Rochelle Loewen shoots on WWE & Amy Weber - Weber gives response

?Reported by Adam Martin of

On Wednesday, June 22, 2005 at 1:44 PM EST

Voice of Wrestling sent in the following recap...


FEATURING: Rochelle Loewen,
HOSTS: Chris Cash & Big Mike,
DATE OF: 06-13-2005
SUBJECT: In part one of this very in-depth interview with former WWE diva, Rochelle Loewen, the story behind the Randy Orton incident was discussed in-depth. If you haven't read or heard that part of the interview, you can visit for the archive. In the second half of Rochelle's interview with Chris Cash and Big Mike, hear her shoot on Amy Weber, other women in the WWE, wrestling fans, the SD diva search, and much more!

To Hear the Interview: Click Here!
To Discuss the Interview:Click Here!

Chris Cash asked Rochelle why she wasn't with the company anymore after her move to Smackdown! seemed to make her experience a little more enjoyable. "I'm not there anymore because I don't think it's a good fit for me," she explained, "there was a diva search with Smackdown! at No Way Out [and] I just thought it was absolutely rediculous. Joy Giovanni...she's a mother of two babies and she's a married woman. She gets up on stage and sits up on Torrie Wilson and starts reverse cowgirl as if she's having sex, takes off her shirt wearing a bra, pretending to screw another woman up on stage and she wins the diva search. That is not the way I think a lady should act".

Loewen continues her shoot on the women in the WWE, the way they're presented, and the reason she's not there anymore, "It's just absolutely repulsive to me. This type of action these women [are] doing is not my forte. I just decided this is not an appropriate fit for what I want to do and I decided to leave". When asked if she had ever been confronted about doing similar things on television, she said she wasn't. "Those girls acted like that on their own free will," she said, "during the No Way Out diva search, all of them stripped down to their bras and did these sick little dances and I decided to tell jokes. They [the audience] were expecting me to act like a whore and I wasn't about to act like a whore. I'm a lady and I don't want to degrade myself to that level. That's not all I have to tits and ass".

Rochelle continues by saying the perception that company has of women in general is ultimately the reason she decided to leave. "Had I not been doing the diva search, I would have quite a long time ago. I mean the theme song being 'Walk Idiot Walk'...what kind of f***ing woman would walk out to the theme song 'Walk Idiot Walk'. That's just beyond me". She says she agrees with a lot of the wrestlers that wrestling is not a very good place for women. "The flipside of that is this...if men only want to see men up on stage wrestling, that makes me wonder too. That really makes me wonder. For all you wrestlers and all you fans that just want to see men up on stage...that's a little weird guys".

Amy Weber Shoot Starts Now:

Rochelle mentioned the tension that seemed to be backstage behind the women and how it seemed as if all the women (and even if the men occassionally) were always competing. "The worst of the worst was Amy Weber," and she's off to the races shooting on Amy, "thank GOD she was fired. She is just exorcist. She was sort of the female version of Randy Orton. She's the anti-Christ...absolutely evil".

After such strong statements, Cash asked Rochelle to give reasons to support why she feels this way toward Amy Weber. "I can give you a plethora of incidences where she was absolutely beyond normal," she continues with an example, "this is the best...this is why the WWE and her didn't work out and I have to tell this story because it's hysterical". She brought up how the WWE was going on a tour to Japan. Rochelle, however, didn't go on the trip and was told about this story by "all the wrestlers" when they returned. Loewen made fun of how Amy was bragging prior to the trip about being famous in Japan. "I remember her even telling that to Stephanie McMahon".

She continues with the story, "All the wrestlers were out one night having fun in Japan and on the streets was this man giving away advertisements for a strip club. On the advertisements for the strip club was a picture of Amy Weber and it was a really, really slutty, whory picture of Amy Weber. So, all the guys on the bus started laughing and passing around this flyer saying 'Come to the strip club where you'll have lots of fun' and Amy Weber upon seeing this little pamphlet or whatever is outraged," Loewen mocks how Amy supposedly said the pictures were stolen and then continues with the story, "well, the guys were curious so they went to the actual strip club to go find out whether that picture was stolen or whether or not she worked there. And the latter was true...she worked there and she worked there as a girl who did everything. It was a whore-house and she had worked there for a while. Oh, she was very popular! That's what they [the wrestlers] said, that for a certain price, she would do everything". At one point after this incident, Rochelle claims that the men were teasing Amy, resulting in her saying that she was going to sue the WWE for harrassment.

Rochelle ends by comparing the difference in what Weber did to what she does in Playboy. "There's a huge, huge, huge difference," she says, "Playboy is the pennacle of feminine beauty. I have never shown my coochie in Playboy. I would never, ever, ever sell my body to a man for money [referring to Weber]. It's a huge difference. One's at the bottom of the barrel and one's the absolute hierachy of feminine beauty. However, to have a man pay you cold, hard cash to use your body for whatever he wants is a little bit of a different story".

Rochelle Loewen didn't hold Amy Weber in the highest regard, to say the least, during this interview. You can listen to this interview by clicking the links below. When you're done, please head over to the Voice of Wrestling forums and discuss this interview with other wrestling fans. Amy Weber emailed a response to Rochelle's interview with VOW that will also be released with this recap, plus she'll be doing a follow-up interview this Monday from 7-9 EST on the Voice of Wrestling radio show. You can submit your questions by visiting the Voice of Wrestling forums.

Quick Announcement: The Outlaw, a.k.a. Billy Gunn, and Mike Awesome have both agreed to answer questions on the Voice of Wrestling forums all next week! They have both signed up under their individual names and starting this Monday following the Voice of Wrestling show, they'll be checking in daily for an entire week (possibly longer) to answer every question you can possibly throw at them during that time. So head over to the VOW forums now by clicking the link below and submit your questions for The Outlaw, Billy Gunn, and Mike Awesome.

Amy Weber responded via email to Rochelle Loewen's comments:

" far as Roechelle Loewen is concerned... I could care less about what she has to say. They wanted to fire her ages ago because she was nothing but trouble and drama but they felt like she may sue them for the Randy Orton event on RAW. They only kept her on to appease her.. she served no purpose. After how many months now, if she is still upset that she got no "air time" and upset by the fact that I had no respect for her.. let her simmer and be an idiot.. I don't care. She has no future in Hollywood or anywhere else. She got a part of a milkshake spilled on her when it was thrown in my face by Joy as a part of a pre-tape even though she was told to step back. She was so concerned with getting her face on camera that she got too close to me and she ended up with crap all over her. I thought it was hilarious. If you are warned and don't listen, then pay the price. This is a girl who is a waste of time. She is using all of the wrestling outlets to promote herself. Anyone who knows me.. truly knows me, understands who I am and that I go to great lengths to help people in my life. People can believe what they want and if they want to believe a character like Rochelle then so be it. You cannot please the world and at some point you just grow up and realize that if you are a good person and treat people kindly who treat you the same, then that is all you can do. I mean Chris, really, I'm sure there are other writers who are jealous of you and would do and say anything to drag you down.... it happens in all walks of life.. you just learn to let it roll off you. People say I couldn't hack the WWE. Well, let me ask you and all of your readers if you decide to publish this what they would do if their safety was threatened or if they returned to their desk to find that someone had defacated on it. Would you stay? Would they? I'm not saying what happened to me, most already know, but these things happen and it is not okay. Why would you stay in an envirnment that you won't be treated with respect in until you "earn your stripes?" I didn't join the army. I only stayed as long as I did becasue I truly loved the fans. It was amazing to see such die hard fans supporting wrestling.. it was like nothing I had ever experienced. I got along with everyone and minded my own business. I wish Vince and Steph and Johnny and all of those guys the best.. I really do."

Mike Awesome was the guest on this past Monday's Voice of Wrestling program. You can tune into that by clicking the links below. Plus, "Outlaw" Billy Gunn and Mike Awesome both are coming to the forums this Monday to answer questions submitted by you, the fans and listeners! They'll be responding to your questions for an entire week, but that time will fly by fast, so you should head over now and ask your questions for Billy Gunn and Mike Awesome! You must register in the forums to post questions. This week's guests are Outlaw, Billy Gunn, and Amy Weber as she responds to the above comments made by Rochelle Loewen.

To Listen to Mike Awesome: Click Here!