News bits: Shane Douglas, Test/Stacy Keibler, Top 10 WWE Books +more
� On Thursday, March 6, 2003 at 4:46 PM EST - In a Philadelphia Daily News article in today's paper, Stacy Keibler recieved some negative press. The column included this quotation, "After a show in Reading, some professional wrestlers passed through Philly's airport Sunday. The brutes included Triple H, Rob Van Damn (sic), Bubba Ray Dudley and Test, with his manager/girlfriend Stacy Kiebler (sic), who ought to use the name Testy, from what Stu's Spies say. The rasslers were personable and signed autographs, while Miss Kiebler dished addytood." To read the entire column, CLICK HERE.
- Also in the papers today, Shane Dougals did an interview and feature article with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and he had some choice words for Lex Lugar. Douglas said, "He's a $10 million body and a 10-cent talent." Douglas also talks about Shawn Micheals, an upcoming XPW event and the story also includes quotes from Dominic Denucci, who trained Douglas. To read the article CLICK HERE.
Credit: Jason Powell @
- TOP TEN PRO WRESTLING BOOKS (from today's rankings with the ranking overall in parenthesis)
1. The Rock Says by Rock (625)
2. Tonight in this very ring by Scott Keith (974)
3. Hardy Boyz (1,370 based on pre-orders, release date is 3/18)
4. It's Good to be a King sometimes by Jerry Lawler (3,869)
5. Bobby the Brain by Bobby Heenan (4,397)
6. Sex, Lies and Headlocks by Shaun Assael (4,648)
7. Foley is Good by Mick Foley (5,145)
8. In the Pit with Piper by Roddy Piper (5,164)
9. If they Only Knew by Chyna (14,223)
10. Tributes by Dave Meltzer (15,023)
- Here is the scheduled line-up for next week's NWA TNA PPV: Jerry Lynn vs. another surprise luchador, Kid Kash defending the X title, XXX(most likely Low Ki & Elix Skipper) vs. Chris Harris & James Storm for the Tag Team titles, and a "surprise" wrestler who will announce that in the contract he's signed he's guaranteed an NWA title match in his first match.
- Jerome "JYD" Williams of the Toronto Raptors, a huge WWE fan and sits ringside for all WWE area events, did a Q&A with the Toronto Star today. He mentioned he read Hogan's book, and praised him for his work with kids. Williams said, "I was afraid to read the book because he's such a hero to me and I was afraid if I read something I didn't like, it would change my opinion." Williams concluded by saying that that Hogan is still his hero and always will be.
Credit: Dave Meltzer @