general manager. Bischoff said he got a call from Vince McMahon asking him to take control. Bischoff said McMahon wanted him to take this struggling franchise and turn into a major power house, which he will do starting this Sunday at Vengeance. Bischoff brings up the fact that he had wished he signed a certain talent that would have kept Nitro on the air to this day. Bischoff says that talent is Triple H and he will not sign with the nWo, he will sign with him! Bischoff promises all the WWE fans that he is what they needed to make this product better and make the RAW brand better. Bischoff says he will finally put the "E" in the WWE.
All the wrestlers on the RAW brand are shown backstage watching on in disgust after hearing what Eric Bishoff just said.
- The Undertaker is shown backstage with Bradshaw discussing Eric Bischoff. Bischoff walks up and says it is an honor to finally meet him. Bischoff tells Undertaker that if there is anything he needs, just call him and he is there for him.
WWE Women's Title
Molly Holly (c) vs. Trish Stratus
Match starts with both women locking up followed by Molly hitting a big flip on Trish followed by applying a submission. Trish flips back up and throws Molly into the corner. Trish charges but Molly gives her a drop toe hold into the second turnbuckle. Molly picks up Trish and hits a big powerslam followed by going for the pin but only getting a two count. Molly picks up Trish, kicks her in the gut, goes off the ropes and hits a spinning neckbreaker! Molly goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Trish counters and throws Molly up onto the top rope. Trish backs up, jumps and gives Molly a hurricanrann from the top rope! Trish hits two dropkicks on Molly followed by a big kick to the head of Molly. Trish goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Molly fights back with a big punch followed by a back body drop. Molly throws Trish into the corner, flips backwards but Trish jumps up onto her shoulders. Trish rolls up Molly but Molly kicks out after two. Trish grabs Molly and attempts the Stratusfaction off the ropes but Molly counters and hits a big back suplex. Molly pins Trish but with her feet on the ropes as she gets the 1, 2, and 3 for the win.
Winner & STILL Women's Champion: Molly Holly
- Ric Flair is shown walking down a hallway in the arena when Eric Bishoff walks up. Bischoff says he knows they have a past but he tells Flair to forget all about it because this is the WWE, a brand new start. Bischoff says he knows Flair was shocked to see him tonight. Flair tells Bischoff that shocked isn't the right word. Flair excuses himself as he has a big match coming up. Bischoff stares down Flair as he walks away.
- A new Rey Mysterio Jr. promo is shown plugging that he will debut in 10 days on WWE SmackDown.
JVC TOUR OF POWER: Shawn Michaels interfering in the Main Event last week on RAW hitting the Sweet Chin Music on Booker T allowing Big Show to pin him.
Booker T vs. Big Show
Match starts with Big Show going for a clothesline but Booker T ducks and hits some hard punches on Big Show. Big Show grabs Booker and throws him into the corner followed by hitting two big chops. Booker moves over into the other corner but Big Show grabs him and hits a big arm toss. Booker gets back on his feet and Big Show grabs him and hits a big vertical suplex! Big Show goes for an elbow off the ropes but Booker moves out of the way and fights back with numerous chops. Booker goes to irish whip Big Show into the ropes but Big Show pulls him back and hits a big sidewalk slam. Big Show grabs Booker and puts him up onto his shoulders but Booker slides off and throws Big Show into the corner. Booker hits a few big chops on Big Show who is against the ropes. Booker backs up and charges at Big Show hitting a big spinning heel kick. Booker backs up one more time but he hits a big clothesline on Big Show taking both men over the top rope! On the outside, Booker grabs a steel chair and tries to nail Big Show with it but Big Show moves out of the way and throws Booker into the ring, along with the steel chair. Big Show gets on his feet but Booker grabs the steel chair and swings but Big Show counters with a boot to the chair. Big Show grabs the steel chair and nails Booker with it over the back causing him to get the DQ.
Winner by DQ: Booker T
- After the match, both men spill to the outside. Booker connects with a quick superkick on Big Show but Big Show still stays on his feet. Booker charges at Big Show again but Big Show slaps his hand across his neck, lifts Booker into the air and connects with the Chokeslam through the announcers table.
- Brock Lesnar is shown lifting a part of the RAW entrance. Heyman says that this Sunday he will beat Rob Van Dam to become the NEW Intercontinental Champion. Lesnar asks Heyman if he took care of The Undertaker and Heyman says Undertaker bought everything he said. Heyman tells Lesnar to tear Rob Van Dam apart tonight and also this Sunday at Vengeance. Lesnar then throws the RAW entrance piece and heads towards the arena.
- The WWE pays tribute to Jimmy Miranda, who was head of the WWE merchandise department, who passed away this past week.
WWE Hardcore Title
Bradshaw (c) vs. Chris Nowinski
Match starts with Chris Nowinski getting on the mic saying he doesn't want this Hardcore Match. Nowinski says these people don't want to see a Harvard graduate get bashed over the head with steel chairs and trash cans. Nowinski then says he will allow Bradshaw to pin him 1, 2, 3 in the middle of the ring. Nowinski says Bradshaw will get to retain his title and he won't get hurt. Nowinski sits down, Bradshaw goes to pin but Nowinski rolls him up. Nowinski gets the 1, 2, Bradshaw kicks out! Bradshaw takes down Nowinski with a hard clothesline followed by throwing him to the outside. Bradshaw throws Nowinski against the guard railing followed by nailing him with the steel steps! Bradshaw get a steel chair from under the ring but Nowinski runs away through the crowd. Bradshaw follows him and eventually catches up. Bradshaw grabs a nearby trash can and nails him over the head with it. Both men spill to the back and Bradshaw nails him over the head with a cookie sheet of some sort. Bradshaw then puts Nowinski's head in a box and slams the top over his neck. Then Johnny Strumboli (aka Johnny The Bull) appears and he nails a stick over the head of Bradshaw. Johnny The Bull pins Bradshaw to get the 1, 2, and 3 for the win!
Winner & NEW Hardcore Champion: Johnny Strumboli
- Eric Bischoff is then shown backstage when Big Show walks in. Both men hug and say it is great to see each other. Big Show then asks Bischoff for a favor. He asks if he can have a match against Booker T at Vengeance this Sunday with the stipulation being No DQ, No Countout. Bischoff says he isn't sure if he can make a match for the Pay Per View this Sunday so soon. Bischoff said he wanted to ease into his job and get to know people before he goes making matches. Bischoff says that both men do have a good past so, he will go for the match this Sunday. Big Show thanks Bischoff and he leaves. Bischoff sits down and sees the new Triple H DVD sitting on a glass table next to him. Bischoff grabs the remote and turns on the DVD watching Triple H.
- Johnny Strumboli is shown backstage talking with Eric Bischoff about winning the Hardcore Title tonight. Johnny thanks Bischoff for allowing him to compete on RAW. Bischoff says it was really all his doing because he was the one that one the Hardcore Title. Then Bradshaw runs in and hits the Clothesline From Hell on Johnny Strumboli! Bradshaw goes for the pin and gets the 1, 2, and 3 for the win. Bradshaw taunts Strumboli saying welcome to RAW.
Winner & NEW Hardcore Champion: Bradshaw
- Paul Heyman is shown backstage pumping up Brock Lesnar for the Main Event when The Undertaker walks up and Brock Lensar gets in his face. Heyman once again sucks up to The Undertaker on Lesnar's behalf until Lesnar cuts him off. Lesnar tells Undertaker to lead the way but Undertaker insists that Lensar lead the way. Lesnar turns around and leaves as The Undertaker follows from behind.
STACKER 2 BURN OF THE NIGHT: Rob Van Dam giving Paul Heyman the Van Terminator with a steel chair.
Tag Team Match
The Undertaker & Brock Lesnar vs. Ric Flair & Rob Van Dam
Match starts with Ric Flair and The Undertaker. Flair and Undertaker circle the ring until they lockup and Undertaker hits a big shoulder block on Flair taking him down. Flair goes to lockup again but Undertaker grabs his arm and slaps it down hard. Flair fights back with a big chop in the corner followed by two more. Rob Van Dam gets the tag and he climbs up onto the top rope. Undertaker turns around and RVD hits a big cross body but Undertaker kicks out after two. Undertaker throws RVD into the corner and hits a big clothesline. Undertaker backs up, charges and attempts a big boot but RVD moves out of the way and takes down Undertaker with a big spinning heel kick. Ric Flair gets the tag and he applies the Figure Four Leg Lock right away. Undertaker gets out of the submission and slaps his hand around the neck of Flair but Flair counters with a low blow taking Undertaker to his knees. Flair hits a big chop to the chest followed by charging at Undertaker who slaps his hand across the neck of Flair followed by a big chokeslam. Undertaker goes for the pin but only gets a two count when RVD interferes. Brock Lesnar gets the tag and he works on Flair in the corner. Lesnar throws Flair into the other corner and Lesnar hits a big charge to the gut of Flair. Lesnar throws Flair into the other corner and does the same again. Lesnar picks up Flair and hits a backbreaker but Lesnar doesn't let him go. Lesnar lifts Flair in the air again and hits another backbreaker but this time he lets him go. Flair's head lays on the outside of the ring apron and Undertaker takes the advantage and hits a big leg drop to the back of his head. Undertaker throws Flair back into the ring and gets the tag from Lensar. Undertaker goes to attack Flair in the corner but Flair hits a big punch but Undertaker takes him down with more punches. Flair eventually gets on his feet and hits more chops. Undertaker throws Flair into the ropes, Flair comes off the ropes, Undertaker attempts a clothesline, Flair ducks, Undertaker turns around and takes Flair down with a big boot. Undertaker goes for an elbow drop but Flair moves out of the way and climbs up the top rope. Undertaker nails Flair on the top rope, climbs it and hits a big superplex from the top rope on Flair! Undertaker goes for the pin but RVD breaks it up. Lesnar gets the tag and he works on Flair in the corner. Flair fights back with a few chops but Lensar throws Flair back into the corner and hits some big charges to the gut. Lesnar throws Flair into the ropes, Flair comes off of them and Lesnar catches him connecting with a big powerslam! Lesnar throws Flair into the corner, Lesnar charges, Flair moves out of the way, Flair hits a big back suplex on Lesnar! Flair goes for the pin but Lesnar kicks out after two. Undertaker and Rob Van Dam both get the tag. RVD hits a big running spinning heel kick on Undertaker followed by taking Lesnar off of the ring apron. Undertaker lays in the corner, RVD charges and hits a big monkey flip. RVD knocks Lesnar off the ring apron again, RVD runs and connects with the Rolling Thunder on Undertaker! RVD goes for the pin but it gets broken up by Lesnar. RVD backs Lensar into the corner and takes him down. RVD gets up on the top turnbuckle and hits a big moonsault. RVD goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Undertaker grabs RVD and goes for the Last Ride but Flair breaks it up. Lesnar grabs Flair and connects with the F-5! RVD then charges the ring and takes down Lesnar with a big spinning heel kick followed by climbing up the top rope and connecting with the Five Star Frog Splash! Undertaker then gets into the ring and grabs RVD and connects with the Last Ride! Undertaker goes for the pin and gets the 1, 2, and 3 for the win.
Winners: The Undertaker & Brock Lesnar
- After the match, Undertaker stands above Rob Van Dam holding the Undisputed Title up high when Brock Lensar gives him an elbow from behind. Brock Lesnar picks up Undertaker and connects with the F-5! Brock picks up the Undisputed Title and stares at it before throwing it back to The Undertaker on the ground.
- Eric Bischoff is then shown backstage dialing a number on his cell phone. Bischoff ends up leaving a message for The Rock saying he hopes he watched RAW tonight. Bischoff then says that he is a huge fan and that he thinks he would be perfect for RAW. Bischoff hangs up the cell phone and smiles as RAW goes off the air...