(3/03/05) - Sean Mooney, Rene Dupree, Jamal, Bret Hart, Benoit & more
On Thursday, March 3, 2005 at 1:42 PM EST After taking nearly a year hiatus from doing the ASK WV section, I am happy to say that ASK WV is back! Allow me to clear something up. I never intended to drop the ASK WV section or the FAQ section, but over the past year, I have faced so many obstacles, I was left with no other choice to put it on hold. Bottom line, I'm back doing this on a regular basis.
Let me remind people of the rules. People wonder why their questions aren't being answered. If you have bad spelling or grammar, you can forget about it. Also, if you send send a question that's already been asked, sent a long question (paragraph style) or sent a very lame question like "Who will win at WrestleMania?" I will disregard your question, plain and simple.
Right now, I literally have thousands of ASK WV questions in my mailbox since May of 2004. I am going through them IN ORDER. It will take me a few weeks to catch up to the questions sent in for this month. I'm sure it will be easy to eliminate questions too, since many don't follow the rules.
Do NOT send your ASK WV related e-mails to webmaster@wrestleview.com, I will delete them. ALL ASK WV related questions must go to askwv@wrestleview.com.
Enough rambling, let's start!
What ever happened to WWF commentator Sean Mooney?
Sean Mooney has always worked in the media industry, even after leaving the WWF. Last I heard, he worked for FOX Sports as a producer and reporter and got his own radio show.
Was Val Venis ever in Adult movies or is that just a gimmick?
Gimmick. I still get people asking me if the Undertaker and Kane are really brothers.
What happened to Jamal from Three Minute Warning?
Jamal was released by the WWE in June of 2003. He had a short stay in TNA, then went on to work in Japan and tagged with Justin Credible. After that, Jamal tagged with Taiyo Kea and that's the last I heard.
We've heard rumors of Bret Hart returning to the WWE for "One last stand". Is there any possibility of him returning at all or should we accept that we'll never see "The Best there ever will be" competing again?
I'll try to make this as short as possible. I personally think it will happen, just not sure when. If Vince gives Bret access to his media archive, it'll be a done deal, we'll see Bret back for a one-night farewell. Vince has promised Bret several years back that he would give him access to his media library (photos & videos) and had lied to him. Until that happens, there is no way he's going to return. And as far as Bret coming back to wrestle anywhere, the chances of that happening are the same chances of me becoming a Shawn Michaels and Triple H fan.
My question is about Rene Dupree. I have watched him wrestle in his father's Grand Prix Wrestling for many years. There, he spelt his last name Dupre, with an accent above the "e", because it's a french name. But when he came to WWE, they added an e on the end and pronounced it differently. I know his real name is Dupre, so is there any reason why the WWE changed it?
Actually, his real name is Ren� Goguen. Dupre was just a last name his father used in wrestling and it escalated to his son. As far as the "e" at the end of "Dupre" goes, you are right, his father was known as Emile Dupre. When Ren� joined the WWE, they decided to add an "e" for the fun of it, so they can pronounce it "Dupree." Same goes for his former tag team partner, Sylvain Grenier. The WWE is spells his first name as "Sylvan" but the real french name spells "Sylvain."
Didn't Benoit beat Sid Vicious for the WCW Heavyweight Championship at a PPV, but it was taken away from him immediately following the match. I've heard that was Benoit getting screwed for real, and that's why he left WCW. Is that what really happened?
Here is the story on that. Bret Hart was WCW champion and scheduled to face Sid Vicious at the WCW Souled Out PPV on January 16, 2000. But Bret suffered a career ending injury and was stripped of the title. So then, Chris Benoit was thrown against Sid Vicious for the vacated WCW title. Chris Benoit defeated Sid to win the title. But prior to winning the title, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn were already planning to leave WCW and voiced their displeasure and unhapinness with the company. The WCW management decided to throw the belt on Chris Benoit to change his mind, but that didn't work. By January 17th, the WCW World title was vacated, Benoit, Malenko, Guerrero and Saturn showed up on RAW a couple of weeks later.
I'll be adding multiple ASK WV updates in the next few days. Perhaps even later today.