ASK WV (5/29/03): Ric Flair, Kane, Tazz, Hawk, Max Moon, Baby Doll & More

Reported by Paul Nemer of
On Friday, May 30, 2003 at 1:24 PM EST

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The following questions were answered by Paul Nemer.

How many times has Ric Flair REALLY been World Champion? I counted 17 reigns from watching wrestling all these years, but on TV they always say he held 16 World titles.

- Ric Flair defeated Dusty Rhodes 9-17-81
- Ric Flair defeated Harley Race 11-24-83
- Ric Flair defeated Harley Race 3-23-84
- Ric Flair defeated Kerry Von Erich 7 5-24-84
- Ric Flair defeated Dusty Rhodes 8 8-9-86
- Ric Flair defeated Ronnie Garvin 11-26-87
- Ric Flair defeated Rick Steamboat 5-7-89

- Ric Flair defeated Sting 1-11-91
- Ric Flair defeated Barry Windham 7-18-93 (International World Heavyweight Title)
- Ric Flair defeated Vader December 27, 1993
- Ric Flair defeated Ricky Steamboat April 24, 1994
- Ric Flair defeated Sting 6-23-94 (International World Heavyweight Title)
- Ric Flair defeated Randy Savage December 27, 1995
- Ric Flair Randy Savage February 11, 1996
- Ric Flair defeated Hulk Hogan March 14, 1999
- Ric Flair defeated Jeff Jarrett May 15, 2000
- Kevin Nash forfeits titles to Ric Flair May 29, 2000

Ric Flair Won the Royal Rumble on January 19, 1992 to win the WWF Title.
Ric Flair defeated Randy Savage on September 1, 1992

You are correct, that's 17 NWA/WCW World title reigns, PLUS the 2 WWF World title reigns, which makes him a 19-time world champion. I am really not sure to why they refer to him as a 16-time World champion.

When was Tazz's last televised match, and who was it against?

Well so far, Tazz's last match on Television was on RAW, March 25, 2002 against the late great Curt Hennig.

I seem to remember Road Warrior Hawk teaming with a Japanese wrestler in the early/mid 1990's. Who was this, and where was Road Warrior Animal at the time?

Road warrior Animal suffered an injury, then Hawk went to Japan and teamed up with Kensuke Sasaki who was known as "Power Warrior", and were called the "Hell Raisers." Together they won the IGWP tag team titles on two different occasions. Once in 1992, and the other in 1994. LOD were apart for four years, then joined forces again.

There use to a wrestler in the WWE in 1993 he only competed a few times and he was in the 93 Royal Rumble his name was Max Moon. Who was that?

Konnan played the Max Moon character at first, but it didn't last long before he left to Mexico for bigger and better things. Paul Diamond took over the Max Moon character, which also didn't last long at all.

I heard a while back wwe opened some type of theme park called WWE Niagra Falls or something like that. They had rides named after moves like piledriver coaster exe. I never really saw it get promoted What ever happened to it? Did it ever open?

Last year, WWE Niagra Falls theme park opened and was heavily promoted. Due to safety vioalations, they had to shut down within the first week.

I was wondering what ever happen to the OLD SCHOOL woman by the name of Babydoll. She would sometime manage Dusty Rhodes, and at some point with the Horsemen in the OLD NWA days. Where is she now?

Baby Doll, real name Nickla Roberts, currently lives with her husband Ted in Joplin, Missouri. She has two daughters (12 and 14) if I am not mistaken about the age.

During the Dungeon Of Doom angle in WCW (mid-90s), Kevin Sullivan brought an enormous wrestler into his stable for a short stay right at the end of the Hulkamania vs. DOD story-line. His name was Ultimate Solution. I had never seen him before and have never seen him since, but he bore a striking resemblance to the Warlord (at least I always thought at the time). Are the two wrestlers the same man?

No, they are two different people. The person who played the Ultimate Solution character is Jeep Swenson. He wrestled a little in Texas in the 80's. He also played the Bane character in the Batman and Robin movie.

Did Glenn Jacobs (Kane) ever play Undertaker, because my dad says he did, and I have a bet against him that he wasn't.

I will answer this question in many ways so I won't get the same type of question again. Glenn Jacobs has always played the Kane character and still is playing the Kane character. He never played the Undertaker character, and Mark Callaway has always played the Undertaker character, of course except the time where he faced the 2nd Undertaker in 1994. Although there was once on RAW where the Undertaker was dressed like Kane and then unmasked himself revealing himself as the Undertaker, but that was a one time thing in the storyline.

Was there really a North American Belt in the WWWF?

Not in the WWWF. The WWF North American Heavyweight title was brought in 1979 and was given to Ted DiBiase. It didn't take long before the belt was abandoned in 1981.

I was wondering if Raw and Smackdown were ever going to have a PPV which the wrestlers from the opposite roster wrestle members of the opposite show? If so, can you give me the possible name and date?

At the moment, all we know is the two brands will compete at the same PPVs 4 times a year. The Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survisor Series. The rest of the PPVs as you know are brand only PPVs. Now, I am not sure if they will compete against each other at those four PPVs or even one of them, or if they will just wrestle members of their own brand. But I am pretty sure we'll see at the very least a match here and there from opposite brands.

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