Full WWE SmackDown Brand House Results -- 8/21 -- from San Diego, California

Reported by Paul Nemer of WrestleView.com
On Sunday, August 22, 2004 at 2:03 PM EST

Michael Carney sent in the following report...

I just wanted to give you the smackdown brand house results. Well, first off, I just want to say the show was really good for my first brand house show. Well, anyways I will just right down to the results

#1. Billy Gunn and Hardcore Holly def. Chavo Guerrero and Jamie Noble

#2. Johnny Stamboli def. Mark Jindrak
Thoughts: well there was this one part when mark jindrak had his foot when he was doing a submission hold and this one lady started screaming at the ref. Well, at the end Tony Chimel came up to Hebner and said " Do your job right, You're Useless.

Next, JBL came out and started talking trash about San Diego and said that we should be chanting JBL! JBL! I heard a part about John Cena and how JBL couldn't wrestle him tonight because of his neck. well the rest I really couldn't understand because the sound system was not that great. Next, Theodore R. Long came out and said that there was going to be a championship match and it would Orlando Jordan vs. John Cena and if Cena won than he would become the WWE champion.

Next, Paul Heyman came out and started again talking trash about San Diego. This one fan started yelling at him and Paul Heyman said that the fan was making him angry and he was going to come out there and kick the fan's butt. Well, then Scotty Too Hotty came out and said he wanted to fight Paul Heyman tonight. Well Paul Heyman took off his jacket and was ready to go until John Heidenreich came out and started beating on Scotty.

#3. John Heidenreich defeats Scotty Too Hotty with the cobra clutch.
Thoughts: Heidenreich actually looked pretty good in the ring but still a little sloppy.

#4. Renee Dupree defeats Charlie Haas

#5. Eddie Guerrero defeats Kurt Angle.
Thoughts: What a great match. At the end Eddie took got some spray paint out of the bottom of the ring and was going to spray kurt angle until Angle started running away. After that I heard Bryan Hebner say to Tony Chimel "How the F*&^ did he get spray paint from under there DipS^%$!"


#6. Rob van dam def. Luther Reigns

#7 Rey Mysterio, Paul London, and Billy Kidman def. the Dudley Boyz
Thoughts: This was a great match. The crowd was going crazy for Mysterio. after the match mysterio took the cruiserweight championship and started holding it up high.

Main Event #8 Orlando Jordan def. John Cena

Thoughts: Cena was so close to winning the match until the ref was knocked out and JBL hit Cena with the title belt. Afterwards JBL and Orlando Jordan started beating on Cena until Rey Mysterio came out and started beating up Orlando Jordan and JBL which gave Cena the time to recover and give JBL the FU!!! After the match Cena took JBL's championship and starting showing all the fans. Rey and Cena shook hands and then Cena left. Afterwards Rey started posing with the belt and he was letting the fans touch it.