Grisham hears the word "TNA" for a second straight week on Byte This

Reported by Adam Martin of
On Thursday, January 5, 2006 at 2:13 AM EST

The January 4th edition of's "Byte This" program saw some more callers mention TNA to host Todd Grisham throughout the show for the second week in a row.

During the first segment of the show (around the 9:00 minute mark), a younger fan asked Grisham what WWE and Vince McMahon thought about TNA signing Sting. Grisham gave a quick response that Vince doesn't really care and that he only cares about himself. Michael also sent word that a fan wrote "TNA Sucks" in the Byte This chat room and Grisham agreed.

Towards the end of the show, another caller took a jab at Grisham and said, "I just wanted to say I love how you dodge TNA questions like you dodge the women." Grisham's response: "Women dodge me, I don't dodge women." We saw one report that another fan called in during the Chris Masters interview as well and told the listeners to visit TNA's official website.

As we reported on earlier, a fan called in to the show last week and told Grisham that TNA was better than WWE. Grisham proceeded to knock TNA, calling the listener a "retard" and that he should go listen to TNA's show if they even had one. That segment was later edited out of the archive show less than 24 hours later. It will be interesting to see if they do the same to the archive currently up at the moment.