Matt Hardy Interview: Talks about WWE release, Hardy's reunion, more

?Reported by Adam Martin of

On Friday, April 29, 2005 at 12:32 PM EST

Brian Kelley of sent in the following recap...

Recap of Matt Hardy's "Get In the Ring" interview on

Matt Hardy was a guest on the 4/29 edition of Get In The Ring on the site. You can hear the new show for free every week in streaming audio on that site! An announcement was made that the WWE wrestler formerly known as The Ultimate Warrior will be a guest in early May on Get In the Ring!

The show hosts, Sir Adam and The Phantom (authors of the new book Mysteries Of Wrestling: Solved) promoted the fact that Matt Hardy will be appearing at the London Expo along with The Ultimate Warrior and Rob Van Dam. Matt was welcomed onto the show for his second GIR interview!

The hosts mentioned a recent news story regarding Brian Christopher (a story that the hosts did an investigative report on the show just prior to the Matt Hardy interview). Matt said Brian is "one of a kind."

Matt Hardy put over Trish Stratus. He says Trish is his favorite WWE Diva of all time. And puts over her celeb status in Canada.

Shannon Moore's hummer accident was discussed in detail. Matt was in a car behind Shannon and Matt said if Shannon hadn't had problems with his recently purchased sports car then he wouldn't have been driving in a hummer when a drunk driver hit him head on. Shannon probably wouldn't have survived the crash in his little sports car.

Matt puts over Ring Of Honor. Matt says he lives and breathes wrestling unlike his brother, which is why he would be more accepted by ROH fans than Jeff Hardy was.

Matt talks about Goldberg and says he was nice guy but that he was the type of guy that just stumbled into the business.

Matt says he loves WWE and doesn't understand why the situation couldn't be resolved without his release. Matt says he might have been at fault for talking about his private life so publicly. Matt says he gave everything he had for WWE including his knee which he is still recovering from surgery for. Matt thanks WWE and says he made alot of money with them and it was a great experience overall.

The hosts compliment Matt for using the Internet for his own PR. Matt says he was the odd man out and wasn't on TV. He talks about Edge and Lita without mentioning their names yet. Matt says he still stands by what he believes and he feels he was in the right.

Matt thinks he will be a better wrestler when he comes back because the rest of his body has had time to recover. Matt thinks his knee is close to 100% and sounded like he could have been back wrestling on TV for several weeks already if he was still with WWE.

Matt talks about working with his brother Jeff Hardy. Matt says he will probably do a Hardy Boy reunion tour with Jeff, however he thinks it is important to also stay a singles wrestler that always has an association with Jeff for regular tag matches.

Matt talks about his match vs Jeff at Vengeance from a few years back. Matt said Jeff was not mentally prepared going into the event and Matt himself was sick. Matt said he threw up in front of fans at the airport on his way to the show.

Matt talks about the angle with Lita and Jeff where Lita was supposed to hookup with Jeff. Matt said all three of them were not comfortable with the angle and when they told the WWE writing team they were all pulled off of TV.

Matt talks about his WWE book. Matt says 80% of the quotes were him although some of them were credited to Jeff. The hosts joke that Jeff gets all the credit and all the tail, Matt says he got his share of the tail too.

Matt talks about problems he had with Manny Fernandez.

Matt puts over Christian big time and says he is still friends with him. Matt talks about how himself and Christian were always in the same situation starting with WWE because they were both the less credited wrestlers on their tag teams.

Matt says he has been enjoying Raw and all of the "We want Matt" chants. He said it felt good watching the MSG show on his couch and hearing that reaction. Matt puts over the fact that the fans will always call out something that was done wrong to or by a wrestler.

Matt says he can't use Matt Hardy V1 and some of the other nicknames he had in WWE when he starts work for another promotion after his no-compete clause is up.

Matt says he will have alot of new in-ring tricks up his sleeves when he gets back in the ring. Matt thinks the TV he does when he returns (wherever it may be) will be some of the best stuff he has ever done.

The hosts talk about how they thought the Matt-Lita-Edge story was an angle when the news first broke. Matt discusses how it is first nature by wrestling fans to always think things are a work in wrestling because so much has been tried in this business to get things over as legit.

Matt says he came up with 90% of the "Matt Facts," he puts over cheesecake.

Matt talks about some "moves" he has put on some ladies recently.

This was just a portion of all the topics Matt discussed on the show. The entire show is available to hear in streaming audio on the website right now! We also will have a tribute to the late great Chris Candido and a brand new interview was recorded just prior to Candido's death with one of Candido's favorite wrestlers Terry Funk who used his interview time to bash Vince McMahon... all that will be available this weekend on the site and a few surprise treats!