Danny Doring Interview: Talks about launch of ECW brand and ONS PPV

Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
On Sunday, June 4, 2006 at 2:19 PM EST

The following was transcribed by Mr. DFL:

Former ECW World Tag Team Champion & one of the newest stars that will be a part of the new Extreme Championship Wrestling project, "Dastardly" Danny Doring, was one of the special guests on this past week's live edition (5/29/06) of Monday Night Mayhem, which can be heard in streaming audio every week (and live from 7-9PM ET every Monday night) exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (www.MondayNightMayhem.com, www.WrestlingMediaNetwork.com, www.ObsessedWithWrestling.com, www.Dory-Funk.com, & celebrating its 10th Anniversary, www.AudioWrestling.com -- your official home of "The Spring Break Incident" Video-On-Demand, featuring Stuff Magazine's all-new fitness correspondent, the hottest member of this past season's edition of ABC's "Dancing With The Stars," & WWE Diva, Stacy Keibler).

The interview with "The Danaconda" is now available to hear for FREE in Real Audio!

Here are some of the highlights from the interview provided by the show's senior correspondent, Mr. DFL.

Danny was welcomed to the show by The Big Mosh & Blade, as "Your Home Of Wrestling Radio" put its finishing touches on May's "Sweeps Month." Mosh, Blade, & Danny started the interview with some discussion on the returning Extreme Championship Wrestling -- coming off of the past few weeks of ECW being on WWE Monday Night RAW & Friday Night SmackDown. Danny said that it could only get better in the remaining days before the One Night Stand PPV, as Doring referred to this upcoming week as "crunch time" for all involved with the project. He hopes that the Pay-Per-View, the new television deal, & the upcoming summer tour will work out for everyone -- and sees nothing but success going forward.

Doring mentioned that leading into the PPV, he has not been in contact with a majority of the new roster -- besides seeing The Sandman a few weeks back in Boston, MA & CW Anderson on an independent show not too long ago. Even though conversations were more "Hey, how are you?" vs. having an in-depth discussion of the return of ECW. Danny simply has been taking care of his own agenda first, including working out every day in the gym and getting a tan on the Jersey shore in preparation of his return to the big time.

Blade asked Danny if the new ECW needs to have more of its former stars, including the ones that as of right now are contracted to TNA ("The Franchise" Shane Douglas, Team 3-D, Raven, & others) in order to be the same as beforehand. Doring still believes that after all this time, the company was about not one guy or piece of talent. When someone left Extreme Championship Wrestling, newer stars were able to come into the forefront. "When Tazz left, there was a Rhino that was able to showcase his talents -- and that was just one example." He feels that this will continue in the new ECW as well, especially with a lot of the same creative juices being there now.

The hot news of the past few weeks has been that of Extreme Championship Wrestling's soon-to-be-debut on the Sci-Fi Network. Now, we all now what happened the last time ECW was on a cable channel? Rollerjam anyone? Danny feels that unlike the past experience on The Nashville Network, this will be both great & exciting. He mentioned that every time he reads something on the internet, that has already been altered or changed in the process. Doring applauded the decision made by Bonnie Hammer (the President of the USA Network & the Sci-Fi Channel) to give ECW a chance. Danny strongly agrees with Hammer's estimation that "ECW will bring a new look to sports-entertainment." He also thinks the timeslot they are going to have will blow a lot of people away.

Mosh & Blade looked into more of Hammer's comments, as to where she said, "Extreme Championship Wrestling will be a 'summer series.'" Is this the timeframe being given by all to make this successful? Danny does not know how long this will last, but did want to go on record by saying that he, along with a lot of the boys, are "happy to be back once again, even if it means being clueless to some of the news being leaked out over the past few weeks. When the time comes, I'll be ready"

Vince McMahon has already said on record that the new ECW will be going "global." Believe it or not, throughout his ten-year career, Doring has never been to Japan once. If everything works ok for Extreme Championship Wrestling to head over to countries such as Italy, Great Britain, & even Japan, he will be able to classify that as of the crowning moments in his career. "Those fans will be in for a treat."

Blade & Mosh ran down the two matches that have had the most build-up so far for One Night Stand, the first of which will see John Cena defend the WWE Championship against "Mr. Money In The Bank," Rob Van Dam. If Danny had to go by the proverbial "tale of the tape," then his money would be on Cena. However, with the ECW atmosphere & the Hammerstein Ballroom crowd, he's going with RVD. It does not amaze Danny in the least that after all this time, Van Dam is still so "gifted, athletic, & one of the best pure talents out there." Next Sunday will be a momentous day in Van Dam's career, and he will be glad to share in the victory celebration with him if & when the time comes.

Danny is very much looking forward to seeing "The Innovator Of Violence" Tommy Dreamer teaming up with the returning "Lord Of The Hardcore," Terry Funk against "The Rated-R Superstar Edge" & "The Hardcore Legend" himself, Mick Foley. Doring said that he would not be surprised if Funk wrestled for another 15 years, and recalls that Funk has not lost any steps since the day he first met "The Funkster." This contest, according to Danny, is going to be a hard match to call -- but is prediction is up in the air as of right now. "Edge is one of those guys that can go either way in a match -- singles or hardcore." One thing is for sure, Danny will be kicking back during this, finding a television monitor in the locker room, and eating a bag of popcorn. He is dieting though, so is might be kettle corn instead (for all of those who really want to know).

Doring does not know whether or not he will see in-ring action this Wednesday night, as part of the "WWE vs. ECW" show at The Nutter Center in Dayton, OH. "If I had a choice, I would want a match, but if the rumors are true about a huge battle royal, whatever comes toward him will have their @ss tossed over the top tope -- and be eliminated. I want to win one for the good guys." Stay tuned!

The Big Mosh & Blade then had to address the topic that was asked the most leading up to the interview (between e-mails, MNM Uberfun Message Board, & the MNM MySpace): the former Miss Congeniality herself, Lita. Danny cut right to the chase, by saying that he has not talked to her regarding what happened between herself, Matt Hardy, & Edge out of respect to her. In addition, he wanted to put the rumors to rest -- "There is no Lita/Doring sex tape...nor is there a sex tape with him & Roadkill. Those speculations are all farce." He does hope, however, that the two could possibly have an angle in ECW if the opportunity presented itself.

Doring said that he is going to love working with some of the newer talent being brought in from OVW, Deep South, or from other promotions -- such as CM Punk or Jimmy Yang, just to name a few. Based on this, he hopes that all of the "original hardcore" ECW fans & the new ones that will be jumping aboard will be pleased with the finished product & the blend of talent from across the world.

Danny then started talking about the ECW fans and how the fans in Philadelphia were the most hardcore and they even scared him. Danny said that the fans from the old will love the new ECW. Danny then looked at the ECW project and he said that the sky is the limit because they are now back in charge and hopefully it can take off and this time no turning back.

In closing, Danny thinks that it would be awesome if both Joey Styles & Tazz could call one of his matches in the new ECW. Doring believes it would be hilarious -- "I would even don some orange & black to add fuel to the fire."

Danny told The Big Mosh & Blade that the biggest thing he is looking forward to is returning to The ECW Arena in South Philadelphia, PA at the end of June, with the majority of the "original players" back together for the first time. Even though those fans were truly the most hardcore (some even scaring him at times), he knows this show, this night will be unique. "That will be an extremely emotional night for everyone, even the new guys. Going back to 'The World's Most Famous Bingo Hall' will be a night to remember for all. Starting with this Wednesday night, to ONS, to the return to Philly, fans from the 'old school' will love the new ECW -- the sky is the limit, because the 'Creative Genius' is back in charge with the booking sheet, and there's no turning back."

If you think that is all that is contained in this 45+ minute Mayhem exclusive, boy are you wrong? Where else can you hear Danny Doring doing an impersonation of Will Ferrell doing an impersonation of Robert Goulet doing an impersonation of Sisqo (besides Saturday Night Live, of course)? Will Doring team up with Roadkill in the new ECW? Is there any heat between him & KC James? What ECW hotbeds is Danny looking forward to hitting up this summer & into the rest of 2006? Does Doring feel the $39.95 that the WWE will be charging for this PPV & future ones will hurt some fans that might want to check out the return of the extreme, but cannot afford to do so? Which game is really the favorite of the "typical wrestling fan" -- Dungeons & Dragons or Super Mario Brothers? And who in the hell is Bootsie, and why could she very well be the most hardcore thing to hit Extreme Championship Wrestling ever? Tune in, and find out!

In addition to Danny's exclusive interview, fans who listen to the entire 5/29 program, will be able to hear the excellent insight of The Mayhem's National Correspondent, Scott Hudson, on the week that was in the business (including a trip down Memory Lane to the night where WCW debuted on WWE Monday Night RAW almost five years ago at The Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, WA), in addition to 1/2 of the former ROH/CZW World Tag Team Champion Backseat Boyz, Johnny Kashmere & PWU's General Manager, John House. Log onto www.ProWrestlingUnplugged.com for all of the details on The Sandman's farewell independent show ("Exit Sandman" -- Friday night, June 23rd at The New Alhambra Hall). An absolutely stacked show to kickoff "The Summer Of Mayhem: Part III."

*Wrestling fans throughout the world: The Big Mosh, Blade, & Hardcore Johnathan Ashe strongly invite & encourage you to tune in LIVE this Monday night (June 5th) to "Your Home Of Wrestling Radio" for the very-best preview of the return of Extreme Championship Wrestling (starting at 7PM ET/6PM CT).

Joining The Mayhem Crew will be former ECW referee Jim Molineaux, the author of "The Extremely Unauthorized Story Of ECW" Scott Williams, former ECW manager/referee (and the man behind the success of Maryland Championship Wrestling) Judge Jeff Jones, & 1Wrestling.com's (and formerly of www.ECWWrestling.com), Bob Ryder.

What will go down at One Night Stand at The Hammerstein Ballroom next Sunday night? Will ECW on the Sci-Fi Channel be a smashing success? How will ECW impact the business going forward? And going into Total Nonstop Action's four-year anniversary show, is TNA in jeopardy as a result of this? All of these questions, and many more, will be addressed on Monday's show.

In addition, former multi-time ECW World Heavyweight Champion, ECW World Television Champion, current TNA Road Agent, & what very well could be the future manager of The Naturals, "The Franchise" Shane Douglas will mark his return trip into The Mayhem LIVE this Monday night!

Shane will be aboard to promote TNA's upcoming Slammiversary Pay-Per-View, what his plans are for Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens as their new mentor, & how he is doing on his road to recovery from his addiction to pain killers.

Now, Douglas has not been one to shy away from controversy in his career...let along his prior two appearances on The Mayhem. With ECW returning full-time under the WWE umbrella, what are his takes on the new Extreme Championship Wrestling, the upcoming One Night Stand PPV, & their debut on the Sci-Fi Channel? Does he feel this could spell the end for TNA, or could he see himself jumping back to the WWE down the road (along with other TNA talent)? All of this will be covered, in addition to Shane's takes on Tazz's return to the ring, Kurt Angle becoming "extreme," what appears to be Sabu's last run (his first with World Wrestling Entertainment) & whether or not he feels Terry Funk sold out to Mr. McMahon for taking his WWE deal.

Start posting your questions/comments for "The Franchise," Jim, Scott, Bob, & "The Judge" on the MNM Uberfun Message Board (located at www.MondayNightMayhem.com), e-mail them to MondayNightMayhem@hotmail.com, or post your musings on the MNM My Space (located at www.MySpace.com/MondayNightMayhem).

*As the days & minutes count down until we all get that "extreme feeling," make sure you Feel The Mayhem this upcoming week -- as all fans tuning in will have the opportunity to enter into "The Summer Of Mayhem: Part III's North Of The Border" Chris Jericho VIP Meet & Greet Contest! How can you score the opportunity for an all-expenses paid trip to Toronto, Ontario, Canada in the month of July & meet "The Highlight Of The Night" up-close-and-personal? Tune in & find out!

*We encourage all new & old listeners The Mayhem to check out some of the archived interviews now available on www.MondayNightMayhem.com, www.WrestlingMediaNetwork.com, www.ObsessedWithWrestling.com, & www.AudioWrestling.com -- including: Tyson Tomko (in his first interview since leaving the World Wrestling Entertainment), the man who recently made his return to back to the "E," Charlie Haas, WWE Hall Of Famers Bobby "The Brain" Heenan & "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff, Lance Storm, The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers (Jacques "The Mountie" Rougeau & Raymond Rougeau), NWA World Tag Team Champions America's Most Wanted, "The Pitbull" Gary Wolfe, "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, Chris Kanyon, Dave Sahadi, Tito Santana, Jeff Jarrett, Paul Roma, and many more.

Remember, you can feel The Mayhem (live & worldwide) each & every Monday night on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network.