WWE Unforgiven (RAW brand) PPV Results - 9/12/04 - from Portland, Oregon

Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
On Sunday, September 12, 2004 at 10:48 PM EST

- The following match took place on WWE Sunday Night Heat prior to Unforgiven on Pay Per View:

Maven vs. Rodney Mack w/ Jazz
The match ended when Maven grabbed Jazz by her hair and pulled her up onto the ring apron. Mack then attempted to give Maven a rollup, but Maven kicked out launching Mack into Jazz who got knocked off the ring apron. Maven then quickly rolled up Mack for the win.

Winner: Maven

WWE Unforgiven (RAW) PPV Results - 9/12/04
Location: Portland, Oregon
Report by: Adam Martin of WrestleView.com

Chris Benoit & William Regal vs. Ric Flair & Batista
The match ended when Benoit gave Flair numerous german suplexes and then connected with the headbutt off the top rope. Benoit locked on the Crossface, but Batista broke it up. A brawl ensued soon after with Batista and Regal on the outside. Flair looked to go for the Figure Four on Benoit until it was countered into a Crossface and Flair tapped out soon after to give Benoit and Regal the win.

Winners: Chris Benoit & William Regal

- Backstage, Christian wanted to have Tyson Tomko join him and stay away from Trish Stratus. Tomko looked to go with Christian until Stratus promised Tomko sexual favors if she stayed with him. Christian called Trish a slut.

WWE Women's Championship Match
Trish Stratus (c) vs. Victoria

Trish was in control throughout the match and hit a big spinebuster on Victoria. Tomko distracted Victoria from the outside and allowed Trish to hit the Stratusfaction for the win.

Winner & STILL WWE Women's Champion: Trish Stratus

After the match, Tomko attacked Victoria until the "mystery woman in drag" came down for the save. The crowd in Portland chanted "Stevie" when this took place. Tomko then challenged the mystery woman and took off her wig and clothes, revealing it to be Steven Richards in lingerie. This starts an impromptu match.

Tyson Tomko vs. Steven Richards
After being revealed as the "mystery woman in drag", the impromptu match began. Richards wrestled the match in granny panties. After some brief offense by Richards, the match ended when Tomko hit his swinging neckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Tyson Tomko

WWE Intercontinental Championship - Ladder Match
Chris Jericho vs. Christian

The match began without the use of a ladder for a few minutes. The ladder was eventually brought in. At one point, both Jericho and Christian were up on the ladder until it was knocked down and Christian was left hanging on the wire. Jericho knocked him off shortly after with the ladder. Both appeared to get the belt numerous times during the match, teasing the crowd. The match ended when a second ladder was brought in taller than the other. Both reached for the belt, but got knocked off at the same time to get a big pop from the crowd. Jericho was the first to get up and grabbed the belt to become the new and first ever seven-time Intercontinental champion.

Winner & NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion: Chris Jericho

- Backstage, Kane told Lita that Eric Bischoff made his match with Shawn Michaels tonight a No DQ Match. He made sure to tell her that whatever happens to HBK tonight is her fault as well since they are now partners. Kane forced a kiss on her and she wiped her mouth right away.

- Backstage, The Coach was with the new WWE Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho. Jericho said although he was beat up, he is glad to become the first ever seven-time champion in history. Edge then came up and told Jericho to shine up the belt for him because he was going to take back what is rightfully his soon.

No DQ Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Kane

A No DQ stipulation was announced prior to the match. One spot in the match saw Kane suplex Michaels through the spanish announce table at ringside. HBK fought back with a big elbow off the top rope. The match ended when Kane looked to use a steel chair until Lita, who was at ringside, took it away from him. Kane then went for a chokeslam, but HBK gave him a low blow and connected with the Sweet Chin Music shortly after for the win.

Winner: Shawn Michaels

- Backstage, Todd Grisham was with Triple H. Triple H pointed out that Randy Orton only became who he is today because of him. He said without him Orton would not be the star he is today and would not have the World Heavyweight Title around his waist right now. Triple H said he made Orton and he can break him.

World Tag Team Championship Match
La Resistance (c's) vs. Rhyno & Tajiri

The match ended when Rhyno connected with a big Gore on Conway. During the pinfall, Grenier came in the ring and knocked out Rhyno with a flag, scoring the pinfall soon after to secure the World Tag Team Titles for La Resistance.

Winners & STILL World Tag Team Champions: La Resistance

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Randy Orton (c) vs. Triple H

During the first part of the match, Orton slapped Triple H across the face to get a nice reaction from the crowd. Throughout the match, Triple H worked on Orton's leg using the ropes for leverage while applying a Figure Four. At one point in the match Orton connected with the RKO with the referee down, which brought out Ric Flair and Batista. The Coach also got involved and ran down to the ring in a referee shirt. Orton eventually fought off attacks from Flair, Batista and The Coach until Triple H knocked him out with a big steel chair shot. Triple H then gave Orton a Pedigree on the steel chair and Batista rolled the original referee into the ring, allowing Triple H to make the cover and get the win.

Winner & NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H

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