Full WWE Backlash (RAW) PPV Results - 4/18/04 from Edmonton, Alberta, CA

Reported by Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
On Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 10:49 PM EST

- The following match took place on WWE Sunday Night Heat prior to Backlash on Pay Per View:

  • Matt Hardy vs. Val Venis

    Winner: Val Venis

    - The match ended when Matt Hardy attempted a Twist of Fate off the top rope on Val Venis. Venis pushed Hardy off the top, jumped and connected with the Money Shot to get the 1, 2, 3.

    Full WWE Backlash (RAW) PPV Results - 4/18/04
    Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    Report by: Adam Martin of WrestleView.com

  • Ric Flair vs. Shelton Benjamin

    Winner: Shelton Benjamin

    - The match ended when Flair attempted to use brack knucks, but Benjamin splashed him from behind. Benjamin then hit a big clothesline/dive off the top rope to get the pin on Flair. Pretty quick match.

  • Tajiri vs. Jonathan "The Coach" Coachman

    Winner: Jonathan "The Coach" Coachman

    - The match ended when Garrison Cade ran out and knocked out Tajiri with a punch, allowing The Coach to roll up Tajiri for the 1, 2, 3.

  • Chris Jericho vs. Christian & Trish Stratus

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    - Before the match started, Chris Jericho was announced as originally hailing from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in attempt to not piss off the Canadian crowd. The match ended when Jericho gave Christian a catapult into Trish and then connected with a big enziguiri kick soon after to get the win.

    - Backstage, Eugene was reading the new WWE Divas Magazine and walked into the women's locker room. Eugene saw Gail Kim in her panties and Molly Holly without her wig on. William Regal came in soon after to take Eugene away and didn't seem to enjoy seeing Kim in her panties.

    - A video package aired showing Chris Benoit visiting his old high school with his family and with the mayor of Edmonton as well.

  • Victoria (c) vs. Lita

    Winner & STILL Women's Champion: Victoria

    - The match ended when Lita hit the Twist of Fate and got a near fall on Victoria. Victoria then hit a quick inside cradle to get the pin and retain the Women's Title. After the match, Molly Holly and Gail Kim hit the ring and attacked both women.

  • Randy Orton (c) vs. Mick Foley

    Winner & STILL Intercontinental Champion: Randy Orton

    - Foley came out in his "Most Wanted" Cactus Jack t-shirt and usual Cactus trunks. Lots of back and forth action between Foley and Orton that involved a trash can shot by Orton, Foley's famous elbow dive off the ring apron and a suplex onto the ramp by Orton. At one point, Orton tried to choke Foley with the barbed wire baseball bat, but Foley blocked it with his hands. One spot that got a big reacton from the crowd saw Foley lay the bat on Orton's crotch and hit a big leg drop. Foley then poured gasoline on the bat and went to light it when Eric Bischoff came out and told him that he would be DQ'ed if he used it.

    Foley then pulled out a big board with loops of barbed wire attached to one side. Foley tried to knock Orton on the board, but Orton threw powder in his face and slammed Foley on the board. Orton once again slammed Foley into the board, but this time in the corner. Orton then dumped a bag of thumb tacks into the ring. Foley countered and slammed Orton on them. Orton kicked out after a pin by Foley and started pulling the tacks off his hand (many were on his back as well). The match ended when Foley applied the mandible claw, but Orton broke it up with a low blow followed by an RKO. Orton hit another RKO on the barbed wire bat to get the pin to retain the Intercontinental Title.

    - After the match, Triple H walked up to Orton and told him he went from being the legend killer to a legend himself. Orton smiled, but was still in pain as Ric Flair and Batista carried him away. Triple H was briefly interviewed soon after and said that lightning wouldn't strike twice and that he would walk away with the World Title tonight.

  • La Resistance vs. The Hurricane & Rosey

    Winners: The Hurricane & Rosey

    - During the match, Eugene came out and started bouncing off the ropes. William Regal came out and tried to get him out of the ring. The match ended when Rob Conway went after Eugene, but Hurricane grabbed him from behind and hit the Eye of the Hurricane for the win.

  • Edge vs. Kane

    Winner: Edge

    - The match ended when a referee bump took place with Earl Hebner. This allowed Edge to hit a low blow, cast shot (which was suppose to be banned if used, but with the referee knocked out you know the drill) and a spear for the win. Lots of "We Want Bret" and "You Screwed Bret" chants during the match.

  • Chris Benoit (c) vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

    Winner & STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Chris Benoit

    - The match went for 30 minutes long and came off very well. The match ended when Benoit gave Triple H a catapult on the outside of the ring on the steel steps right into the ringpost. Benoit then got into the ring and locked Shawn Michaels in the Sharpshooter. Michaels fought hard and inched his way to the ropes, almost getting the bottom rope when Benoit pulled him back out into the middle of the ring. Triple H, who was busted open, crawled into the ring to try to break up the hold, but the Sharpshooter was too much and Michaels tapped out. Benoit remains the World Heavyweight Champion to a big ovation from the crowd in Edmonton.