Reported by
Adam Martin of
On Sunday, February 15, 2004 at 10:38 PM EST
- The following match took place on WWE Sunday Night Heat prior to No Way Out on Pay Per View:
SIX-MAN TAG TEAM MATCHUltimo Dragon, Billy Kidman & Paul London vs. Tajiri, Akio & SakodaWinners: Tajiri, Akio & SakodaThe match ended when Ultimo Dragon attempted his reverse neckbreaker on Tajiri, but Sakoda caught him in the air, Tajiri gave a swift kick to the head and Sakoda executed a big powerslam. Tajiri got the pin and the win for his team.
Full WWE No Way Out (SmackDown) PPV Results - 2/15/04
Location: San Franciso, California
Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty (c's) vs. The Basham Brothers & ShaniquaWinners & STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Rikishi & Scotty 2 HottyThe match ended when Rikishi gave Shaniqua a Samoan Drop followed by a Bonzai Drop in the corner for the win.NOBLE BLINDFOLDED DURING MATCH
Jamie Noble vs. NidiaWinner: Jamie NobleThe match ended when Noble pulled off his blindfold behind referee Charles Robinson's back, slammed Nidia off the top rope and choked her out, causing the tap out.The APA vs. The World's Greatest Tag TeamWinners: The World's Greatest Tag TeamThe match ended when Faarooq was knocked to the outside of the ring, Bradshaw hit a big Clothesline from Hell on Charlie Haas, but ran into a big superkick from Shelton Benjamin to his injured arm, allowing TWGTT to pick up the win.Goldberg was shown arriving to the arena.Paul Heyman came out to the ring and WWE Champion Brock Lesnar soon followed. Lesnar challenged Goldberg to come to the ring. Goldberg's music hit and he came out. Lesnar jumped Goldberg when Heyman distracted him. Goldberg came back and took Lesnar with the Jackhammer. Security removed Goldberg from the ring. Hardcore Holly ran out and chased off Lesnar, who was selling the attack from Goldberg.Hardcore Holly vs. RhynoWinner: Hardcore HollyThe match ended when Holly hit Rhyno with Alabama Slam for the win.WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Chavo GuerreroWinner & NEW Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo GuerreroThe match ended when Chavo Jr. knocked Mysterio off the top rope, allowing Mysterio to catch his throat on the top rope. Chavo rolled up Mysterio, holding the tights, to get the pin and win the CW Title.#1 CONTENDERSHIP - TRIPLE THREAT MATCH
Kurt Angle vs. John Cena vs. Big ShowWinner & advancing to WrestleMania XX: Kurt AngleThe match ended when Kurt Angle gave Big Show the Angle Slam, throwing him over the top rope in the process. Angle then applied the ankle lock on John Cena's bad leg, forcing Cena to tap out and give Angle the win.WWE CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Eddie GuerreroWinner & NEW WWE Champion: Eddie GuerreroWhen the referee was knocked out in the ring, Goldberg came in and gave Lesnar a big spear. Guerrero went for the cover on Lesnar, but Lesnar barely kicked out after two. Guerrero then tried to use the WWE Title to knock out Lesnar, but Lesnar countered and set Guerrero up for the F-5. Guerrero countered the F-5 into a big DDT. Guerrero went to the top rope, jumped and connected with the Frog Splash to get the 1, 2, 3 to become the NEW WWE Champion.