Full WWE SmackDown Results - 4/17/03 (#1 Contendership Determined)

Reported by Christopher Ouellette of WrestleView.com
On Friday, April 18, 2003 at 2:12 AM EST

Full WWE SmackDown Results - 4/17/03
Originating From: The Norfolk Scope Arena in Norfolk, VA
Commentators: Michael Cole & Tazz
Reported by: Christopher Ouellette of WrestleView.com

A video package showing highlights of the #1 Contendership Tournament, opens the show.

"Beautiful People" (SD Intro)

Cole and Tazz hype the main event for the evening, Benoit vs. Cena.

Rey Mysterio & Tajiri vs. The Big Show & A-Train

Mysterio and Tajiri combined only weigh 381 pounds, while A Train comes in at 350. Rey Rey and Tajiri put on moments of offense, but this match is a spot fest for the two big men. A Train and the Big Slow get the victory when the Train hits Tajiri with a boot to the side of the head. Post match A Train attempts to assault Tajiri, but is greeted with the mist. As the Big Slow is helping his partner to the back Rey Rey hits a 619 around the ring post, planting Show on his ass. Big Slow gets embarrassed.

Winner(s): Big Show and A Train

-- Commercial --

Moments ago, Rey Rey connecting on a 619 from around the ring post.

Backstage, Show is still pissed and informs A Train that he is going to demand a one on one match with Rey Rey at Backlash. A Train says that he could not see anything because of the mist.

Michael Cole introduces Brock Lesnar, to a huge ovation. Congratulations all around for the new champ and what he had to overcome the last five months without a rematch and the missed spot at WM. Lesnar thanks Kurt for taking him to "the next level", during their match in Seattle. He has the utmost respect for Angle, but before he can say another word, John Cena's music erupts. Cena runs his mouth about how he (Lesnar) is not respecting the New Big Thing. He has watched the WM film 400 times and there is no way Lesnar could have gotten a concussion because in order to get a concussion one must have a brain. Cena explains that he is bigger than everyone in the arena, all the wrestlers in the back, and especially bigger than the WWE Title. Chris Benoit then makes his way to the ring. Benoit explains that no one is "bigger" than the WWE Title (Benoit knows all to well about respecting the top prize in the business, he left WCW as the World Champ). All three start jabbering, but Lesnar settles things down by saying how about we all respect the person who is victorious tonight. Cena shakes Lesnar's hand and Benoit begins to, but Cena sucker punches him and bolts from the ring.

-- Commercial -

A promo for Mr. America's appearance in the WWE is run. (Just what we all need now, the Lex Express.)

Eddie Guerrero (w/ Chavo Guerrero) vs. Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia)

Prior to the bell sounding Team Angle runs down Latino Heat and their grandmother (whom Hass believes is the best housekeeper money can buy). Noble is able to get the early advantage, but Eddie comes storming back. Nidia attempts to interfere in Eddie landing the Frog Splash, but Chavo steps in and Eddie hits it for the victory.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero

Post match, Latino Heat returns the favor on Team Angle by expressing to the crowd that both members (of Team Angle) give new meaning to the term "you suck". Team Angle storms the ring, but is met by Latino Heat as they enter. Cole announces that both teams will be at Backlash battling for the WWE Tag Team Titles.

-- Commercial -

Backlash Promo

A vignette for the soon debuting French tag team is shown.

The Undertaker/Jones vs. FBI feud is recapped via video.

Earlier today, Nathan Jones roughs up Nunzio for reporting him to the police. The FBI attack, but Jones is not having any of it. Cole announces that the Undertaker, this week, had surgery on his elbow to repair damage done over the last two years.

Backstage, Torrie is stretching for her match upcoming when Sable walks in needing some help with her zipper. Torrie really isn't interested in helping Sable, but Sable needs a place to change and then reveals her top to Torrie. Torrie leaves for the ring and Sable is left wondering if it was something she said.

-- Commercial --

WWE Slam of the Week: Hogan leaving Smackdown two weeks ago.

Piper's Pit.

(Okay this went on for a while, but Im going to hit the main points because Piper has lost a lot of his mic skills.) Piper has found his millennium wrestler in O Haire. O Haire believes that Piper is the only person in wrestling that has a more devilish mind than himself (um, hey clown number one on the sadistic mind list would have to be Jake Roberts [now there is some psychology]). Jimmy Snuka has a big problem with how Rikishi was treated last week. O Haire and Piper attack Snuka. Rikishi makes the save and challenges Piper to a match. We find out that O Haire will be facing Rikishi at Backlash (Piper will be in O Haire's corner)

-- Commercial -

Video highlights of Torrie's NY Playboy signing appearance.

Torrie Wilson vs. Nidia (w/ Jamie Noble)

Sable is the special referee for this match. Rather quick match between the two. Torrie hits the DDT on Nidia after Sable dropkicks Noble outside.

Winner: Torrie Wilson

-- Commercial -

WWE Raw (for this coming Monday) is promoted [it wont happen, but I wish Booker could go over and become a six time, six time, six time, six time, six time, six time champion].

WWE Rewind: Kendrick pinning Noble and then getting roughed up by Hardy.

Brian Kendrick vs. Matt Hardy (w/ Shannon Moore) (Cruiserweight Title Match)

Hardy is on the receiving end for most (quick) of this match, but is able to land the Twist of Fate for the victory. The news coming out from this match was the Piper has accepted Rikishi's challenge, and they will meet next week on Smackdown (please let something else be on another channel that is more entertaining [wait I think HSN would be better]).

Winner: Matt Hardy

Backstage, the FBI discuss the game plan for Nunzio's match coming up.

-- Commercial -

The APA visiting DC is highlighted.

Nunzio vs. Nathan Jones

This is a mugging by Jones until the rest of the FBI enter the ring and lay out Jones. Jones is on the receiving end of the Bull slamming the steel steps across his ankle (OVW OVW OVW).

Winner: Nathan Jones (nothing like being undefeated and on the next bus to the minors)

-- Commercial -

Backlash Promo

Mr. America is coming to the WWE (too bad the WWE is a little late they could have had Slaughter reprise his role as the Sheik's personal bitch).

Chris Benoit vs. John Cena (#1 Contender Tournament Finals)

Great technical match, with a number of near falls from both competitors. Another main event interrupted by a commercial. Benoit gets the Crossface on, but Cena is able to get to the ropes. Cena gets the hard fought victory by attempting a DDV that is reversed into a backslide by Benoit, but Cena rolls Benoit up and gets the pin and the shot at Lesnar's WWE Title.

Winner: John Cena

-- End of Show -