Full WWE SmackDown Results - 4/24/03 - Nashville, TN (Cena/Lesnar, more)

Reported by Christopher Ouellette of WrestleView.com
On Friday, April 25, 2003 at 9:31 AM EST

Full WWE SmackDown Results - 4/24/03
Originating From: The Gaylord Entertainment Center in Nashville, TN
Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz
Reported by: Christopher Ouellette of WrestleView.com

SD opener.

Cole and Tazz preview the card for this evening's broadcast.

John Cena vs. Rhyno
Cena once in the ring cuts a promo on how later tonight he will reveal to the world just how much Lesnar disrespects everyone. Before Cena could continue Rhyno's music hits and he gets to the ring. Rather quick match with Cena picking up the victory after Rhyno missed a Gore and Cena rolling him up for the pin.

Winner: John Cena

Sean O Haire and Piper are shown arriving to the arena (Piper explains to O Haire, that Hot Rod refers to him having six children).

� Commercial �

Another Mr. America promo is shown.

Earlier today the FBI confronts Chris Benoit and demands that he (Benoit) "pay up" for losing to Cena last week. Benoit explains to Nunzio that if he wants a "payment" he will have to get it out in the ring. Nunzio accepts the offer.

Josh Matthews is backstage with Sable, poor Josh is left speechless during this segment because of Sable's flirting. Later tonight Sable will be judging her very own Sable Invitational (Bikini Contest).

� Commercial �

Last week while SD was in Norfolk Rhyno, Dawn Marie, and Rey Rey, visited some of America's finest.

Chris Benoit vs. Nunzio (w/ The Bull & Palumbo)
Great match between the two. A number of times both members of the FBI (on the outside) interfered on behalf of their "partner" in the ring. Benoit got the victory when he reversed Nunzio's springboard finisher into the Crossface. Post match, the FBI destroyed Benoit in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Chris Benoit

� Commercial �

Earlier today Tajiri and Funaki are watching last week's SD where the Big Slow landed on his ass after a 619 from Rey Rey. Both are laughing at the Big Slow's reaction, and Tajiri imitates it just as he (Slow) walks in and destroys the VCR and TV. Both Tajiri and Funaki run for cover.

Rey Mysterio vs. Crash Holly (w/ Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore)
Matt Hardy comes out and introduces the newest MFer and Rey Rey's opponent for tonight, Crash. Rey Rey picks up the victory following a 619 and West Coast Pop. After the bell Shannon Moore unloads on Rey Rey's head with the Hardy's book, he (Rey) is then beaten by all three.

Winner: Rey Rey

Backstage, Cena is in A Train's locker room. The footage that will "shock the world" is (A Train doing his best Big Show power bomb on Kevin Nash impression) actually its Lesnar putting an F5 on A Train that had him (Train) landing square on the back of his head. Train snaps on Cena and says that Lesnar will feel the pain tonight.

� Commercial �

Stacker 2: SD from two weeks ago with Rikishi reenacting Jimmy Snuka's appearance on Piper's Pit.

Rikishi vs. Roddy Piper (w/ Sean O Haire)
Amazingly quick "match" when Piper was about to receive the "Stinkface", but O Haire jumped in and attacked him. The assault ended with O Haire hitting a wicked fireman's carry that went into a spine buster. Rikishi was declared the victor via DQ.

Winner: Rikishi

Cena/Lesnar Backlash promo.

� Commercial �

The French tag team is promoted via vignette.

Sable Invitational
Sable came out to host her Invitational. Nidia, Dawn Marie, and Torrie Wilson were all given 15 seconds to show why they deserved to win the Sable Invitational. Nidia was the first to drop her robe, revealing something Mae Young might wear and doing a dance that can best be described as being learned off of the African Tribal Dance hour on public broadcasting. Dawn Marie was next up slowly revealing a leopard print bikini that had many in the audience hooting and hollering. Finally Torrie Wilson graced everyone with her 15 seconds, "wearing" a red sequin bikini, Torrie did her best HLA impersonation sharing a lollipop with Sable. Sable then declared a tie and announced Dawn Marie and Nidia the winners of the Sable Invite. Dawn Marie and Nidia then attacked Torrie (Torrie's forehead best resembled Michael Moore after his last fight [Im not sure what hit her, but there was a sudden swelling above her right brow that was very noticeable on camera]). Sable told Torrie that the only loser tonight appeared to be her, and left her in the ring.

Winner: Dawn Marie and Nidia

Los Guerreros (Latino Heat) are talking as they make their way to the ring.

� Commercial �

This Saturday night on Confidential an interview with Kurt Angle post op will be shown.

Shelton Benjamin (w/ Charlie Haas) vs. Chavo Guerrero (w/ Eddie Guerrero)
Back and forth action between both competitors. Neither man's teammate really interfered until the end when Haas put a boot to Chavo's head from the outside and Benjamin rolled him up with an assist from the rope and Chavo's tights for the pin. Both teams went at it after the bell.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

Cena is prepping (via a rap) A Train for his upcoming match with Lesnar.

� Commercial �

Slam of the Week: Last week's 629 by Rey Rey on the Big Slow.

Tajiri vs. Big Show
This was an offensive spot-fest the big man. Tajiri did start off a springboard, but was greeted with a nasty boot to the back. Rey Rey's music hit and the Big Show was distracted momentarily allowing Tajiri a small window of offense. Big Show then regained control, but Rey Rey was on the ring ropes and the Big Show went after him. Resulting in him landing on his ass again via the ringpost. Tajiri is declared the victor after the Big Slow can not re-enter the ring prior to the ref counting to ten.

Winner: Tajiri

Lesnar's unconventional warm up routine this week includes squats with an oxygen canister over his left shoulder.

� Commercial �

We are greeted back from commercial with a close up of Steph's ass (she is rather cute, but once she opens her mouth and that voice starts it all goes away). She explains that America is a very diverse country and that next week a person that embodies American values will debut.

Another Mr. America promo is run.

Cole and Tazz present the viewing audience with this Sunday's Backlash card.

Brock Lesnar vs. A-Train
Cena come's out first cutting a promo on Lesnar (he even makes reference to his earlier "character" Prototype), he is a guest commentator for the match. Both competitor's are introduced and make it to the ring before we go to the last commercial break of the evening. Back and forth power struggle between Lesnar and A Train (I do not know how its happening, but Lesnar is making Train look decent [mind you I did not say good]). Cena believes that Cole has about as much street credibility as the kid from Home Alone (I cant think of the correct spelling at the moment). Lesnar kicks out of the Derailer and lands the F5 for the victory. After the bell Cena pounces on the champ and then lands a DVD on the battered and bruised Lesnar. Cena goes to leave, but then grabs the title from ringside and hits Lesnar over the head with it. The show ends with Cena walking to the back and Lesnar bloodied in the ring (okay if Lesnar bladed on this one he cut way too deep because he was bleeding like a stuck pig, after only ten seconds).

Winner: Brock Lesnar

� End of Show �