ASK WV (6/13/03): Road Warriors, Tuesday in Texas, 4 Horsemen, + more
� On Friday, June 13, 2003 at 4:56 AM EST
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The following questions were answered by Ryan Droste.
A few weeks ago when the Legion of Doom had a terrible comeback match, JR announced them as the Road Warriors at one point during the match which he then corrected himself calling them the Legion of Doom. Now my question is, 1. Where is the Road Warriors name from, and the history? 2. They are called Road Warrior Hawk and Animal but together they form LOD, was there ever any signifigance to this?
When Hawk and Animal first got together and started wrestling as a tag team, they were known as the Road Warriors, Hawk and Animal. The first territories the Road Warriors worked were in Georgia and the AWA. Wherever they wrestled, be it AWA, Georgia, NWA, WCW they were known as the Road Warriors. The only place in which they were known as the Legion of Doom was WWF/WWE. I believe the reason for this might be that the WCW ended up owning the rights to the Road Warriors name but I could be wrong on this, or it was just the WWF trying to distance themselves from WCW and the other promotions by having them use a different name. Either way, to answer your question, the Legion of Doom was always their name in the WWF/WWE so that is why JR corrected himself. This is kind of weird, as when they came out in WWF they would always announce them "Road Warrior Hawk...Road Warrior Animal...The Legion of Doom." So they still were using the Road Warrior name, but giving the tag team a different name. Confused? Me too...
Are Missy Hyatt and Tammy Sytch related in any way? I hear a lot of references between them but never knew if there was a relationship between the two?
The two are in no way related. The only relation they have these days is running a Wrestling Vixxxens adult website.
At Royal Rumble 92, Ric Flair won the vacant WWF/E title. I recall the undertaker beating hogan for the title at Survivor Series 91, and Hogan winning it back approximately a week later. What happened after hogan won it back to make the title vacant?
Hogan won the title back from Taker at "Tuesday in Texas" which was a PPV put on by the WWF the Tuesday following the Survivor Series (which was held the Thursday before). On a side note, this was a horrendous match with many mistakes, do not go out of your way to see it. The reason the title was declared vacant shortly after Hogan won it was because it was a controversial finish. Hogan blinded Undertaker with ashes that were in the urn, and then rolled him up for the pin. So as the storyline went, this finish added in with the controversial way Undertaker won the title at Survivor Series, made it necessary to hold up the title.
How long has the Undertaker been in the WWE and how many times has he been the WWE champion?
Undertaker first joined the WWF/E in 1990 at the Survivor Series under the guidance of then manager Brother Love. Undertaker has been a world champion in the WWE on 4 occasions.
What is Christian's real name?
Jay Reso
What ever happened to that guy "the Wall" from WCW? He looks kinda like Sean O' Haire but that can't be him.
He wrestled in NWA TNA for a while as Malice.
How long has Kane been in the WWE and when was his debut, and how many times has he been the WWE champion?
Kane (Glen Jacobs) has had many different characters during his full time tenure in the WWE which began in 1995. He was first brought in as Jerry Lawler's "evil dentist" to feud with Bret Hart in the summer of 1995 as Isaac Yankem DDS. This lasted into 1996. His next character was as the fake Diesel in late 1996/1997. His current, and most successful character, Kane, debuted at the original WWF In Your House: Bad Blood PPV event in October 1997. He came out and cost the Undertaker his Hell in a Cell match with Shawn Michaels. Even though he first came on screen as Kane in October 1997, they were building up for Kane's debut as early as June 1997. Kane has been the WWE Champion on 1 occassion with a reign that consisted of one day. June 28, 1998 until June 29, 1998.
Could you tell me if the Intercontinental title has changed, or is it the same? To me, it looks a whole lot bigger, and now has a nameplate.
You are correct. The reincarnated Intercontinental Championship belt is larger than it was before.
What is Rey Mysterio's real name?
Oscar Gutierrez
Who have been in the stable "The Four Horsemen" and at what times?
The original Horsemen in 1986 consisted of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, and Ole Anderson. Over the course of the next 13 or so years, the following people all were members of the 4 Horsement at one point in time: Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Lex Luger, Barry Windham, Sting, Sid Vicious, Paul Roma, Brian Pillman, Chris Benoit, Steve McMichael, Curt Hennig, Jeff Jarrett, and Dean Malenko. As for managers of the 4 Horsemen, the following people were all managers at one point in time for the stable: Woman, Elizabeth, Debra McMichael, Dark Journey, Hiro Matsuda, James J Dillon, Ole Anderson, Arn Anderson, and Medusa.
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